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Private House Io: The Peace Gesture

"I got closer to the PK1 Mercy's reactor than almost anyone else did!" Xiphos snarled. "And if I had managed to inflict the critical damage I helped inflict on that reactor more rapidly, that planet would still be standing! It was one of my citizens that got a nuke close enough to the Reactor to prevent the Avatar of War from firing on Tython. She paid a terrible price, worse than death, to get that close!"

Xiphos nodded at the history of the Sith though. Even she couldn't deny how destructive they could get.

"Can't defend their history, but they weren't trying to destroy every species in the Galaxy the way the Bryn'adul were. Sith Empires come and go. Same way Jedi Orders do. It's kinda hard, however, to bring back whole civilizations. All this talk of defending life however possible, yet all the ones doing the talking are the ones that benefitted. All to put an end to an empire when you'll be dealing with another one in five to ten years, maybe 20 if you're lucky. But you're not." Xiphos said.

She sighed. Mental exhaustion showing slightly, even though the armor. She had gotten the worst medical news, would basically be trapped in this suit if she wanted to work, or trapped in a Bacta Tank if she wanted to truly heal. No middle road.

"I wish there had been more Jedi like you in charge before I rebelled. I might not have done it." Xiphos admitted quietly. "That's partly why I'm not going to kill you. Or torture or imprison you. Or maim you. I know it is impossible to destroy The Jedi Order. But no one else ever bothers holding the Order to account. No one else ever bothers trying to punish the Order when they do wrong. At worst, you get slaps on the wrist, and then, after a few years, maybe a decade or two if you've pissed off someone important, business will go back to usual. They didn't even do that all that much in the past. That's partly why the Old Republic fell. The Jedi Order really were above the law, from what I read. Untouchable. All the problems swept under rugs. Dirty secrets, gathering mold." she muttered quietly, pacing about like a caged animal.

"Mi'la, even if you could hope to mollify me, what are you going to say to all those thousands who joined me, who held your Order responsible? Who continue to do so? They didn't come to Tython to help the Order out. They came there because the Maw destroyed the lives of a large number of them and they wanted revenge. These people? They used to be dog catchers. Cooks. Mailmen. Perfectly normal, ordinary people. The sort you claimed the Order protects. You have no idea how much some of them wanted your protection when the Bryn'adul took their planets. Many who came to me came with nothing but their sanity left, and sometimes not even that."

Mi'la Undari Mi'la Undari

The Peace Gesture

Location: Unnamed Planet
Tags: Laertia Io Laertia Io

She felt she reached something, what Mi'la wasn't sure, but there was something that she had punched through. She couldn't say anything about Tython. She hadn't been on that world when the conflict happened, but she felt guilt all the same. "And where are the Bryn now Lady Laertia, dead and gone. Their homeworld is ashes. Just like the Sith, hopefully to never rise again." She said quietly, falling quiet as she waited for the woman to finish her point.

It was nice to know that Laertia had some degree of respect for what she was doing; being told she wouldn't be killed was rather nice. She didn't disagree about how few came out against the order. The jedi had done things wrong many times over before, their own mistakes often brushed over time and again. She wasn't a fool, nor blind, to such failings. She watched as Laertia move about, seemingly growing more and more irritated by the matter at hand. "I don't disagree about failings, but that's why I am here. So we can correct these things, start a path forward, to give meaning to all the loss, rather than keep it going." She stated, remaining where she stood, hands still crossed over her chest. Be what she may, she truly wanted peace for the galaxy, even at the cost of her own personal health. Though, there was a selfish reason for it as well. The more death she was surrounded by, the worst her 'wound' seemed to get. Though that tidbit was for herself.

Then with the question aimed to her, she stood for a moment to process what all had been said. "There is nothing I can say. All I can do, is attempt to do better. Our actions hurt these people, our actions can only make it right in due time. The pain they have undergone can not be waved away or dismissed, but there will be thousands, millions more of them if we do nothing. I wish I could fix the blights of this galaxy, and make everything anew. But I can't, I'm just a lone person." She let her head drop, exhaling. "If they wished to swarm me and beat me to death, I suppose I would allow them to. There is nothing I can personally do to make that wrong righted, and I accept that."

