Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Character Name: Silas Westgard
Character Age: 20-23 bracket
Interests: Sparring, Training, Arcades, Fishing, Working the land of his homestead
Gender: Male

Seeking: Someone who is around 20-26 and preferably a Jedi. Female and not crazy, such as a Sith

OOC: Looking to write a story with someone new, nothing too serious.

Sparring? Swipes right.

Character Name: Sahan Dragr
Character Age: Early-Mid Twenties
Interests: Tech, Fighting, Drinking, Meeting New People, Music, Killing Vampires/Sith
Gender: Male

Seeking: Whatever. (He's straight, but platonic relationships are fine.

OOC Seeking: Shrugs IDK. Just looking to interact with more people. I'm open to ideas.

(Btw Rhys Swynol Rhys Swynol , can I saw I use a hacked version of the app without all the adware? Lol)

Swipes left and closes app for several days furious!

Matchmaking Form

Character Name: Malcolm Ironmaster
Character Age: 49
Interests: swashbuckling, Jedi archaeology, history, reading, and snuggling while watching an old holodrama.
Gender: Male

Seeking: An adventurous adventuress with Light Side leanings (SJO or NJO a bonus) to share adventures with who doesn't find my eccentricities off-putting, with potential for an LTR.
OOC Seeking: Hoping to write with someone new, character is leaning towards something serious but fun.

Swipes left

Character Name: Marselia 'Lia' Urstalis
Character Age: Early 20s
Interests: 'Good Samaritan' kind of stuff, Vigilante Justice, Heists, bazaars, food stalls, vibrantly patterned/flowery blouses, blues and hard rock mostly
Gender: Female

  • Age range: 18 or older - I might outlive ya'll anyway, so perspective's different
  • Gender: Y'know, I ain't picky, (Lia is pan) 'less you're the jealous type.
  • Relationship Orientation: Imagine spending your life with just one person (Lia is poly)... but that dun matter one bit if it's platonic. And it's gonna be platonic if you're a new face to me, anyway.
  • Alignment: I trend lightside/on the side of good/not evil (Lia is secretly a Warden of the Sky, and otherwise a former NJO Padawan), ideally so should you, but I ain't opposed to a potentially awkward conversation if you very much ain't :cool:
OOC Seeking: Isn't a problem for me if we've written together before on other alts, and I know most people haven't written with Lia yet. Looking to keep things casual; anything more, well... that takes a little more than just throwing things at a wall to see what sticks! :)

Swipes Right!

Character Name: Lossa 'Lo' Aureus
Character Age: 21-24 Bracket
Interests: Training, Scenic Flights/Walks, Exploring new places, Trying new foods, Casual music enjoyer, Clubbing, feth what else.
Gender: Female

  • Age Bracket: 20+
  • Gender: Yes. (Pan)
  • Relationship: Casual or Platonic, don't hope for more.
  • Alignment: Lightside/Good guys, non-force users, mercs, I can overlook a bit as I'm no saint. Particularly obtuse folk be warned.

OOC Seeking: New faces welcome, any relationship is going to be casual at best with everything happening in Lossa's life right now. New friends will be subject to looking at cute pictures of her daughter.

Oh! I... No, would be too weird I guess! Swipes left.

Character Name: Hykatiis Lirayen
Character Age: 24-28
Interests: espionage, sorcery, assassination. Rock climbing, hiking, engineering, piloting, combat training, wanderlust
Gender: Female
  • 21+, male, female, doesn't really matter to her
  • preference for Sith, Vampires, but does really matter to her if it was Jedi or Mando

OoC: what does a spy/assassin do on her day off? trying to explore an angle to her that is not all serious and for her to have some fun. She will be going with a fake identity however.

Combat training and hiking... Swipes right cautiously

Character Name: Aymeric Prendergast
Character Age: Mid 20s
Interests: Tech, clubbing, brooding, Lightside pseudo-spiritualism, killing Darksiders
Gender: Male

Seeking: 20 - 99999, any non-Darksider, any species, woman, looking for anything from friend to lover to therapist (emphasis on therapist)(you can fix him I believe in you)
OOC Seeking: not picky just looking to write with someone who can stand my annoying zoomer ass. it’s fine if you’re annoyed at Aymeric IC tho we can have a rivalry instead

Swipes right.

