Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Hunting on Corbos

South Corbos
Mrrew's sleek freighter pierced the upper atmosphere of Corbos, piloted by the Togorian's skilled astrodroid, who directed the ship through the air of the desert planet. Meanwhile, Mrrew stood in the armory, trying to decide what weapons to take. What the feth could kill one of these things anyway? Ever since he'd left Kashyyyk- actually, ever since he'd heard about them- he'd wanted to hunt one of these things... And now, for the first time, he was close to doing it. And he was terrified. He remembered the Terentatek he'd hunted, it seemed like so long ago, on Kashyyyk, just before he'd left. How it had broken his arm, almost killed him. It took a great amount of luck to even get out of the Shadowlands alive. Now he was hunting the Terentatek's older cousin. He'd looked at some pictures of Leviathans during the hyperspace trip here... Four eyes, tendrils, and blisters- He shuddered at the thought- taht could drain the life out of a Jedi. A fething Jedi. And here he was, trying to kill it with a blaster... He decided to take both his Chiru rifle, and his Harpy sniper blaster. He couldn't very well get to close to this thing, so anything but a sniper rifle was pointless... The Togorian sighed, and turned around from his armory as the ship slowly began to land on the sandy ground of the planet. He should've brought a grenade launcher.

A few minutes later, Mrrew stepped down the lowered ramp of his sleek freighter, glancing around the odd planet's landscape. He'd sent for one of his guild's initiate hunters to meet him here, she'd signed up. He'd already given her the coordinates... she should be here any minute. He sure as feth wasn't going to hunt this thing himself.

[member="Triam Akovin"]

Aboard the Junk'd Up Ship...

Beast Hunting. This would be something different indeed. A certain change from putting down master's of the force, but might actually be more dangerous. Upon joining the guild, the girl had waited some time before picking a quarry... then she heard of a 5m credit ancestor of a Terentatek. Being an initiate she'd only get 20%, but being so amazingly high in reward she would receive 1 million of them. A million bucks was a million bucks, there was no questioning. Though it may have been easier to just sell her junk, but this had more of a thrill!

Decked out head to toe in her signature gear, the woman reclined in her Captain's chair as she approached Corbos; the world of a dozen dead colonies. Very few people had as many different types of metals all in the same gear set as Triam did. She wore plated Ultrachrome Armor, Neuranium boots supported by a deactivatable repulsor suspension system, a Cortosis arm guard, and a phrik chest piece. This was likely because not so many people were as crazy as Triam, as the intelligent person would just get Beskargam from a Mandalorian and stock up on guns.

Not Triam.

She had to have unique armor with gadgets that all had a unique function. Boots that could ground at a moments notice with unimaginable weight, armor that could shrug off blaster bolts and sabers alike, a guard to deactivate said sabers, taser's that could get past a lightsaber defense to taze and drug, darts that couldn't be pushed by the force, a gun belt that held more ammo than she put into it, and a laser that absorbed lightning for her. So pretty much, against her, a lightsaber was crap, lightning would only help her, pushing her was unlikely, and she was going to make sure you piss your pants and get so dopey on drugs you start to see unikitties. Suffice to say, she was almost every force user's worst nightmare incarnate. Although she had a strong mind, and was more influenced by greed, there were some pretty legendary force users out there that could little mind rape other master's of the force. That was a scary thought, but she liked to think she could blow them up pretty good before that happened.

A leviathan though? What did she have against that? It had armored skin capable of wading through lava, and could sustain a series of lightsaber strikes. Not only that but it could literally eat your soul. Or so she heard. She had heard that Leviathan's could be taken down by concentrated turbolaser fire, or by Force lightning, indicating they were susceptible to electricity. Another point of interest were those blister thingies, apparently it had been recorded by some Jedi or other that those were the things you wanted to aim at. She doubted these Chiru rifles would puncture any other place. Perhaps she could break open one of these blisters and tranq it that way, after she electrocuted it a dozen times of course.

