Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Hunting for that Needle

Veles frowned as no battery hit its mark. Quite disappointing, really. His cybernetic eye attempted to see the enemy spacecraft, but the Force worked faster, telling it was piloted by an old enemy, [member="Hasjo Hallu"], a Nautolan he had met a few times. So this would be the day the two crossed their blades? This also gave the Knight some hope his opponent was not a Jedi Master, but only a Knight. In that moment, the Jedi's spacecraft took a hit, heavily damaging it, the next shot from the battery destroyed it. Strangely enough, Avreet could still feel the Jedi in the Force. "It is done." The captain said and her eyes darted from the window at the young amphibian. "I have to admit, I expected something better from a Jedi...," "He's still alive," Veles stated, interrupting his mother and shifting his gaze towards the ensign, "Status report?" "It appears we have suffered some minor damage near the escape pods." "That is him. He's inside. I'll take care of it..., notify the crew there is an extremely dangerous individual on board. Do not engage him unless necessary." the Sith growled, prompty leaving the bridge only to be stopped near the elevator as an officer emerged from it, almost bumping into the Sith, but both of them stopped before any accident happened and she stood at attention. Veles ignored her, walking past the woman and getting into the elevator. Once the door closed the Veles was on his way down, the female captain continued glaring into the space before turning to the officers on the bridge. "Move the stormtroopers guarding the hangar inside the hangar and fortify it. Send twelve squads to guard the floor with the prisoner, tell them to be prepared for the Jedi. Lock down the escape pods. Secure all hallways leading to the generator, then lock all doors leading to it." She ordered, walking over the holographic projector that currently showed the insides of The Deliverance.

Fully knowing the Jedi came for Maya, it made most sense to go there and wait for him. On his way through the hallways, Veles met several stormtroopers running to arm themselves. His mother must have thought they could defeat the Jedi, but they would only get in the way. His presence slowly shifted towards the neutral alignment and disappeared in a few seconds, not allowing the Jedi to know his position. With an idea to lure the Jedi towards Maya and ambush him, he was quite displeased when he saw all the guards on the floor, heavily armed and armored, taking cover and guarding the entrances. Closing the distance with Maya's room, his webbed claw tapped the correct code into the device and entered, seeing [member="Maya Whitelight"] sitting on the bed. "The Nautolan Jedi is here. Please remain calm and do not do anything stupid, I will take care of him. Focus on something pleasant, like meeting Connor if everything goes according to plan. Prove you can be trusted and I promise you will see your son soon. Remember that I always hold my word...," Turning on his heels, the Sith left, locking the door again. Once outside, he concentrated on manipulating the light around him, slowly becoming transparent until completely disappearing from the world. There, he knelt down right in front of Maya's room and meditated, letting the Force give him energy. Both lightsaber hilts flew into his webbed hands seemingly on their own, the crimson blades yet to be ignited.
Having her own eyes look up before her head followed to see once again the Mon Cal standing in her room. This time it was for a different reason, all that flooded her mind was that of her son. Now her heart stopped beating so wildly. Only to find it picking up again, raising up from upon her bed in a fashion of grace. Letting her eyes search upon the fact that he knew who had came to call. Only to feel that she once again hopeless in the on goings that she had put in motion. It was told in her eyes she wanted to do something to lash out, but at less she could do none as one word that he had spoken, her son. Yes, you do Lord Veles.

