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House Thul rebuilds (ask)

[member="James Justice"] [member="Matreya"] [member="Darth Vulkan"] [member="Dresden Verbrennung"]

Elaine was busy ordering people about today, this time with a bit more conviction. She was planning on having house removed brick by brick, scaffolding was going up, her priceless artifacts where being packed up and being put into storage, some dated back before alderaan was destroyed. This was due to that they guessed the empire may had a problem with house organa, and did not want to get caught in the cross fire. Though they did think destroying the planet was a bit of an over reaction, and thought it would be just a landing force that might of destroyed their home as well.

Elaine had decided it was time to rebuild their family estate, as they need a hard point to resist any sith aggression. It was nearly a five hundred miles to New Aldera City, where she did have a private house, where she planned to stay whilst the work took place. As she had no desire to live on a building site, that what she paid other people to do.

Whilst she waited for her contractors to arrive, she took one last tour of the building. She had found memories of this place, till the one sith took the planet from her. Then did worse than just raped it, they vong formed it, and killed so much of native wild life. During that time she spent a lot time trying to preserve what she could, by collecting dna and making a seed bank. She still had nightmares of glitter, and it dribbling on her. She wanted to make her new home glitter proof.
James heard money and came running. Almost literally running with his crew in toe. He had called up his Admiral [member="stardust"], his head of the Medic Corps [member="Echo Emerald"], and of course [member="Kiber Thaxton"] and his many more legion of soldiers, workers, and droids. The hype was so real.

The massive warships of Justice Shipping stood over the homestead like an angle chorus, their drop ships and shuttles beginning to ascend and descend on the Son of Alderaan. Or something poetic like that from the Good Book.

Soldiers, workers, droids, and equipment were all being unloaded in bulk. Today was going to be a good day to be a member of Justice Shipping, James felt. He knew it.

Sauntering around, James left his employees to do their work as he sought out the woman in charge.

[member="Sophia Walsh"]
Gray was having a normal of waking up in his ship half naked while a droid beeped at him happy to see he was up, when a message came through. He got word from his employer [member="James Justice"] that there was credits to be earned. That seemed like a terrible reason to get up so early, but he was up now. He got himself dressed in his armor and got his blaster pistol strapped to his right leg. He got himself some food for breakfast and a glass of whiskey to go with it. He really needed to stop spending so much time eating with Star. He couldn't enjoy his bad space rations anymore nor his low quality whiskey. As he got done eating, his droid Key announced they had arrived.

Gray stepped out of his ship and looked around. He saw his boss and decided to follow him. He hurried over and said as he came up to him, " So what is the job today? Will it be good pay? Star keeps giving me high quality alcohol when I visit and now my low quality stuff in my ship doesn't taste as good as it use to."

[member="Elaine Thul"]
Moving job fun fun fun but hey money and rewards came out of hard work

Stardust sighed as she felt the drop ship enter atmosphere and then touch down before she exited the ship and looked around at the place, not to bad already looked like they were tearing down

She started over to some workers who were moving heavy stuff and started helping them, her muscles would be put to use there and probably whatever the person in charge asked...she enjoyed a job hard or easy and this one she was told offered a great reward

[member="James Justice"] [member="Echo Emerald"] [member="Kiber Thaxton"] [member="Gray Raxis"] [member="Elaine Thul"]
[member="Elaine Thul"] [member="stardust"] [member="Gray Raxis"] [member="James Justice"]

Somehow wherever there was Justice, there was Raxis. Ha ha ha!

And here he was, striding down the ramp of his Freighter with a grin plastered to his face. Not much was going on yet, just some folks building a few things here and there. Jack had a freighter full of supplies for the infirmary and some illegal weapons. Stacked beside those were blocks of building material, recycled salvage he'd scored from multiple jobs.

"Hello, hello. Looks like I'm back on Alderaan!"

Dak moved beside him. He wasn't a kid anymore but Jack still called him that. He was almost fully grown and wielding twin Westar-35's like an expert.

