Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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How old are you?

This thread makes me feel like this:

[member="Cryax Bane"]
You're probs not that much older than the majority of us.
I mean, I'm one of the near-outliers (I was moreso when I first joined at, like, 12/almost 13/barely 13).
The average seems to be mid-to-late twenties, with a good portion being early to late thirties, along with, like, forty 40+ year-olds.
Bunker-level Normal
Isaac Ideus said:
I see the 16 year olds and think "hmm that's only like, three years younger" and then realize I was 16 eight years ago. Oof.
I feel you, bro. 26 here. I think, 'gee, it was just a couple years ago that I turned 21.' Ha, nope!

And then I think about when I graduated high school. It hasn't been eight years already, has it?! And the ten year reunion is coming up WHEN?! I guess I'd better hurry up, get married and have kids so I can brag, too, at the reunion.

Zenva Vrotoa

The Crimson Devil of Nal Hutta
Ugh [member="Chiasa Kritivaas"] don't lump us in with dinosaurs! I'm 27 also.... and I almost killed someone on the 17th of March (day before my Bday) for calling me old.

At least we aren't "creepy stalker" old like [member="Cryax Bane"] seems to be

Plus my fiancee is 4 years older than us :p
Grand Admiral, First Order Central Command
25 here.

Has anyone else noticed that the average age on most RP sites seems to be getting older. A factor of the source material aging, or perhaps the play-by-post RP that some of us grew up on simply isn't as big among the newer generation.
Bunker-level Normal
Cyrus Tregessar said:
perhaps the play-by-post RP that some of us grew up on simply isn't as big among the newer generation.
I think it's this. Back when I started RPing, video game fidelity was awful, and if you wanted to "roleplay" you played Final Fantasy, Star Wars Galaxies (admittedly, this was pretty good for it, but still looked like crap), Neverwinter Nights or World of Warcraft. If you didn't have the computer, the Internet connection or the subscription money, well, you went to text roleplays.

Kids nowadays have so many video game options for roleplaying, and so many free ones, too. And they have the time to invest in it.

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