At the same time as Mister Endo and his two burly associates were being led from the front desk to the dining room, Beltran was being seated at his table. A server would come over almost immediately to take his drink order, to which he would simply have a glass of the local fruit juice.
No sooner than the glass of juice had arrived, did Mister Endo and his associates approach the table.
“Good morning, Mister Rarr.” Said Debbis Endo, his low gravelly voice mixed with equal parts fear and respect. Just months earlier Beltran had engineered the, decidedly hostile, takeover of Mister Endo’s arms manufacturing company: Obsidian Star Technologies.
When the carbon had finally settled Beltran had held all the pieces, including the vast majority of Endo’s personal wealth. Since that time, Mister Endo-though still CEO in name-became nothing more than proxy for the Lorrdian’s wishes.
“Is it?” Beltran replied, looking up pointedly at the Denon businessman. “Obsidian Star has fallen another two points on the exchange.”
“That was to be expected,” Endo came back. “Implementing your new initiatives, while losing our former…source of capital was always going to be damaging to the company. May I sit?”
With a wave of his hand, Beltran motioned for Endo to take a seat before asking, “And how are things going with those initiatives?”
“Well enough, sir.” Endo answered. “We have begun production on models 101 through 105 and as per your request, we have brought several pieces of each for your use.”
“Excellent, and my other request?”
“We had to contract out that work, as our facilities are as yet ill-equipped for starship work. Still, we have brought the Imperialis up to spec.
Unfortunately, I’m told that the power distribution cannot be fully overcome. As such, the firm we contracted with was able to engineer a software work around. The details are listed in the ship’s computer and the vessel itself has be berthed at the local spaceport. And you will find the tech you’ve requested housed within the ship’s armory.”
“Good. As for the falling stock values, do you believe that our planned re-opening will change things?”
At this, Beltran noticed a slight change in the businessman’s demeanor. While he’d been uncomfortable throughout the entire meeting, now he positively radiated fear. “I…cannot say for certain, sir. Your designs are quite…ambitious. But your proposed marketing strategy…frankly, it may not work sir. And if it doesn’t, the company will be bankrupt within six months. That is unless you’re able to secure some…outside funding?”
Part of how Endo and Obsidian Star had come onto Beltran’s radar in the first place, was because Endo had been laundering credits for an intergalactic crime cartel known as The Outfit. It was the same cartel that had set up shop on Lorrd less than a year prior, and proceeded to assassinate Beltran’s former employers and many of his associates. Taking Obsidian Star from them, and forcing Endo into doing his bidding, had been a major setback for The Outfit and the first step in the Lorrdian’s ongoing war with them.
“I’m sure you’ll be able to make due with you have for the time being,” Beltran responded. “But perhaps an opportunity will present itself before long.”
The remainder of the meeting would devolve into technical jargon, as Beltran outlined his continuing vision for the company. Soon,
Obsidian Star would release its new weapons line, and hopefully acquire some better backing.
When the meeting was over, Beltran stood as Endo and his men retreated from the establishment. He then returned to his table and proceeded to order breakfast.
As he ate, the Lorrdian continued to muse over all the things he had done, and all that was still left to do. He would destroy The Outfit, but in order to do that he would need to gather allies and resources. That would mean tracking down his client from the Alaris Prime mission, and ensuring that he was paid the remainder of what he was owed. It would also mean returning to Lorrd to enlist aid from those few of his allies who still remained on that world.
Eventually, he also knew that would have to bring some of his associates from the Silver Jedi on board. But who, and how, for the moment still eluded him.
There was much to do.
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