Leea Pandac
Leea started from her silence. The Mirialan pilot had taken to meditation, per the advice of a friend and teacher. In her room aboard Talohn's ship, the walls had been painstakingly rearranged. Spending a great deal of time and effort, Leea had painted and retextured the walls to appear more like a rock outcroppings of her homeworld, Makeb. She had been torn about her desire to return to the world for quite some time now. Until she had come under the employ of the Cathar, Pandac had been unable to book passage. Now having the opportunity, she feared returning without proof of accomplishment and success to bring to her parents.
Running her hand over a long groove in the ersatz stone, she was reminded of them, and what no longer was. Don't even know if they're alive... It's been quite some time. But it was not memories of home that brought Leea from her stupor. Rather it was a feeling, a sense of disruption. Though still young, both biologically and in her Force training, Leea wondered, Is this guidance from the Force? Of the many things in her life she was adjusting to, transitioning to a less structured lifestyle; flying starships for a living; being able to travel around the galaxy on a whim; and so many others, it was the discovery of her connection with the mystical powers that most disturbed and perplexed her. Nebulous and yet personal, its properties were immaterial and about as different from anything she could have known, and yet it seemed almost intuitive and familiar.
The Mirialan arose and stepped from her room and, only a short while later, left Talohn's ship behind as well. Though at first uncertain where to go, it took only a few minutes of wandering before the sounds of merriment and scent of Talohn's particular curry drew Leea to gathering. The sight before her was almost entirely alien. It seemed a celebration of sorts, but the exact purpose was beyond her and it seemed an almost familial affair. Leea stood for a moment in the entryway, debating with herself whether to enter into the uncertainty of this group or retreat to the certainty of solitude. the moment passed and she stepped forward into the room, but stayed to the outskirts, feeling out of place in this picture. Having missed much, she was uncertain and yet listened to try and fill in the blanks, conversations only half concluded in basic were almost more distracting than they were illuminating. If I could just get someone who could explain all of this, might be more comfortable. Leea wore a dubious expression, bordering on appearing utterly lost.
Talohn Atar Shuklaar Kyrdol Darth Metus Stardust Solus Skirae Redd Damsy Callat Shalita Verd Adenn Kyramud Kreslin Westwind Haastal Haran Kragr Krayt Eliz Krayt Zephyr Krayt
Running her hand over a long groove in the ersatz stone, she was reminded of them, and what no longer was. Don't even know if they're alive... It's been quite some time. But it was not memories of home that brought Leea from her stupor. Rather it was a feeling, a sense of disruption. Though still young, both biologically and in her Force training, Leea wondered, Is this guidance from the Force? Of the many things in her life she was adjusting to, transitioning to a less structured lifestyle; flying starships for a living; being able to travel around the galaxy on a whim; and so many others, it was the discovery of her connection with the mystical powers that most disturbed and perplexed her. Nebulous and yet personal, its properties were immaterial and about as different from anything she could have known, and yet it seemed almost intuitive and familiar.
The Mirialan arose and stepped from her room and, only a short while later, left Talohn's ship behind as well. Though at first uncertain where to go, it took only a few minutes of wandering before the sounds of merriment and scent of Talohn's particular curry drew Leea to gathering. The sight before her was almost entirely alien. It seemed a celebration of sorts, but the exact purpose was beyond her and it seemed an almost familial affair. Leea stood for a moment in the entryway, debating with herself whether to enter into the uncertainty of this group or retreat to the certainty of solitude. the moment passed and she stepped forward into the room, but stayed to the outskirts, feeling out of place in this picture. Having missed much, she was uncertain and yet listened to try and fill in the blanks, conversations only half concluded in basic were almost more distracting than they were illuminating. If I could just get someone who could explain all of this, might be more comfortable. Leea wore a dubious expression, bordering on appearing utterly lost.
Talohn Atar Shuklaar Kyrdol Darth Metus Stardust Solus Skirae Redd Damsy Callat Shalita Verd Adenn Kyramud Kreslin Westwind Haastal Haran Kragr Krayt Eliz Krayt Zephyr Krayt