Character Name: Aisha Garon
Character Age: 34 GSY
Interests: Hunting, fishing, pottery, and cooking. She also is a big fan of fitness type stuff like hiking, sparring
Gender: Female

Seeking: 24-40 age. Any gender (Aisha is pan). Prefer Mandalorian friendly. NO Sith / Dark Side. Perhaps Jedi, but it would take a lot of convincing.
OOC Seeking: Casual for now. But, I'm looking for Aisha to eventually have a serious relationship, so I envision a future at a Mandalorian chapel. But that can be discussed later.

Swipes left.

Character Name: Alexander Hayes
Character Age: Mid 20s
Interests: 'Fighting the Good Fight', 'Law-abiding' shenanigans, Sparring, Thrill-seeking, Drinking, Gambling
Gender: Male

  • Age range: Early 20's and older
  • Gender: Female
  • Relationship Orientation: Platonic & Casual. K'paur bonds are no joke, gotta be someone special for things to go further.
  • Alignment: Very much on the Light Side of things, fighting for the good guys in the big galactic allignment chart. But knows that sometimes you need those that toe the line.
OOC Seeking: Despite Alex's reservations about relationships, he's always down for something casual. Be it one of attraction, camaraderie or mutual interest in getting into some mischief.

Swipes right.

Matchmaking Form

Character Name: Balun Vale.
Character Age: 17 GSY.
Interests: Horticulture, Nature (Fauna and Flora), the Force?
Gender: Male.

Seeking: Female of the same age or near to. Someone with a good heart, doesn't have to be Lightsided but not a killer. Not fussed with much else, happy to get to know the person and see where things go.
OOC Seeking: Writers new and old, I'm not worried. Whether it's long term or not can be discussed after the characters meet and see how they click but I'm def open to something long-term.

Swipes left. Double checks the settings on this app.

Character Name: Drewick Tivak
Character Age: 18
Interests: His weapons
Gender: Male

Seeking: Age range: 18-22,
Alignment: Mainly light, could also be dark(explained in 2nd half of OOC)
background: Jedi, Young sith (in 2nd half OOC)
Gender: Female

OOC Seeking: Serious relationship
2nd half: If possible, would like a rivals/enemies to lover story between a dark sider and light sider, possible redemption storyline or maybe even possible corruption storyline. Even though this is secondary, if anyone interested in such a storyline it would cool storytelling

Swipes left.

Stating out of character, this is Braze signing Shan up as a "joke"

Matchmaking Form

Character Name: Shan Pavond
Character Age: 18-21
Interests: Nature, Helping People, learning new things, beautiful sights, teaching, crystals, learning new cultures
Gender: Male

Seeking: Roughly same age as him with late 20s being the cut off point, leaning towards light-side, but willing with dark siders he is called a sith simp for a reason female, has to have patience since just got out of a break up).
OOC Seeking: I'm up for it to be someone new or someone I've written with before. I will say I lean more towards it being platonic for now (since he technically doesn't properly know what he's been signed up for. #NotGoodWithApps) with a chance of it becoming serious down the line.

Looks surprised at the app. Swipes right.

Time to dust off my ole Valery Noble Valery Noble catfish account...

Character Name: Valery Noble
Character Age: Old enough to be your mother
Interests: Big booty Hutts
Gender: 100% woman

Seeking: Hot single Hutts near me, long walks on the beach, cute picnics on New Cov.

Goddamn catfishes! Swipes left.

Matchmaking Form

Character Name: Adeline Noctua
Character Age: Frozen in time (21 at age of turning)
Interests: Occult, Things you cannot understand, Not elaborating further
Gender: Female

Seeking: I have no clue
OOC Seeking: Adeline here has extreme apathy issues, trust issues, doesn't understand how loving someone works. In anything she is far more eldritch being over highblood Sangnir now, she also doesn't understand why people touch. Hugs, handshakes, the works. It would be kinda funny to see if someone could help crack the cold shell she has. As far as how you are? It doesn't matter, Light, Dark, Lawbringer or smuggler. One could describe her as Sith, but over time I seek to develop more of a kind side to her as opposed to just simply hateful or apathetic enough to make a rock look full of life. I am open to someone trying to make the vampire eldritch bunny lady smile, you can just PM me with ideas if you want or DM me on discord.