"Pleasure to meet you Miss Thul. Cap'n Justice called me here. Looking for some weapons, material or medical supplies?"

Aveira Dax

Weapon of The Dark Side.
The gentle but sharp chime of her morning cycle alarm kicked in while she stood already dressed facing the small dresser with a mirror resting upon its top. The reflection of herself caught herself by surprise as she was in the process of getting ready for the day. The changed woman; whom she hardly recognized anymore questioned how much time had really passed since her exile from Zeltros. I felt like weeks..maybe a month at most but it looked and felt so much more. The midnight blue/black hair was now shorter cropped and combed back as well as her attire of a black speeder bike jacket, matching pants and a black tank top under fit her new life as a smuggler and pirate that had seeded since first deciding to work with James Justice. It was a testament how much one can change from a naive lost sentient dumped into a larger galaxy in the matter of a short time, she supposed finally that it was a means of survival. After all, what was the alternative? Be eaten up and spit out by the dangers that this vast galaxy was comprised of? No if she could help it..

Finally, she turned after a few minutes and strapped on the utility belt that laid coiled on top of the dresser beside the mirror and headed off into the adjacent hallway leading off further into Justice's ship. She had to see if James would loan her a blaster of some sort if she was to keep doing this work that he kept dragging them into.

[member="James Justice"]
Dresden tried and failed miserably to hide his pleasure in his underling's discomfort.

He and a small retinue of high ranking officers were on site to witness the rebuilding of a once prestigious estate that he knew next to nothing about on orders from the Crown. Officially, they were there to liaise with and provide consultation for a certain [member="Elaine Thul"]. Unofficially, Dresden was there to meet with the woman and form an unofficial opinion on whether or not she was a friend of the Crown or a potential enemy.

Personally, he suspected that the young woman would be far too busy overseeing this mess for the foreseeable future to worry about politicking, but they were there to meet her, so meet her he would.

He and the lesser officers around him were all wearing similar outfits: olive drab fatigues, combat boots, knee pads, body armor, and open face helmets. The others were all carrying standard issue blaster rifles. Or rather, they were carrying weighted rubber replicas of blaster rifles. Bright pink weighted rubber replicas, to be exact. Dresden himself had his long barreled AR-10 clipped to his vest by a carabiner, as well as his usual load of ten magazines stored in various pouches.

The reason for the kit was simple: his highest ranking officers had pissed him off.

They had balked when they saw his training schedule, insisting that it was far too demanding. Dresden had been willing to debate the matter. Though the schedule he put forth for the military forces was no tougher than anything any other planetary military might come up with in uncertain times, the generals were less interested in the practicality and more interested in putting the young whelp in his place. Once the newly minted Lord General had realized this, he put his foot down.

Things had gotten uglier from there. One of the generals had threatened to go after his House politically if he didn't acquiesce. Dresden demanded satisfaction on the spot, knowing that the man would have no choice but to accept the duel. The general had chosen blaster pistols for weapons, thinking the former mercenary would be unfamiliar with the weapon. Dresden gunned him down without so much as blinking on the field of honor the next morning.

After that, no one had given him any crap.

It had gone exactly as Havelock, the previous Lord General, had planned.

The peerage, he had explained, was a bit like a prison yard. Newly elevated nobles had two ways to earn respect: they could latch onto someone else's coattails and ride along with them until they had put in enough time to be considered part of the old crowd, or they could pick the biggest, baddest son of a queen in the yard and knock them out.

So all these generals and colonels and LTCs and majors were out here in full kit, holding training rifles, to prove a point. A couple of points, actually. To Lady Thul, the point was that he was not some greenhorn noble that would bow and scrape to his seniors (an odd thought, since she was apparently a decade younger). To the officers, the answer was a little more straightforward: don't kark with me again.

All he had to do now was wait for her to get the time to introduce herself.

