Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Thing is, presently the OOC leaders are the IC ones.

[member="Coci Heavenshield"]

This reply seems to ignore all the issues brought up in this thread.

As for individual feedback, I (and a number of others) recall posting extensive feedback on the Ruusan invasion. It was buried with arguments such as 'we wanted to write a story, ST wanted to win' and 'we've taken it into account'. Just to name one example.
[member="Moira Skaldi"] Then that's the part that needs to change. I've never believed that the two should be the same, honestly: that's how you have issues among the Sith when the Faction Admin isn't particularly active, but nonetheless holds the position of IC Emperor or DLotS or whatever - it invariably means that taking the title ICly means ousting them OOCly, too, and that's just inefficient. For the SSC's purposes, it causes dual stagnation: if the Faction Admins are busy or inactive, so too is the IC Faction Leadership, which means we're screwed in multiple directions. Separating the two ought to be a priority, frankly, so if one is quiet, the other is not.

[member="Coci Heavenshield"]

I admit, I've not been back very long, but judging how quiet things have been around here, it strikes me that what people want are the Faction Admins jumping in with a clear and declarative plan of action as to how the Faction moves forward, particularly with the OS about to go Minor and there being no clear indication of what the Galaxy is going to look like in the next few weeks.

Seems to me that the issue isn't so much that the Faction needs more staff, but that the staff it does have aren't operating in accordance with the way the Faction needs: in essence, more stepping-up, less encouragement. I wholly agree that Faction activity shouldn't depend on the staff, and that members should be choosing their own direction, but the sad reality is that they're not, and this leaves the SSC looking somewhat stagnant when there's opportunity for it to be on the ascendant.

Appointing more admins is a reasonable approach, but it doesn't solve the problem. It only puts a band-aid on the cut in the hopes that the bleeding stops.

Connor Harrison

Good points raised, all make sense.

So we are looking at more IC action and natural leadership, and take away OOC feelings or relations, to progress nothing but the Faction's story and core and values?

If this is the case I am more than happy to bring Connor into a more active role doing this under the Grandmaster. I have had many thoughts for Connor IC over the progression of the story-lines as one of the Silver Jedi founders with Iella way back when but have kept them quiet or not followed through for fear of upsetting or not being popular with any OOC writers who may not agree. At the end of the day, this is an IC Faction forged on established understandings and acceptance of the Faction values, like all others.

To clarify you want the IC Leaders to lead and push the Faction forward with the following areas;

- Strong ideas and strong pointers and not be watered down by OOC issues / feelings / relations etc

- You want regular Council Assemblies from all those who hold position to catch up on all matters others may not know about

- More organisation or participation in Dominion/Invasions, (even though we plan them before they launch and all agree on plots and objectives)

- No OOC issues to water down IC action

- Maintenance of the forums and cut out / improve areas that need work

Again, thinking aloud and just want to pull out the root of what people feel should be done going forward. Please correct or highlight anything I've got mis-understood.

Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
Connor Harrison said:
Strong ideas and strong pointers and not be watered down by OOC issues / feelings / relations etc
We don't really have this issue, this is one of the faction where the drama is kept way way down and that is because [member="Coci Heavenshield"] when she is not busy has always been willing to listen to problems and try to work them out. Not an easy job but she has done it since the beginning of the sanctum and the members also are more open to talk with each other. Our conflict resolution and getting along is top notch in the faction but thats not an issue it seems to be a major compliment.

Connor Harrison said:
You want regular Council Assemblies from all those who hold position to catch up on all matters others may not know about
No the most I saw about the assembly was that it never met about issues which doesn't always have to. It shouldn't have to assemble for everything or have forced regular meetings but it also never really seemed to have an impact or a purpose beyond saying "This is the assembly" and Siobhan, Kei, Val stepping down from it was more "you are leaving what?" They don't have to be in the center of everything but they should also not be the appendix of the faction.

We have a grandmaster, we have a master of the order. the decision making processes and what people do generally falls to them because no one really remembers we have an assembly of people who are able or supposed to do things.