Swipes left.

Matchmaking Form

Character Name: Laphisto Gix
Character Age: looks 21 - real age unknown
Interests: balance, military affair,
Gender: Male

Seeking: partner to brighten his day and get his mood brighter[ female]
OOC Seeking: figured it would be funny if someone signed laphisto up for the app, be it some lower ranked officer who wants to see the old dragon smile more or a prank from some of his friends. Cranky dragon wouldn't go out of his way to find a partner unless tricked

Shrugs. Swipes right.

Character Name: Brehg Sha (Sha is first name, Brehg is Hive name)
Character Age: 39
Interests: The finer things in life~ (Nights out, dancing, drinking, gambling and casinos, fashion, art, adventure, crime)
Gender: Female

Seeking: "Feth if I know I just signed up for this on a lark, thought it might be funny." (Any gender, 30+ preferred, if you want things to work out long-term a corporate, criminal, or political background would be best. Adventurous streak preferred.)
OOC Seeking: Honestly I'm just curious to see how this turns out and am open to just about anything. Casual, platonic, romantic. Associations, dalliances, liaisons, etc. Plus, if I get someone to kiss a Neimoidian I will consider that Winning Chaos.

Swipes left.

Character Name: Jack Sandrow
Character Age: 27ish
Interests: Plants, whiskey, handcrafted weaponry, long walks on the beach, saunas, deep introspective talks about mortality and the Force, cheese & wine nights
Gender: Malleable; generally and most commonly Male.

Seeking: Any gender, preferably silver foxes & vixens, Force-sensitive a plus. Can be a serious relationship or not serious at all, I'm fine with just friends, too.
OOC Seeking: Looking for anyone who wants to have long boring (or not-so-boring) conversations about life, the galaxy, and everything; someone who is or wants to be creative, someone who wants to make things and make the galaxy a better place. Not picky at all!!

Swipes left.

Character Name: Depression
Character Age: Irrelevant
Interests: The color black, goths, and college students.
Gender: N/A.

Seeking: Dreams and ambitions to shatter. I am not picky.

Swipes left.

Character Name: Ran Serys
Character Age: Mid 30's
Interests: Archaeology, The Theatre, Fashion, Gambling
Gender: Female

Seeking: 25+, Jedi, Galactic Alliance, Mandalorian, Any Gender.
OOC Seeking: Casual Relationship. Ran just wants a little romance. Let's not get too into the weeds here.

Swipes left.
Character Name: Marselia 'Lia' Urstalis
Character Age: Early 20s
Interests: 'Good Samaritan' kind of stuff, Vigilante Justice, Heists, bazaars, food stalls, vibrantly patterned/flowery blouses, blues and hard rock mostly
Gender: Female

  • Age range: 18 or older - I might outlive ya'll anyway, so perspective's different
  • Gender: Y'know, I ain't picky, (Lia is pan) 'less you're the jealous type.
  • Relationship Orientation: Imagine spending your life with just one person (Lia is poly)... but that dun matter one bit if it's platonic. And it's gonna be platonic if you're a new face to me, anyway.
  • Alignment: I trend lightside/on the side of good/not evil (Lia is secretly a Warden of the Sky, and otherwise a former NJO Padawan), ideally so should you, but I ain't opposed to a potentially awkward conversation if you very much ain't :cool:
OOC Seeking: Isn't a problem for me if we've written together before on other alts, and I know most people haven't written with Lia yet. Looking to keep things casual; anything more, well... that takes a little more than just throwing things at a wall to see what sticks! :)

"Seems a bit young for me. Hmmm" swipes-right because you never know

Character Name: Aymeric Prendergast
Character Age: Mid 20s
Interests: Tech, clubbing, brooding, Lightside pseudo-spiritualism, killing Darksiders
Gender: Male

