Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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How Well Are Your Characters Developed?

I hope this counts as a roleplay discussion... Basically, how well developed are your characters? The question is about their past, their present and about their future.

I know some people don't plan their characters out. They just play with them and they don't care about their characters' life. But some people tend to go into extreme detail. They might even write a whole document of a character's history. They might plan their character's all RP out.

In my case... Lilith's past is not very well-developed, but I am going to change it by throwing some flashbacks into her roleplays. But I already know what's going to happen to her in the future. I have made really strong plans with her.
My other characters... not so much. Probably my only characters whose development level is nearly satisfying for me are Equa Dominator, Aliannah S. del D. Filia, Logan Hack'awin and Richard Dives Paedagogus. All of my other characters have been epic failures for me.

But how developed are your characters?
I put a lot of planning into Dyll's backstory while I was making him, but I still discover new things about him while writing him. He was originally a former medical student, but his level of medical expertise and knowledge of the galaxy didn't feel right for that, so he became an archaeology student and volunteer paramedic. He originally hadn't had any significant romantic relationships, but when I started writing him he felt like someone who had loved and lost, so I threw in the idea that he'd once been on the verge of marriage. I'll probably find out more about his past as I keep going, but I feel like I have plenty in his background for now.

As for future development, I haven't planned it out at all. Dyll is a smuggler hanging on to life by the skin of his teeth, an "any way the wind blows" type character that I throw into any thread that looks like a good fit for him and then decide how it's changed him once it's over. Events in several of his threads are getting him more combat experience, so he's going to swap out that weakness in favor of nightmares and PTSD that drives him to drink after the horrifying events of Deadman Wonderland. What happens to him from there, I have no idea. Someone else will throw up another thread, something will happen to Dyll in it, and he will grow.

That's pretty representative of my style. I make a character, give him enough background to explain why he acts the way he does and to make interesting things from his past play into his story in the present, and then set him loose to rise or fall as thread progression dictates. Sometimes he grows in the then and sometimes in the now.
Well, I guess it's time to kind of let the cat out of the bag as far as Sarge is concerned.

I started him on the craftshop as a gimmick character with Ryori and Karin. We made characters of ourselves thrown into the Star Wars universes, with little knowledge of the galaxy and none of how they got there. Think of it as waking up with total amnesia. He was kind of a joke character, really, in that I didn't take him too seriously and neither did anyone else.

That isn't to say I didn't put effort into writing him, or that I didn't enjoy it. I did, on both accounts, but he couldn't finish a mission without winding up injured or unconscious. He was a good soldier, just inexperienced, with the innocence that comes from a lack of the true horrors of war.

But then I moved to Star Wars RP, and I felt his story needed a bit of revamping. He had grown as a character in a manner that meant I should put more thought into his backstory. He'd always been Force Dead, so I figured that was a good place to start. But the only true Force-Dead people in the galaxy were the Vong, so I had to come up with something, anything.

When I made the move, I did so to help Ayden with his faction, the Syndicate. It was kind of a cross between Cerberus and the Black Sun, in a way. They controlled the information game. Ayden was the head, Sarge was the enforcer. Sarge had saved Ayden's life during Omni's original invasion, so it wasn't a stretch to say they'd helped each other through the plague. So, Ayden kept running his group while Sarge was kept on ice, used to facilitate events across the galaxy to keep favorable individuals in power through subversion, assassination and general wet-work.

But that left the matter of his past. How had this man become Force-Dead? How was he able to understand every alien language he came across and even speak most of them? Well, in my studies I found something called Vong Familiars. There really isn't much information on them, but it's safe to think they were akin to house slaves... or personal experiments.

And so I went a combined route, taking away Earth in favor of some unnamed planet in the Unknown Regions as Sarge's home, and had it basically be wiped out by the Vong on their crusades through the galaxy. He was taken as a familiar and modified to be something of a sleeper agent. He was given a Tizo-wyrm, fighting claw, etc.

Then, one day, his master was murdered. It's canon that the Vong were slowly starting to regain Force connection now that they were reunited with Sekot, so it was safe to say that a weak bond may have formed between master and familiar. But with his death came trauma, and with the trauma came a severing of his connection to the Force... and total amnesia.