Connor Harrison said:
More organisation or participation in Dominion/Invasions, (even though we plan them before they launch and all agree on plots and objectives)
But the plan is for a small group in an objective sometimes we might get lucky and have two objectives with a plan but as no plan of attack survives first contact with the enemy most of the story and plans in dominions, invasions or skirmishes don't go past their initial objectives. We spend weeks planning it and what are the other people not invited along that objective supposed to do. They make up their own story, they aren't really part of the plan.

THen when we finish we spend another few weeks first trying to decide where to go, then planning with rinsing and repeating. Yes doing dominions and skirmishes one at a time allows our focus to be great but we also lose any momentum we make in the dominions or the skirmishes where we have activity running and people ready to post. We kill it and go slow again. We have a lot of great writers and we cater in a number of things to only a few at a time.

Our momentum is something that is important, it is something that people do like and when we don't have it we don't do or have much. We have all these worlds around us that can fit into the frontier vibe and well we ad a main goal of building defenses and preparing for a retaliation invasion that never came. So the real question is what do we do next? where do we go from here with all of the changes happening outside the sanctum? We are here and within ourselves it is great but we should try and have something or a few somethings going on.

Doesn't have to be big but something to keep interest, keep activity, keep things going forward. Learning what other characters are doing in their personal stories and how those if they need it could use some help. Maybe they need a small group, a small team that is on a planet we want to dominion. We can put that in there, while a main objective for others is going and then you have a collaborative rp that has different layers.We've kept interest and brought those writers/that writer more attention.

Connor Harrison said:
No OOC issues to water down IC action
This has never been an issue but it is going to happen, IC wise the sanctum starts and then stops because the ooc planning and deciding what is the one thing we want to do next becomes it. We could use the skills to multitask, not by doing several skirmishes, doms or invasions at once but plan one, do one, encourage one. Most of the time it was one person (Val) deciding where we went and the plan and getting it all going. We should encourage our members to all want to start dominion ideas.

Teach them how to look at a world/system and make objectives, make a story. Then let them run one, let them set it up and help push it forward. Then after they are working with another to teach them. Allowing the faction to not rely on Coci, Thurion, you or just the members who have been around for awhile/since the beginning to do the main things. We have that somewhat with the skirmishes, ones who participated are coming up with their own and taking the initiative.

Connor Harrison said:
Maintenance of the forums and cut out / improve areas that need work
Well that can be done but we generally have an organized forum some clean up would come in handy for some of the areas or thread trackers.

All and all the faction is wonderful, it is a great place to be but we spend so much time with the ooc trying to plan things we kill momentum that we build from activities. THe personal stories of the leaders are great to read but unless you have been with them for awhile coming in when they appear in a dominion is fairly daunting and that is what is usually written. It makes them in depth characters but it also doesn't let them connect with the members.

Which is where one of the other major complaints that the leaders are more interested in their own stories their own threads then ones with the faction. Yes they can do that and they don't need to do a solo thread with everybody but they rarely do much else. A faction thread seven months ago with Coci on Ossus, Connor leading for the new rakghouls or confronting Matsu Xaingu. Both were interesting but they felt like we were there to watch your story and didn't really add to the plot at all.

You guys are all busy in your real lives as well with various time zones, lives. Everything that goes on getting additional admins can ease the work but what else are they going to do? Are they going to be involved in leading faction activity? in cleaning up and easing the workload? What are they going to do? The suggestion of IC leaders and OOC leaders being two different people can work and be suggested but it would be a hard transition now that we have had it so long.

Connor Harrison

[member="Matsu Ike"] Thank you - however one thing that sticks out and is very clear to me is the divide in the Faction.

There is a line here, and some people are on one side, others are on another.

I have brought numerous ideas to the table here for Skirmishes or what not with other writers out of the SSC for everyone to join in on, get their view and willingness to participate and so it goes ahead...and then writers drop out or don't maintain activity. It happens, I know, but this is something that is everyone's issue, and not just leaders, and not something we can change. The rakghoul idea was from a Sith wanting to explore a SSC world that we could join with and Matsu wanted to play on a planet. They were external stories, and not personal ones, and if any or all fell apart, it was a Faction loss, not a personal one as it was always for the good of others to try writing new situations or face new threats.