Leviathan's were huge and fast, and only Jedi were stupid enough to get close to one... but maybe she would shake it up a little. Maybe she could depend on whoever was helping her take the shot while she distracted the thing... if they could even find one. Although these things were huge, they apparently only came out to kill large colonies. That may be a dilemma, as they weren't going to find one walking around any time soon. They either had to find a hibernating one, or some how lure one of the things out from its slumber. Either option seem very difficult, as even Jedi couldn't find these things in hibernation every single time they wiped out a settlement before anyone could alert the rest of the galaxy.

She opened a line to her boss as she landed near his own ship.

"Aight boss, how are we going to track one of these things down? Last I heard there weren't any settlement's here to lure one of these bad boys out. But hey, what do I know? I'm just an 'initiate'." She smirked as she got up after pressing the lower ramp button. She stuck in her two pistols and brought her rifle. She didn't think any of them would even put a scratch on its skin, but it would serve as a good distraction... probably. In addition to her normal weaponry, she picked up the Chiru rifle she was assigned to if she ever got the chance to tranq it.

Unlike her colleague, she knew this wasn't going to be a fight of "what gun is big enough to knock this thing on its ass" as much as it was "where the hell do you shoot it?". She already knew the answer to the question, and that was most certainly the blisters, for two reason: one being those are the things that will steal their souls, and three, those seem to be the only squishy part they have short of being swallowed. Her partner was also lucky she had a high voltage taser that could be modified to hold a bigger kick, so that maybe the beast might actually feel that damn prongs through all that hard skin. Also to her advantage, she had a repulsor pack, a soundless mobility trump card. Her armor would be of serious use today.

She stepped next to her boss and reached out a hand to exchange a greeting.

"We finally meet. Triam Akovin, C.E.O. and founder of A.S.Co., Runner-up to Cauldron Championship, A.W.O.L. Republic Soldier, Bounty Hunter, Mercenary, Mandalorian Wanna-be, Thief, Pirate, Criminal in general, Jedi/Sith-curb stomper, Prospector, Thrill Junky, Inventor, Entrepreneur," She took a deep breathe, "And now by the end of the day... Beast Hunter." She smiled at the alien.
Mrrew frowned as [member="Triam Akovin"] contacted his comlink at first. That was a good question. How the kriff where they going to find it? That was a really good question... He turned around as the girl landed her ship, and started coming down the ramp. ...What was she wearing. She looked like her armor had been made by one of those things on Tatooine- Kawas or something. It was patched together by spare parts, by the looks of it... For the second time, Mrrew made a mental note to do a overview on everyone the Guild hires. He was even more suprised when she began her... introduction...

What the feth was the Cauldron Competition? And how was she both a republic soldier... and a thief, pirate, and mercenary? He was happy to hear one part, though; 'Jedi/Sith curbstompter'. How do you take down something that kills Jedi on a regular basis? Why, of course, with something that kills Jedi on a regular basis. He grinned, showing his massive canine teeth as he did so, and shook her hand. "Perfect. For a second, I was worried that I should've contracted Ghrom... you'll do nicely though." He turned from the girl, and stared over the vast desert landscape before them, frowning. "Any bright ideas how the feth we find this thing would be great. Ironically, killing it will be the easier part."

"Whelp, short of actually setting up a colony here, I've no real idea of how to find one. Though I think I've heard that these things eat non-sentients too... or at least on Kesh, I don't know if the purple thing do here. I suppose we could collect a lot of big game and hope its big enough for its appetite? I don't know, that sounds kinda stupid." She shrugged. There weren't many ways one could slice the cake to find one of these things. Either you need a full scale colony to wake it up, or you needed to be unnaturally superbly lucky and stumble upon one in a cave... which as far as she knew was unprecedented.

Then again, something that big could only live in certain caves, as they can't very well hibernate in the open. She bet she had scanner's on her ship that could find a lay of the land, locate all the nearest cave entrances big enough for the type of prey they were searching for. Then at least they were taking an educated guess and not wasting time and ammo on a frivolous adventure.