Seeking: 20 - 99999, any non-Darksider, any species, woman, looking for anything from friend to lover to therapist (emphasis on therapist)(you can fix him I believe in you)
OOC Seeking: not picky just looking to write with someone who can stand my annoying zoomer ass. it’s fine if you’re annoyed at Aymeric IC tho we can have a rivalry instead

"Brooding? I'm not one to brood but could be interesting." swipes-right

Character Name: Alexander Hayes
Character Age: Mid 20s
Interests: 'Fighting the Good Fight', 'Law-abiding' shenanigans, Sparring, Thrill-seeking, Drinking, Gambling
Gender: Male

  • Age range: Early 20's and older
  • Gender: Female
  • Relationship Orientation: Platonic & Casual. K'paur bonds are no joke, gotta be someone special for things to go further.
  • Alignment: Very much on the Light Side of things, fighting for the good guys in the big galactic allignment chart. But knows that sometimes you need those that toe the line.
OOC Seeking: Despite Alex's reservations about relationships, he's always down for something casual. Be it one of attraction, camaraderie or mutual interest in getting into some mischief.

"More of this, please." swipes-right because of the vibes

Time to dust off my ole Valery Noble Valery Noble catfish account...

Character Name: Valery Noble
Character Age: Old enough to be your mother
Interests: Big booty Hutts
Gender: 100% woman

Seeking: Hot single Hutts near me, long walks on the beach, cute picnics on New Cov.

"Is this you?" Sends to Valery Noble Valery Noble and swipes-right despite the clear fake because solidarity and friendship and Ran swipes-right on the people she cares about

Character Name: Judah Lesan
Character Age: 48 ish
Interests: Lightsaber Combat, Outdoor Cooking, Playing Cards…
Gender: Male

Seeking: Ladies, preferable not a dark sider… tho I hear they’re pretty cool.
OOC Seeking: Just looking for fun…

"That is... an objectively handsome man." swipes-right faster than anybody has ever swiped right
Character Name: phobos
Character Age: like 20 probably
Interests: singing meditating looking at the water but thats it no going in
Gender: female i think

Seeking: man or woman really i don't mind i just wanna meet new people who dont think im weird especially for needing to eat rocks how do i delete text do i type to do that
OOC Seeking: Something casual. Just a wholesome interaction to get poor Phobos out of her shell.

Note: Lightside leaning works best. Being near darksiders hurts her, so that would not be very fun.
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Character Name: Kyric Karis
Character Age: 18
Interests: MILFS, Couples (Married or otherwise), Redeeming those Lost in the Dark, Speeder Bikes, Cool Swords, Saber-craft, Atrisian 3D Holoanimation, Training, Holoflicks, and Dancing. And Joza Perl Joza Perl
Gender: Male

Seeking: "I'm not gonna to lie to you, this is mostly a joke to me, so I don't care. You can literally slap anyone in front of me and I won't care. I'm pan and poly, so go crazy. If Joza Perl Joza Perl is gonna be there that be ideal."

OOC Seeking: I'll write with whoever. Kyric is technically slated for a slow-burn, enemies to lovers romance with another character, but she hates him right now and it wouldn't hurt for him to have some laughs in the meantime.

EDIT: You can also not include me at all if the numbers don't mix well. I'm overloaded on threads, so don't drive yourself crazy making the space.

EDIT 2: Please do not tag me. I'm not kidding about being overloaded on threads. I'll take my reacts and call it a W.

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Character Name: Taneon Darr
Character Age: 31 GSY
Interests: Adventuring, dueling, art, and the occasional fine Corellian wine. Enjoys getting into trouble.
Gender: Male

Seeking: 23-40 GSY. Female. He'd be looking for someone that would be okay with a Jedi, and would not mind getting into a little mischief. Taneon is an atypical Jedi who has a bit of that classic Corellian scoundrel streak in him, partly because of his heritage.
OOC Seeking: I'm hoping to write with new people, or with at least new characters. Could be anything from platonic to romantic. He is supposed to be inspired by the archetype of the suave swashbuckling musketeer, after all!
Matchmaking Form

Character Name: Yuri Kineroth
Character Age: 20's
Interests: Tea houses, Swords, sparring, training, Green houses, walks in the park, deep meditations.
Gender: Male.