Triter Zone

The Littlest Space Pirate
[member="Elaine Thul"]
[member="James Justice"]
[member="Gray Raxis"]
[member="Jack Raxis"]
[member="Aveira Dax"]
[member="Dresden Verbrennung"]

"Trierarch, we've entered the Alderaan system, approximately 43 megameters from Alderaan proper. Vector has been laid in for geosynchronous orbit above the Thul residence."
In the center of the bridge of a ship, a furred, five-fingered hand drummed its digits on the arm of a half-shadowed command chair.
"Well done, helm. Sensors! What's out there?"
In a corner of the bridge, a small being swiveled their chair around, looking up at the shadowed figure.
"Several large vessels, Trierarch; smaller craft shuttling to and from the surface at regular intervals. Transponder data confirms the Justice Shipping fleet, as expected."
The command chair was suddenly illuminated by the glow of instruments set into it. Cast in the green and orange light of holograms and readouts was a small, robed figure, the glow revealing sharp, vulpinoid features and a gleam of intelligence in dark eyes.
The ship's main view-screen came up, revealing the view forward. The blue-green globe of the planet Alderaan hung in space, with the occasional sparkle of ship drive exhaust and the glint of vessels and stations in orbit. A square in the bottom right corner revealed a zoomed image of a group of ships, hovering in geosynch above a specific region.
The being in the chair reclined slightly. The instruments dimmed, casting the occupant back into shadow.
"Just as he said..."
The zoomed image on the main screen vanished.
"Helm, adjust our vector to bring us into formation with the Justice fleet. Comm officer! Send a message to their flagship, care of Triter Zone to James Justice. Tell him: 'I'm here, and I don't lift heavy things. Now where do you want me?' Those words."
"Aye, Trierarch!"

Triter Zone strode through the corridors of the frigate Liburn, his trademark dark green cloak billowing slightly as he walked and making him appear only slightly larger than his actual 1.3 meters. Crewers he passed offered casual salutes or hearty hails, which he acknowledged with a smirk and a friendly nod.
Xim's bones, but it was good to have a ship again!
The young pirate had recently recovered the Liburn from the clutches of a Manphan crime lord who had somehow acquired it after its builders, the Ossein Pirates, had been wiped out. Triter, the last Ossein who still claimed to be one, had made a point of reclaiming the ship to avenge the honor of his fallen comrades, storming the vessel, fighting his way to the bridge and killing its captain.
He had offered the surviving crew a choice; either flee, fight, or take his orders as their new captain and employer. A large number had taken the third option, and the young Amaran space pirate had found himself in command of a surprisingly loyal and professional body of beings, the creme of the old captain's organization no doubt. They were a motley bunch, to be sure; mainly Shawda Ubb, as the ship had been based out of Manpha, but also Cantrosians, Mugaari and Humans, as well as a few representatives of other Outer Rim sentients. Though they had feared Triter at first, having recently fought against the young pirate and not knowing what sort of revenge he might take on them, they had grown to respect him, and to trust him. He had made an effort to get to know all of his subordinates, which had made him popular as well.
He had taken the title of Trierarch, rather than the more traditional Captain, as a matter of preference, and as something which others might find memorable. It was an old Tionese word, roughly translating to "the master of a ship", or more accurately, the master of a Trireme, an ancient class of triple-engined warship which had been used in the navy of the long-dead conqueror Xim the Despot.
The way Triter used it, it meant something closer to "Grand Admiral", or even "Emperor"; context was still being worked out.
All Triter knew so far was that it was a title which would be remembered.
The Amaran entered his quarters, located at the end of a long corridor in the crew berthing areas, and crossed the tasteful but utilitarian cabin to a computer terminal. Easing into a chair, he cued up the communication function, awaiting his reply from James, who was likely on the surface.
The man did bother to ask my help. The young Trierarch mused to himself. Something about moving an estate? Or fortifying it? Kark, whatever it is it'll give me something to do...
Main Delegates: [member="Dresden Verbrennung"] [member="Jack Raxis"] [member="James Justice"] [member="Darth Vulkan"]
Employees: [member="Triter Zone"] [member="Aveira Dax"] [member="stardust"] [member="Gray Raxis"] (sorry would be to many for me to interact with)