If only she had been there for the Bryn debacle. She might have been able to make a difference.

The Battalion

Another Brick in Syd's Wall
While Mi'la Undari Mi'la Undari spoke of her desire for peace, Xiphos listened, making sure to keep her focused on talking.

The Battalion watched from a security monitor as they interacted. She had no doubt Xiphos was being truthful in what she said. She had incredibly strange nuances to her thinking that sometimes weirded to hell out of her, but even she couldn't deny it produced results.

"Remember..." The Battalion warned the Light Sith. "We get only a single shot at this..."

The Light Side Sith, clad in tight fitting purple robes and an Atrisian Demon mask, nodded, turning on his stealth field Generator and cloaking his presence in the Force as he began to quietly make his way on a roundabout route towards the chamber.

Keep her talking, dear... The Battalion whispered to her wife telepathically.


"The world of the Sith is not dead and gone...any more than Tython is. The Bryn'adul? Maybe. I'm finding less hidden enclaves of theirs to exterminate...but The Bryn'adul needed a world for their identity. The Sith do not. They'll be back. Same as the Jedi. If nothing else, you've convinced me your intentions are sincere. Don't think I don't recognize that it was very brave of you to come here by yourself..." Xiphos said, watching a slight shifting of dust on the floor behind Mi'la.

"But the problems you talk of? They are problems that cannot be fixed by talking..." Xiphos spoke, watching another very slight shifting of dust on the floor, this time closer to Mi'la. She couldn't sense him. Elaine had sent someone good.

"The Order isn't going to budge. It has made that clear. So I won't either. I don't want peace. The Silver Jedi must be punished. Hounded. They must never know rest as long as I live. They must feel every blow the Bryn'adul rained down on the scar worlds while they went after their precious Dark Siders. These people didn't join me because they wanted a Jedi Peace on Jedi Terms. And that is how it would end anyway, and we both know it. We would lower our guard, the Order would strike, if not with Force and Blade, than with poisoned words of forgiveness and acceptance, moving on. All of it, every concession, would always end on their terms. For they will not suffer my House as it exists. It's leadership is composed of those that would be heretics by every definition of Jedi Doctrine. It would be gutted, it's leadership inevitably forced to do what the Jedi want, or be purged. Don't pretend it would not go down like that in the end. Search your feelings if you think I am lying."

Xiphos turned away from Mi'la, feeling somewhat guilty for what was to happen.

"This reminds me of a Joke my master told me once..." Xiphos began. "There was this Kyber Cave, and inside that cave lived an insane Sith Lord who had been a hermit there for many years. One day, an equally insane Jedi entered into the cave, in an attempt to redeem the Sith. The Sith Lord won't hear it at first, but the Jedi's schizophrenic ramblings about the Light Side of the Force eventually wear the Sith down enough that he agrees to accompany the Insane Jedi to the Jedi Enclave, so that he might hear their appeals."

Xiphos turned to face Mi'la again, catching another miniscule shifting of dust on the floor, now very close to Undari.

"So the Sith and The Jedi, they come across a great gap in the section of the cave, a yawning bottomless pit, that separates them from the mouth of the cave, with the light of the meadow beyond, and the rest of the Dark, dank cave system with it's mysteries."

Xiphos paced a bit.

"Now the Insane Jedi, they easily make a Force Jump to the Cave Mouth. But the Insane Sith...the Insane Sith is fearful he will miss the jump and is held in place by that fear..."

Closer did Mi'la's ambusher get. Inches, now.

"The Insane Jedi..." Xiphos trailed, growing visibly more disturbed by the Joke as she tried to recall it. "He pulls out his dual phase Lightsaber, and it's juuuuuuusssst long enough at its maximum length for it's tip to reach the other side, and he calls out to the Sith saying "Here! If you can balance properly, you can walk across it like a branch!"