Seeking: Female?
OOC Seeking: New character, looking to flesh out connections and produce story arcs. Awkward interaction comedy is also ok.
So...I'm meant to swipe right if they seem nice and want to be friends with them? Sounds easy enough

Character Name: Lily Decoria
Character Age: in the 18-21 age bracket
Interests: Sparring, shopping, training, nights out, dancing
Gender: Female

Seeking: Someone 20-25, Light Side leaning (aka Jedi, GA member, etc.), male, friendly.
OOC Seeking: Write with a new person, character is seeking something casual and chilled.
Oh! Lily. She's great. We're already friends. So...I just do this.
Swipes right
Character Name: Marselia 'Lia' Urstalis
Character Age: Early 20s
Interests: 'Good Samaritan' kind of stuff, Vigilante Justice, Heists, bazaars, food stalls, vibrantly patterned/flowery blouses, blues and hard rock mostly
Gender: Female

  • Age range: 18 or older - I might outlive ya'll anyway, so perspective's different
  • Gender: Y'know, I ain't picky, (Lia is pan) 'less you're the jealous type.
  • Relationship Orientation: Imagine spending your life with just one person (Lia is poly)... but that dun matter one bit if it's platonic. And it's gonna be platonic if you're a new face to me, anyway.
  • Alignment: I trend lightside/on the side of good/not evil (Lia is secretly a Warden of the Sky, and otherwise a former NJO Padawan), ideally so should you, but I ain't opposed to a potentially awkward conversation if you very much ain't :cool:
OOC Seeking: Isn't a problem for me if we've written together before on other alts, and I know most people haven't written with Lia yet. Looking to keep things casual; anything more, well... that takes a little more than just throwing things at a wall to see what sticks! :)
Oh! A Good Samaritan! She sounds great! And food stalls. Sounds great.
Swipes right
Character Name: Lossa 'Lo' Aureus
Character Age: 21-24 Bracket
Interests: Training, Scenic Flights/Walks, Exploring new places, Trying new foods, Casual music enjoyer, Clubbing, feth what else.
Gender: Female

  • Age Bracket: 20+
  • Gender: Yes. (Pan)
  • Relationship: Casual or Platonic, don't hope for more.
  • Alignment: Lightside/Good guys, non-force users, mercs, I can overlook a bit as I'm no saint. Particularly obtuse folk be warned.

OOC Seeking: New faces welcome, any relationship is going to be casual at best with everything happening in Lossa's life right now. New friends will be subject to looking at cute pictures of her daughter.
Huh. Lossa is on here? Well, she's pretty nice. Plus she's helped to look out for Zaiya.
Swipes Right
Character Name: Hykatiis Lirayen
Character Age: 24-28
Interests: espionage, sorcery, assassination. Rock climbing, hiking, engineering, piloting, combat training, wanderlust
Gender: Female
  • 21+, male, female, doesn't really matter to her
  • preference for Sith, Vampires, but does really matter to her if it was Jedi or Mando

OoC: what does a spy/assassin do on her day off? trying to explore an angle to her that is not all serious and for her to have some fun. She will be going with a fake identity however.
Hm...Combat training ain't really my thing...
Swipes Left

Time to dust off my ole Valery Noble Valery Noble catfish account...

Character Name: Valery Noble
Character Age: Old enough to be your mother
Interests: Big booty Hutts
Gender: 100% woman

Seeking: Hot single Hutts near me, long walks on the beach, cute picnics on New Cov.
...Master Valery? Why does she need more friends?...And why does she want them to be "big booty Hutts?"...Well, I guess Hutts do need more friends. Good on Master Valery, for making friends.
Swipes Left
Matchmaking Form

Character Name: Adeline Noctua
Character Age: Frozen in time (21 at age of turning)
Interests: Occult, Things you cannot understand, Not elaborating further
Gender: Female

