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Private How to be a Jedi

Maxir Vancil

Location: Coruscant | Old Jedi Temple
Tags: Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble | Kai Bamarri Kai Bamarri

Maxir couldn’t believe that they were actually going to let him into a Jedi training facility. Or was it a temple? It didn’t much matter to Maxir. He wasn’t sure who the producer of his new project knew, but he was glad for it. Jedi were always heroes to Maxir.

The young actor thought he was lucky when he was cast to play a Jedi in the project. Though he was unclear who it was he was slated to play. There were a few possibilities. First was Ulic Qel-Droma, a hero who fell from the light in long ago times only to be redeemed and aided the Jedi against Exar Kun. Another choice was for him to play Kahlil Noble who alongside his wife was a hero to the Galactic Alliance.

As luck would have it Kahlil Noble was one of the Jedi Maxir was scheduled to meet. Now was the long wait to meet a real Jedi was coming to an end. The airspeeder the studio had lent to Maxir touched down in the Jedi at the designated platform of the Jedi temple and soon Maxir would be face to face with the heroes of the galaxy.


Well this was new. Not that new, but.. No it was completely new. An actor looking to play him, in a play. Show? It was the sort of thing he could see happening if he'd stayed with his family and let the power that came with it get to his head. Now though? He wasn't even sure what to make of it. He agreed if only because the show was apparently more about his wife and he figured she deserved to be recognized for everything she'd done.

So he waited, sitting on a bench just outside the Jedi Temple, for the actor that was going to.. Play him.

Yeah still sounded weird.

Maxir Vancil | Kai Bamarri Kai Bamarri
Kai was... up high. He was crouched atop an alcove somewhere among the tall pillars of the rebuilt Temple, relishing the joy of having an entire pizza to himself, when he saw a rather swank speeder pull up in front of the building. Squinting, he watched as a man stepped out of the vehicle and walked through the doors below him.

As he passed, Kai got a better look at the man's face. He looked familiar. Was he somebody famous? Wait... no way. It was that guy! That one guy from that holoshow! What was he doing in the Jedi Temple?!

Hurriedly closing his pizza box, Kai hopped down from his perch and followed the man, keeping his distance. Up ahead, he spotted Master Kahlil. To his growing shock and confusion, the holo star walked right up to Kahlil and started talking to him. What was going on around here? And why didn't anybody tell Kai about it?


Maxir Vancil

Location: Coruscant | Old Jedi Temple
Tags: Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble | Kai Bamarri Kai Bamarri

‘Well here goes everything,’ Maxir thought to himself as he saw Kahlil approaching the platform his airspeeder landed on. Valery Noble was a noted hero of the Alliance and a sitting member of the New Jedi Order Council. But Maxir had done his homework and Kahlil was just as interesting a figure. Being able to sit with the man to make sure he portrayed him properly was an amazing opportunity.

“Greetings Master Kahlil. I’m Maxir Vancil. It is a pleasure to meet you.” Maxir stuck out his hand in greeting not sure if that was appropriate when meeting a Jedi Master, but it was instinct. “Thank you for sharing some of your time with me. I’m sure a holo must be quite trivial compared to the other business a Jedi sees.”


Kahlil took the hand and shook it without hesitation. Whether it was a normal Jedi thing or not, Kahlil had learned the importance of the handshake in his time as a spacer. Old habits died hard, so they said. "Ah, maybe? I can't say I know too much about holos, so it's not my place to say it's more important or not. But.. They make people happy, right?" The Jedi offered a smile before motioning for Maxir to come inside the temple.

"I'll help how I can. .. So how does this work?"

Maxir Vancil | Kai Bamarri Kai Bamarri
Kai spied on the two from afar. Eavesdropping on their conversation revealed that he was right about the man being a famous actor. He was Maxir Vancil, and Kahlil was there to help him with... something to do with holos? But what?...

The boy was hidden from their view by a pillar, though the pizza box he insisted on keeping was poking out. Unless the pizza box could float, it was obvious someone was standing there holding it.