As much as it pain her to so those few words spoken from her lips. It was all she could do watching him leave. Then to sink to her own knees, how had it came to this, this time she knew that @Hasjo Hallu wouldn't just leave her this time, to [member="Darth Veles"] no he would do all he could to take her with him. Finding herself now in a deeper with in herself. Only to find herself to draw herself to her knees then to a position. Siding herself deeper into the force that she had gone inside of her. The passion that had been bottle up inside was flowing out of her as if it some kind of mist from her. Sending one message into the force for her dear friend, I am sorry I have ... not able to finish those last words to him. Only to find her own searching of Veles, please don't ... I can.t take any more...death..
Hasjo walked into the corridor to the bewilderment of a low-ranking officer garbed in uniform. The man stood there, frozen as he gaped at the metalloid creature before him. A data pad clutched in his two hands, held tight enough his knuckles had gone white. Hasjo watched back, unsure who should make the first move. Whilst the Nautolan was covered head-to-toe in armoured durasteel plating, he still didn't fit in with the crew of this vessel. Although he no longer wore Jedi robes, he held a sigil upon his pouldrons that denoted him as a member of the Silver Jedi Order. Hasjo began to step forward, towards the access elevator. The officer watched Hasjo, craning his neck as the shorter armoured man walked past him. As the elevator doors rammed shut, the officer brought his wrist to his mouth and alerted control that he had spotted the intruder, along with his appearance. Hasjo stood in the elevator with four other men. A fireteam of stormtroopers. To say the situation was tense was an understatement. To make matters worse, it was a tight space. Hasjo turned his head, glancing over his shoulder to the floor number they had designated. He grunted. That was a good start. Then a voice broke the silence, he must know that Hasjo was the intruder. It wasn't hard to identify him as one, he stood out quite blatantly. The trooper spoke, "Hands on your head, Jedi."
"Okay," Hasjo replied. The four troopers had their rifled trained on him. As the lead stepped forward with a pair of bonds, Hasjo focused his mind. He felt out with the force. In a swift movement, he raised and thrust down his hand, the blasters in their hands smashed out of their grips and clattered against the floor of the elevator. It hadn't even been a split second before the stormtroopers launched themselves upon him to restrain him. Suddenly Hasjo found himself encumbered by the four troopers, slamming his back against the elevator doors as they pinned him there. One of them had squirmed themselves behind him, wrapping an arm around his throat. Two more held onto his arms whilst the last man held him by the waist. The Jedi was as strong as any two of them, but unfortunately all four of them had him pinned. His back had hit the control box, the elevator stopped moving and remained halted. Hasjo raised his knee, striking the man holding his waist in the crotch. The stormtrooper groaned in pain and stumbled back after another two more strikes from the Nautolan. He let his legs drop out from under him, the other two holding him had their grip slipped out from under them. The man holding his neck tightened his grip, and whilst it brought a horrible sensation to his throat and stung horribly, the MLSS still allowed him to breathe. He threw his elbow over his shoulder and struck the man five times. The stormtroopers head crashed against the wall each time, knocking him out for good. Before the stormtroopers could ready themselves for another assault on the Nautolan, he leapt onto his feet. He became a living, martial hurricane, his body moving in two and three directions at once, joints flexing, unlimited by human vertebral restraints. Who he touched went down. And those who went down, stayed down. In a matter of seconds, it was all over. He turned around and pressed the floor below the stormtroopers designated one.

Hasjo moved out of the elevator and into an empty hallway. Four stormtroopers lay slumped in the elevator, unconscious. The doors closed and the elevator continued it's progress to the floor above him. The variety of weapons from his long-handle lightsaber to his lightsaber pike swung from his waist. He was in essence, a walking armoury. As was the way of the Exotic Weapons Master, and the aspirant Battlemaster. He slowed his pacing as words flooded his mind, "I am sorry I have ..." He could feel her, she was close. He reached out with his mind, walking down the corridor until her presence was getting closer and closer, and then, further. Wait. He began to walk backwards, her presence was closer. He glanced to either side, seeing a room to his right. He forced the door open with the wave of his hand and the focus of his mind. He entered, her presence was right here. But the room was empty. This was exactly what he had hoped. A single man on a star destroyer, populated by thousands. He was smart enough to find the most indirect route possible. Hopefully this was it. He ignited his Lightsaber Pike, thrust it up against the roof and began to make a circular motion, cutting a hole in the floor of Maya's room that squatted above him. He looked up, speaking to her through the hole he had just carved out, "I got your message."