The invisible Hand of the Light Sith went into position behind Mi'la.

"But the Insane Sith grows angry and mistrustful of the Insane Jedi, and he goes 'Whaddya think I am, Crazy!? You'd shut it off before I was halfway to you!" (My regards to Mister Moore: 14000 XP)

That was when the Light Sith focused his control, dropping his concealment to try and render her painlessly unconscious with a massive, focused Force Stun.
Last edited:

The Peace Gesture

Location: Unnamed Planet
Tags: Laertia Io Laertia Io

Mi'la had made the mistake of keeping her force presence to a minimum here. She didn’t want to be seen as a threat, and she was promised no harm would come to her, so passive from the force she remained. Unaware of the plot in motion behind her. She listened patiently, waiting for her turn to speak. “Im aware talk won’t fix everything, but unless we can agree on a premise for change, we can not seek to reform it, I’ll go to the council with whatever demands you wish and we can end this destructive conflict, we can save lives Laertia. Please, help me do that.” She felt desperate asking like this, but she didn’t want to leave without making some sort of progress.

She felt rather deflated as Laertia asked her to see if she was lying. Something Mi’la knew was faulty to even try. “With someone as experienced with the force as you Laertia, I know it would be futile to attempt. I’ll take you at your word.” Her shoulders dropped, heart sinking as she had seemingly failed. It didn’t help that Laertia decided to capitalize on her state with a joke. Was that all this was to the woman? A joke?

She repressed the stinging comment that came to mind, watching the woman with eyes that had seen far too much death. Far too much failure. She still needed to keep up the gesture of good faith. She meekly nodded, half listening, and half working out what she was going to tell the order.

When the punch line landed, Mi’la was in the midst of trying to speak, when she felt something strike her from behind. There was the faintest, faintest, echo of power that she tried to muster, a ‘rift’ seemingly forming in the force for the split second she attempted to respond, before dropping to the floor in a heap.

The Battalion

Another Brick in Syd's Wall
"You gotta give it to me. It went off without a hitch." The Battalion boasted as they both observed from an observation window. Xiphos had done an appropriately Sith thing in this was signs that the Battalion's training was taking, that she was fulfilling her mandate to guide Xiphos to the Dark Side fully.

Yet...Xiphos had managed to affect and alter the Battalion in subtle ways herself. None in that pair were still the same person they were before meeting each other. Things Xiphos had said, reminding her that conversion wasn't her choice, had begun to affect her deeply. It had even begun to affect the Witches inside her body deeply.

The pair held hands as the Mage Knights from the Serpents of Ashla worked their magics on Mi'la Undari Mi'la Undari , partitioning parts of her mind off to create what they needed. Xiphos could only be out of the tank for maybe half a day from now on but damn if she wasn't going to make use of it.

"That wound in the Force she carries...she'd make for an excellent Cultist..."

"But it would ruin her value as a deep cover operative...she has to be intact and unharmed, as I promised Agatha.

"Too bad you didn't promise not to alter her." The Battalion joked.

"Cut Agatha some slack she's still young."

"Of course she is." The Battalion replied. "Its why this plan involving her 'might' work."

"The other personality will be trained as a Light Sith..." Xiphos said. "It'll need a few days stay to adjust."

She hit the comm button.

"How are things in there?" Xiphos called out.

"It will be another hour. Creating a new persona from scratch is a surprisingly involved process..." the Mage Knight in charge replied with a dry tone.

"I would get the fething smartass for this detail..." XIphos grumbled. "When you think she's ready, wake her up."

"We'll have at least a few days to plan out her miraculous escape..." The Battalion muttered cynically.

Mila Io Mila Io
There is a hole in my head.

House Io: The Peace Gesture

Location: Unknown
Tags: Agatha Io Agatha Io
Medical Robe

Pain was the first thing that burned into Mila's eyes, the Twi'lek letting out a grunt, as she felt something within her screaming out. There was a manic fear, something bestial that jut felt wrong. There was the taste of rubber in her mouth, a tickly sensation in her nose, and her entire body felt soaked. Where was she?

