Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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How many Jedi/Sith in Chaos galaxy?

Do we have an idea of how many practicing Jedi and Sith there are in the Chaos galaxy? Or, for instance, what is the total number of Jedi enrolled in the New Jedi Order? I am asking about PCs and NPCs. And I know there are likely exponentially more FUs, either unknowing, non-practicing, witches, etc. I’m mostly wondering how rare it would be the see a Jedi and/or Sith in every day life, recognizing that would differ from the core worlds and more isolated places.
Hah, I might.

For a more helpful answer though, it's not uncommon to run into one at all. I always think about it as being proportional to PC Force Users. Since the board has a bazillion FUs, the galaxy will have a ton of them running around also. Common folks still outweigh them numerically by a longshot, but we're nowhere near the movie days of Force Users being a rarity.

The Core Worlds are likely flooded with them. Not exactly every other street, but you probably run into one more days out of the week than you don't. The NJO used to be only a hundred or so Jedi, but I imagine that number would have grown considerably since the ancient days to the point where they're as common as the high republic era or more so.

The further out you go the less they're obviously gonna be around. Certain places, like the Sith spaces and various faction clouds are gonna be hotspots, as are canonically Force-related locations (usually), but on average not uncommon to find one running around in their bathrobes. With one of my characters I wrote them only ever having heard of Jedi like one might major celebrities. He lived out on a Farmworld in the Outer Rim, which may have been as rare as Jedi or Force User might get in the still-civilized parts of the galaxy.
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That is helpful. I like the idea of FUs being quite rare, but in a universe where that is not the case, I have a stronger desire than normal to play a FU. Hard for me to focus on two characters at once, but I think I will give it a try.
I’m mostly wondering how rare it would be the see a Jedi and/or Sith in every day life, recognizing that would differ from the core worlds and more isolated places.
Within the core worlds id say common. Further you go out then you have sith so...common. On Chaos Force Users in some shape or form are numerous unlike the Galactic Civil War Era.

Just assume 1/2 the people around you are force sensitive LOL
Based on this random reddit post, its about a 1 in 1e10^10 chance to be Force Sensitive. Extremely unlikely. That being said, Chaos has more Force Users than canonical star wars, so lets just quadruple that number.

We're probably talking about 40,000 total Force Users in the galaxy, not including near-Force Sensitives. Sith Order probably has a reasonable percentage of that, so maybe 15 to 20k Sith carried on through the old Sith Empires? I know some other majors don't allow NPC Force Users, so its really hard to say.
Honestly the way I seen wars done and how Sith to Jedi are slaughtered, Darth Empyrean Darth Empyrean the number might as well be closer to 100x, 4 million or even higher than that! Note that number is more or less for species inherently non-sensitive (No Yoda Planet, Omni, ect)

Not going to lie, the number of how many Force Sensitive people are in the galaxy is just a bull honkey statistic that I hate to a core passion. If you follow the Dark Horse comics, they were numerous at several points in history to where that number be closer to 1 in every billion people versus that massive set of numbers.

Depending if you want to follow Disney or Legends, you will get very different sets of data on how the population of Force Sensitives shrunk over time. After Darth Krayt and the Third Inconvenience (Seriously, it was barely a true purge, so many escaped this time around), you probably see till the creation of the website an explosion of population. Whether or not war occured between those time periods is up for debate (Omni comes to mind)

Honestly from all the collapsed governments of the last hundred years, people being born and killed from various people (Bryn'adul, The Maw, Sith Order, The Empire 7.0 (Patched Edition), ect.). I say the population of the Galaxy has at least increased to around 4-5x the amount of people from the last comic book. Not including new species the players has developed (Bryn'adul for Example) or the continuing expansion of returning characters that mostly come from the past several thousand years (Players, Netherworld Shennanigans, Omni Space Nonsense), 4 Million is a decent number to start with before reducing them to various organizations and players own small groups.

Pal Veda Pal Veda for honesty sake, there is more Sith than there is traditional Jedi currently. The difference is how often Sith seem to fall versus the Jedi in combat or just straight up death/abandonment. I say nearly three to one though if you include Grey users, it may be three to two.