Anyway, that line I was on about - I have seen, and so have others I am sure, a number of Events / Doms that one side of the line create and the other doesn't tend to participate in, and vice versa. The direction taken by both parties I feel is very different and that makes for it hard to please the Faction as a whole.

I'm trying to work out ways to knock down that "wall" and be more unified but I can't see a way yet without ruffling feathers. Maybe that's what needs to be done? I don't know.

I appreciate your words however, not just saying that, because it's good to know how views are on things, and it's good to talk these things, air them and not make it personal, as my skin in thick now as it never has been before as I want this Faction to continue stronger and with a set direction. Will that be playing the bigger Map Game to conquer more planets and take more assests? Maybe, maybe not. Will it mean cutting back on invading more into the Core and establishing ourselves as the Jedi of the movies were, as peace-keepers and allies to all Light Factions to ward off evil who didn't invade often, but were very much defensive with their territroy and ethics? Who knows.

My heads swirling with things but one thing to be understood is I love the Silvers from what it was to what it is and will do anything I can myself and with the Admins and the members to unify the Faction, set it strong and move forward.

[member="Connor Harrison"] | [member="Thurion Heavenshield"] | [member="Coci Heavenshield"]

I see the discussion about council assemblies and it's in the context of the Jedi Council (use of the term Grandmaster, etc).

I think this is a crucial question for the faction:

Are we the Silver Sanctum Coalition or are we the Order of the Silver Jedi?

I don't mean the name on the faction tag. I mean it's functional identity.

The FrontiersCorps is gone. The Levantine Astronautical Academy, the Antarian Rangers, and the AgriCorps are all defunct for all practical purposes. I don't know that I see any influence of the Levantine Sanctum anywhere in the faction at the moment. And I'm not saying that's a bad thing, but what I am saying is that I'm confused about who we are as a faction.

And I don't think I'm the only one.

I can generate stories and threads over in the Kathol Outback, because I have a clear impression of what that faction is, what it is about, and what it's goals and values are. I can generate stories and threads over in the First Order or the Mandalorian Clans for the same reason.

But I struggle to do it in this faction. As long as I've been here, I still don't know what this faction is. I think its a Jedi faction, it seems to be 90% Jedi or Force Users. But there's the Sanctum and these unresolved story elements from the Levantine Sanctum that I just don't know what I, as a member, am supposed to do with.

I apologize profusely if that offended anyone in any way, but there are some more thoughts from me.
[member="Boo Chiyo"] I've always seen it as a neutral faction: Force users focused on minimising the damage inflicted by the war between the Jedi, Sith and their allies. Something that actually gives a crap about the citizenry of the Galaxy rather than seeing them as a means to an end or something to be ruled/oppressed/trampled on.

That was the idea behind the Levantine Sanctum, when we first created it. I wasn't around for the merge with the Order of the Silver Jedi, so what it merged into, I'm unsure, but that was the way we'd originally intended things.

Connor Harrison

[member="Boo Chiyo"] A key point I think, and one that needs to be totally decided, stood by and publicized for any and all so they know what and who we are. I think this is one of the key points to tac down for going forward.

And I doubt any offence was taken; you raise a fair point and glad you did. Thank you.
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
[member="Boo Chiyo"] well from what I saw and this is my opinion... the sanctum kind of fell into a trap after the merge.

Sanctum writers didn't like the lack of sanctum related content so went to do their own thing
Silver Jedi writers saw the lack of sanctum writers and didn't try and include sanctum things

It kind of just went in a circle and I know we have some sanctum writers and that we have done some things but all the corps aside from a few (my ranger and agricorps members felt like the only one to ever be around) just weren't getting populated. Aside from Judah at the time and you with an alt (maybe I am not certain) the aeronautical academy seemed quiet as well. I understand why they were shelved from a lack of interest though.