Her eyes shot open, hands drunkenly reaching forward towards the blob of light before her, as she smashed her hands against what seemed to be thin air, which was when she felt a puff of air being forced down her throat. She panicked, her palms pressing hard against the glass, thrashing about in the confines of the capsule, as she caught the signs of moving shapes outside, unable to truly see beyond that.

It took several moments, but eventually, her frantic movements ceased, as she realized how futile her situation was and though her vision was obscured, she began to inspect her own body, and found that one of her arms and Lekku had seemingly been replaced with cybernetic attachments. She tried to recall, think of what had happened to her, where she was, and found nothing of the sort. Just...cobbled together flashes of battles she couldn't name, and faces she couldn't place.

She slumped against the confines of the tube, the bacta bubbling around her, as she tried to make sense of this new world she was awoken to.

The Battalion

Another Brick in Syd's Wall
The Battalion watched as the future Mila Io Mila Io stirred on the table, her wife's cybernetic arm coiled around her waist as she felt the Jedi's distress.

"I still think she would have made an excellent cultist..." The Battalion said in the comfort and privacy of their darkned observation booth with a two way mirror.

Xiphos was too busy gliding her hand through the Battalion's curly perm for a second to respond. The Battalion closed her eyes, letting herself enjoy the moment of contact.

"And normally, my dear, I would indulge your sharp eye..." Xiphos replied. "But this is necessary."

"Of course..." The Battalion said. "It is just a pity she will not know Bogan's embrace."

The Battalion smiled as Xiphos pulled her closer. The Battalion twisted in her embrace to face her.

"Pull me any closer, Julia and we'll need some time alone." The Battalion whispered in a sultry manner, fingers playfully entwining with her wife's.

"That a promise, Elaine?" Xiphos whispered back, kissing her.

"It can be a guarantee if you want." The Battalion joked, running her fingers across Xiphos's pale jaw line. In that instant, there was no hiding how much she loved Xiphos.

"Later, dear..." Xiphos replied. "After we talk to Agatha."

"Yes..." The Battalion replied playfully. "After."

The Battalion pulled Xiphos in for kiss...

Ten minutes later...

"Agatha..." The Battalion said pleasantly at the meeting table, clad in her ceremonial red robe, fingers still entwined with Xiphos as they sat together at the table. The Battalion noticed how Xiphos craved simplistic physical contact like that often.

"Your Mother and I have been talking. And we have a special assignment for you."

Agatha sat across from them in a Dark blue Catsuit with folded hands.

"It's about that Jedi you brought in..." Xiphos said, clad in her dark blue armor once more.

"She has not been tortured or killed..." The Battalion explained. "However, she is still an enemy of The House, so we messed with her a bit."

"We're trying to tell you we implanted a new Personality in her for the purpose of having a sleeper agent in The Jedi Order." Xiphos added.

Agatha was silent at this. But quietly aghast.

"It's immoral..." Agatha said quietly. "You wouldn't rewrite a Droid's mind, mother. Why an Organic's?"

"Because every single Jedi is ultimately an enemy of this House. They threw away any legitimacy they had as the Galaxy's Protectors when they let the Bryn'adul kill billions. We as a House composed of people directly affected by that decision have every right to inflict as much suffering on them and their allies as possible, no matter how cruel or degenerate what we inflict upon them is. They earned it."

Agatha was silent at this. Mother's hatred for The Jedi Order was at a fever pitch in recent days. There wasn't really any swaying her on that. If anything, she seemed to hate them more than the damned Cult she was allied to did.

How do you talk to such a person when their hatred runs past the point of reason?

"And what role am I being charged with playing, Mother?" Agatha asked, suppressing her disquiet.

"For now, Agatha...just...focus on being her friend. Travel with her." Xiphos requested. "That is of course, if you are willing to take the assignment. You can always back out."

