Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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How do you avoid Cliche?

[member="Jay Scott Clark"]

There's merit to this idea of simply not worrying about the idea of being cliche', but I 'd say go a step further and deliberately embrace it.

There's an idea of a "conflict of influence," which is very Oedipal in nature. You emulate a master/mentor (or in this case, cliche') with the desire to be that thing that he/she is. Ultimately, however, you will be exposed to different circumstances and the simple fact that you ARE different will lead that cliche' to BECOME different, just like when the Missing Piece tried to chase the Big O. Luke destroyed the Death Star not because he "used the Force" in his effort to emulate Obi-Wan Kenobi -- He destroyed it because he'd made that kind of a shot a billion times as a bored farmboy shooting wamprats in a T-16 Skyhopper. He became what he always was. There are few roads up the Tree of Life, but there are many Saints/Ishta-Devata.

Appreciate that your brain is fundamentally different from everyone else's, and even if the culture at large recognizes these things as cliche's, your interpretation as to why and how they are is likely to be different. It's the journey, not the destination, and if you're on the road to enlightenment and you see the Buddha walking toward you, murder him.


Disney's Princess
[member="Adrik Turov"] [member="Fabula Cavataio"]

Couldn't have said it better. And I think you're both absolutely right. A quest to never be cliche again is irreversibly flawed. I just need to find my groove again.

[member="Trenchcoat Man"]

I've never been one to be original simply to be original. To be different just to be different. I love your insight but it's not what I'm looking for at this point in time. My journey as a writer is remarkably linear and always perceivable for a distance, and I've always appreciated that. So. When I did meet the Buddha? (Nice guy btw) I certainly didn't murder him, or even ask him for directions. I just kinda asked him if they had pizza up ahead.

We uh. We haven't talked since. *shrugs* :p

Great thoughts.

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