James and Jack where the first of the building contractors to arrived, she still had to wait for Draco of clan Vereen. Justice shipping did bring with it a lot able employees, she just hoped they had the curtsy, to go through the proper channels. Jack of clan Raxis was the first to address her, he did so wrongly, she was not a miss, she was duchess and as such should be address as Lady Thul. Something she would have to correct him on later, as she was about she saw one her men get shot by the royal general, fortunately it was idiot cousin who she had to put in charge of unit off the militia. She was actually relieved, as he was trying to court her, and he was ugly and too closely related. She turned to the two men with her Jack and James and said First off I am not a miss, I am Lady Thul. Secondly to business, yes I need man power, and materials. As well as a battle plans that could defend this ground, in the event of an invasion by the one sith. Everything else is secondary, even the pride of some of my lesser cousins, or lives for that matter. She then turned her head to a recently deceased one. ​Know I am waiting for another contractor to arrive, but you are here know so please follow me. She began to walk towards the royal general, and as she did some servants quickly removed the body off Sedrick Thul. She quipped under her breath, I suppose I better arrange his funeral. She then waited for the general to address her, so they could carry on to architects office. Once their she would lay out her plans, and they could tell her what they could deliver on. She wanted to get everything in motion, so she could retire to her town house, and keep an eye on progress from there.
Why was she here today? She didn't know. Who was she working for. She didn't know nor cared. Where was she right now. She had no clue just woke up from the souls of soldiers running in the halls and the commander speaking over the intercom. "Every one to their positions and await for further instructions." Echo sighed as she sat up in her bed. "Another day, Another Paycheck. Was what she though as she looked to her right seeing Cher cloths folded and ready for her. She did her morning routine then made her way to the bridge to find out they were on another planet. Holding a cup looking out with a blank face. " Were the feth are we? And where is the rest of the fleet?" Then taking a drink from her cup The commander looked around while everybody looked back at him confused. "Um were where Mr justice had told us to go. Don't you remember getting the message last night?" Echo looked over at the commander. "Do you really expect me to remember after the drinking I did." They had gotten low enough they could see ships thatvlooked apart ofbthe company. Rose grabbing her communication device she sent a message out to who ever was there. "This is echo commander of the medical corps and guessing why we are here is from my idiotic troops failed to mention why we are here but if they feel like we should be here I'm going to guess justice is here and I will be sending troops down to help with what ever you need. If you need me I'll be in my room." She said throwing the communicator at the commander then went back to be."

(I'll be helping personally after my next post.)
James wrinkled his nose, confused, what was the difference? It was lost on a common freighter captain like himself. James gave [member="Jack Raxis"] a slap on the shoulder ((I see what you did there, Nice word play)), "This man could certainly give designing point defense some justice."

He activated his wrist comm so all the foot workers and the officers alike could hear, "[member="stardust"], ye will be in charge of demolitions and the removal of the unneeded parts of this building. [member="Gray Raxis"], stop staring at her lekkus. Its disturbing the children. Ye are going to help her with demo."

He heard the message from [member="Triter Zone"]'s underlings. James was genuinely pleased. He was afraid the Pirate commander would be too busy causing terror in the outer rim to help him out. But, good friends always find ways to make time for each other, "Mate I be glad ye made it, if ye men are up for it, ye can start whipping the local farm boys into a milita force to be reckoned with."

The spacer saw [member="Aveira Dax"] descending from his ship. He sighed, he would have to stop giving women rides. It was messing with him on more ways than one, "Ave, I want ye to gather the local boys for Triter's training."

James smiled and looked to [member="Elaine Thul"], "We'll have this done in a matter of a brace of shakes, miss."
[member="James Justice"] [member="Elaine Thul"] [member="stardust"]

Gray listened to James giving out orders and winced a little. He heard James talking to him both right next to him and through the com in his helmet. It was annoying the double echo he was getting from the man. Why couldn't his boss have jumped into a big box before he gave his message or better yet traveled back in time after jumping into the box and gave Gray his order in the past before he had gotten a good distance away from Star and her lekkus?