Agatha thought about it a moment.

Better someone who was vested in Mi'la's safety than one who wasn't. Agatha had become invested when Mi'la had casually tossed aside her title to save on of her patients.


Agatha paused, took a breath.

"I accept."

The Battalion smiled.

"Your Mother and I deeply appreciate you taking on this burden, Agatha."

"Anything to serve the House." Agatha replied professionally.

Thirty minutes later...

Agatha walked into the hospital room Mila Io Mila Io was being kept. She was still asleep.

"Hello?" Agatha called out softly, treating her as she would any other patient.

"Can you hear me?"
There is a hole in my head.

House Io: The Peace Gesture

Location: Unknown
Tags: Agatha Io Agatha Io
Medical Robe

She didn’t know how long she had been asleep, but Mila nearly bolted out of her skin as the voice of a woman spoke. The Twi’lek rose, hastily out of the cot, eyes wide, resting on her arms in a defensive posture as her eyes began to take in the room.

She was in a medical room, somewhere, with a human woman standing before her. Mi’la’s gaze hardened, staring as she studied the woman, taking in her features. She was pretty, though, she looked different. Was she sad? Conflicted? Tired? She wore the garb of a medical staff, so perhaps? It was…confusing. But something in her felt, at ease with this stranger before her. Her breathing calming, Mila, let out a breath, nodding slowly. “I can hear you.” She said, the defensive posture of her body slowly easing away. “Where am I?” She asked in quick succession.

She still didn’t know what was going on.
Agatha's expression eased up.

"You are in a a hospital on an uncharted planet. You had serious injuries..." Agatha said. "We treated you. But it was touch and go."

Annnnnnd there goes my Hippocratic Oath Agatha thought to herself.

Agatha stepped forward slightly, holding a medical scanner, but not turning it on.

"Listen, I am a Doctor, and my goal is to get you healthy again." she said softly. "I would like to scan you to see how you are doing. Do I have your consent to do so? If not, I will return at a later time."

Mila Io Mila Io
There is a hole in my head.

House Io: The Peace Gesture

Location: Unknown
Tags: Agatha Io Agatha Io
Medical Robe

Mila stared at the woman, trying to tug on a chain of disconnected memory, that gave her no comfort in why she was here. "Uncharted?" She asked, head tilting, as she winced to sit up straight. "I don't...know what happened to me..." She muttered, having to give up on working that out, and noticed the woman holding a device. There was something in her tone, it was nice, polite, and her request seemed reasonable. "'s okay." She agreed, crossing her arms, and scowling as she realized she didn't have any better clothing.

Her cheeks colored just a tad, as she looked about for something half decent to wear.

Agatha ran the scans.

"Every thing looks normal, no bleeding...blood pressure good... Nervous system has no irregularities..."

Agatha noticed the future Mila Io Mila Io looking for clothes and patiently retrieved one of the spare medical scrubs.

"Here..." Agatha said. "That will keep you covered up at least.

Agatha decided to try bridging the gap.

The name is Io. Agatha Io."

(Clip of Bond Theme Plays)

"Do you remember your name? How you got here?" Agatha asked. "Are you experiencing loss of time? Disorientation? Are you...hungry?"
There is a hole in my head.

House Io: The Peace Gesture

Location: Unknown
Tags: Agatha Io Agatha Io
Medical Robe

The scan began, and Mila studied the woman cautiously, but was very pleased as Agatha handed her proper attire. Giving a polite nod, and without a care, Mila tore her medical robe off, baring herself to Agatha for a moment as she donned her new attire, content that she seemed to be in acceptable health.

Catching the woman’s name name, she adjusted her attire to get it to fit properly, hearing her medical advisor now had a name, she nodded slowly. “Should I address you as Miss Io, or just Agatha? Or Miss Agatha Io?” She asked calmly, brow furrowing as she was asked questions she wasn’t quite sure of. “I….think….my name is…Mila?” It sounded off to her, but she could hear it at the back of her mind. But Mila what? “I don’t know, I just…Bryn? I remember fighting the Bryn? I’m….a little hungry I guess?” She mused, fumbling for the distant memories like a greased up hydrospanner. It made her head hurt, so she held it, and dropped the notion of trying to remember things. It just hurt too much.

