Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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House Thul Rises

Kezeroth looked at the two Zabrak and chuckled before spitting again. Kezeroth did not understand Zabraks at all. " Such a Fragile Species.... I could break you both." This was the last thing Kezeroth said before turning his attention to [member="Alexandra Cinthra"]. Pointing to her he said " You! You seem familiar have i fought you before?" Kezeroth couldnt put his finger on when but he had fought her before once on Couresant before he joined One Sith. Those were the good crazy days when he killed almost anyone he met.

[member="Larkoon Darkmat'r"]
[member="Evard L'Rik"]
[member="Alexandra Cinthra"]
[member="Darth Tsolan"]
[member="Elaine Thul"]

Evard L'Rik

Got Lightning Running Through my Veins
I smirked. So the guy was bored? Heh.

"I left because I was possessed and forced to kill most of my friends and family. The only good thing I got out of it was a crapload of money and a nice ship. So, yeah. Don't tell me about exile."

I looked back to the Thul lady, and waited for an answer.

[member="Alexandra Cinthra"] [member="Larkoon Darkmat'r"] [member="Darth Tsolan"]

Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian
[member="Kezeroth Barcu"] [member="Darth Tsolan"]

Alexandra's eyes fell on him and for a moment she held no emotion at all before smiling. "No, if anything im probably the one that messed up your face buddy, you should get that looked at as its absolutely disgusting and i feel sick just standing here." Only after she said that did she have the sinking feeling that provoking the one that she had fought on coruscant that one time was a bad idea, but hey, she had more important things to do than fight with the Gendai, and if he was so stupid as to actually attack her she would have nothing to say about it as the mission was more important.
Tsolan let out a small laugh at Alexandra's words but till took a small step, placing himself slightly in front of her. The message was subtle, but clear. Touch her, and I'll make you wish you didn't regenerate. Sith, jedi, jensaarii, padawan, or hell, even a demon like the dark lord he didn't care. His blade was always ready as anyone who tried to make an enemy of Alex would instantly become an enemy of him.

[member="Alexandra Cinthra"]
[member="Kezeroth Barcu"]
Kezeroth stepped closer to [member="Alexandra Cinthra"], but gave her couple feet of space. Holding his Saber-Pike like a staff in one hand, he glared at her and made his jaw stern at her remarks. Though she was correct Kezeroth was Ugly, He himself loved it. " Gooooood...." Kezeroth said grinning and then looked at [member="Darth Tsolan"] which he had seen in battle couple times. Kezeroth chuckled. " A new Mate perhaps eh?" Kezeroth slowly frowned and looked at [member="Alexandra Cinthra"]. " Id like to finish that battle one day...But...That day has not Arrived.." Kezeroth said in a Brute like tone and turned his head to look at Nulgath and smiled. Kezeroth was a bully and a crazy one at that, He didnt care i what species you were either. Looking back at @Dath Tsolan and [member="Alexandra Cinthra"] he grinned.

[member="Evard L'Rik"]
Tsolan's eyes narrowed behind the shield of his mask. He didn't like brutes. They were primitive minds whose ambitions rarely extended past finding out how man things they could smash. No, for him, creatures like [member="Kezeroth Barcu"] were there to be carefully manipulated. He understood that the wrong push in the right place might get him crushed but otherwise, he failed to see any real threat in the gen'dai.

[member="Alexandra Cinthra"]
Larkoon could not help but enjoy feeling such tensions in the team. The darkness. Good...This was great and all, but they are on an assignment and therefore he knew there was a time and place for such fights. He walks over, crossing his arms with a dark smile on his face. The boy stops in front of beast and the man. "Cease...We are on a mission, monster..." The boy hissed at the giant. "We are here to serve Lady Thul...Please, let us not quarrel amongst ourselves..?"

[member="Darth Tsolan"]
[member="Kezeroth Barcu"]
Kezeroth widened his eyes at [member="Larkoon Darkmat'r"] in a Angery. Just a Minute ago he was explaining that to him and now he is saying it again? Kezeroth growled at the Zabrak, but the Zabrak was right. Kezeroth looked at the group now and sighed. Kezeroth was growing impatient and would not stand around forever and yet for now he had too. Kezeroth looked down at [member="Larkoon Darkmat'r"] again. " Just a Minute ago you had no clue what was going on! Why do you now speak like you know?" The Gen'Dai said, Even though he himself wasnt sure what his Orders were on this mission.

[member="Larkoon Darkmat'r"]
[member="Darth Tsolan"]
[member="Alexandra Cinthra"]
" Because I just Informed him, Why are you causing Trouble Kezeroth? Save your rage for the Battles Ahead you smelly Beast" Nulgath said as he Approached the Group.

Nulgath had been partnered with Kezeroth and knew the monster best as they bonded during a 3 month long trial. Nulgath bowed to Everyone and then Nodded at [member="Darth Tsolan"] and [member="Alexandra Cinthra"]. Nulgath had also seen them in battle at times. Very good Fighters.

" I Hope Kezeroth isnt that much of a bother, I look forward to joining you all in Combat" He said with a Grin.

[member="Larkoon Darkmat'r"]
[member="Darth Tsolan"]
[member="Alexandra Cinthra"]
[member="Evard L'Rik"]
Larkoon shuts his eyes and smiles deviously. "I as well...[member="Nulgath Zardai"]..." It interested the young Zabrak to see the Lord, [member="Darth Tsolan"] take such interest in the force sensitive female. What's that all about? The way he jumped in front of her as soon as the hint of danger arose? While he didn't do a thing when the mondo monster was about to swallow Lars? Hm....Perhaps a weakness?

To be dragged down by such petty emotions was sickening to the young Zabrak. Made his stomach hurt. Only because he himself never felt such feelings towards anyone. All he has thought about was himself. Occasionally others, but mostly himself. Larkoon pockets his hands and walks over back to the support beam to lean against it.

[member="Darth Tsolan"]

[member="Alexandra Cinthra"]

[member="Evard L'Rik"]
Javik stepped off a Large Shuttle. Out came the Blue Marked Beast standing 9'8ft full height and his big cloak covered his other two sets of arms and back Wing Features. Through the Cloak Horn like features showed and were torn showing big Horns on his Elbows, Knees and Down his Spine. Javik's face was a Scalely Chitin of sorts and had two small white eyes and a large mouth full of fangs and teeth. Some of his teeth had bloody bits in them but this was from his last big meal. Javik Walked forward with his strong chitin armored legs and made a smile when he was near the group. Quickly Javik made popping noises so he could see through Sonar and his hairs all over stood up having him feel his surroundings.

It was Obvious Javik was blind but he looked like a rapid Monster. Javik was Ugly yes but supersmart, Lacking developed vocalcords Javik Threw his thoughts to the group infront of him.

<< " Hello fellow Creatures, I am Javik Quar-Kai, Ally to you and Prophet to my own kind. I look forward to traveling with you." >> Javik said calmly and his voice was very relaxed.

[member="Larkoon Darkmat'r"]
[member="Darth Tsolan"]
[member="Alexandra Cinthra"]
[member="Evard L'Rik"]
[member="Elaine Thul"]
Please everyone, no violence here. As I doubt my wall`s can, withstand it. She said, in a sharp, but polite manner. She could not afford to rebuild her home, if these people destroyed it. She continued in same voice, Know please would you separate into groups, and go clear out the mine. Then other for some reason killiks like pottery, go and trade with them. As I could do with them as work force, those pent up aggression go take down those rebels. The rest go trade with the killiks, I have few things I need to do here, so I will be in disposed. That was a bit of lie, she did not want to get her hands dirty. Plus is was almost tifin time, and she could not simply miss tifin time.

[member="Darth Tsolan"], [member="Evard L'Rik"], [member="Alexandra Cinthra"], [member="Kezeroth Barcu"], [member="Darth Praelior"], [member="Nulgath Zardai"] [member="Javik Quar-Kai"]

Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian
[member="Elaine Thul"] [member="Javik Quar-Kai"] [member="Larkoon Darkmat'r"] [member="Nulgath Zardai"] [member="Kezeroth Barcu"] [member="Darth Tsolan"]

And with that said, Alexandra smiled as she lifted the rifle to her shoulder. "Fox Face, time to go... also..." She leaned in close, though if Elaine was listening she would hear the words. "My house is better than this one, and im not even a noble." With that a smile rose on her face and she tapped his should in order to grab his attention if that hadn't, making her way to the door while she whistled the same soft tune that she normally did.
Woah, is their gonna be another monster? Bring a green one and we will have a trifecta going on here. The boy slowly turns his head in the direction of [member="Javik Quar-Kai"]. Massive. A sith beast is it? The child shuts his eyes and smirks to the royal human standing a few feet from him. "As you wish....Milady..." Lars alost says this in a jokingly tone, as he didn't believe anyone but those of higher mastery of the force had the authority to tell him what to do.

Fighting the rebels..Hm...Lars has always had this deep sense of rage and anger in his heart, however it would be most unwise in his current level of training to go out and lop off heads, or so he feels.

The white zabrak acts his age of 15 sometimes, but other times he's most mature. "Now...Who shall it be...?

[member="Darth Tsolan"]

[member="Alexandra Cinthra"]

[member="Evard L'Rik"]

[member="Elaine Thul"]
A small laugh sounded from behind the mask as he heard the words, soon following after her towards their destination. "Might I suggest trying to stay out of sight until we reach their leader? As miss Thul suggested, she'll need a workforce and stealth might do us the best job of allowing that."
[member="Alexandra Cinthra"]

Evard L'Rik

Got Lightning Running Through my Veins
Workforce, eh? Not my type of job. Killiks, though? Fun, fun, fun.

I stalked off towards what I imagined to be the main nest of the local Killiks. If they tried to attack, I'd shoot first, but I wasn't going to initiate combat.
Kezeroth looked at them and laughed walked toward the Mines main direction. He did not care about any leaders in the Rebel force he would destroy them all. Kezeroth looked back and pointed at [member="Larkoon Darkmat'r"]. " You will show me your skills.. Come!" he barked as he started in a jog.
Nulgath waved at everyone and started after Kezeroth, Someone had to keep him inline after all. Nulgath turned around and started a backwards jog signaling [member="Larkoon Darkmat'r"].
He smiled and drew his light saber but did not active it.

" Larkoon, Will you join me in Battle?" He said as he got further.
[member="Larkoon Darkmat'r"]

Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian
[member="Darth Tsolan"]

"Why do you think im wearing what i am and i hid my sabers, hiding in plain site my friend. Plus come on. Its not like workers can tell a force user by looking at them and even if they could im the one Sith with a lightside aura, no one will ever recognize me." She smiled and held the old blasterrifle on her shoulder and grinned wider as she thought of something. "The problem is where you are going to hide mister Tsolan, i think that you might raise a brow."
Javik stood their confused but then quickly understood the situation and walked by [member="Darth Tsolan"] and [member="Alexandra Cinthra"]. Looking at them and making a popping noise to see through sonar he looked at them and reached out to their minds << " If you dont mind I would like to company you both to the Objective." >> Javik stopped the popping noise and got in a Gorilla like stance to better move freely.

[member="Darth Tsolan"]
[member="Alexandra Cinthra"]

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