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How can we make the Factory more accessible?

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler
I ain't interested in hearing from the diehard Factory haters, unless they have concrete suggestions that don't involve mass application of the delete button. I'm looking to hear from the folks who just aren't sure how to go about using the Factory, or whether they want to. I'm curious what holds you back, intimidates you, bores you about the Factory. What gets in your way? What would you like help with? More guides? Plainer language in the templates or rules?

Talk at me.

Dr'ven Khev'et

Actually, I found the factory rather easy to use. The only rough spot I had was trying to connect my custom planet to the lore. But that was writer's block. Not your fault.


An Honest Man
We could finally make the concession that numbers and stats don't matter and actually make it a repository for ideas. The factory is just a big expo for props in rp, or setting the scene, or explaining plot devices.

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler
[member="Cade Lee "]- The problem with that is that the Factory has to accommodate, and work for, all manner of RPers without discrimination. That includes people who base their submissions on ideas and people who base them on stats, and many of the latter set use them in ways where stats matter, for one reason or another. So we do the best we can to provide balance for those folks while providing room for creativity for everyone. If you've got something specific and practical to suggest along those lines, please feel free.
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
The factory as it is right now... I like a good balance. I can say that the first time using it though I was so lost. Thankfully Tef sent me to Adam at the time and he helped walk me though it. For a first time factory sub not everyone is going to be Jon or Ayden level of detail. You Jon have looked at some of my subs and pointed out alternatives in the legends canon or that already exist on the board. I haven't seen that from others save maybe Ayden and Domino for ships. I would want to see more of that if possible.

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler
Matsu Ike said:
You Jon have looked at some of my subs and pointed out alternatives in the legends canon or that already exist on the board. I haven't seen that from others save maybe Ayden and Domino for ships. I would want to see more of that if possible.

Now this is something we can work with. Would a pinned 'Does my idea already exist?'/'Does what I need already exist?' thread be an asset, do you think, [member="Matsu Ike"], or does some other way to implement it come to mind?


An Honest Man
[member="Ashin Varanin"] it's rather simple, we relax the judging and trust the players more. People fear the actual judging of the subs and how specific we are. Range on guns has never been something I've seen come up in the almost ten years I've rped. It's all relative honestly, and most armor subs could be relaxed. You could have a noob power game armor with a rating of one and a person with an armor rated 10 nerf it in their threads to be fair to players.

My point in a nutshell is that we do cater to all players, but the not-so-stat centric form the majority and they aren't vocal.
[member="Cade Lee "].

I must partially agree with you now. The first time users may be a bit scared at judging. I remember when I made by first submission, I was a bit afraid to see the responses made to the submission.

But I would never lower planet standards. Tech and starships may be too difficult at the moment, but other things seem to be golden... :p
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
[member="Ashin Varanin"] yeah I think that would be good and work. There are dozens of ships that do the same thing and have maybe one different calibration or hundreds of guns which all do the same things. It would be a nice thing to look at and see if you can already get what you want.

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler
[member="Darth Arcis"]


An Honest Man
[member="Maria Natalja"] to be brutally honest I know planets are thorough. But who all uses player created worlds and species? Most people just make their own play pretty and no one uses it unless they are popular tech makers or make their ideas readily available and advertise. I'm just calling for lower judging standards, relaxed guidelines and let the players play.

If they break the trust let the players police them and report if they won't edit, then let RPJs handle it.
[member="Cade Lee "].

I agree, planets are not used that much, but really, the Planet Creation is pointless if it were just simple approval if there is like... a single paragraph of culture and maybe two of history. At least I think I wouldn't ever want to lower my judging standards. Wookieepedia is full of planet stubs - planets which have basically no information of them. Planet Creation isn't here for making new subs.

But as I think planet standard shouldn't be lowered, I would be willing to help anybody who would need help with them or heck, I'd even make a guide. To be honest, with the recent change I made in the Culture section of planets, submissions have gone a lot better, so maybe it was after all just a lack of guidelines before?
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
Maria Natalja said:
I would be willing to help anybody who would need help with them or heck, I'd even make a guide.
That could be very helpful, I know I have enjoyed the research I have been doing and well editing in new things when it comes up added to the template.


An Honest Man
[member="Maria Natalja"] you're mistaking me. I'm not saying I don't think there should be quality, planets are part of SWRP chaos lore. What I'm saying is we distance ourselves from numbers and make the factory more if an idea repository and plot device/prop description log as well.
I like the way that the Factory is going, But I align with [member="Cade Lee "], because I have had a few people come to me and ask for help on how to make their sub look better. I do fairly well in subs (sometimes I make small mistakes and others I make larger ones, But I digress) I think if we made it more.... friendly? I guess is a word. Alot of the Tech judges and others (noting the Tech because I have seen it with the Tech more often) where they will simply state, "You need a dev thread for this." And thats about it. They don't try and converse with the other person and help them understand WHY they have to. And so it can intimidate people to simply come up and demand instead of explaining about what they could change to avoid a Dev thread, or talk to them on other things that they could do and would be easier.

I specifically remember This sub having this problem. But from what I have read about it, I find that they work together and talk it out.

TD;LR: Be more friendly, talk it out. Less demanding.
[member="Ashin Varanin"],


here for your dad
Sometimes, these things are just intimidating and there will always be people (such as me) afraid to approach in the fear of being given a harsh denial or getting brushed off.

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