How and where exactly?
Zeradias Mant Democracy Dies in Darkness Character Bio Dec 5, 2017 #2 [member="Na-Doth Emerlar"] All the information you're looking for is in the Company Creation section of the Factory.
[member="Na-Doth Emerlar"] All the information you're looking for is in the Company Creation section of the Factory.
Natalie LaForte ~The Ghost watches~ Character Bio Dec 5, 2017 #4 [member="Na-Doth Emerlar"] I'm assuming you mean tier 2 to tier 3 so here's the requirements for such Spoiler Sign a contract with two other different factions or organizations. (May be NPC). Display growth through two passive expansions of your company. Display growth through one active expansion of your company.
[member="Na-Doth Emerlar"] I'm assuming you mean tier 2 to tier 3 so here's the requirements for such Spoiler Sign a contract with two other different factions or organizations. (May be NPC). Display growth through two passive expansions of your company. Display growth through one active expansion of your company.