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Public Horde of the Three Warlords [Ologuren Horde on Sump] [Open to All]

Baron of Tygeria
Location: Nukun - Sump
Objective: I - Defense of Nukun
Tags: Kal-Channa Credit Wizard Credit Wizard

"Well done." He responded over the comm system as he spotted who he thought the Warlord was. Now, it seem's I should introduce myself to the guest. He walked through the army, slashing at any who dared attack him. Sure he was outside the wall, sure he was unprotected, but he was no ordinary man.

As the Warlord approached him, members of his bodyguards began shooting at the Gen'Dai, round after round blew into him, yet he regenerated. The bodyguards stared in confusion at the Warlord, awaiting a command. "WARLORD OF THE OLGUREN! FACE ME!" He challenged, and suddenly the sounds of battle dimmed.


DIRECT TAGS: Kal-Channa Stardust Solus Skirae Stardust Solus Skirae Alessandra Io Alessandra Io The Battalion The Battalion Hi'los Krai Hi'los Krai

RELEVANT LINKS: Sump | Ologren

[The Settlement of Gobash]
[Objective II - Battle of the Marshes]

[Tags Stardust Solus Skirae Stardust Solus Skirae ]

As the battle would rage around the Settlement of Gobash, The Ologuren Shaman saw that the intruder was far too powerful to defeat in single combat. As the Several Legion Formations would be assaulted by them using various tactics which were unknown to himself. The shaman decided to intervene has the formations began to route and break apart in a disorganized mob at the devastating assault from the intruder of the settlement. Slamming his staff onto the ground to lift up another boulder, hopping upon it and using the small amount of magic to push it forward like a war mount towards the twi'lek dragon. On top of this improvised mount, the shaman would lift up several more boulders from the ground hurling them forward like fast bullets. If they impacted it would be quite a deadly kinetic force but he suspected that they would miss and so readied another attack. Summoning a magic totem that would make the ologuren nearby flame resistant, although that will not stop the unyielding flames of the twi'lek it would make it so that they wouldn't be instantly vaporized by the immense heat.

Sliding closer using his mount, the ologuren shaman would ready his imbued staff for a large strike against her. Twirling it around in his hand to form a wide circle to attempt to wack her with his immense strength. If it landed or not, the shaman was ready to fight for the death for the ologuren warhost and in particular his warlord. While this was happening the various captains and lieutenants of the warlord would be attempting to reorganize the formations into an effective battle group to assist with the siege of nukun. Although this would take a considerable amount of time due to their mostly dumb nature. The Warlord himself would climb to the top of a hut roof, peering down at the shaman that engaged with the intruder. Leaping up from the roof, he would land nearby the shaman. Unhooking his great axes from his scrap armor and dual wielding them. The sight of their warlord would reinvigorate the collective mind of the ologuren as they moved to engage with the twi'lek with a mighty roar from their mouths.

[The Fortress of Woe]
[Objective II - Battle of the Marshes]
[Tags The Battalion The Battalion Alessandra Io Alessandra Io ]

The Small Section of Ologuren that attempted to escape from the Fortress of Woe would be utterly destroyed by the efforts of Alessandra Io and her beam of energy. Killing them all save for a single survivor who had jumped over the blast using his fast reflexes, he was a ologuren swinger so called for his dual chain blades that functioned like long range weapons and close range weapons. The Ologuren Swinger would twirl the chains around himself and then throw them forward at her as the extremely sharp blades would fly through the atmosphere to catch her off-guard. The chains would be long but not long enough to be entangled upon a foreign object, although there was always a possibly that they could grab ahold of the chain and drag him through the mud. However as an ologuren his brute strength gave him a considerable advantage in a tug of war contest.