@[member="Maya Whitelight"]
@[member="Darth Veles"]
Deep with in herself she had to make herself where the emotions that now swirled around her could be dealt with. Flowing around it happen, only then what was next found herself opening her eyes to find the what she felt the give way of the floor. Looking down as could see [member="Hasjo Hallu"]. Shock form on her own face as she let out a shout as she to the floor below her. Only to cause herself to look up at the make of his. [member="Hasjo Hallu"] How the heck what are you doing, I can't.. go with you ..

Feeling something come across her own face only to look up to see a piece to fall on her. Bring herself to the point that she called out to [member="Darth Veles"] before all went back. Veles ...he....................
Paying no attention to to the telepathic reminder she wanted no death, Veles continued to focus on the Jedi, trying to feel him though the Force. Normally, it wouldn't have been very hard, but the thousands of sentients on the ship made it quite difficult, especially with several dozens of soldiers right next to him and Maya sending messages into his mind. All these things disturbed the young Sith, not allowing him to concentrate properly. The only thing he could tell was that the Jedi continued to advance closer and closer, until he felt him so close it prompted him to open his large eyes and goggle around the hallway, his bulbous orbs swiveling independently and scanning the area for intruders. The cybernetic eye even switched to a different vision mode, hoping to discover the Jedi had he rendered himself invisible as well. To no avail though, the Nautolan was not there. And yet the Force told him something different. It was then that the elevator moved, going down. Getting up to his feet, frown on his face, the amphibian watched the elevator for a while, noting several lifeforms leaving the elevator on the floor below.

Another of [member="Maya Whitelight"]'s telepathic words reached his mind. Alerted, the Mon Cal no longer maintained his Force cloak hiding him from the world. With haste, Veles entered the code and entered the room, not seeing Maya anywhere. His eyes went wide as a large hole was cut in the floor, the armored Jedi in there with unconscious Maya. Pressing the buttons on both curved hilts, the lightsabers ignited with their typical hissing sound. "Jedi filth!" the Mon Cal exclaimed, pointing both blades at the Jedi just as stormtroopers moved to the floor below and the ship's captain entered the room with [member="Hasjo Hallu"], aiming her blaster pistol at his head. "Game over, Jedi," she hissed, two troopers behind her back aiming their rifles at the Nautolan, "Did you think you could outsmart me ony my own ship, Jedi scum?" Her left eye darted to the men behind her and she quickly took a step back to get out of their way. "Open fire on the Jedi!"
Hasjo snapped his neck upwards at the hiss of twin blades. "Jedi filth!" the Mon Cal exclaimed. Hasjo held out a single hand, utilising the force he reached out, pulling Maya back with him towards the wall, mean't to place her out of harms way. Both hands now gripped the far ends of the ignited Lightsaber Pike. The plasma burned a brilliant cerulean haze. Stormtroopers and an officer burst through the door, Hasjo brought his blade to kneel. "Game over, Jedi," the female officer hissed, "Did you think you could outsmart me ony my own ship, Jedi scum?"
"The game has only just begun," he mockingly answered to her. He quickly propelled the extended hilt through the palm of his hands, twirling the blade. She screeched out for the stormtroopers, "Open fire on the Jedi!" Hasjo accelerated the twirling of his hilt into a blur of motion complex and rapid enough to baffle even the experienced gaze of a Jedi. Though his blade was long, and as he continued to twirl the blades, deflecting the blaster fire, the tip of his blades were striking against the floor of the room. Slowly, it was melting a line across the floor. He held up the defence, looking around for anything that could help him. But nothing, there was nothing in the room to aid him. He suddenly and quickly spun his body, carving a perfect oval around him and Maya in the floor, and once more, the floor collapsed. They fell, his blade disengaged. Time seemed to slow as he focused, meditating. He reached out for Maya with both hands, thumb and index finger holding the hilt, barely. He raised her, so that when they impacted, she would be unharmed. Reality came crashing back with a thunderous boom, Hasjo slammed down onto the floor of the room that had been below them. An officer had been sleeping there, but surely wasn't anymore. Hasjo spun his body, throwing his metallic boot across the mans jawline. He knocked him flat to the ground. The Nautolan knelt beside Maya, heaving her up onto his shoulders, with one hand holding her, the other held his Pike. The metalloid fled into the corridors. It had only been a matter of seconds that everything had occurred, but it seemed much longer. He knew Veles would be catching up, very soon. Too soon.