Maxir Vancil Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble

Maxir Vancil

Location: Coruscant | Old Jedi Temple
Tags: Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble | Kai Bamarri Kai Bamarri

Maxir was glad when Kahlil took his hand. A nice firm handshake was his favorite way to start a relationship. Kahlil seemed a bit more pliable than Maxir had expected. Some Jedi had a reputation of being a bit rigid, or maybe that was just the Jedi of old that he was thinking of. Kahlil mentioned that holos brought joy to many people. Maxir expected that was the case, just still didn’t seem like it compared to the work of a Jedi.

“Usually I would just observe for a while,” Maxir said with a nod. It was not the first time he had asked to enter the life of a subject he was playing. In this case he was expecting just a Jedi, not the Jedi he was potentially going to portray. “I am no Jedi, I can’t imagine me taking part in Jedi training would be very wise. But as much as possible I would like to work my way into it as much as I can.”

As they were talking Maxir got a vague feeling of being watched. It had happened before, but this was a bit more intense than usual. He shook his head trying to relieve the feeling. “Short answer is I would enjoy seeing what being a Jedi is like. If that means sitting in front of a terminal and reading files, that is fine… for a start. Unfortunately I’m not the writer so what you are actually doing in the script is out of my hands. I love to get my hands dirty, but letting me observe only would be a great help.”


Kahlil stared.

At the pizza box. He knew someone was watching them. The unsettling feeling of having eyes on him was something he'd learned at a very young age to sense. He was doing his best to ignore it, assuming it was someone probably here for Maxir and couldn't follow them into the temple once they went inside. They weren't an assassin, or at least he didn't sense any hostility. But they followed.

Ah well.

He let out a sigh before glancing back towards the actor. And.. Oh. Kahlil blinked.

".. Close your eyes real quick. And point towards where you feel that feeling from."

Maxir Vancil | Kai Bamarri Kai Bamarri
When there was a sudden lull in the conversation, but the two presences didn’t go away, Kai realized something was up. He frowned, his brow furrowing, then glanced down at his pizza.

The idea that they had not only noticed him, but were looking at him with suspicion, hadn’t even crossed Kai’s mind. Growing bored and antsy, he opened the box and took out a slice of greasy, melt-in-your-mouth all-meat pizza, which he casually ate while he waited for them to go somewhere or do something.


Maxir Vancil

Location: Coruscant | Old Jedi Temple
Tags: Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble | Kai Bamarri Kai Bamarri

“Wait,” Maxir called out in surprise and excitement. “Does that mean you have that feeling too?” He clapped his hands together and gave a small jump of enthusiasm. “Ok. Close my eyes and point. I can do this.” The excited young man was so amped up he lost the feeling. Was it just a fluke? Or was something or someone really there?

Maxir closed his eyes and the darkness instantly calmed his other emotions. He still wasn’t able to make sense of the feeling he had. Just a vague pulse in his head. It was much more aggressive here, but Maxir had felt it many times before in his life. He took in a deep breath as he’d imagined a Jedi might do when they were trying to focus and to his utter shock there was more to that feeling. Someone was watching them, trying to listen. His arm raised, guided by whatever was giving him that feeling and pointed in Kai’s direction just as the scent of something hit his nose. "Pizza?" he muttered almost to himself, though Kahlil would certainly hear it. And was it really his nose that sensed it?



Kahlil followed the finger towards where Kai was hiding and chuckled softly. "You might actually be closer to a Jedi than you think." He patted the mans shoulder as he stepped past, heading towards the pillar Kai was hiding behind to glance around it. And blinked. A Padawan? Not one he recognized at least. Or did he? He hummed in thought only for a moment before tapping the box.

"You gonna offer some to our guest at least?"