Gray said, " You could have told me in person James, and just so you know, I enjoy massaging her lekkus for her. Do you realize how tense those things get because of you?" He patted him on the shoulder playfully and then left to go join Star. He hurried over to the location excited to get to set some explosives. Demolition was always a fun thing to do, but he had to admit his idea of demolition tended to involve making a pirate ship or star fighter go up like a fire cracker and not in a constructive way.

Gray came up to Star and said, " Alright beautiful, tell me what to do and where you want it done. This grunt is ready to mindlessly earn some credits."
Stardust grinned as she heard James through her comm as she sat down the stuff she had in its designated area"hahahha James you give the all the best jobs and people to work with huh"she said and laughed as she went to pick up the explosives

She smiled as she saw gray run up and ask what to do"we'll I can't say that here as we're in job however I'm sending you coordinates for demo charges "she said as she sent through to him " pretty easy I've got the detanator so I can time it correctly "she said as she smile
[member="James Justice"]
[member="Gray Raxis"]
[member="Triter Zone"]
[member="Elaine Thul"]
[member="Echo Emerald"]

Aveira Dax

Weapon of The Dark Side.
A puzzled look formed across the soft lightly pink-toned face of Aveira as she read the expression upon James’ face. The fact that she didn’t know what was going on with him bugged her; she was usually good with people and reading him, she knew something was up but what?

“Uh huh. Right. I’ll go get them..” she said calmly then rolls her eyes before muttering something out loud just barely loud enough for the man to hear him in regards of how she needs to find her own ship and humans are odd.

Aveira heads off to find the locals that Justice mentioned.

[member="Gray Raxis"]
[member="James Justice"]
[member="Echo Emerald"]
[member="Elaine Thul"]
[member="Triter Zone"]

Jagen Wren

The Force was kind to Jagen Wren that week.

Not only did he recently win a swoop race in the Lok system, albeit he modified the swoops of the opposition before hand, but he managed to book freighter passage back to Alderaan in time to be walking up the path to where [member="Elaine Thul"] was rebuilding her family estate at that exact moment.

For two days, he slept in a cargo bay that smelled of gundark poodoo and held a cage full of vicious Scyks from the Tatooine system that snarled and shook the cage every time Wren even blinked, For two more days, he had to walk all the way from the city about eight-hundred kilometers from the estate, only stopping for a few minutes at a time to take a sip of water and relax his aching feet, because he had used the minuscule amount of credits he had on him for a few drinks at a cantina in the starport and couldn't afford a taxi.

So Wren was actually quite excited and relieved when he swore he could see the cocky [member="James Justice"] through all of the construction work from down the path, when he was about a few hundred feet from them, he stopped and yelled "Jaaames! Guess who didn't die a few sectors away!" before grinning like the lunatic he was.
Eventually, the young noblewoman got around to seeing Dresden and his crew. The Lord General nodded politely.

"Salutations," he said to [member="Elaine Thul"]. "I am Lord General Dresden Verbrennung, of House Antilles."

The title was a mouthful, but at least he managed to get it out without tripping over his own tongue.

"The Crown sends its congratulations to House Thul, and wishes you the best of luck in rebuilding."

Kark all this formal horsecrap, he thought to himself. Time for plain speak.

"They sent us along to check up and see how everything was coming along and to see if you need any help. Brought a couple of engineers along in case you need some help getting everything set up if ya need it. They might not be much in the way of officers, but they know their way around a blueprint, which is nice."

Aveira Dax

Weapon of The Dark Side.
Moments passed before she returned with the locals that she was sent off to gather. The slightly upset expression upon the young Zeltron's face never faded as she walked back over towards James Justice; leaving behind the group of local thugs.

"Alright. Now what?" she grumbled a little then looks off to the side while she sightly fought her urge to punch the man square in the mouth. "No.." she whispered so low that James' probably wouldn't been able to hear her as she began to calm down. They were embarking onto a dangerous mission, last thing she needed was to get herself killed due to being frustrated.