"Agatha will do nicely..." Agatha replied to Mila Io Mila Io politely, looking away out of politeness while Mila redressed herself.

"You seem to be experiencing a moderate amount of memory loss..." Agatha said softly, trying to keep the patient calm. "Don't try to think too hard. The most important thing now is rest. I'll have some food brought up soon. Do you have any preferences?" Agatha asked. They could start cracking the icebergs once they were done crushing the ice cubes.

"Do you remember how you got here at all?" Agatha wondered, silently distressed at how Mi'la Undari Mi'la Undari had been...repurposed...

In a twisted way, Mi'la's faith had been rewarded in the sense she would be allowed to leave alive. From Xiphos's twisted point of view she was "saving" Mi'la from dying for hidebound old fools.

Except now Mi'la might end up dying for House Io...and while Agatha loved her Mother, Agatha knew, just based on what was happening here, that Xiphos was deeply, deeply unstable mentally.

And Agatha had no idea what to do with that realization.
There is a hole in my head.

House Io: The Peace Gesture

Location: Unknown
Tags: Agatha Io Agatha Io
Medical Robe

“Memory loss?” Mila muttered, frowning as she attempted to get off the medical cot allotted to her, wincing as she managed to set her feet on the floor, the pain of pinheads being driven through her toes made her grimace. “I…don’t know what food I like, I don’t…” she began to trail off, distracted by the movement of her toes against the cold floor. She felt just…off, like her own movements seemed alien to her. What had brought her here? “No, I don’t. I…do you have any records for how long I’ve been here? What my injuries were?” She asked, turning back to the woman, and trying to put on a charming smile, but again, it felt strained.

Everything was feeling just…off, but she hadn’t a clue why. Maybe she was just anxious, as part of her pondered of the war was still ongoing. “Did we lose against the Bryn? Are they still out there?” It would make sense, unidentified planet, severe injury, memory loss…

Maybe that was what happened?
"You only just arrived. I've only just been assigned to you. You were in some sort of shock when we found you." Agatha answered. Most of that was the truth. Most of it.

"The Bryn were great cost." Agatha said. "Billions died because The Jedi refused to set aside their feuds with Sith to put an end to the threat. A lot of worlds were destroyed. The Bryn'adul are the ones now being hunted my faction, when possible. I am of House Io." she explained to the future Mila Io Mila Io .

"We're warriors. A society of Droids and Organics, living as equals..." Agatha added. "You're our guest."

(Cutaway of Kylo Ren stabbing Han with his Lightsaber.)
There is a hole in my head.

House Io: The Peace Gesture

Location: Unknown
Tags: Agatha Io Agatha Io
Medical Robe

She was entirely lost, and frankly felt her heart sink at hearing the woman's words. She had missed the entire war? At what cost? How many died while she was asleep? Mila stared at the woman for a long moment, nodding slowly. House Io? She didn't know what that power was, but she seemed to owe herself to them. She held her cybernetic arm, looking to Agatha in concern as it clicked with her of the nature of organic and droids being one. "Did you replace my arm and headtail?" She asked, gripping the cybernetic appendage firmly. "I was a warrior too, a...jedi, I think. Though...I guess my lightsaber didn't survive." She muttered, eyes falling.

She was a jedi right? That sounded right, but....she didn't feel like one at the moment.
Agatha was only able to give her next response due the the fact Mi'la Undari Mi'la Undari herself had left the opening for it via previous actions.

"You're not a Jedi." Agatha said, taking into account that Undari had verbally resigned. "You might have been a former one though. You've seen combat. We didn't install the cybernetics Mila. We found you with those."

Agatha then saw a General Purpose Nuetralizer Model 1 walk in with a Green Catsuit. She had a slender build, and had the default appearance most models left the factory with.

