Horsemen of the Apocalypse
Tags: Sinestra Ibaris Varanin Aphon Sahar Kaleb Sunwalker Mic Gallagher Prowler II Alicia Drey Malva'ikh Dralidok
Location: Stone Cities, Bogan.
Tags: Sinestra Ibaris Varanin Aphon Sahar Kaleb Sunwalker Mic Gallagher Prowler II Alicia Drey Malva'ikh Dralidok
Location: Stone Cities, Bogan.
Aphon 's hand slid onto the hilt of his saber as chaos erupted, but he remained cold and steady. In contrast, the ignition of Sinestra 's crimson saber was the first in a sequence as she attempted to freeze Lord Ayra in place. The attempt was deflected by Lord Ayra's own Force powers. Next, both Kaleb Sunwalker and Alicia Drey 's sabers lit up the room in shades of red and… green? Vorm raised an eyebrow as he took a step back, feeling a bit confused. He'll investigate later. Things were unfolding quickly in this stone hall on Bogan. He knew when to talk and when to intervene – resolving tensions wasn't his job.
The looping growl of the three idling sabers filled the room with fragile tension; Mic Gallagher , Prowler II and Alicia all spoke quickly, everyone understanding the escalation of events, all of them planting their feet both literally and figuratively – well, only figuratively, in the case of Prowler. Accusations rained down on Lord Ayra. Then the latest arrival, Malva'ikh Dralidok added his own weirdly phrased thoughts to the equation, ultimately doubling down on Prowler's idea of melding all of their minds. Instinctively, Vorm took another step back, now being the furthest one from the table. Shaking his head, the burly man said: – No, I hate that shit. Can I sit this one out? – Once more reaching into his backpack, Vorm fiddles with its contents until he finally finds his pack of cigarettes.