Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist

- Intent: To expand the lore previous subs
- Image Credit:
- Canon: N/A
- Permissions: N/A
- Links: Vornskr
- Name: Hu-Ed
- Designation: Sentient
- Origins:
- Average Lifespan: 1000 years
- Estimated Population: Scattered
- Description: Tall and imposing, with thick skin, barrel chests and massive shoulders. The Hu share bovine like features as well as incredible strength with hooved feet and normally bent legs. Small tails that can be used as a weapon and horns on their heads that are large and made to pierce armor and stone. Poor milky eyes and a snout that flares with moisture. Their size is impressive and even when they hibernate and curl up they look like small mountains.
- Breathes: Type I
- Average Height of Adults: 3m
- Average Length of Adults: N/A
- Skin color: Tan
- Hair color: Short and coarse body fur with thick dark colored hairs
- Distinctions:
- Hoofed feet
- Horns
- Hermaphroditic
- Pointed Ears
- Races: N/A
- Force Sensitivity: High
- Powerful Digestive Acid: Their bodies can break down practically anything that they eat.
- Force Sense: Highly attuned to the darkside of the force and seeking out areas of the galaxy where it is. They can sense and hunt others who are touched by the force better then others they can smell or hear.
- Hibernation: The species has evolved the natural ability to hibernate and sustain themselves with the force for long periods of time
- Note: Hibernation periods can vary but the longest is four hundred years at a time.
- Low Population
- Unable to use most technology/Armor
- Force Nullification: THeir senses of the force and being able to find in the dark becomes impossible and they can enter a state of rage smashing through walls and anything around them.
- Limited visual acuity: Their vision is based on movement and does not function well in bright light.
- Diet: Omnivore: Meats, Vegetables, Roots, Leaves (with their digestive systems they can eat near anything)
- Communication: Verbal, Pheromones
- Technology level: Below Galactic Standard
- Religion/Beliefs: Regarded and taken from their homeworld as a trap, the species is born with a bondmate. Someone they are usually with and will seek out subconsciously across long distances. (think carrier pidgeons going for their mate) In ancient times their homeworld was razed to the ground and the species subjected to dark beings who slowly corrupted them with their magics. As they were scattered across the stars and taken to massive temples the Hu-Ed were given the task and orders to protect the treasures within the basements. Some of the first cultures that took them were the Vu under the guise of the Go Nagai. Finding the humanoids a strong host but branching out they were able to overtake some of the Hu using them as a bulwark until their encountered the Ren which they replaced their bodyguards with. In their own society over time the Hu have developed customs, bone necklaces to protect their necks that can impede the serpents and heightened aggression for things and people coming after their homes. To outsiders who try and capture their children they are aggressive and violent often needing to be killed to take the children.
- General behavior:
- The Hu-Ed is very dedicated to their home, often staying in hibernation for years near places of the darkside to protect the treasures within. Their heart rate and breathing lowering to the point they will rarely appear within force senses or on sensors from droids. When approached by predators or food their heart rates increase awakening them from their slumber to search out. Their generally make their homes close to aura's of the darkside that they can slowly use to nourish them while they hibernate.
Within their own social structure the bonded pair is usually alone with each other, make their territory in caves or dark ruin like places. The darker the better and they will make a home in the dirt with rotted trees and leaves. Any ruined technology around them they do not really use but might find alternative purposes for with rudimentary tools or traps. THeir children are regarded well and protected but also a burden that the parents will finish teaching how to survive. Their hibernation usually interrupted to do so.
With outsiders they are a mixed bag, usually regarded as hostile threats based on past experiences and with the Hu having a long lifespan they hold long grudges. They will often speak of smelling familiar scents on beings that they have met. Sometimes they will leave outsiders alone if they are neither hungry or worried about being attacked, it isn't clear how they can tell the difference but main suspicion is their hearing and sense of smell can register the body chemistry of the ones coming after them.
- The Hu-Ed is very dedicated to their home, often staying in hibernation for years near places of the darkside to protect the treasures within. Their heart rate and breathing lowering to the point they will rarely appear within force senses or on sensors from droids. When approached by predators or food their heart rates increase awakening them from their slumber to search out. Their generally make their homes close to aura's of the darkside that they can slowly use to nourish them while they hibernate.
Discovered on their homeworld at the edge of the galaxy by the Go Nagai when they were still under the influence of the Vu, An interesting species that was massive and overpowering. The Vu used them as enforcers and the first choice of hosts they could take from off their homeworld. With the force energies and knowledge from other species they had encountered on the worlds near them they sought to change them to become better for their purposes. The experiments were a failure, not creating the beasts into a devout and perfect host but into a primitive and partially twisted creature.
The full effects of their experiments were never really understood by the Vu or the Go Nagai as they razed the world to the ground seeking to live up to their name sake as destructors. The Hu were kept alive in low numbers that many did not really have things to do with, mated pairs being taken to temples or left on worlds that held value and treasured resources. To protect it and ensure no one took what was theirs by their own decree. Slowly over time as they learned to fight back and the Go Nagai conflicted with the Vu driving the serpents away the Hu found a new purpose... Mostly in trying to not be killed off.
The Go Nagai left them alone, leaving them in the ancient ruins under levels as they moved from the worlds and turned their attentions back towards their own worlds colonizing them and spreading throughout the system. The Hu were able to repopulate in the galaxy where they had been seeded and were found by different species, attacked by some and left alone by others. A bonded pair was taken by an ancient sleeper ship to a mysterious world within the deeper core and helped construct the massive old city. More that were seeded were found by a race of slugs and given jobs in the basements of their palaces.
Over the centuries as they slowly found a place in the galaxy the children of the first generations slowly migrated towards the darker places in the galaxy. Finding sources of darkside energy and slowly changing as they drank in the dark energies twisting and partially evolving along a natural path over several tens of thousand of years. Most drifting into myth and legend as the creatures began to hibernate in states of suspension instead of making their presence known throughout the galaxy. Meanwhile on their own world they slowly evolved into a more primitive society.
The homeworld of the Hu originally thought lost and destroyed was discovered by another species that rose up from a neighboring system. The Ro were a dangerous warrior race seeking to conquer and they found baseline cousins in the large beasts. Teaching them along the line of war and technology to a point but no further, with the Hu's size compared to them and their ability t hibernate the Ro didn't want to give the tools and means of their own destruction to their servants. The Ro built massive cities for the Hu to reside under that allowed bonded pairs and their children to live together.
The Ro were not kind though, more careful and instigated artificial population control on the home planet with an order for ones who could be found told to come home. Given how stunted they sought to keep the Hu-Ed to protect and control them they were experimenting with them in the future to see if they could be improved or made to produce more children. The species usually being allowed to mate every thousand years or so which they could hibernate and wait to have after teaching their children how to serve the Ro.
THe years have been kind though as the jedi discovered several pairs of the Hu and relocated a couple or made sure that there was a warning for possible explorers. WIth some being brought to the Ahch-To temple to study and observe as they were asleep in hibernation and some being relocated to Atrisia's dark and dangerous continent. Riches being given to them to protect the tunnels that lead to the small outpost they managed to establish.
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