And so here he is, with memories he can't trust, a history he doesn't know, and a set of skills honed over several centuries of being the personal assassin of a man with one emotion - angry.


Disney's Princess
Karen got fleshed out very well back in Summer 2013. But the Holiday months saw her in nothing but combat and event threads. Ugh. She's probably got about six months of character development to catch up with.

Phil and Teryn are complete from another website. But I'll wait until Valen is over before investing time there. Everyone else is in a box. :p
My character is really developed. I've played Malica on another site...for years now, I guess? After that site died I brought her here. I usually always start her off on the same spot, a sort of post-slavery limbo and see where it goes. It's crazy to see how much she's changed since I first created her. I tend to have only a few characters because I spoil them with detail. Malica is my only character on this site so far. I have a corrupt Hapan senator waiting in the wings, however.... And I would love to create a profile for Malica's Mandalorian mentor, Cyrus, who is a total badass. We'll see! :)

Development is so fun and I love it when I come across other dynamic charaters. More mysteries to explore! Kinda like dysecting a frog versus a dolphin or something....lots of interesting stuff inside.


The One Horned Demon
I know exactly what Cain is going to be doing in the next couple of months, so his future is very developed. Not to much with his past though.
Vulpesen's past and ambitions are very well known to me (though I need to edit his bio occasionally as I remember things that fit in about him). That being said, I know where I want his future to go, but I'm not completely sure how he'll get there. (especially since he's already gone through hell in Deadman's wonderland, and been beating up by a sith)
Moira is a character who went through a series of evolutions. The original version on TGC was imagined as an Imperial zealot, a True Believer in the New Order, hailing from a planet where an Imperial faux dictator kept the people in ignorance by spreading the Big Lie that Palpatine was still alive and the Empire was victorious on all fronts.

Indeed the first Emperor was virtually deified in a creepy cult reminiscent of North Korea. Of course, later on she found the truth and helped the 'True Empire' topple the imposter, but still clung to the Empire because it gave her purpose, up and including going along with Alderaan being glassed and hunting down traitors to the Empire. She later wound up getting purged in a scenario strongly based on the Great Purge in the late 1930s Soviet Union, rescued from the dungeon by @[member="Hevana Martin"], though then I switched sites and so her story remains unresolved, though I expect her seeking revenge.

I was not totally happy with this version. The scenarios were fun and she was cool in a fight, but came across as being too much of a drone, so I decided on something very different for SWRP, using the chaos and general collapse of galactic civilisation caused by the Four Hundred Year Darkness as a background. In this version her homeworld basically sunk back into a dark age, with the people believing the Gulag virus was the punishment of the Gods and hyperspace was filled with demons, something propagated by the local regime and church. Of course...once pirates came everyone had a big culture shock.

Originally I wanted to make her a sort of anarchist revolutionary who, after seeing through the lies of the aristos, rebels and goes out to spread terror in the Galaxy. In other words a rebel but someone who's quite openly a terrorist. Since there was no faction for that this got relegated to backstory as she rebels during a civil war and later escapes the planet.

From then she pretty much evolved as a character during actual rping. With the Republic she was your cynical wet works agent who would not be out of place in a Cold War style CIA, doing their work in the shadows, but utterly cynical about its manifest destiny. I am especially proud of the Contruum dominion, where she pretty much returned to her terrorist roots to instigate a workers rebellion, willingly sacrificing hundreds of rebels to knock out the planet's defences so that Republic troops could land. Alas the dominion never got finished, but that was fine plot-wise because it was spun in such a manner that the Republic abandoned the rebels to their fate.

After that she was on the backburner for a while before she ended up with the Omega Protectorate. This took her in the unexpected direction of not just being a commando and interrogator (charged with torturing and breaking cultists during the Bando Gora war), but also a policy analyst of sorts, providing memos for the leadership on foreign policy and important conferences, which enabled me to show her Machiavellian, dispassionate side a lot. At around this period I first played with the idea that she might be an HRD. Originally that was mainly an in-joke to poke fun at my own writing since she almost always acted 'impassively', was utterly cold and pretty much showed no emotion, but the more I thought about it the more it made sense to me.

So I settled on the idea that at some point, perhaps after Contruum, since there's quite a gag before she pops up in the Protectorate ranks, she was processed into a Terminatrix. Which incidentally also helps explain her absolute lack of loyalty and how she dismisses almost everyone because, after all, all organics must be processed.

They are insignificant to her, unworthy. Another plot avenue, which was not expected, was opened up when she came into contact with @[member="Cora Passek"], anti-Sith terrorist who's quite close to how Moira was when she was still human and had some idealism left, fighting against the oppressors and all, but very ruthless. In a twisted sort of way Moira does care about her...but is willing to lie, deceive, manipulate her in any she deems necessary because as an HRD she knows best and has no conscience. She's the exact opposite of a ridiculously human robot.

As for future plots, well, she's shaping up to be my new anti-force user fighter, having a droid take on Sith is fun! And I hope to explore who turned her into an HRD, something I see her trying to find out as a quest. Meet her Creators (and murder them - with lots of pseudo-religious meta). And unleash her in her terrorist, organic processing glory.

Ultimately she is not faction-tied...well, currently she is more like an independent agent, the one cause she'd actually subscribe to being that of making the Galaxy burn in an apocalyptic firestorm and processing the organics who survive, so that the order of logic, precision and straight lines might arise. Preferrably together with her fellow HRD @[member="Maelion Liates"].
Kara I think is pretty well developed. I've had her as a character since she was a child, some 6/7 years of age. In that time she's been through it all, and every experience has shaped her, be that torture, death (okay so she was on the cusp of death and came back), she's killed, witnessed wounds in the Force, sheer brutality, countless battles. Her training has been structured, and I've never once presumed she knew something be it knowledge, ability or force power wise that she hasn't genuinely learnt either here, in her past or on the former place I roleplayed her. Out of any character I've ever had, I think Kara tips the mark for my most well developed, and I'm really pleased with how far she's come, from a quivering little child who didn't even speak a word of Basic to the Knight she is at present.

Next is Daux, another one who will be amazingly well developed. I have a habit of making children for this reason, you grow with them, adapt their personalities as events touch them and effect them. Even now, with only a few threads under he belt, I'd say Daux is well developed, and she's not even aged a single year IC. But then again she is a wildling, literal feral/wolf child, and has had to be taught even the most basic of things, such as wearing clothes, saying even basic things and how to walk instead of crawl (albeit all of these things she struggles with massively even now) Daux is very fun to roleplay, and I can see a lot lot lot more development coming out of her in the near future.

Then we have Jyn. I'll admit to only having done, what, 3/4 threads with this character? However that being said already I can see a hell of a lot of progression shining through, from where she was to begin with, a scared girl who didn't want to be a Sith and actively sought ways to avoid them, even if it resulted in severe punishment, to the more confident yet paranoid child she has become around the Atrisians. A lot of this is thanks to Alex (Tirdarius) who makes me write at my very best where Jyn is concerned (without realising he's doing it) but she's the character I get into the mind of more so than the rest. It doesn't take me long at all to know exactly how Jyn would react to a situation, what she might say, etc.

I suppose it depends on the gauge for "Well Developed", because even though Jyn has so little threads to her name I'd still say she was on her way to some nice development.

Aside from this my other characters have yet to be really developed. Cassus could arguable have begun this path, I mean to begin with he was a newborn baby and within a few months? An alchemically altered and aged young man with no memories and a hell of a lot of issues... But we haven't even cracked the first topic with him yet, and as much as I'm in love with the concept he's not developed (except for historically) much at all.

Aleidis Zrgaat

Young soul from an older generation.
A friend and I were joking on Skype about a particularly bad crop of Jedi Paddies that'd come up in August - you know the sort. Ready to turn evil at the first moment, claiming to be Vaapad prodigies or ancient beings under guise as teenagers. We decided to make a couple Padawans to be as Jedi as Jedi could be, to set an example. Aleidis and @[member="Talen Nerius"] were born. A third buddy happened to be in the chat, and decided that he'd help me brainstorm and maybe dig a character out of retirement to teach one of us. That was @[member="Boolon Murr"].

I started shopping around for little-known races to make my Jedi, who didn't even have a gender yet. Wookiepedia surfing led me to a throwaway race that seemed to be made to be fetish bait, and weren't much good at anything besides getting killed. My hipster instincts engaged, I knew I'd found my race - Ghostlings.

It said in the article that Ghostlings were incredibly frail, unearthly beautiful, glowed in the dark, and came from a very primitive planet. So, as I was making a child Padawan, I discarded the beautiful part and explained that she was a late bloomer. When she was made, Aleidis was androgynous, gawky, clumsy and awkward. Endearing to a fault, but no warrior. Her playby was Dani Shay, who launched her musical career by looking terribly like Justin Beiber. Heck, when I made her, Aleidis' name was just an anagram of Justin Bieber - I eventually changed her given name, but her surname is Ijet because I scrambled around letters and liked the sound.

I established that she'd been brought into the Jedi Order from a very young age - five or six - and had been a youngling up until the point where I started writing her at age fourteen. Her parents, Orelia and Jobar, collected herbs and hunted rabbits for her village. Very mundane stuff. A pair of Jedi happened through, noticed Aleidis was Force-sensitive, and she was of a proper temperament to become a Jedi. So after a bit of negotiation, her parents released her into the Jedi's care, and that began.

I pretty much disregarded the beauty of Ghostlings (and still do, for the most part) in favor of the inherent tragedy of them; they cannot be touched, because they'll bruise or break. Growing up, Aleidis had trouble connecting with her peers because she couldn't really be one of them: a friendly pat on the back or hug could kill her, a crowded street on the way to get ice cream was possible death. She distanced herself from her peers, but endeavored to be as pleasant as possible to make up for it in the hopes of keeping friends.
She wasn't good at Jedi things. When blocking a strike from a training saber would shatter her wrists and even walking around (to say nothing of the usual exercises like running and pushups) caused her to be out of breath and exhausted her quickly, she had to compensate. She studied, she meditated. She was desperate to be seen as the equal of her peers, to become an exemplary Jedi and make her parents proud.

Aleidis wasn't strong or fast, she wasn't exceptionally clever or charismatic. And she certianly wasn't durable. Her strongest tool, from the day I made her, has always been faith. Faith in the Jedi Code and the Jedi in general has been the central theme of the character since day 1. When I made her bio page, she had two weaknesses and a single strength - and that strength was her faith.

And that was the point where I started writing Aleidis - at age 14. Optimistic and compassionate to a fault, but deeply afraid of letting down her peers or being seen as less capable because of her biological limitations. She's not ashamed of being a Ghostling (and sometimes overcompensates to prove that she's proud of who she is) but she was inherently lacking confidence in her own abilities. Her first solution to any problem would be to resolve it peacefully, because she's never going to have the capacity to beat sense into someone through force of arms.

And then, you know. Stuff happened. Aleidis is 17 now, more confident and a bit more seasoned in the ways of the Galaxy. That core of faith and compassion, and the belief in the inherent good of people still remains and always will. She's just more skilled now. Developed.

Tressk Sel Zen

Troubled Mastermind and Black Marketeer
Well, I put Tressk together over the past couple of days, hoping to jump back into roleplaying. I had abandoned roleplaying for a bit but decided to return because I found myself coming up with related ideas while lacking an outlet. So, I picked it back up and switched my attitude toward it and figured I could really use the extra creative inspiration. I just wanted to combine some of my favored concepts - poverty, brains over brawn, crime, and mental trauma as a product of environment. Not a lot was put into his past, but enough to make clear why he is who he is and how the pressures of a neglected, aggressive community warp the minds of its inhabitants.

I've yet to engage Tressk in any RP, maybe just to let the foundation of his character really set in, but I plan on more complex development in the future through plot... Because I know Tressk has good in him, and he's conflicted between what he's been taught by the laws of "nature" and his true values. It really isn't too fleshed out, but I'm pretty excited to discover more about him and crack through his dense outer shell.


I have a pretty solid idea of what I want for Alachei in terms of progression into leadership and into the formation of the Dominion. So far it's coming along slowly but surely. After that, it's going to be a characters breaking plot twist and what happens after will just be left to fate and whatever plots and threads I decide to enter from there.

Her history isn't overly long, but it's the first site where I have not actually been forced to write two paragraphs each for appearance and personality to get an approval. Honestly, I'm thinking I just might add that when next I expand her history to include all her recent dwellings and travels.

I have yet to finish the OC artwork but it's about... 35% done. Have to just finish sketching it, ink it, scan it, vectorize the line art, colorize it then cell shade it. Which is tedious but so, too, is getting the basic idea sketched to my liking.
Well truth be told Daxton's past was rather vague and ever since then he has been constantly clawing his way up the food chain. There have been brief instances where he would show a different side of him that the galaxy has come to know. Then he would have to hide it again under the facade of rage and malice.

I am hoping to take him in a different direction this coming year (oh he will still be the karking bad guy we all love to hate) but with more facets. I am starting this by trying to bridge the gap with the Jedi (something I think few people expect coming from him) and proceed from there. Now if he could only eliminate the threat posed by a certain blue haired mermaid he would be a happy camper. Trying to assassinate me in my base of strength for shame :D
At first I created Morna just as a notion to get into the Shapers of Kro Var. having a Bio that was only like barely 50 words and so little info on him that when it would be on a word doc I remember it being less than 200 words. For a while I RPed as him with nothing much to his attitude. or anything special. Just went with it. And soon I looked at my Bio about 2 months later (after I had seen other writers Bios that were way my intricate than mine.) I decided to buffer it up alittle. I went from a bio that was with very little detail to a 1000+ word Bio on him. I put alot of thought into him with the recent like 2 months. Never really thought of him as a person that I would keep. I had my doubts about deleting him when the Forum came up allowing us to delete people. Then when I realized what I could do with him. he just Exploded. (in some cases literally)

Fought a few people here. Got trained there. Updated stuff here. And then after what seemed like weeks of just training. I made Morna Join the Fringe and that's where Morna's story gets very interesting. I let the pieces fall where ever they may with him and so much has happened that I thought would never happen with him. He is literally a walking armory of more so primitive weapons, and even has an attack vessel with a few men. He is the local Interceptor for the Fringe as he had taken over a few flagships in his time by himself. and took part in the Brawl of the dead where he used alot of his powers to overcome the undead. Even then. I still see alot more that I can do with him.

I don't like to just plan out everything that Imura may do or Might do. I play in the moment. If something happens, Then I let it happen. But I fight it. As I might have said before. I have a very close connection to Morna and how he is. As I roleplay him I don't think "what would he do here?" I just write because sometimes I believe that I AM him. What does the future hold for Morna Imura? as of now, I have no clue, but I hope that I can somehow create one character that everyone can have a moment where they say "I can relate to that."
My two characters are developed in the sense that I have them well thought out in some respects, but find them severly lacking overall, mostly due because I just haven't been able to RP with them very much. The last site I brought both of them too, I had very little interaction beyond a thread or two. It gave me a basis to write for them later on, so it wasn't a complete loss.

Sorin and Dumah are assassins from the Assassin's Guild, a canon guild that specializes in various tasks as professional killers. I couldn't find a lot of information about them, so I imagined a lot of it up as improv. Despite both leaving to go off to other places, the Guild will always remain a constant in their lives, especially Sorin's because his father, Michael Vanado, is the current leader of the Circle, the 13 ruling powers over the Guild. Unknown to Sorin, his Force Sensitive came from his father, a man who spent the majority of his life training in the Force, from the Jedi, Sith, and outside sources. His goals are unknown but to two, who will eventually be revealed in time. Sorin will eventually be a Jedi, but as for afterward, he is a very problematic man. Caught on the border of light and dark, he'll be interesting to play when he receives training.

Dumah will be Sith, no doubt about it, but he's not into the whole believing that the dark side is the only one truely worth having in the Force. It's like two extremes of an argument. He'll very much use whatever he finds useful and discard what he views as only self-destructive. He wants power, but not if it is a means to an end. For example, why be Emperor when someone will try to always kill you for it? It would be far more profitable, and lengthen his own existence, if he found other ventures of power. Why be the face of power, when one can be the strings of the puppet.

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