[member="Connor Harrison"] just a quick thing and this is also my opinion.What you said is true, the skimrishes were brought from outside sources but they were also directly tied to you and you were the one who faced the villain more then the rest of us in them. It felt like me and my padawan in both threads. (Matsu and Sorel vs rakghouls & Nico and Lily vs zombies) were there to duel NPC's in the background. This is my opinion though and while one doesn't need to be the lead in all stories it also shouldn't feel like nothing would change if you weren't there. Those NPC"s wouldn't have attacked others or endangered them.

And I do agree about the wall, it seems like half the faction moves and joins threads when some members do and if they aren't involved then they aren't there which kind of sucks and there should be a way to bridge it.

Connor Harrison

[member="Matsu Ike"] Fair point and noted - it's that cliche of all film and novels; the story it's tied to is the character who faces the "main" villain and the others take care of the rest, but it shouldn't be always. I guess I feel I had to be the anchor to the thread and drive it forward and "lead" so others could roll with it, adapt, improvise...that sort of thing, but I get where you come from indeed. Nice one.

And the fence, as Boo and you discussed, is the Leventine writers and the Silver writers. Different ethos, methods and drives that maybe is more tricky now to please both sides. It's now what can be done to make it easier if anything CAN be done to please all. This is also a main factor I think with the "who we are?" notion Boo raised.
We're a neutral faction in that we accept almost anyone as long as they oppose the Sith. We're a lightsided faction in that we do just that, oppose the Sith and hence most of us are Jedi or at least good-natured individuals who strive to leave the galaxy better than it was when we found it. This is the current status of the Silver Sanctum Coalition.

Before the merge, this faction did consist almost exclusively of Jedi as it was an alternative to the Galactic Republic and the Jedi Order who, at the time, managed to alienate many of its members through various decisions and events, both ICly and OOCly. When the Levantine Sanctum came under threat of being recalled, they voted to rather merge with the Silver Jedi than go minor, hence the large and sudden influx of colorful characters from across the spectrum. This is why we've opened ourselves up to Dark Jedi, and even a very limited number of Sith such as yourselves.

The idea of the SSC is that no matter where you come from or what you identify yourself as, we can all work together to ensure the betterment of the galaxy, or at the very least our small corner of it. Have issues between members arisen because of our mixed bag of darksided versus lightsided characters? Sure. Will it happen again at some point? Most assuredly.

We've pulled through, basically drama-free, while so many other major factions who opposed us have folded due to whatever reason causing them to do so.

Has there been a lack of activity on the leadership's part lately? Sure, I'll admit I'm a bit overworked between juggling Admin duties, my personal storylines, and running this faction which I've put so much work into over the years. I know [member="Coci Heavenshield"] is experiencing the same weariness as she's been in a leadership position literally since day one of starting this faction.

Maybe it's time to pass the torch down to someone who feels they have more time on their hands to run a faction and with fresh ideas in mind. I'm not going to claim monopoly on ownership of the faction - it was never mine to begin with, and it should never belong to any one person - nor the title of Grandmaster.

But if I am to step down and allow someone new to lead SSC, it has to be done right. We're not doing it the Republic way, going behind people's backs and hold votes without the person in charge being on the same page. Find me someone who you feel fits the bill, and I'll gladly hand over the responsibilities if such is what this discussion will come down to.

If your desire is that we remain in office, then I ask all of you to please give us a chance to get things back on track.
[member="Thurion Heavenshield"] This is where I'm feeling at odds. You, Coci and Connor do a great job in running the Faction, but it seems to me that you need a break - this is why I'd keep you guys where you are, but maybe have the Faction step up in IC terms, take a little of that pressure off you in terms of generating content etc.
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
[member="Thurion Heavenshield"] honestly I think we all like you in the position and none of us would really want you to step down. You've been a great grandmaster and faction owner... but as you said there is a lot you have to juggle and the idea of having the IC and the OOC leaders be different people to lessen the workload can work in factions.... problem is under you, coci and connor... we've been pretty much able to drama free, majority problem free and happy as a faction. Changing that could lead to some of the discourse that plagues other factions which we wouldn't want... but us being selfish and keeping you running on fumes isn't exactly a nice thing to do.

