Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Howdy Howdy

Hey everyone, I'm Venkarcia, though most call me Venk, or Venka, and sometimes Venkarcia. I've been a huge Star Wars fan since I was little. My dad is also a huge fan, and he would get me lots of Star Wars Legos and action figures and the movies and animated series (both of them), so it's safe to say I love StarWars. I have been searching for a place to roleplay in the Star Wars universe for a while, and I think I've found a cool spot. Anyways, yeah, some stuff about me! Thanks for reading!



To mention someone, press the @Mention button below an avatar

Also, depending on yer character, we might thread sometime

Welcome to Chaos, I hope you have a good time.

I'd just like to express that if you have any questions or seek help that I and many of the community are just an @mention or PM away. Furthermore if you have specific questions about The Codex I'd be happy to help. :)

Good luck and enjoy your time with us!
Leon Heath said:
Welcome to Chaos, [member="Venkarcia"]! I hope you find your little niche to take root in and grow. There's plenty to do.

[member="Reaku Ansetus"] -- Heya, Darth Arachnids.
I hope so too! Though it is the middle of the night for me, so I won't be doing much for now, haha.
Reaku Ansetus said:

To mention someone, press the @Mention button below an avatar

Also, depending on yer character, we might thread sometime
Unfortunately my button sight is limited as I'm on a tiny iPod touch screen. Also, not sure how I'd feel about that, "darth Arachnids" :p


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
Welcome :) Everyone that I've met here so far are awesome and helpful! So you've found a terrific place to have fun and have an adventure or two. Enjoy! ;)

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