"Greetings, Patient. My name is Selina. I'm here to receive any requests you have for nourishment. We have a selection of meats, vegetables, and fruits."

Agatha nodded. "We can also provide you with a weapon if you want. In case you doubt our intentions."

"We have shotguns!" Selina said enthusiastically.

Agatha face palmed.

Mila Io Mila Io
There is a hole in my head.

House Io: The Peace Gesture

Location: Unknown
Tags: Agatha Io Agatha Io
Medical Robe

Mila nodded slowly as she took in Agatha’s words. “Im not a Jedi? Then….I guess I have no place in this world…do I…” She muttered, her voice sounding almost hallow at the thought of it. At least she had some answers but truthfully she didn’t like them. She would just have to learn to accept it.

When the woman entered, Mila was a bit startled at first, blinking as the green suited woman rambled off on what she could do. “I…I…” She struggled for the words, before swallowing, and was surprised at both Agatha’s suggestion of arming herself, and the announcement of some sort of weaponry this faction held. She was left very much confused. “I…can I just have some meat I, whatever is cheapest.” She nodded as if agreeing with herself, she honestly needed time to think. “I don’t think I will require a weapon, I don’t want to be seen as ungrateful for your help.” That much was true, but she also had a mountain of questions, and even if she was some sort of prisoner, this House Io was the only thing she knew at the moment.
"You wouldn't be seen as ungrateful." Agatha assured Mila Io Mila Io . "We all carry weapons."

Selina soon arrived with a tray containing a small plate of steak and a few bits of chopped vegetable, with optional packets of salt and bottled water.

"Here." Agatha said, taking the tray and thanking Selina, bringing it over to Mila.

"Eat slowly, Mila. You need to give your system a chance to wake up. And take small bites..." Agatha advised.

While she lay the tray on Mila's bed, Agatha went along with some of the "fiction" Xiphos requested she provide. Her fighter had been painstakingly scrubbed of all identifying marks and parcels, as per Xiphos' orders. It was still her ship.

Truly insidious lies are best when there are only a few teensy, teensy parts that make the statement a lie at all. Palpatine would understand what I mean by this. He, after all, mastered this bleak and poisonous "art".

"You landed here normally, using an N-Wing stealth fighter..." she began. "We were uncertain of your intentions. Many thought you quite mad. You rambled about families and destruction and suffering. But it made no sense to us. You spoke in nonsensical phrases about blood being shed. It was all word salad to us."

(Cutaway of Laertia Io sitting by a fireplace OOC)

(Laertia: Only in the sense that anything a Jedi says is word salad to us)

"You were eventually sedated. and your fighter was brought in. Its clean. No traces of how you got it."

(Cutaway of this)

"I can take you to it immediately if you like, as soon as you are feeling better. You're not a prisoner here. But if you stay, every effort will be made to discover what happened."

(Cutaway of J. Jonah Jameson laughing uncontrollably)
There is a hole in my head.

House Io: The Peace Gesture

Location: Unknown
Tags: Agatha Io Agatha Io
Medical Robe

“I’d rather not risk it.” Mila clarified, watching as her food was soon brought out, and slowly set to eating, feeling a lull of depression setting over her as Agatha explained how she came to be here. “Did you save my flight data? Maybe I can retrace my steps?” She asked, cutting into a bit of her steak, and slowly eating it as she tried to process how she might have been ‘deranged’. Why did she have no memory of this? How did she get like this?

She stopped after the first bite, eyes looking down at the plate, shoulders sagging. She really had no where to go, nothing she could do. “I…surrender myself to your custody then.” She stated, setting her utensils down, as the depressive wave crept over, a sense of futility creeping over her. If she wasn’t a Jedi, I’d she had left the order and the Bryn had destroyed so much…what was she to do now?

She didn’t even know what she had been doing prior, how was she supposed to figure out what came next, she looked to Agatha, desperately searching for a hint of something she could work towards.

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