Kai Bamarri Kai Bamarri | Maxir Vancil

Maxir Vancil

Location: Coruscant | Old Jedi Temple
Tags: Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble | Kai Bamarri Kai Bamarri

Maxir was dumbfounded by the statement that came from the Jedi Master’s mouth. He wasn’t a Jedi, he was a poor transient kid who got lucky one day when he was discovered in a Corellian diner. But this would explain all the strange feelings that he had over his lifetime. He always thought he just had a good intuition for the right path, or when danger was around the corner. He never knew. ‘The Force?’ he thought to himself. ‘No. It was just a feeling way back at the back of my mind.’

But the feeling was brought to the front now. Was it the presence of the Jedi? The place bringing his talents to the forefront? Maxir had no clue how such things happened. He read that Jedi were identified pretty early in life. Why had nothing been sensed in him until now? It really didn’t matter, whatever the reason Maxir wanted to take advantage of it while it lasted.

“So you think that feeling is the Force?” Maxir questioned Master Kahlil. “It was always just some dull thumping in the back of my head. Now. Here. It is so much more clear, does that make sense?”

Kahlil called out the person who was watching them. Maxir was relieved to see it was a Jedi. Not terribly surprising it wasn’t a real threat. But there was always the possibility of the paparazzi following him around. “It’s alright,” Maxir waved to the younger Jedi. “I ate before I came.” He turned his attention back to Kahlil. “Since you think I’m being affected by the Force. Do you think I can do some Jedi stuff while it’s hanging around? I’m not sure. He looks young. If he’s a Padawan maybe I can join in some of his training?”


Kahlil stared blankly for a moment. He had no idea how to handle such a blunt denial. Eventuay he just laughed. It was kinda funny. But his attention drifted to his guest. And he blinked. Teach him how to use the Force, huh?

Well, if the guy had these sorts of feelings all his life, having some clarity wouldn't be the worst thing. "I'm fairly certain it's the Force, yeah. We can do some tests to make sure, and I don't see why we can't teach you a thing or two, especially if it helps you get a better understanding of things. Right, Padawan..?"

He left it open, glancing to the boy stuffing his face with pizza in a hopes he'd take a breath to at least introduce himself.

Kai Bamarri Kai Bamarri | Maxir Vancil
Maxir Vancil had the Force?

Maxir Vancil had the Force!

Kai stared at the actor and the Jedi Master, his eyes flicking back and forth between them as they conversed. Eventually his gaze settled on the former, growing a bit worried.

<Be careful who you reveal your power to,> he told Maxir, switching smoothly into telepathy so that Kahlil wouldn’t hear. <There are some who would try to pressure you into becoming a Jedi. There’s a limited number of Force Sensitive people in the galaxy, and there’s always some conflict going on that they need more Jedi for. If that’s what you want, you’ll be fine—but be sure that you know what you’re getting yourself into.>

It might’ve sounded rather grim and cynical, but Kai was no longer as naïve as he once was.

Sorry, I’m on my break right now,” he replied to Kahlil, speaking aloud again. He held up a half-eaten slice of pizza for emphasis. “And I gotta get going. You guys have fun. Bye!

With that, Kai scurried off, clutching his precious pizza box close to his chest.

//exit thread
Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble Maxir Vancil

Maxir Vancil

Location: Coruscant | Old Jedi Temple
Tags: Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble | Kai Bamarri Kai Bamarri

Master Kahlil confirmed his guess that the feelings Maxir was getting were the Force. And even said that Maxir could be tested. That sounded promising. But what if it was only his presence in this place so overflowing with Force presence that made him feel like he had today. What if they test him and have him train and as soon as he left the Temple it all went away?

“I would be very honored to take part in the testing,” Maxir said to Kahlil with a nod. “It will be interesting to see what it reveals. Does this happen often that someone is not discovered to be…I don’t know what the term is…special? Until they come to your door?”

He heard the Padawan’s voice in his head. It was a bit muffled, but strong enough that Maxir was able to get the jist of what he was saying. It was a warning, but not really one that was needed. Not yet at least. He had idolized Jedi for a good long time. But never to the point of actually thinking he could be one. Now it seemed that could happen but… ‘I’m an actor. Jedi stuff comes second.’

