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Approved Species Hryllistall

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Well-Known Member


Intent: To expand Skism Fauna and populate The Rupture

Image Source: Innit

Canon: No

Primary Source: None


Name: Hryllistall

Designation: Semi-sentient

Origins: Skism / Natural Evolution influenced by Dark Side

Average Lifespan: 30 GSY

Estimated Population: 45 million / Planetary

Description: A large, bipedal and strong variant of the Hryll family. The Hryllistall is the Hryllaska's opposite in almost every way. It has thick, muscular flesh blanketed in sharp bristles and a large powerful body


Breathes: Type I

Average Height: 2.5m - 2.8m (Stood straight)

Average Length: 75cm

Skin Colour: Green / Light brown

Hair Colour: None

  • 4 Fingers
  • Limbs are very long and never without considerable muscle mass. Legs are used for casual traversal while all four limbs are used for high-speed movement.
  • Auditory organs and general cranium size is reduced and compact to preserve body temperature.
  • The Evolution of the Hryllistall was heavily influenced by the Dark Side. Most Rupture inhabitants were bred from the Schism that created The Rupture over 4,000 years ago. Owing to the nature of what created the Schism, the eyes of the Hryllistall are like biological Life-form sensors. Anything living glows with particular effect while the environment takes on a dull, limited set of colours.

Races: Hryllaska

Force Sensitivity: Naturally Dark Side and very common, however is never used to any true extent due to semi-sentience


Nyoom: Hryllistall have powerful limbs that allow them to traverse their environments at incredible speeds, averaging up to 20-30mph

Life-Detecting Eyes: Hryllaska and Hryllistall eyes are attuned to the life-force of living beings, able to see even buried life as long as there is any semblance of exposed body

Powerful Arms: Hryllistall limbs are much more powerful than their surface-dwelling counterparts, rivalling that of a strong Wookie

Thick Flesh: With a larger body for insulation, the Hryllistall has very thick flesh. A long knife or light blaster bolt will have trouble doing any harm

Hedgehog Boii: Hryllistall bodies are covered in sharp bristles that will do harm upon contact.


Your screams are like nothing to my audio receptors cause I barely have em: The Hryllistall's ears are, like the rest of its head, small. Its ability to detect sound is limited at best.

*In the voice of Kazoo Kid*, What ARE You? - Droids and other lifeless entities will confuse and avoid attack from Hryllaska and Hryllistall due to their lack of noticeable life. Individuals powerful in the Force can also avoid attack or attention by shrouding their life-force


  • Hryllaska and Hryllistall will devour flesh and bone wherever they find it. This is most often confined to the small prey they find under the ash/within the caverns. However, many S'kiss have lost their lives to failed hunting, with the only thing left after eating being rejected Cybernetics.

Communication: Complex variables in clicks growls and screams

Technology Level: N/A

Religion/Beliefs: N/A

General Behaviour:
  • Parental care is very primitive. Food needs are met and protection of infants is aggressive

  • Hostile to other species

  • Hryllistall often linger near Kyber clusters due to their cold, draining effect. This is done to mitigate the intense heat of the the area but sometimes to find dead/dying prey.

Over 4000 years ago, the scourge of the outer rim, Darth Nihilus made his first attempt at the consumption of a planet's living inhabitants. This effort was met by destructive failure that resulted in the coalescence of his power on the surface of the planet. So unstable and destructive was his appetite that it tore a gash across almost half of Skism's surface and throwing the Planet's seismic rhythms out of stability.

Like a Terentatek, many creatures that inhabited the region were heavily influenced by the Dark Side. Their evolution saw natural affinity to the Force and extremely hostile behaviours. One such creature is the Hryllistall, or Crystal Terror in Skist. As in any other life-supporting planet, the Hryllaska and Stall trace their origins back to a common ancestor. However, after the Schism that created the Rupture, a branch of the evolutionary tree formed where the Aska and Stall species came to be. In the wake of the Rupture's formation, the Aska is the population of that pre-schism species that remained on the surface, developing tightly-bound flesh and extremely sensitive ears. The Stall evolved from a population that migrated underground where deposits of Skist Kyber were found. Skist Kyber has a draining effect owing to Nihilus' influence on the world and as such, the caverns that are found throughout the Rupture are much colder than the surface. The Stall species developed larger, more muscular frames to preserve heat and lack the auditory sensitivity of their cousins.
[member="Orex Mauda"]

Another awesome addition to Skism! I said it before and I'll say it again...I love seeing additions to custom planets. It really brings them to life.

1.) Your "Image Credit" links to the image for the Hryllaska. For Hryllistall it should link here.

2.) You mention "The Rupture" in the Intent so be sure to provide a Link to it. You can link it there, or, you can place it in the Links section.

3.) The same thing for the "S'kiss" - Be sure to Link it.

4.) Under "Races" you have: Hryllaska - This should be linked too.

4.) Just like in the history for the Hryllaska the "History" holds a lot of information about "Darth Nihilus" but these details seem to be missing from other Submissions, like, the Rupture. If you are referring to the formation of The Rupture you should be specific there. I've seen details that allude to some dark force like the "Mask" on Skism but it doesn't specifically say who/what it is in regards to in the sub anymore. To make sure that the "History" in this sub makes sense you might want to detail a little more how it links together.

Tag me when you've taken a look, or, let me know your thoughts. Thanks!

Note: If you're referencing other submissions you've made in a sub - You should link them. Even if it's just under the links section.


Well-Known Member
[member="Srina Talon"]

Added links

I'll detail the event that caused the Rupture in a lore sub and link it to relevant subs. Will that work?
[member="Orex Mauda"]

Hello, hello. Good work updating the links! Those are just fine now.

As far as detailing the event goes, it is up to you, but I feel like that would be a solid plan. You could also just update the history section of "The Rupture" a little more and that should suffice too. I can approve this as is if you would like but I will say that the mention of Darth Nihilus without any context is a little confusing. It would be a good idea to link him too if he's a focal point.

You can always pull any sub you need to if you'd like to add a few more links or make historical adjustments.
Good Morning [member="Orex Mauda"]

As per the pre-codex rules, which can be found here, submissions may remain in the pre-codex for a month before they are archived. This submission, however, has exceeded that time limit.

Could you please update us on the status of this submission? Will you be working on it and making it ready for live judging soon, or would you prefer that we archive the submission until you have more time to work on it?
[member="Orex Mauda"]

This submission has the linking updated. As I mentioned before, this one can be approved, but you mentioned you were working on the Rupture. Nothing has been changed since 8/26/2019.

Per the other submission it states that you're not going to be around for the foreseeable future? And won't be responding? If that's the case I can archive this submission and you can request that it be pulled back to live judging when you return. Or, I can approve it as is. Please let me know how you would like to proceed if you happen to see this. If not, the submission will be archived in a few days time for inactivity.


Well-Known Member
[member="Srina Talon"]

If this can be approved then please do so. As for the Rupture, I tagged you in another codex post. It was a book that investigated the origins and whatnot of the Rupture. I included an excerpt (being the real purpose of the sub) that detailed it's creation which, as far as I can remember, was what you wanted me to expand on?
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