@[member="Darth Veles"]
@[member="Maya Whitelight"]
The Sith Knight glanced down the hole as he heard the blaster fire coming from below. He could see and hear the rogue Jedi swinging his weapon and deflecting the incoming blaster bolts without much difficulty, though the Mon Cal paid more attention to the unconscious Maya as he hoped she wouldn't get hurt since she could not defend herself in this state. There was not much he could do though; jumping through the hole meant getting impaled on the pike, cutting his own hole right where he stood posed a risk of falling on an ally, and running to the elevator would take too long. Jumping over the gap in the floor, the amphibious Sith flicked the twin lightsabers in his webbed hands, spinning them around and cutting through the floor on the other end of the room, falling to the floor below and gracefully landing behind the armored Jedi's back just when the Nautolan cut another hole and disappeared below. Veles briefly looked at the captain, frowning. "Enter the hyperspace. Head to Coruscant." Not losing any more time, the Sith Knight jumped through the floor cut open by the Jedi. He hoped the Mon Cal captain listened to him, as the Jedi would find escaping the ship much harder once the Star Destroyer entered the hyperspace.

As his booted feet touched the floor, the Sith immediately noticed the motionless man, luckily the Imperial could still be felt in the Force. Veles moved to the panel next to the door and called a medic, then focused on the two Jedi presences, noting their location and heading, followed by hiding his own presence in the Force before rushing out of the room. On his way to the rogue Jedi duo, the amphibian also bent all sounds around himself, making his footsteps and lightsaber hum silent. The long and powerful strides his muscular legs made carried the young Mon Cal through the hallways as he rushed towards the Jedi. With no dead weight slowing him down, it was only a matter of time before he found them. The ship suddenly shook in a way characteristic for entering a hyperspace. Veles slightly smiled, as it meant his mother had listened to him instead of going after the Jedi herself. Hopefully. After rounding another corner, his bulbous eyes finally spotted the two, [member="Maya Whitelight"] being carried over the man's shoulder. Somehow, Veles did not believe she wanted to go with him. No longer bending sound, the humming of the two crimson plasma blades audible, the Darth called out at the armored man. "Put her down you lunatic! How dare you to kidnap a woman?! She does not want to go with you!" Raising his hands so both lightsabers pointed at the Silver Jedi, Veles prepared himself for combat, the lightsaber in his left held only by tree out of six claws at the moment as the hand was ready to either quickly counter any telekinetic attack or firmly grasp the hilt and focus on close combat. The cybernetic eye noted the lightsaber pike held by [member="Hasjo Hallu"], seeing it was too long to be used only by one hand.
Putting herself in such a deep state of mind, to medicate on all that was gong on around her. Also, doing this to keep her emotions in cheek. Taking place in her mind she cause a dream state. Flowing images came flying past her some she could see very detailed others not so much until something happen. Feeling as if the whole floor had just shifted, only to cause her not to wake up. Floating as taking on this dream as if in two different places at once. Only to see what was to come of her, then again the future was always changing. Forcing herself from this state of mine. Only to get this feeling of if she was on some kind of animal could she be back in the jungle on Haruun Kal. Shaking this thought from her mind. Only to cause herself open up her eyes, all was a blur, her head was hurting so much. It was pounding and pounding against every thing inside her skull. Still have way out of it finding herself going in and out of dream like state she had put herself in.

NO no...what every creature you are put me

It was after she had time to make her eyes come into focus did she see that she was being carried like a sack of grain ready for market. Only to come to the reality that It was Hasjo. What, how ....when..why are you carrying me like this, I want down NOW...

