Connor Harrison said:
Strong ideas and strong pointers and not be watered down by OOC issues / feelings / relations etc
We don't really have this issue, this is one of the faction where the drama is kept way way down and that is because [member="Coci Heavenshield"] when she is not busy has always been willing to listen to problems and try to work them out. Not an easy job but she has done it since the beginning of the sanctum and the members also are more open to talk with each other. Our conflict resolution and getting along is top notch in the faction but thats not an issue it seems to be a major compliment.
Connor Harrison said:
You want regular Council Assemblies from all those who hold position to catch up on all matters others may not know about
No the most I saw about the assembly was that it never met about issues which doesn't always have to. It shouldn't have to assemble for everything or have forced regular meetings but it also never really seemed to have an impact or a purpose beyond saying "This is the assembly" and Siobhan, Kei, Val stepping down from it was more "you are leaving what?" They don't have to be in the center of everything but they should also not be the appendix of the faction.
We have a grandmaster, we have a master of the order. the decision making processes and what people do generally falls to them because no one really remembers we have an assembly of people who are able or supposed to do things.
Connor Harrison said:
More organisation or participation in Dominion/Invasions, (even though we plan them before they launch and all agree on plots and objectives)
But the plan is for a small group in an objective sometimes we might get lucky and have two objectives with a plan but as no plan of attack survives first contact with the enemy most of the story and plans in dominions, invasions or skirmishes don't go past their initial objectives. We spend weeks planning it and what are the other people not invited along that objective supposed to do. They make up their own story, they aren't really part of the plan.
THen when we finish we spend another few weeks first trying to decide where to go, then planning with rinsing and repeating. Yes doing dominions and skirmishes one at a time allows our focus to be great but we also lose any momentum we make in the dominions or the skirmishes where we have activity running and people ready to post. We kill it and go slow again. We have a lot of great writers and we cater in a number of things to only a few at a time.
Our momentum is something that is important, it is something that people do like and when we don't have it we don't do or have much. We have all these worlds around us that can fit into the frontier vibe and well we ad a main goal of building defenses and preparing for a retaliation invasion that never came. So the real question is what do we do next? where do we go from here with all of the changes happening outside the sanctum? We are here and within ourselves it is great but we should try and have something or a few somethings going on.
Doesn't have to be big but something to keep interest, keep activity, keep things going forward. Learning what other characters are doing in their personal stories and how those if they need it could use some help. Maybe they need a small group, a small team that is on a planet we want to dominion. We can put that in there, while a main objective for others is going and then you have a collaborative rp that has different layers.We've kept interest and brought those writers/that writer more attention.
Connor Harrison said:
No OOC issues to water down IC action
This has never been an issue but it is going to happen, IC wise the sanctum starts and then stops because the ooc planning and deciding what is the one thing we want to do next becomes it. We could use the skills to multitask, not by doing several skirmishes, doms or invasions at once but plan one, do one, encourage one. Most of the time it was one person (Val) deciding where we went and the plan and getting it all going. We should encourage our members to all want to start dominion ideas.
Teach them how to look at a world/system and make objectives, make a story. Then let them run one, let them set it up and help push it forward. Then after they are working with another to teach them. Allowing the faction to not rely on Coci, Thurion, you or just the members who have been around for awhile/since the beginning to do the main things. We have that somewhat with the skirmishes, ones who participated are coming up with their own and taking the initiative.
Connor Harrison said:
Maintenance of the forums and cut out / improve areas that need work
Well that can be done but we generally have an organized forum some clean up would come in handy for some of the areas or thread trackers.
All and all the faction is wonderful, it is a great place to be but we spend so much time with the ooc trying to plan things we kill momentum that we build from activities. THe personal stories of the leaders are great to read but unless you have been with them for awhile coming in when they appear in a dominion is fairly daunting and that is what is usually written. It makes them in depth characters but it also doesn't let them connect with the members.
Which is where one of the other major complaints that the leaders are more interested in their own stories their own threads then ones with the faction. Yes they can do that and they don't need to do a solo thread with everybody but they rarely do much else. A faction thread seven months ago with Coci on Ossus, Connor leading for the new rakghouls or confronting Matsu Xaingu. Both were interesting but they felt like we were there to watch your story and didn't really add to the plot at all.
You guys are all busy in your real lives as well with various time zones, lives. Everything that goes on getting additional admins can ease the work but what else are they going to do? Are they going to be involved in leading faction activity? in cleaning up and easing the workload? What are they going to do? The suggestion of IC leaders and OOC leaders being two different people can work and be suggested but it would be a hard transition now that we have had it so long.