I don't know what would happen but Tirdarius is o the right idea. get it into a position so you can have a break but still be there in case you are needed with some people able to lead different campaigns. Like we used to have Aika, Rasu, Sochi in charge inthe beginning for different parts to maintain and handle the faction.
[member="Thurion Heavenshield"]

As someone who came from the Republic, and had held out a sliver of hope that it might be something to RP with or return to in the future (no offense here guys), it's a sorry state of drama over there. What's happening there now I wouldn't wish on my worse enemy.

Connor Harrison said:
To clarify you want the IC Leaders to lead and push the Faction forward with the following areas;
- Strong ideas and strong pointers and not be watered down by OOC issues / feelings / relations etc
- You want regular Council Assemblies from all those who hold position to catch up on all matters others may not know about
- More organisation or participation in Dominion/Invasions, (even though we plan them before they launch and all agree on plots and objectives)
- No OOC issues to water down IC action
- Maintenance of the forums and cut out / improve areas that need work
[member="Connor Harrison"]

It'd be great to see the IC leadership put forward ideas and plots. I don't think it necessarily needs to be them, but that'd be a great utilization of their roles. If the Assembly were to meet (the Trial of Undin would have been a great opportunity for the Assembly to flex its RP muscles, for example) and discuss even one element of the current story, I think that would go a long way.

I guess I, like many, were under the impression that we were to be led and not be leaders. If we're all encouraged to put forth ideas and take ownership of them, then I might have a dom idea or faction event idea to put up. Conner's words over his experience with that concerns me, but sometimes people just aren't excited over what gets proposed. I think they feel an obligation to figure out how to work with it when a faction admin/leader proposes it, but maybe not when your average Joe Schmo does. That kind of attitude can kill a lot of motivation, so perhaps that's where our faction leadership can step in. If they look excited about and participate in a normal member's idea, it can legitimize it and create the activity it needs.

Part of the problem with dominions and invasions is, well, the dominions and invasions. They're big, awkward elements of a map game not everyone cares to play, with many rules, a high bar of completion, and often begin with a flurry of activity that can leave many slower writers lost in the dust of the starting line. Faction events are more nimble, forgiving (you're among friends here) and have a wider variety of stories that can be told. Even development topics can be a faction-wide event and have some cool stories told, without the big demon that is dominion hovering over it.

As many others have touched on here, what OOC issues? I haven't seen ANY drama here, bar none. Maybe you're all Canadians and have learned the art of passive drama, though.

Are there areas of the forums that need work? I guess it doesn't matter to me, but if there are, seems like an enterprising person could draw up a new blueprint and put it up for discussion.
Always hesitant to chip in on these kinds of threads given where I've seen them lead on other sites. This one seems remarkably civil though. Not going to start at the beginning, enough of that has been covered, I'll start from some of the more recent posts.

From what I've seen, people are always encouraged to come up with and present ideas. Some may be exceedingly self-serving, or hinge on a premise that makes absolutely no sense. Those tend to get shot down quickly. Then there are ones that get some interest, even if it is only part of the group. With these, if you have enough people to do what you want/need, go for it. There may be some that don't see the potential right off and jump in later, I know I've done that in the past. I've also left when things got boring or went directions I didn't like - we're only human (despite those who pretend not to be). Then there are those the entire faction gets behind. We can't all fight the main boss; some may not want to, others want to but may not get to. That's what the planning or OOC threads are for, to find something you do want to do, with someone you want to RP with.

As far as faction administration goes, I see no reason for any of the three to step down. I do think that adding to your number could help ease the workload though (this is not me volunteering, I'm slow enough to post as it is).

Connor Harrison

[member="Jerek Zenduu"] A good point, and from one coming from the Republic, this is interesting to hear and I see your points for sure and know we can work and improve on that.

[member="Audren Sykes"] Thank you too Audren. Your application for help has been logged. ;)

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