[member="Darth Veles"][member="Hasjo Hallu"]
Maya roared as she awoke from her dream, "NO no...what every creature you are put me" Hasjo did as commanded, the Sith echoing her words "Put her down you lunatic! How dare you to kidnap a woman?! She does not want to go with you!" He slid her off his shoulders gently, easing her onto her feet. He gripped his Lightsaber Pike, holding the hilt with his hands at either end. He stepped in front of Maya, placing himself in between her and [member="Darth Veles"]. Hasjo spoke to the Sith, "Your words shall not poison her mind. Manipulator," he hissed. He spoke to Maya, maintaining his focus on Veles, "I got your emergency beacon, Maya. Let us escape with haste." He freed a single hand, quickly drawing the lightsaber hilt of a single blade with a cerulean crystal. It had been his first ever lightsaber. He gently tossed it towards the Zeltron, returning his hand back onto the double-ended Pike hilt.

@[member="Maya Whitelight"]
The left eye darted to gaze at Maya who finally woke up, quite desoriented and not very happy about the current situation. The armored Jedi offered the female Zeltron a lightsaber as he set her down, his hands free to grasp the long lightsaber hilt. The Mon Cal's head slightly turned to Maya, though the cybernetic eye remained fixed at the male opponent. "Your Silver Jedi friend just used you as a living shield as he ran through the ship with you over his shoulder, [member="Maya Whitelight"]. Help me pacify him so we can continue our discussion regarding Connor." The Sith Knight ordered firmly, yet gently, and focused on turning his body into a conductor of the Dark Side. The fire in his heart spread throughout the entire body and raged inside while Veles guided the rage into his left hand, letting it out through the fingers not holding the lightsaber. The purple energy crackled as it flew towards the Jedi, though the young Sith did not wait for his Force lightning to finish as he launched himself towards [member="Hasjo Hallu"], first moving the lightsaber in his right hand to vertically hit the blade of the Jedi's weapon, attempting to lock the blades and push them towards Hasjo's left leg, as Veles' other hand finished pouring the pure manifestation of the Dark Side and gripped the curved hilt firmly, followed by a powerful jab meant for the Nautolan's right knee.
All the speaking from both flew at her all at once. To sort out all got her beacon, then it sunk in "[member="Hasjo Hallu"] my dear friend, you came, where your...back up..." Trying to put more together. He wouldn't come by himself with out bring some of the 6th would he. Shaking her head some what as she felt the lightsaber in her hands. Then speaking about escaping. All for that as she ready her to do just that. Only to have herself slapped hard in the face of reality. One would that strike to the core of her heart. Connar why oh why could this be happening to her. Looking at both only to find herself more conflicted.

Flooding through the force [member="Darth Veles"] had taken on feeling him with the dark side of the force. Only to feel the other part happen feeling she only had one choice or did she. Going after the one that had a conflict upon her heart. Helping to take down one of her own silver jedi. With a mix of emotions she let herself go up behind him as she spoke to Hasjo through the force. "I'll get you out of this I promise ...I have to do this ...for my own reason. " Kicking out with her own leg to his back full on. To bring down a fist of her to the back of his neck
[member="Maya Whitelight"] asked of him, "Hasjo Hallu my dear friend, you came, where your...back up..."
"There is none. I didn't think you got yourself into this much trouble." The lightning came hurling towards him, he brought the Pike before him. The plasma consumed the energy, Hasjo gritted his teeth under the strain. He shoved back against the power only to find [member="Darth Veles"] advancing his attack. Before he could launch his attack on him, Hasjo performed a quick twirl, batting aside the first attack. The whine of plasma was loud in the air as cerulean and crimson collided. As the locked blades came sliding down for his legs, Hasjo jumped high. He curled his knees under his arse so as to avoid the attack, subsequently avoiding the jab for his knee. He brought his double-ended pike around full circle as he came landing down with a powerful thud. The second blade thundered down, prepared to cut through Veles arm, but the Nautolan halted by a boot thrown to his spine. His balance was thrown off, he collapsed onto his knees with a great bang of metal colliding with metal. He could feel the disturbance that leaked from Maya. He didn't need his headtresses to know she had attachment. She seemed clouded with fear, and fear was a path to the Dark Side. Her words came to him softly, but he didn't believe them. Not truly. A deep relaxation overcame his senses. His pike had clattered to the ground beside him, disengaged. He felt it, the powerful punch of the Zeltron between the interlocking plates. Her betrayal. She had struck true, fast and hard. All turned to black, and the metalloid Nautolan collapsed to the ground. Unconscious.
Veles' large eyes watched the amusing display of treachery happening right in front of him. Truth to be told, he had not expected her to help him in this manner, though he appreciated what she did. [member="Maya Whitelight"] finally turned against her order, striking her fellow Silver Jedi [member="Hasjo Hallu"]. As the armored Nautolan slumped to the ground, the Mon Calamari Sith telekinetically retrieved his long lightsaber hilt, one of his orbs looking at the pink skinned woman while the other studied the unfamiliar lightsaber handle, too long to be practical. Attaching all weapons to his belt, he reached out with his left hand and gently stroked Maya's cheek, leaning towards her and delivering a kiss on her forehead. "You probably feel conflicted right now, but you have made the right choice, my dear. How does it feel to be on the right side?" The cybernetic hand went for her weapon, removing it from her hand just in case she suddenly had a change of heart and decided to attack him as well while he thought she was on his side. "You did great and earned yourself much more than just seeing your son... how about we let you visit him every once in a while. The people taking care of him love him as their own and would hate to lose him... so I hope you will agree with a compromise." After giving her a tight hug, he raised his left hand towards his large mouth and spoke into the comlink attached to the wide wrist.