[member="Dresden Verbrennung"]
[member="Jagen Wren"]
[member="Gray Raxis"]
[member="James Justice"]
[member="Aveira Dax"] [member="Jagen Wren"] [member="stardust"] [member="James Justice"] [member="Elaine Thul"] [member="Jack Raxis"] [member="Dresden Verbrennung"] [member="Echo Emerald"] [member="Triter Zone"]

Gray smiled to Star behind his helmet. He said, " Someone is a naughty girl, and I might have to punish her a little bit for it later." He chuckled before he added, " On it beautiful. I'll go set up for your big show, but I expect a kiss as a reward for all my hard work later." He winked behind his helmet yet again. He really needed to learn to stop making facial expressions people couldn't see.

Gray went to every spot and set up the explosives. He rigged them up so that they would do their job without killing or hurting someone in the process. He began to move away from the last one at a jog as he slide his hand up to the side of his helmet. He said over his com, " Alright the explosives have been set Star. I'll give out the warning." He switched the com channel so everyone could hear him and said, " Warning, explosives are about to go off in the designated destruction areas. Clear the area or suffer damage to life and limb. Any who does not adhere to the warning will be docked pay and will get a disappointed headshake. I repeat, explosives are about to go off in the designated destruction area. Clear the are or suffer damage to life and limb."

Gray for clear of the area and said over his com channel with Star, " Light it up whenever you are ready beautiful. Give these guys a good show."
Strdust went to her areas and set the charges for her, she had set them so they go off all at once for safety reasons

Yea yea after this job we'll head to my places"she said smiling"oh don't worry you'll get more then a kiss hahaha

She smiled "alright alright folks fireworks in all not clear grab some cover and " she pressed the button as she watched the first explosion go off spraying rock dirt and whatever else was mixed in"yeeeehaaa perfect explosion of the area"

[member="Gray Raxis"] [member="James Justice"] [member="Aveira Dax"] [member="Dresden Verbrennung"] [member="Jagen Wren"] [member="Elaine Thul"]
Main Delegates: [member="Dresden Verbrennung"] [member="Jack Raxis"] [member="James Justice"] [member="Darth Vulkan"]
Employees: [member="Jagen Wren"] [member="Aveira Dax"] @stardust @Gray Raxis [member="Echo Emerald"] [member="Triter Zone"]

She bowed her as sign of respect to the representative of House Antilles, and then listened to hat he had to say.
​Help would be much appreciated my lord, if you would all like to come this way. She said with slight smile after he thought Kark all this formal horsecrap, he thought to himself. Time for plain speak.
As she they moved James made the mistake of talking "We'll have this done in a matter of a brace of shakes, miss." She gave him a look of disdain, and replied I am a Lady, not a miss
She then moved to the planning room, as the first slates of the roof began to be removed. The job of keeping what they could of the old had begun, and it was ow it should be.

She then entered hat was best could be called a porter cabin, where she had a holo projector. She was going to lay out her plans for her knew home, she did not mind other house of alderaan, knowing about it. As if they where worried about her doing this, they might build one themselves, and that would increase alderaan defense, and that would be a good thing.

She pressed the on button, and told the people in the room.
I am wish to turn this part of my estate, into a three thousand meter fortress.
I want underground storage and factories, as well as power station.
I need hidden artillery pieces, to take out star fighters and capital ships, as well as the pound any incoming ground forces.
I need shields to stop them attacking me at long range or from orbit.
I want room to store, and equip and launch six star fighter squadrons, to defend this land, and other houses.
I want my militia to be trained to use the equipment, and to fight in this fortress.
I want the place to be glitter proof.
I want to be able to hold all my near by subjects.
I want to able last a siege for up ten years.
Then when built I want to be cladded and landscaped, so no one can tell how well it is fortified.
Know Draco of the clan Vereen, is to supply the metal Turadium Plates, to build the fortification out off.
Is there any questions?

She waited for reaction, from the general, and for others to tell her what they can and can not do.

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