Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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How do you find muse?

The question is simple, what do you do when you want to generate muse? Or, alternatively, what do you find that gives you that motivation to post - or at least muse for your character(s)?

For character's like Silara and Braith... I listen to music which makes me feel like I'm closer to losing it. Stuff like Downward Spiral by Nine Inch Nails, or anything to make use of some of my more prominent emotional responses to write. I might put on some really motivational sounding music, too - or just suddenly hear such a soundtrack in a movie and get really into it, which fuels my urge to write, too.

Also getting angry/upset can give me some motivation for other characters, like Lisette.

I'm not too sure about Bianca, seeing as I've just started her up, but I think she is more spur of the moment right now, so it could be any number of things.
[member="Braith Achlys"]
I've always found the term muse rather odd.

I post when I have the time and when I feel like writing for that character. Is that muse? Maybe?

Either way, I don't need a special mood music and lighting to get me encouraged.


Personally...I go with the muse is pushed to give my faction a story. To give it's members content that will let them have fun, and watch them bond. Pictures, movies, music. It all gives me ideas. Also Star Wars canon and legends.
[member="Valiens Nantaris"] has it. Certainly I do find myself listening to certain Pandora stations or Youtube playlists, or on rare occasions certain vinyls on the record player for Aitis and Uriel/Ostanes. However, I don't need it to get me in the mood. It more just seems to happen.

If anything draws or gives out muse to me, it is honestly discussing things OOCly and plotting with others. Swapping plots.
I push myself to write in threads with the most amazing writers there are. This gets me in the zone. And then I use the muse I've just generated to post in more minor threads.

I also listen to music.

And take a look at awesome artwork.

Agree with [member="Ellya"], coffee helps me as I look at art work which might trigger a thought or thread.

Visual stimulation does it for me. But if you are struggling with a specific character it might be best to give that character a break for a while. Starting a new character can work, as it gets the creative juices flowing again and might just bring back to want to write your older ones.

Even if you never use the new character it is all about igniting the spark once more.
Music, manslaughter, the beach, ...other forms of release.
As soon as I can get they day to go away, I start to get the feeling, but also, it depends on the alt. Coren can rush post, Lucas and Kaia, not so much.
I used to have to listen to music, now I find it distracts me from writing. This past year has been a struggle for me in terms of writing, as I'm sure you've all noticed with my flip-flopping around, but recently my muse just sort of... Returned. I think playing TOR helped, especially the new storyline. I'd say that the movie helped too but I actually don't think it did. It got me all hyped up though, and discussing SW! Which is always a good thing.

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