The Ologuren Warband underneath Bonestompa would be still fighting with the House Io troops that had arrived using everything within their arsenal such as cannons and wooden stakes. The battleground was covered in both types of corpses as the dust of the battlefield would slowly start to settle. However the ologuren warlord's cave entrance had opened up, the creaking sound would be heard from the settlement entrance as the Warlord Krizsnark Bonestompa would walk out into the open on top of his armored bull rancor mount. The Greater Ologuren would issue a war bellow that was loud enough to echo throughout the vary landscape from on top of this mighty mount, "WEZ GOING TO CRUSH DEM, FIGHT!" as the war bellow was issued. The sight of there warlord would energize the ologuren warband with vigor unlike anything ever seen and form them into a true army to battle even the most powerful technological empire of the stars. Such a host would consume the galaxy in the fires of destruction if left unchecked. Warlord Bonestompa would charge into the fry with his bodyguard regiment of savage ologuren by his side pushing through some of the lesser ologuren, driving his rancor mount forward with a single lash of the reigns to utterly smash some of the house io forces within its massive jaws or bash aside with its claws. With the ologuren now energized and fighting more than ever before, the House Io forces within the settlement would not last very long. Its armored hide combined with the armor hammer onto it by the ologuren engineers would make it a formidable beast to deal with.

[The Settlement of Nukun]
[Objective I - Defense of Nukun]
[Tags Kal-Channa and Hi'los Krai Hi'los Krai ]

The Ologuren Catapults would carry on firing into the settlement as the shield would activate around it but the Ologuren Andronius War Boars Riders of 150 had managed to slip through from behind as they were flanking with just a minute to spare before the shield covered their escape. Blasting a hole through the back wall of the settlement itself with one of their mounted cannons with the noise ringing out to alert the defenders to the breach. Flooding their way inside to ravage and pillage with their savage mounts to smash through anything that they might come across on the battlefield. Setting fire to houses with scrap grenades and generally causing chaos within the settlement to force the defenders to fight on two fronts. Although they kept firing upon the orders of their warlord, trying to overwhelm the system with shear number of projectiles to wear down the generators. The ologuren warhost would begin to fire all that they had towards the shields with the bone crusher tanks laying down some heavy form of fire from their three artillery cannons mounted on top of them as well to smash through. Warlord Skullsmasha would see the shield go down over the settlement. Having a spark of inspiration as he ordered some ologuren engineers to go behind the artillery and start to dig some tunnels to tunnel underneath the shield to break through the otherside without having to worry about heavy fire raining down upon them. As the tunnel would soon be underway, the ologuren warboss would be leading his massive army into suicide charges against the defenders. Scrap rounds and blaster fire would ring out across the battlefield itself. Although the massive number of ologuren would be a problem as they were all charged with physic energy of the warlord and their collective battlefield mentality. Fighting tooth and nail and fighting to the death without regards to their own self preservation.

Warlord Skullsmasha would see the challenger before himself, apparently able to regrow his body from the rounds of scrap that penetrated into him from his bodyguard regiment. Getting down from his andronius war boar, as it charged forward in an attempt to impale him upon its tusks. Skullsmasha knew that his victory over the challenger would increase the morale of his growing horde and lower the morale of the enemy defenders. With his boar riders having entered into the city from behind just as the shield was going down, and his engineers tunneling underneath the wall itself. The Warband must succeed before the other warlords and their warbands would arrive to overtake him in the glory of sacking the settlement of nukun.

"Pathetic git, you will not last long against me." Warlord Skullsmasha said, twirling his heavy halberd around in his hand like it was simply a light toy. The massive warlord would no doubt tower over the gen'dai before him. He outstretched his hand and with a mighty blow slammed the head of the halberd into the ground an attempt to smack him into the dirt. If it succeeded then it would give him the morale boost that his forces needed and if it failed, then the warlord would only fight with more vigor to impress his troops into furthering to assault the walls.

Location: Fortress of Woe, Toxic Marshes - Sump
Objective: II - Battles of the Marshes │ Assassinate Krizsnark Bonestompa
Tags: The Battalion The Battalion Credit Wizard Credit Wizard │ Open

One after another, they fell.

Scythed in twain by the twinned beams cast forth from her photoreceptors, the Ologuren who had been attempting to escape the Fortress were struck down in droves, leaving only one of their number left standing out of what had initially been 30. However, just as her beams cut off, leaving a pile of smoking, charred bodies in their wake, the last Ologuren made his move. As she slowly floated towards the rear gates, Alessandra grunted as the chained blades struck. While one was turned away by the miniaturized shield projectors inlaid into the material of her bodysuit, the other dug in deep, biting into her flesh and drawing a sharp hiss from her lips. While the HRD could not feel pain, at least in the traditional sense, her systems were growing more insistent in their warnings given the damage to her chassis. Broken ribs first, and now a deep, gouging wound in her torso. The damage was beginning to accumulate and yet, Alessandra knew that it would only get worse.

However, she was not beaten, yet.

Photoreceptors burning a bright pink hue once more, Alessandra directed her gaze onto the chain of the blade that had dug into her flesh. Suddenly, the twin beams were unleashed to sever the blade from the chain, leaving the blade itself still lodged in her lower torso, while freeing her body from the Ologuren’s control.

Then, scanning her surroundings via both her photoreceptors and the sensors integrated into her neck piece, Alessandra searched for the other chain blade, intending to neutralize it before going after its wielder.

After this insect was dead, she would move to kill Bonestompa.



The Expeditionary Leave of Absence
Kal-Channa Hi'los Krai Hi'los Krai Credit Wizard Credit Wizard

A TIE-variant roared across the skies of Sump, with an anxious nobleman at the controls.

"This looks bad, Brun."

His voice was thick and strained in the quiet cockpit. The young pilot frowned at the devastation that had descended on the Nukan settlement. He soared overhead at high altitude, sensors showing him images of the village burning, crude siege weapons and huge warbeasts running amok. "Who did you say was stationed here?"

"Looks like the Wolfguard, and... huh, that's funny." Brun's voice cut in and out, his hyperwave transceiver balking at the great signal distance. "Says here they sent in Ultranauts, but I don't recognize the CO. Still, if there are Ultranauts down there, then I'm sure it's well in hand."

"That's not any kind of well-in-hand I've ever seen..." Uriel let go of his flight controls for a moment to click on his sensor array and run a sweep. The holographic image he got back was not good news. "Brun, they've got the settlement covered by a shield generator down there. It's keeping the fighting on the outskirts for the moment."

Uriel's personal assistant scoffed, "Well yeah, standard tactic, and sounds like it's working, so what the problem?"

"The savages have got troops behind their artillery placement digging a tunnel out of sight."

Brun sucked in a static-y breath through his teeth. "Ok, that's less that ideal. You should try to get on local coms and warn them."

Sitting very still for a moment, Uriel stared at the images of the Wolfguard fighting viciously on the front lines; the Ultranaut Commander stepping out to take on the barbarians' leader.

Then he seized the flight sticks again and spun the ship down and back in a mad dive to fly over the battlefield again. Much lower this time. "I can do one better than warn them." There was a sinking pitch in Uriel's gut as he watched the swamp rush to meet him, gravity taking his fighter-bomber to a speed it hadn't been built for.

Brun was already talking, restrained panic in his voice. "Segboldt, stop and think. Your mission was to take out their shipyard, or they'll have craft airborne before too long that could raid Zweihander Union ships and cut in on our profit. Even if you can aim your payload through the swamp's tree cover, and that's a big 'if', what if you don't have enough munitions to blow the shipyards after-"

"I'll figure something out." Uriel interrupted him, then switched his comlink over to scan for the military frequency. "ZU-AR, ZU-AR calling 31st, calling Wolfguard. Nukan Settlement, can you read me? ZU-AR inbound, gonna make a pass on my way to the big dance. Incoming fire, heading Forn-three-five by two-five, say again, incoming fire, Forn-three-five by two-five, standby for proton payload."