"Mother. We have defeated the Jedi, send someone to strip him naked and chain him in a cell, probably put a large dose of drugs into him so he won't wake up until we reach Coruscant and one of my fellow Sith takes him."
In her eyes something else she looked down at her fellow silver jedi order. It was his soft touch that brought from [member="Hasjo Hallu"] unconscious body. Only to bring herself eyes that seem to have that mix of emotions with in them. Conflicted as only one could see if they had the force what was now like a mixing pot of emotions. All she could feeling the kiss on her forehead. What brought her back fully to the present listening full to him.

"No , no" , falling to the floor by Hasjo body. "Please you have to find another way, I was there when they put the suit on," tears running down her face both sides. ​Only thing keeping him alive, its life support." Reaching out and grabbing his leg firmly as she looked up with her now pink eyes that had brightness to them. All going through her mind just what could this mean for her life. Hearing his words about seeing her son, not not getting him back into her loving arms. Shaking her head over and over again. [member="Darth Veles"]
"Oh." The Mon Cal stroked the long barbel on his chin as the rogue Jedi explained her fellow's condition and grabbed his leg in desperation. His face remained emotionless, though he had to resist the urge to smile upon hearing of the Jedi's weakness. The Nautolan was broken, fully depending on his suit to survive. So fragile, Veles could kill him by crushing an important part of the armor with his mind, the rest of the rogue Jedi's body would be pulled into the void... Caring little for his survival, though having no wish to dishonorably slay the unconscious enemy in front of the Zeltron, the amphibious Sith took Maya's shoulders and lifted her from the floor, then proceeded to wipe off her tears with the webbed hand, letting the hatred in his heart disappear, replaced with calmness and silent joy. "You should not cry for him, my dear. In fact, you should celebrate, for with one of those warmonging beasts down, we are one step closer to achieving peace... and you will be reunited with your son soon enough." Hugging her again, he allowed her empathy taste the growing warmth of happiness in his heart and bask in it to make her soul feel a bit better as a sound of armored boots approached from behind, growing louder. Soldiers started pouring down the hallway the Force sensitive trio stood and the Mon Cal Knight was approached by the commanding officer. Letting go of [member="Maya Whitelight"], the amphibian swiveled one eye to glare at the man. "Search him for any weapons hidden in the suit. His armor apparently keeps the monster within alive... but do not take any risks. Take him to the medbay, take off as much armor as possible and attach him to our machines. Strap him, obviously, to prevent him from escaping. Then give the armor to our technicians to study it." Veles ordered and firmly grasped Maya by her shoulder, swiftly leading her away from the scene, but not before offering the body of [member="Hasjo Hallu"] one last glance. Both bulbous eyes then stared at the Zeltron, slight worry visible in the Sith's gaze. The young woman needed a rest, and for that a new room since the Jedi had destroyed the old one. It did not take long to find a free cabin, the ship's capacity not filled nearly enough to prevent the Sith from simply placing his companion in. Maya's new quarters were fairly reminiscent of the previous ones, the only major difference being the lack of a table. Inside, the Sith Knight stood in the corner, glaring at the woman. "Please accept my apology for taking your son. I am truly ashamed of it, but it's paid off as you can see. Do you even realize how many innocents you have saved by striking the Nautolan down?"
This finally act, had it broken the Zeltron emotions barrier. As once she had just done to not only [member="Hasjo Hallu"] her dear friend. Fellow brothers and sisters, only to cause her to shake more. Pausing when she felt [member="Darth Veles"] firm web hands upon her shoulders. Causing her to raise from the ground, so much to hold on to Hasjo as if a lioness now protecting. That would happen, it was to late. On second thought, that of her very core weakness seeing her son. To be able to run her hands threw Connar white wave hair. Only brought more tears to want to start flowing.