"I think the only real way we'll get this done is if we make an educated guess as to where these things can even sleep. These things are enormous, so there are really only a few places that could possibly be hiding them: really big ass caves. I'm not sure if at present my ship scanner's are up for it, but give me 2/3 to a full hour and I bet I could modify them to locate caves of the size we need travelling through the atmosphere." She suggested.
Mrrew frowned at [member="Triam Akovin"]. Even if they found every large cave system on the planet, even pretending their was only half-a-dozen, large caves have the habit of being connected to larger caves... Which are connected to massive underground caves... and so on. They could be searching underground for months before they even smell a Leviathan. But they couldn't exactly bring a colony here... and how else were they going to find one? So the Togorian nodded, frowning. "I guess it's our best shot..."

(Sorry for short rp)

"I guess it is," She said as she turned to get back into her ship. Similar to her partner's thoughts, she knew her chances at finding one of these things by searching in caves was going to be slim. The possibility of getting lost in an endless cavern was rather high, but she had a tiny rather stupid idea of how they might draw them out... maybe. But instead of pondering its implications she instead focused on getting her scanner's prepared and operational.

Accurate in her estimation, 3/4 of an hour later she had completed the necessary modifications on her ship. Now the altered array would look for all large holes in the landscape that fit a certain criteria. She also uploaded a map of all the sites any colony had ever attempted to settle, so as to narrow down the places they needed to check out. A gaping hole that fit the size criteria was useless if it was in the middle of nowhere where no one had ever seen a Leviathan. At least with her map she could make the educated guess as to where some might be hibernating. Her scanner's though wouldn't work until she was high enough in the air, so she put away her tools (closed a messy box of them and through them in the corner), and ran down the ramp again to where they met last time.

"Hope you didn't get too bored out here on your own. Anyway, the scanner's have been modified accordingly, and I've uploaded a map of all the major colonies that have ever tried to settle. I think it's only logical we scan for cave systems in the region where the most recent recorded settlement ruins are, and work backwards from there. To speed up the process, I thought we could use Remotes to scout a couple of cave systems at a time. Sound good?" She spat off quickly.
When [member="Triam Akovin"] came out, Mrrew quickly stashed away his datapad in his pocket. Although, in his rush to hide it, he'd forgotten to turn it off... And the theme song for My Little Ropo: Friendship is magic, but the good kind of magic, not Sith Sorcery magic was playing from his pocket. Mrrew pretended not to hear it, and quickly stood up, nodding. "Err, yes.. that works... erm... Yep..." Mrrew glanced around for a moment, moving his paws around for a few moments shiftily, before finally reaching into his pocket, adn shutting off the datapad. "lets... do that."

Triam just kinda stared at the him.

"Uhhhh huh... anyway! Get on my ship, or follow me, let's go." With that she turned heel and raced to the cockpit of her junky ass freighter. She left the ramp open as she began preparations for the short flight, and made sure to mark this location in her local map, so as to not lose the Guildmaster's ship. That would be embarrassing indeed.... though not nearly as embarrassing as what she thought she heard a few moments before. She could care less about it though, after all, she was partnered with an alien. He could be but a child in terms of his species psychology for all she knew! In fact, she wasn't even quite sure what he was. She wasn't a Jedi, so she didn't have all the training to innately know what every other kriffin' person belonged to on the evolutionary ladder.

While she punched in the various buttons that prepped her ship for flight and closed the ramp to her ship as her friend got on, or got in his own ship, she was also simultaneously programming a number of random remotes lying around. Most of them were opened up, tinkered with, and mostly broken, but she would fix them to fit her purposes here today. Her mechanical expertise was really quite extraordinary... just for the love of god don't let her fly. The first time she tried to land the damn thing, she crashed into the hangar she was landing in. That was a fun time trying to repair the damage. Although, admittedly, she had gotten better since then, but she hasn't had a life of piloting.

Moments later the rust colored freighter rose high up into the sky, sending down various signals below to be bounced back up to the ship for rendering. A topographical map was being constructed, that included a 4-D holographic display, allowing her to examine the divots in mountains that indicated caves, and estimated the route of their depth dependant on the scanner distortion of going over the entrance. It wasn't a very accurate scanner on the depth of caves, and many came with very similar results. The ones that didn't go very far were identified as not being deep enough to be considered a true cave, and was thus eliminated as per the programming about to be explained. Quickly her programming algorithm initiated and began to sift through the sizes of cave openings as they came across them and eliminated any caves that didn't fit the criteria, while immediately marking down potential sites of the Leviathan. As with size, it also eliminated caves not in the former residential zones of past colonies, limiting their search to a bare minimum of possible caves. As she simultaneously piloted the ship, and observed her wonderful scanner contraption, and programmed the remotes, Triam smiled brightly. She hadn't been this excited about anything since the Cauldron, and that was good! For awhile there she was worried she was getting bored. That simply wouldn't do.

