Hmmmmm unrelated note, we look similar.
We shall start at 5/10 then add and subtract points.
- 1 for Drinking problems plus thing for girls. Not common for people to have that and actually implement it in the RP.
- 1 for Bow. Uncommon and interesting choice.
So we are at 3/10 looking good... but
+ 1 for being handsome 'but wears a helmet'. Blond Hair, blue eyed, 'handsome?' Tsk tsk.
+ 1 for Beskar. Everyone and their mother uses Beskar, I swear. It is like it is plastic. Every bloody thing is made from it.
+ 2 for being a Mandalorian. Almost as many of them as there are Force Users. I am going to take it down to + 1 because of his support of the Republic.
+ 1 for small biography. Doesn't tell me much, and most people have tiny ones.
So total: