Now I have the chance to tell more about my character development...
Does someone here remember the Equa Dominator Era a.k.a the time when I played with Equa? Well, it was a glorious time when I woke up at 5:30 am to be even more in this society.
Equa had a story. He had a simple, but developed background. And I also had plans with him, but not in the very far future. I remember, that he had a friend... Kaleeya Windurian. She tried to keep him on the right track. She tried to save him from the corruption. But Equa went crazy. He started listening voices, he did crazy things. After some time (some threads), he started going back to normal. He was capped to the title of Jedi Knight in the beginning of May. But then I left and I couldn't finish my character.
Then I came back. The month of July was the time I came back. I didn't want to use Equa anymore. I was so ashamed of myself. I thought everyone hates me because I left (and unfortunately left so many threads open). I started again with a simple Jedi girl. She didn't have any skills and she didn't have a lightsaber... nothing. She was simply a bit less developed character (I mean backstory). But just a few days (maybe it wasn't even days) later I found a Force sect I basically fell in love with. They were the Sorcerers of Tund. They were so interesting, that I wanted to make Lilith one of them. But it took some important thread. I wanted to make the change ICly in threads. But I left again.
Now, in the end of December, I came back. And now I have a really powerful plan with Lilith. If you saw my character profile a few days ago in the right time, you might have seen a sneak peek about her future. It's not there anymore, but you can still see the ACT III title.
Act III is the time something will happen. I can only say, that Lilith might become a bit different person in Act III. 
These were my main characters. But now about my major characters. During the Equa Dominator Era, I had a few stupid characters who didn't have a backstory at all. I just wrote something stupid about them and voilĂ , they were made. I did enjoy them. I just made them because they seemed a bit fun. But I was wrong.
Now, during the Lilith Mae Lancaster Era, I have a few other characters. My only current characters who don't have a developed story yet are @[member="Lorcan Roberts"] (but he is on my to-do list) and @[member="Ephyt-ri of Dahega"] (because she is not ready to become a character yet). I am almost satisfied with my other characters. I believe the Hack'awin family could have a really serious role in Logan's future, Aliannah will still fight for democracy (everywhere), Equa will try to enjoy his Jedi life and Richard is going to open his business soon, so I can say it's fun to create the characters if they have a backstory.
I have played in many different RP boards before joining this one in March. But I didn't normally have a backstory for the characters there. In one board (please don't laugh), people didn't even have to have a written biography. And almost none of them did have a biography at all... It was an epic failure. I created one board once which changed my life. It changed Estonia a bit. It was almost the most active forums in Estonia. It was so popular, that people came in with massive troops and it was all thanks to the members of the board. They invited their friends to the forum. And actually, the forum's promotion... worker? was really helpful. She was so good. She was actually one of the best RP forum makers in Estonia. But, well, my forum died. I can't say people lost interest. It was because most of the members (maybe all) were pupils at that time and it meant, that they didn't have enough time to be there so often.
But that's actually not what I wanted to say...
I actually wanted to say, that this forum had a powerful backstory. Almost all of the main characters (made for forum's events) had a really rich backstory. And the main antagonist there was actually really developed. I loved it. The members of the forum played along. One of the biggest events was the search for the antagonist. And it was epic.
The forum was fun, actually. The characters there were rich (not materially). They were funny, but had their weaknesses and strengths, they had some kind of planned out histories and it was really fun to play here.
If I would start comparing the forum and Chaos, I should say this one is clearly more advanced. I must say everyone here has even a richer backstory than the whole forum had there...
But it was still really cool.
So to end this little post here, I will say: Planning is fun!
Does someone here remember the Equa Dominator Era a.k.a the time when I played with Equa? Well, it was a glorious time when I woke up at 5:30 am to be even more in this society.
Then I came back. The month of July was the time I came back. I didn't want to use Equa anymore. I was so ashamed of myself. I thought everyone hates me because I left (and unfortunately left so many threads open). I started again with a simple Jedi girl. She didn't have any skills and she didn't have a lightsaber... nothing. She was simply a bit less developed character (I mean backstory). But just a few days (maybe it wasn't even days) later I found a Force sect I basically fell in love with. They were the Sorcerers of Tund. They were so interesting, that I wanted to make Lilith one of them. But it took some important thread. I wanted to make the change ICly in threads. But I left again.
Now, in the end of December, I came back. And now I have a really powerful plan with Lilith. If you saw my character profile a few days ago in the right time, you might have seen a sneak peek about her future. It's not there anymore, but you can still see the ACT III title.
These were my main characters. But now about my major characters. During the Equa Dominator Era, I had a few stupid characters who didn't have a backstory at all. I just wrote something stupid about them and voilĂ , they were made. I did enjoy them. I just made them because they seemed a bit fun. But I was wrong.
Now, during the Lilith Mae Lancaster Era, I have a few other characters. My only current characters who don't have a developed story yet are @[member="Lorcan Roberts"] (but he is on my to-do list) and @[member="Ephyt-ri of Dahega"] (because she is not ready to become a character yet). I am almost satisfied with my other characters. I believe the Hack'awin family could have a really serious role in Logan's future, Aliannah will still fight for democracy (everywhere), Equa will try to enjoy his Jedi life and Richard is going to open his business soon, so I can say it's fun to create the characters if they have a backstory.
I have played in many different RP boards before joining this one in March. But I didn't normally have a backstory for the characters there. In one board (please don't laugh), people didn't even have to have a written biography. And almost none of them did have a biography at all... It was an epic failure. I created one board once which changed my life. It changed Estonia a bit. It was almost the most active forums in Estonia. It was so popular, that people came in with massive troops and it was all thanks to the members of the board. They invited their friends to the forum. And actually, the forum's promotion... worker? was really helpful. She was so good. She was actually one of the best RP forum makers in Estonia. But, well, my forum died. I can't say people lost interest. It was because most of the members (maybe all) were pupils at that time and it meant, that they didn't have enough time to be there so often.
But that's actually not what I wanted to say...
If I would start comparing the forum and Chaos, I should say this one is clearly more advanced. I must say everyone here has even a richer backstory than the whole forum had there...
So to end this little post here, I will say: Planning is fun!