Moira is a character who went through a series of evolutions. The original version on TGC was imagined as an Imperial zealot, a True Believer in the New Order, hailing from a planet where an Imperial faux dictator kept the people in ignorance by spreading the Big Lie that Palpatine was still alive and the Empire was victorious on all fronts.
Indeed the first Emperor was virtually deified in a creepy cult reminiscent of North Korea. Of course, later on she found the truth and helped the 'True Empire' topple the imposter, but still clung to the Empire because it gave her purpose, up and including going along with Alderaan being glassed and hunting down traitors to the Empire. She later wound up getting purged in a scenario strongly based on the Great Purge in the late 1930s Soviet Union, rescued from the dungeon by @[member="Hevana Martin"], though then I switched sites and so her story remains unresolved, though I expect her seeking revenge.
I was not totally happy with this version. The scenarios were fun and she was cool in a fight, but came across as being too much of a drone, so I decided on something very different for SWRP, using the chaos and general collapse of galactic civilisation caused by the Four Hundred Year Darkness as a background. In this version her homeworld basically sunk back into a dark age, with the people believing the Gulag virus was the punishment of the Gods and hyperspace was filled with demons, something propagated by the local regime and church. Of course...once pirates came everyone had a big culture shock.
Originally I wanted to make her a sort of anarchist revolutionary who, after seeing through the lies of the aristos, rebels and goes out to spread terror in the Galaxy. In other words a rebel but someone who's quite openly a terrorist. Since there was no faction for that this got relegated to backstory as she rebels during a civil war and later escapes the planet.
From then she pretty much evolved as a character during actual rping. With the Republic she was your cynical wet works agent who would not be out of place in a Cold War style CIA, doing their work in the shadows, but utterly cynical about its manifest destiny. I am especially proud of the Contruum dominion, where she pretty much returned to her terrorist roots to instigate a workers rebellion, willingly sacrificing hundreds of rebels to knock out the planet's defences so that Republic troops could land. Alas the dominion never got finished, but that was fine plot-wise because it was spun in such a manner that the Republic abandoned the rebels to their fate.
After that she was on the backburner for a while before she ended up with the Omega Protectorate. This took her in the unexpected direction of not just being a commando and interrogator (charged with torturing and breaking cultists during the Bando Gora war), but also a policy analyst of sorts, providing memos for the leadership on foreign policy and important conferences, which enabled me to show her Machiavellian, dispassionate side a lot. At around this period I first played with the idea that she might be an HRD. Originally that was mainly an in-joke to poke fun at my own writing since she almost always acted 'impassively', was utterly cold and pretty much showed no emotion, but the more I thought about it the more it made sense to me.
So I settled on the idea that at some point, perhaps after Contruum, since there's quite a gag before she pops up in the Protectorate ranks, she was processed into a Terminatrix. Which incidentally also helps explain her absolute lack of loyalty and how she dismisses almost everyone because, after all, all organics must be processed.
They are insignificant to her, unworthy. Another plot avenue, which was not expected, was opened up when she came into contact with @[member="Cora Passek"], anti-Sith terrorist who's quite close to how Moira was when she was still human and had some idealism left, fighting against the oppressors and all, but very ruthless. In a twisted sort of way Moira does care about her...but is willing to lie, deceive, manipulate her in any she deems necessary because as an HRD she knows best and has no conscience. She's the exact opposite of a ridiculously human robot.
As for future plots, well, she's shaping up to be my new anti-force user fighter, having a droid take on Sith is fun! And I hope to explore who turned her into an HRD, something I see her trying to find out as a quest. Meet her Creators (and murder them - with lots of pseudo-religious meta). And unleash her in her terrorist, organic processing glory.
Ultimately she is not faction-tied...well, currently she is more like an independent agent, the one cause she'd actually subscribe to being that of making the Galaxy burn in an apocalyptic firestorm and processing the organics who survive, so that the order of logic, precision and straight lines might arise. Preferrably together with her fellow HRD @[member="Maelion Liates"].