Seeking: I have no clue
OOC Seeking: Adeline here has extreme apathy issues, trust issues, doesn't understand how loving someone works. In anything she is far more eldritch being over highblood Sangnir now, she also doesn't understand why people touch. Hugs, handshakes, the works. It would be kinda funny to see if someone could help crack the cold shell she has. As far as how you are? It doesn't matter, Light, Dark, Lawbringer or smuggler. One could describe her as Sith, but over time I seek to develop more of a kind side to her as opposed to just simply hateful or apathetic enough to make a rock look full of life. I am open to someone trying to make the vampire eldritch bunny lady smile, you can just PM me with ideas if you want or DM me on discord.
Name seems familiar...but I don't know why...but part of me wants to consider things I can't understand as a challenge so...
Swipes Right
Character Name: Brehg Sha (Sha is first name, Brehg is Hive name)
Character Age: 39
Interests: The finer things in life~ (Nights out, dancing, drinking, gambling and casinos, fashion, art, adventure, crime)
Gender: Female

Seeking: "Feth if I know I just signed up for this on a lark, thought it might be funny." (Any gender, 30+ preferred, if you want things to work out long-term a corporate, criminal, or political background would be best. Adventurous streak preferred.)
OOC Seeking: Honestly I'm just curious to see how this turns out and am open to just about anything. Casual, platonic, romantic. Associations, dalliances, liaisons, etc. Plus, if I get someone to kiss a Neimoidian I will consider that Winning Chaos.
Hmph...Not a huge fan of the finer things in life. Nope.
Swipe Left
Character Name: Depression
Character Age: Irrelevant
Interests: The color black, goths, and college students.
Gender: N/A.

Seeking: Dreams and ambitions to shatter. I am not picky.
Hm...The colour black is pretty nice but I'm not looking for a friend who would crush people's dreams.
Swipe Left
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Character Name: Lily Decoria
Character Age: in the 18-21 age bracket
Interests: Sparring, shopping, training, nights out, dancing
Gender: Female

Seeking: Someone 20-25, Light Side leaning (aka Jedi, GA member, etc.), male, friendly.
OOC Seeking: Write with a new person, character is seeking something casual and chilled.

Okay so wants guys between 20-25… swipes left and grumbles something about being twice that range…

Character Name: Marselia 'Lia' Urstalis
Character Age: Early 20s
Interests: 'Good Samaritan' kind of stuff, Vigilante Justice, Heists, bazaars, food stalls, vibrantly patterned/flowery blouses, blues and hard rock mostly
Gender: Female

  • Age range: 18 or older - I might outlive ya'll anyway, so perspective's different
  • Gender: Y'know, I ain't picky, (Lia is pan) 'less you're the jealous type.
  • Relationship Orientation: Imagine spending your life with just one person (Lia is poly)... but that dun matter one bit if it's platonic. And it's gonna be platonic if you're a new face to me, anyway.
  • Alignment: I trend lightside/on the side of good/not evil (Lia is secretly a Warden of the Sky, and otherwise a former NJO Padawan), ideally so should you, but I ain't opposed to a potentially awkward conversation if you very much ain't :cool:
OOC Seeking: Isn't a problem for me if we've written together before on other alts, and I know most people haven't written with Lia yet. Looking to keep things casual; anything more, well... that takes a little more than just throwing things at a wall to see what sticks! :)

18+ well I fit the plus… might be my only shot… swipes right

Character Name: Lossa 'Lo' Aureus
Character Age: 21-24 Bracket
Interests: Training, Scenic Flights/Walks, Exploring new places, Trying new foods, Casual music enjoyer, Clubbing, feth what else.
Gender: Female

  • Age Bracket: 20+
  • Gender: Yes. (Pan)
  • Relationship: Casual or Platonic, don't hope for more.
  • Alignment: Lightside/Good guys, non-force users, mercs, I can overlook a bit as I'm no saint. Particularly obtuse folk be warned.

OOC Seeking: New faces welcome, any relationship is going to be casual at best with everything happening in Lossa's life right now. New friends will be subject to looking at cute pictures of her daughter.

I always get in trouble with Zeltrons… swipes right anyway
Time to dust off my ole Valery Noble Valery Noble catfish account...

Character Name: Valery Noble
Character Age: Old enough to be your mother
Interests: Big booty Hutts
Gender: 100% woman

Seeking: Hot single Hutts near me, long walks on the beach, cute picnics on New Cov.

