Mulokhai Zarandur
Dragon's Wing
Mulokhai Zarandur
Location: Vulpter
What an odd situation this was.Mulokhai sat behind the controls of a podracer, his breath mask and racing helmet obscuring most of his features. Indeed, he would need a mask for the air on this planet; even the Hutts didn't allow their worlds to become so incredibly filthy and polluted. It was more of a testament to this planetary government's incompetence and lack of self-discipline than anything else, but this place reeked of the Dark Side. Not just from the people and their vices, either.
The Acolyte glanced left, past the other racers as he stared towards a small podim, topped by a transparisteel case that held the prize inside. The Holocron that he had been looking for. Used by the Sith Lord Ergast so many milennia ago. It was wasted on him, wasted on whoever had used it before. It would most certainly be wasted on any of these racers. He would not let something so useful go to waste.
As a rather comely Twi'lek pulled down on the lever signalling for the race to begin, suddenly everything was rushing past like it hadn't existed in the first place. The podracers zoomed around the vaguely legal track, zipping past buildings and small habitats alike. Up ahead, one of the other racers was thrown off by a bump to his side, his left engine torn off as he struck a building.
What was left of the racer bounced back down the track, the seat bouncing over Mulokhai's head as he accelerated. If he'd known that was the game these racers had planned on playing, he would've entered something like this much earlier. A small smirk came across his face beneath the mask. This was his place. He felt alive.