Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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How can we make the Factory more accessible?

In Umbris Potestas Est
Certainly ship-wise, there's no reason to make any new ships. Only differences between them are gimmicks. You gotta allow the arms race if the factory's ever supposed to mean anything.


An Honest Man
[member="Enigma"] an arms race for ships used in pvp writing just would turn into a "who has the biggest e-peen" competition.

Lira Dajenn

Star War technology is in constant stagnation. There's small developments, but there's absolutely no leaps and bounds. An example of this from the Clone Wars all the way up to Legacy there's really no huge developments in technology. The only things that change are the shapes of the ships, the number of guns(due to miniaturization though even this is only slight) and placements of said guns, as well as shields getting maybe slightly better.

The current factory rules for ships actually reflect this pretty well.
Really the only major advancements that I have seen with ships is stronger hulls, and faster speeds. Maybe a little bit more powerful guns, but I remember Jon making an Elite Starfighter (I bought one because they are just plain and simple Kickass) that had a speed of 0.4. Now the Falcon was said to have a 0.5-0.7 in Canon. So as [member="Rahvin Talith"], said, not alot of leaps and bounds because we are already very well technologically advanced. I would say that the best that we could do was maybe a unique possibly Borderline unique set of ships that go a 0.2 with alot of dev threads. and maybe armor that can stand shots from larger ships to a higher degree.

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler
Dante Zankar said:
Really the only major advancements that I have seen with ships is stronger hulls, and faster speeds. Maybe a little bit more powerful guns, but I remember Jon making an Elite Starfighter (I bought one because they are just plain and simple Kickass) that had a speed of 0.4. Now the Falcon was said to have a 0.5-0.7 in Canon. So as [member="Rahvin Talith"], said, not alot of leaps and bounds because we are already very well technologically advanced. I would say that the best that we could do was maybe a unique possibly Borderline unique set of ships that go a 0.2 with alot of dev threads. and maybe armor that can stand shots from larger ships to a higher degree.
That 0.4 hyper speed took about four dev threads all on its own, lol, and it still only made that ship equivalent to a canon Bes'uliik. Any faster than that, and you'd need a TON of work. But that's just details. Fundamentally, you're right -- when we limit weapons power, people turn to other advancements, which is where the real creativity can show through.

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler
Also, an announcement, as replicated in the minor Factory announcement thread: I've just spent a good while going through the tech template and streamlining it. Way more/clearer examples, errors fixed, some lines changed. Have a gander; my hope is that folks will find it way easier to use.
I suggest a Wiki page for the approved content and put them in easy access categories. Ships with a sub category for each kind (Carrier, Interceptor, bomber, etc) and the same with weaponry (Pistols, snipers, etc). A lot of factions do this themselves with the tech they specifically use, but having a big one would make it that much easier. And the 'do we have it' won't be as pressing. With permission I may even start to do so myself. Well, after I figure out how to make my own Wiki page (I know I can do it!)
Ashin Varanin said:
hat 0.4 hyper speed took about four dev threads all on its own, lol, and it still only made that ship equivalent to a canon Bes'uliik. Any faster than that, and you'd need a TON of work. But that's just details. Fundamentally, you're right -- when we limit weapons power, people turn to other advancements, which is where the real creativity can show through.
*Darren here just to lazy to change*

Agreed. I can see that with the ship that you made it did take alot, but the weapons that you have worked on have gotten more Dev threads for Perma-kill tech. So a faster ship is not out of the question. heck, even a tank like ship as well.

Daichi said:
I suggest a Wiki page for the approved content and put them in easy access categories.
We used to have Wiki page but I think we stopped upgrading it. maybe we need to elect/assign people to update it. OR everybody just does it like the Wook where just about anybody can do that. (with a code or something to protect approved items and characters or whatever else)


Disney's Princess
Just throwing stuff out there.

  • Firearms need a "Rate of FIre" section added to their templates. The difference between a Semi-Auto Blaster and an Automatic Blaster is the difference between a living Jedi and a dead one. Recently the standard Republic Service Rifle was approved as an Automatic Weapon but this reference was delicately hidden within the description. :D

  • Searching Approved Content is extremely difficult and frustrating. Adding categories such as: Faction, Private, Public. With subcats such as: Ships, Armor, Firearms. ...Would be very cool. Just teach the Judges where to put things when moving them following Approval. :D

  • The Website Tutorials for new members might want to include: An Introduction to The Factory, section.

  • No Wiki please. These require Staff, Coders, Spam Prevention Tech, Money, and/or Advertising. :p

  • A "Pre-Submission/WIP" Area sponsored by the Factory that would allow members to receive feedback before actually going live with their sub. Factory Talk Thread is okay for the Pre-Alpha Stages. Not for Drafts. Also, gives those people who simply can't stop but to post a WIP on the website, because reasons. :(
for funsies

LET [member="Jay Scott Clark"] have his Gundam

but I like that idea of an introduction to the factory in the same section as warring factions. We explain dominions and invasions for new members.

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler
Jay Scott Clark said:
Firearms need a "Rate of FIre" section added to their templates. The difference between a Semi-Auto Blaster and an Automatic Blaster is the difference between a living Jedi and a dead one. Recently the standard Republic Service Rifle was approved as an Automatic Weapon but this reference was delicately hidden within the description.
This has been implemented.

Jay Scott Clark said:
Searching Approved Content is extremely difficult and frustrating. Adding categories such as: Faction, Private, Public. With subcats such as: Ships, Armor, Firearms. ...Would be very cool. Just teach the Judges where to put things when moving them following Approval.
This wouldn't work with our system, not without dozens or hundreds of man-hours. It's been discussed, it's been tried.

Jay Scott Clark said:
The Website Tutorials for new members might want to include: An Introduction to The Factory, section.
Noted, I'll take a look at it.

Jay Scott Clark said:
A "Pre-Submission/WIP" Area sponsored by the Factory that would allow members to receive feedback before actually going live with their sub. Factory Talk Thread is okay for the Pre-Alpha Stages. Not for Drafts. Also, gives those people who simply can't stop but to post a WIP on the website, because reasons.
Virtually every faction has one of these. Those who don't have access to one for whatever reason generally end up running their submissions past a judge if they have questions. Also, this would pretty much be just members critiquing other members, as the judges are too busy to review every submission twice, and the members-critiquing-members thing just ends in hurt feelings and unnecessary ragequit. It'd slow things down for both submitters and judges, and basically just exist as a drama farm. If y'all want that, there's half a dozen factions I could recommend, lol.


Disney's Princess
Bellalika said:
LET Jay Scott Clark have his Gundam


Disney's Princess
Oh wait. Has one more.

  • Before a Faction redoes it's Armory Manifest completely. (Everytime management shifts, etc.) Ask them to provide links to the old stuff so it can be deleted from the Approved Tech Section. Or sold to a company and moved to Public Status. Otherwise it's just sitting in the lists collecting dust. :)

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