As he talked, Uriel pulled up his ancient targeting computer, watching the blips of light that were his allies float by as he raced over their heads. Then the enemy came into view, and he pushed the targeter up and away. Didn't need it. "Try this, skugholes."

All four of his laser cannons flashed green as he squeezed his trigger, strafing the enemy lines all the way back to their artillery. Uriel murmured to himself as he tapped his weapons console. "Thanks for putting your tunnel right by your siege weapons, skugs. Makes this real easy." The bomber swooped downwards, then banked back up as, with a heavy kachunk, four proton bombs dropped from his munitions bay, one after the other. "ZU-AR to Nukan Defenders; might wanna cover your ears."

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The Battalion

Another Brick in Syd's Wall
The wounded Assembly was healing incredibly quickly from her injuries, though the lacerations still bled white blood in large amounts. But the Witch fought on, brutally spinning and flipping and slashing her way through countless spore people, feeding off the death in the area as she channelled lethal electrical discharges from random parts of her own body. The House Io Mercenary Droids used their speed and reflexes to their advantage, moving and sniping with Disruptors at any of the Spore warriors they found, hitting and killing many but their own lines got savaged also. The Model 2 units however, were considerably more durable and viciously tore apart whole squads with their heavy weapons, nowhere near as affected by the deadly weapons if the spore warriors as the Merc droids were, which had already lost half their numbers but were starting to compensate, learning to keep their distance and use their natural agility and reflexes to their advantage, tossing grenades at the Fortifications and artillery units, though some were blasted apart in the process.

They managed to push deep, killing more and more of the savage war band, the Assembly violently draining some of their life force at close range, fully healing. It was at this point that Bonestompa emerged with a rancor, which proceeded to Liam Neeson a bunch of the Model 2's and unlucky mercenary Droid Units that happened to be too close, causing farther away Model 2's to direct their concussion rifle fire right at the Rancor's face, which was also fired on by the other Mercenary Droids.

The Assembly for her part sprinted forward at superhuman speeds, charging her body with electricity as she directed a terrible stream of it at the war hoards around him, hoping to destroy as many as possible. The savages soon charged her by the dozens with war cries.

The dark skinned witch cackled, eyes going Completely sulphur and she through out her shots, controlling there speed and direction with ropes of lightning tethered to her hands, swing it outward in whip like motions.

The Olugaren that met the electrified blades got flash fried wherever they landed, the blades savaging spore flesh as the Assembly flipped and dodged attacks. One axe cut managed to hit her side, spilling more blood but she was feeding off the death as rapidly as she was causing it. She electrified her own body as one tackled her, flash frying him, and she leapt back up, spinning and whipping her blades around and stabbing and slashing her way to the war chief, even as she sustained more cuts and stab wounds she kept killing her way to him, but half her face had been torn off by a blade and soon she would have to go into a Force Rage to sustain herself...

Alessandra Io Alessandra Io

Credit Wizard Credit Wizard
Baron of Tygeria

Location: Nukun - Sump
Objective: I - Defense of Nukun
Tags: Uriel Segboldt Uriel Segboldt Kal-Channa Credit Wizard Credit Wizard

The sound of someone speaking over comms caught his attention as he stared down his opponent. He quickly dodged to the right of his opponent, keying his comm device as he moved.

"ZU-AR, this is---- Field Marshal Krai, your assistance is appreciated." With that he keyed off his comm and raised his sabers towards his enemy.

"You might want to improve your aim." He smirked as he said it. He was rarely offered the enjoyment of one on one combat, and the adrenaline coursed through him as he charged his enemy. Hi'los wasn't one bit intimidated by his opponents size, sure he rarely encountered beings larger then him, but it was all part of the fun.

He took a moment to examine his enemy, his size would complicate things, but... a plan began to formulate in his mind, one that would kill the attackers morale and hopefully push the attackers back. He began to throw taunts at the larger Olguren, his hope was to enrage him, causing him to be reckless, and hopefully reckless enough to cause his own downfall.

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