This is all my opinion though, you can take a cup to tea to it and put it over my head if you want.
I can answer for my faction, but it was covered pretty well by Tyrant I Tyrant I . The NJO used to be very small and primarily the PC's you'd see. But we've grown a lot over the last few years and other Major factions with Jedi elements have also gone Minor or disappeared.

You used to have NJO and the Silvers, so the Jedi population was a bit more split in terms of writers, but logically that'd extend to Jedi as a whole. There were also the Ashlans with their own flavor of Jedi.

Now, I'd say that we're fairly big in number, especially in the Core and Alliance space. Outside of that primarily for missions, but there aren't many groups of Jedi who settle outside our borders that are affiliated with us. That said, I'd never put an exact number on it. I personally see the NJO as the primary Order of Jedi in a huge Alliance, so that means lots of Jedi. How many? Doesnt matter much, there is enough for whatever story you want to tell.
An answer to that will always be tricky as perfectly outlined by posters before me. There are statistics, ideas and percentages, but personally, I think they matter little.

We roleplay in the Star Wars universe and a great majority of the characters ARE Force users, because it is the gimmick and intrigue of the setting. And there will always be a great imbalance between PCs and NPCs in terms of numbers and representation. Realistically on this forum all but one or two characters should be a Force user, but that would take the fun out of it. Hence why probably more than 75% here are Force users or maining Force users.

Star Wars has proven to be exceedingly bad with hard numbers and thankfully the Forum has adopted a non-hard number setting, so we do not have to deal with pondering and pounding our heads with the thought. It is very interesting to think about but it is also impossible to answer.

It is what we make of it and what our stories yield and need.
All of this has been helpful insight.

Darth Assimilus Darth Assimilus I think you are right on the money. I am finding it difficult returning to my favorite character because of how my own life has changed over the last 10 years. Instead of forcing it, I need to recognize I’m not the same person and move on to something more fitting for me now.
Every answer you see is head canon. It’s been said there are no hard numbers, and this is true. Even time fluctuates from player to player, as there is no rule requiring players to adhere to the timeline.

The best metric is a Chaos comedy meta I’ve always found funny: “How many governments (Major Factions) have been named solely based around Force Users?”

The answer is alot. I’ve always found it funny how a planet controlling coalition can name itself “The Silver Jedi Order”. Like, the Sith Empire is one thing - the Sith were a race and a culture, like Mandalorians. But the Jedi? Just a religion. And we’ve had a multitude of factions named after the Jedi. Led by Jedi. Even with the Sith and Galactic Alliance, we’ve had a growing number of government leaders who paid no heed in hiding their Force Sensitivity or displayed powers in public denoting them as FU.

By this alone, FUs will have widespread publicity. We even had Shapers and Witches controlling multiple planets.

This show of publicity and force hints that there is no hiding of Force Sensitivity, there is no Rule Of 2, and the Chaos universe is overran with FUs. In fact, the only notion that FUs are in the minority is NPC count.

FUs are the majority, widespread, and culturally accepted in every day life. Only in factions that publicly denounce this metric will you see stories conflicting this thought. For the rest of the galaxy, it can be inferred they are a practice of common every day life.

We even had a Mandalorian clan that controlled several systems at one point that was devoted to the Jedi!
But even if there are governments and celebrities normalizing FU presence, the Galaxy is vast, the total population incalculable. No matter how many stories have been told, no matter how many writers wish to convince you that they have impacted enough of the Galaxy to be known, there will always be that one lost tribe or that one backwater planet that has no idea the 400 Hundred Year Darkness has even ended or heard of the x amount of Crusade factions we’ve had.

2014 August Map

OP - led by NFU att iirc
Mandalorian - led by NFU att iirc
Republic - led by NFU att iirc
Black Sun Syndicate - unk
Confederacy - led by Sith Witch Mando att iirc
Lords of the Fringe - led by Darksider att iirc
Moross Crusade - led by Sith att iirc
New Order - led by Sith att iirc
Levantine Sanctum - led by Jedi att iirc
Horde - led by NFU att iirc
One Sith - led by Sith att iirc
Order of the Silver Jedi - led by Jedi att iirc

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