The embrace he put around her, and the flowing of warmness from him. To smooth way all that taken place, how could this very simple act calm her to make her mind forget what she had just done. Stop saying nothing but have a glass over glaze to her eyes. As he spoke to the soldiers. None looking her way only to take orders from Darth Veles. Even to a minunte later finding herself giving Hasjo body one last look.

Wanting more then anything to pull away go running after him. Only to find a very firm grip around her shoulder. Knowing this was the end. Just to what end one couldn't tell. Finding her going down other hallways and then up then down maybe. Couldn't tell as all was num in her mind. Finding herself in another living quarters. This one not so large as her last one.

Giving him a long deep look was he really truly ashamed of what he did, what he done to her like some one back to a hot fire with not place to escape. Walking up to him only to find her raising her hand as to strike him, with all she had left of her energy. Finding herself putting the hand down to her side. Only to reach out with all her empathy emotion that had left in her, it was a sea of foam turning as if the tides where rolling in. I guess, I have saved a lot of lives today, but it still.." , finding herself turn to not face him. It wasn't like that would cause her to hid all that was gong on in her mind right now. "I"m conflicted... I feel if I have done something horrible ...I'm a monster.. I have turn into this ugly person I can't bare to see myself in a mirror..I'm my heart is bleeding...I want ..I desire to see my son so much..I wanted hold him once smell his innocent breath upon my face ..he sweet kisses upon my cheek." reaching up to touch her own cheek. I forgot what I learn..I was its a it when ..I have to that to ...what one saw as ...a fellow brother....a ..friend.....a

[member="Darth Veles"]
Hasjo awoke to the familiar scent of fresh blood. He tossed his glare around the room, white washed walls surrounded him. His arms hung from several riggings that held each limb wide apart, and likewise were his legs restrained. Near-humans gathered around him, draped in white coats. Long, black prods were rammed against the durasteel plating that protected him. Their muffled voices were almost lost to his ears as he began to pick up on their conversation, "-deduced that his armour is pressurised, it was how he was able to survive in vacuum before breaking into Sector F. The design is extremely complicated. Medical droids have been unable to remove the plating, stating that the armour is designed to be worn for extreme lengths of time, and removing such a suit without understanding of what is underneath the system may very well kill the Nautolan." The presumed chief medical officer stepped forward, throwing an index finger against the armour, stating for the others to continue their study of the piece. They concluded some of the lesser known functions of the suit within moments, such as the disposal of bodily waste, pressurisation and began theorising what possible apparatuses kept the Nautolan alive within. Hasjo made not a sound, nor movement. He would bide his time until the chance arose. The council had hopefully received his transmission by now. Yet he understood firmly that he may never return to his homeworld, nor the world of his fellow brethren. He may die here. He reached out with the Force, finding the warmth connection of Maya. A girl of whom he had known for a long time now. Her force signature was different now, something was trying to change her. And he guessed who. He spoke through the Force directly to her. His voice was not synthesised by the suit, this was his own voice she knew too well that attempted to penetrate her mental barriers to speak to her directly and privately. "Maya, you need to get out of here. You need to find Asaak, she'l know what to do. Save yourself, please," he then felt it, a deep attachment to a particular being, he pursued, "Who are they?"