Just laughs and swipes left… laughs more
Character Name: Ran Serys
Character Age: Mid 30's
Interests: Archaeology, The Theatre, Fashion, Gambling
Gender: Female

Seeking: 25+, Jedi, Galactic Alliance, Mandalorian, Any Gender.
OOC Seeking: Casual Relationship. Ran just wants a little romance. Let's not get too into the weeds here.

Green… that would be a first… swipes right
High Commander of the Lilaste Order
Character Name: Lily Decoria
Character Age: in the 18-21 age bracket
Interests: Sparring, shopping, training, nights out, dancing
Gender: Female

Seeking: Someone 20-25, Light Side leaning (aka Jedi, GA member, etc.), male, friendly.
OOC Seeking: Write with a new person, character is seeking something casual and chilled.
swipes right
Character Name: Aisha Garon
Character Age: 34 GSY
Interests: Hunting, fishing, pottery, and cooking. She also is a big fan of fitness type stuff like hiking, sparring
Gender: Female

Seeking: 24-40 age. Any gender (Aisha is pan). Prefer Mandalorian friendly. NO Sith / Dark Side. Perhaps Jedi, but it would take a lot of convincing.
OOC Seeking: Casual for now. But, I'm looking for Aisha to eventually have a serious relationship, so I envision a future at a Mandalorian chapel. But that can be discussed later.
swipes right
Character Name: Adeline Noctua
Character Age: Frozen in time (21 at age of turning)
Interests: Occult, Things you cannot understand, Not elaborating further
Gender: Female

Seeking: I have no clue
OOC Seeking: Adeline here has extreme apathy issues, trust issues, doesn't understand how loving someone works. In anything she is far more eldritch being over highblood Sangnir now, she also doesn't understand why people touch. Hugs, handshakes, the works. It would be kinda funny to see if someone could help crack the cold shell she has. As far as how you are? It doesn't matter, Light, Dark, Lawbringer or smuggler. One could describe her as Sith, but over time I seek to develop more of a kind side to her as opposed to just simply hateful or apathetic enough to make a rock look full of life. I am open to someone trying to make the vampire eldritch bunny lady smile, you can just PM me with ideas if you want or DM me on discord.
swipes right
Character Name: Depression
Character Age: Irrelevant
Interests: The color black, goths, and college students.
Gender: N/A.

Seeking: Dreams and ambitions to shatter. I am not picky.
swipes right
Character Name: Ran Serys
Character Age: Mid 30's
Interests: Archaeology, The Theatre, Fashion, Gambling
Gender: Female

Seeking: 25+, Jedi, Galactic Alliance, Mandalorian, Any Gender.
OOC Seeking: Casual Relationship. Ran just wants a little romance. Let's not get too into the weeds here.
swipes right
Character Name: phobos
Character Age: like 20 probably
Interests: singing meditating looking at the water but thats it no going in
Gender: female i think

Seeking: man or woman really i don't mind i just wanna meet new people who dont think im weird especially for needing to eat rocks how do i delete text do i type to do that
OOC Seeking: Something casual. Just a wholesome interaction to get poor Phobos out of her shell.
swipes right
Character Name: astrid pentoghast
Character Age: 25
Interests: dathomir, studying, partying, gaining political power, relaxing,
Gender: female

Seeking: 20+, men/women, any background that can tolerate her darkside background that want to party or even explore the depths of the darkside with her.
OOC Seeking: hoping to write with someone new but looking for any kind of relationship.
Tʜᴇ Mᴀғɪᴏsᴀ
Character Name: Pase'cen'vami (Secenva for short)
Character Age: 33 GSY
Interests: Gambling, wine, heists, causing trouble, high fashion and fine dining.
Gender: Female

  • For romance / pleasure: 25-40. Female (she is a sapphic Chiss). Anyone willing to date a known crime boss. No Imperial Officers or colluders with the Dark Empire, or any other Imperial Remnant faction.
  • For business: Any 18+ willing to join her merry little mafia. Preferably non-Imperial, or if so, ex-Imperial.

OOC Seeking: For dear Secenva, I would seke her private life a lady who could share in her revelry. Nothing serious yet, as she has issues with commitment. In business, open to people who would be interested in joining the Stingbearer Gang, her space mafia criminal organization. Smugglers, mercenaries, etc.

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