The Padawan rushed off after dismissing Master Kahlil’s offer to join them. “Shame,” Maxir said with a shrug. “Seemed like an interesting fellow. Would have bought him another pizza after training.”


Kahlil blinked.

Break? Jedi had set shifts? He opened his mouth, about to voice that question when the Padawan took off in a run. All the Master could do was chuckle and shake his head. Maybe the boy was just busy? He shrugged, turning his gaze back to Maxir with a faint smile. "Perhaps he's just busy. Though I think he should have at least introduced himself before running off. Ah well."

He took a breath before motioning back towards the temple.

"As for your earlier question, sometimes. These feelings and sensations are as normal as breathing, right? You've felt them all your life, but you never once thought it made you a Jedi. That's why we usually end up going to seek others out. People just don't realize what they can do."

Maxir Vancil

Maxir Vancil

Location: Coruscant | Old Jedi Temple
Tags: Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble

Maxir was relieved that Master Kahlil found the padawan’s behavior a bit odd as well. The young actor nodded at the excuse made, but he could tell that Kahlil was as confused as he was. Maybe he would see the young Jedi again sometime. Maxir was a bit curious about the warning that had rushed through his head before the young man scampered off with his pizza.

That people came to the Jedi later in life came as a surprise to Maxir. He should have guessed it happened. With all the upheaval over the centuries with the Jedi and the Sith ebbing and flowing in “dominance”, it made sense that not all Force talented individuals were strong enough to be sought out and brought into one of the Orders. And the Force from everything Maxir had heard did not work in only one way. So discovering gifts late in life had to happen every so often.

“Yes that’s true,” Maxir started his response. “I have had the feelings all my life, but not as focused or strong. As you say I had no idea what they actually were or maybe I’d have sought out some guidance earlier than now. But I guess we’ll see what we’re working with and go from there.”


"Exactly. Sometimes the feeling is just that, too. Enough to be different from others, but not enough to be Jedi." That was the more common result of scouting out Force sensitives. Kahlil lead them into on of the training rooms, motioning for Maxir to take a seat in the center of the room. "We'll start with something simple. Feeling the Force is one thing. Be able to use it, another."

Kahlil would set a small toy in front of the actor. A carved horse. Simple. Given it was usually children who were tested, well. Kahlil wasn't sure what else to have him grab.

"Close your eyes. Feel, don't think. Bring it to you."

Maxir Vancil

Maxir Vancil

Location: Coruscant | Old Jedi Temple
Tags: Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble

Maxir gave a bit of a sigh with the possibility of not having a strong enough connection to the Force to make something meaningful of it. Or that the feelings he had were not really the Force at all. But that was what they needed to test about. Maxir needed to see if there was more to this than just feelings. He hoped that it was.

Master Kahlil produced a simple toy horse. Maxir gave a bit of a smirk, but he also wondered how far behind everyone he would be if they did discover he was strong enough to do Jedi training. Would he have to be in classes with toddlers? Would he get to be accelerated because of his age? Or would things take longer?

“Ok. Here it goes,” Maxir closed his eyes and felt for the toy. He wasn’t sure how things were moved in the Force. Was it just like in the real world? Your brain tells your hand to grab something. Was the Force in this case just an unseen hand? Maxir touched the toy as a test. It felt solid to his mind and it wiggled slightly in the “real world”. Maxir was filled with confidence. He rose his hand, still tightly closing his eyes. He reached out to the toy, though his arm was extended it was with the Force that he reached.

The horse wiggled more and more as Maxir tried harder and harder. Finally the toy began to float towards Maxir. It made it about halfway before falling to the floor with a clatter. Maxir’s eyes popped open. He looked to Kahlil. He wasn’t sure what happened. Had he lost the Force? That was not it. His untrained mind lost focus when he actually did what he tried to do. “I’m not sure what happened Master Kahlil. It was moving just fine and then. I lost it.”

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