@[member="Darth Veles"]
@[member="Maya Whitelight"]
As if her own eyes was glazed over to [member="Darth Veles"] as if she was somewhere else. Thinking of all that had been brought before her. Doing the things she had done. Letting all this sink in more, slowly now. As if playing out in her mind again the choice she had made. Finding it now harder for her to know what she did was right. Her son was truly what she seeker. At what price would she have to end up playing. Dropping to her knees as she put her hand to her face. Speaking in the force know to [member="Hasjo Hallu"].

Hasjo my dear sweet friend, I can't leave I must stay. ....................................................with a very long drawn out pause to how to speak to the face what she is facing only one only else that knew was [member="Xander Carrick"]. you must understand, this sith has taken some that I hold close to my heart.......I just play by his rules...he....taken my son...MY SON...
Hasjo slumped in the chairs, hung from the ceiling. They were stretching his muscles, weakening him slowly. He delved deep into the dark recesses of his mind. Meditating on the force as his mind connected on a deeper level to Maya's. His body was preserving strength. No longer could he feel the presence of the doctors and scientists that encircled him like carrion feed. He felt Maya's turmoil and sorrow. He flinched at these emotions. Long had he not felt them. She was confused, and he longed to ease her pain. His muscles flinched and flexed upon the restraints. Further did he begin to isolate himself from the world. He placed himself deeper into the Force. Someone the exertion upon his body was helping him. He found that he only found meditation through physical exercise. Training. Fighting. In a rare case; torture. Right now, the tension on his limbs were helping him attach to his force connection. Sochi Ru had taught him to connect this way, for he had failed to meditate any other way. He called out to her, attempting to wash her in a calm, basking her in his light. "Maya, I had no idea. I'm so very sorry. The Sith have taken much from me too.." He opened his mind to hers, allowing her to see what he had seen through his eyes. Friends, troopers of the Sixth Battalion. Countless dozens dead at the hands of the One Sith and New Order. Then a flash of images, torture at the hands of the Darth Ferus and Lord Eclipsion. Countless conflicts. The clashing of blades. He allowed her to see what had happened to him over the years. The removal of his left hand, his headtresses. A Sith physically beating a helpless citizen, and a young Hasjo, proud and fearless taking on the powerful opponent - and ultimately losing. Beaten bloody. Left on the streets of Coruscant, waning in and out of unconsciousness. He had tried in vain to fight for good. To defend that citizen. "These are the ways of the Sith. Violence. Fear. He holds your son as a tool to use you against myself and our friends. I can help you Maya. I can get your son back. Trust me. Believe in me."

[member="Maya Whitelight"]
At that very moment being fill with the over flowing of emotions something happen to her. Hitting the floor on her side. As if she had past out from all the emotion. Finding herself deep with in herself it was as if unlocking another part of her power with in her mind. It had a strange feeling as if she was floating in a different place. It as if was a safe play for her to go. Voice came to her again, on to bring a smile upon her lips. [member="Hasjo Hallu"]

Then came the reality that hit from him all that flashed in front of his eyes. One thing about her was the how could feel the emotions with the empathy flooding out upon Hasjo. All the violence shown before her eyes, came to a stop. Once again finding herself in this safe play with in her mind. It was away from all that she choice to let in or could send them flowing out of her mind at any time. Came the question flooding back into her mind. then speaking to him once again. I know those are the ways of the sith to rule with fear, violence, torch. How could you he is well hidden, place with a family in one of the imperial planets? He said...trailing this thought off as to the fact that could this been a empty promise also. He had every ability to keep her for himself to do his own desire and work for him solely. I truest you and believe you.. a different is you have never lie to me, or play with my emotions or my empathy part of me.

[member="Hasjo Hallu"]

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