Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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How Do You Relieve Stress?

Well this is part of my job advising on this, so I do it alot, be prepared for a wall of text to help!

First off removing the cause is obviously the best solution, if that's how you are thinking of the world for example, you need to look at that first and foremost for the long term solution. You are not alone in doing that, we all cause stresses for ourselves about something.

Stress of course is carried on the body, which is what gives people problems longer term

For the body:

Magnesium for the body, helps un-cramp muscles that's one of it's jobs, so it eases what you carry on the body. You can take this as a supplement, increase your diet of magnesium rich foods, spray it on as a mineral oil (highly targeted), or bathe in it (pure magnesium flakes are best, epsom salts are okay). In England especially were often partially Magnesium deficient, especially woman who require a bit more of it.

Then you have things like swimming to stretch the tension out, yoga, pilates, martial arts stretches, anything that gives you a full range of motion. Even standing there shaking your body down, people buy machines for this but all you need do is shake your limbs down, and do that for 5 minutes to relax out tension.

For the Mind:

One activity, so you are not letting it run onto everything else.

Distraction is good short term - If that's the gym, hit the gym, if that's riding a motorbike, get on the bike, if it's writing, get writing, or cook. Long term though you still need to find what's causing the stress and eliminate it (or make it okay), even if that's something inside of yourself (and it usually is)

Supplements for the mind:

If you want to go fringe you can get etherium black to calm the mind, there is not much research on nootropics but it's gradually coming through in such products like Alpha Brain : That's more for focus, amazing and expensive product if you are doing an exam, working a hell of a shift at work, or about to go into a tournament for sports. Can't use it regular unless you have cash to burn, but one off it's great from personal experience I recommend them both.

For me personally, Meditation is the best way to calm the mind, even if when you shut your eyes your brain is going a hundred miles an hour, good, that's the point, let it run. You'll find these days a lot of high paid professionals have naps half way through the day, or meditate, or just get out of the office, to do anything but what they were doing. This touches on breaking up the routine again.

Diet can be a big factor, if you are eating lots of sugars, you are naturally running your body faster than normal ;), have a look at how sugar stimulates the brain. Can be nice having that high, but if you are wanting to calm down or the opposite, look at cutting out the stimulants. Eating earlier at night, another big one, so you are getting rest rather than digesting food when you should be sleeping for example.

If you are into essential oils I can advise on that, it depends if you have much of a sense of smell (I don't sadly), but they can have an added effect if you just want to relax. Especially if you are somewhere that just plain stinks most of the day with bad air quality.

I can go on, but hopefully that gives you something :).
I play SWTOR, voice with friends to watch a movie together, plot new rp ideas for roleplay...

I garden a lot too. I found that getting out of the "cave" and outside is great for destressing and productive for producing some neat crops.

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