Over a comlink, she contacted Mrrew.

"How are you holding up man? You seem pretty quite... watching cartoons again?" She chuckled softly.
Mrrew quickly moved up onto the ramp before she took off, settling himself in to the largest chair he could find within the ship's enterence room. Afterwards, he began to gaze around the room... He was beginning to think that this lady was one of those Kawa things. Weren't they supposed to be short, though? With yellow glowing eyes? But there was junk everywhere... Broken pieces of machinery, open remotes, wiring and pieces of technology that he didn't even know what they were... The Togorian frowned, and glanced to thel ittle corridor that led to the freighter's cockpit. The sooner they could get out of here, the better.

After a little while of flight, Mrrew slowly glanced around the room again, and stared hard at the cockpit, straining his highly sensitive ears for any sign of her coming. No... it was safe... He glanced around again, looking for any comlinks or CCTV cameras. No.... safe... Slowly, he reached a large hand into his pocket, and pulled out his datapad. Glancing around once more, he sniffed the air cautiously, before he began tapping away at the touch screen with one claw- as his fingers were obviously to large. A few seconds later, the resumed theme song to 'My Little Ropo: Friendship is Magic But The Good Kind Of Magic Not Sith Sorcery Magic' blared for a few seconds, before he quickly managed to turn down the volume. He stared around the room again, making usre no one heard, before beginning to watch.. And was suddenly interupted as his comlink rang. He paused the datapad, and raised his comlink to the top of his head, near his ears. "N- No! I was not... Who told you that?"

(Lmao. This is what I make poor Mrrew sometimes... xD)
[member="Triam Akovin"]
[member="Mrrew"] (OOC: It's the weekend, let's speed through this thing like cray cray)

"Uh huh, sure." She winked even though he couldn't see her. Funny little cat dude... well... little was a bit of the opposite of what he was.

Despite the silly conversation, Triam was making decently good progress. She had already modified and constructed a network of 4.5 probes, and her scans threw up at least three caves fitting her description within an appropriate radius of the latest colonial attempt. There were sure to be more, but her scans were not yet complete.

"How many probes to a cave should we launch? Also, do you wanna choose the cave we go crawling into first? I'm pretty sure I have hiking gear..." She said to her comrade, just before she connected a wrong wire in a probe, resulting in a mildly painful shock of her, which she frantically waved and blew on. Where did her damn working gloves go?
It wasn't going to be fast enough to scout every single cave on the fething planet... But he didn't have a better idea. ... Wait. The Togorian quickly lifted his comlink, speaking to [member="Triam Akovin"] through it even though she was just the next room over. He was sure that the things they were hunting were the biggest things on the planet. If they're the biggest things, they'd give off the most heat, right....?

"Can your droids track heat signatures?"

"If need be that can be arranged. We have the time to spare. What do you have in mind my good friend?" She said as she tinkered absent mindedly while viewing the amount of caves popping up... about one every ten to fifteen minutes. So basically she was staring into space until her scanners made an affirmative ding. There were now four caves to explore in the area she was searching.

There wasn't much else to do here until the remotes were fixed up and the scans were complete. So there was going to be quite a bit of talking going on between them, figuring out how to take the beast down. She had a few strategies in mind, which mostly involved her being the tank and distracting the beast while her fellow hunter opened up its blisters and administer the tranquilizer...

Then she gets her millions. Seems like a fair deal to her.
The Togorian's eras flicked towards the scanner every time it 'dinged', but otherwise, he stayed relitively still. He was having much of the same thoughts as [member="Triam Akovin"]; how the feth do they take this thing down without badly injuring it? The Chiru Rifle darts were made strong enough to pierce pretty much anything, but the hide of something that swam through lava? And if he tried to fire at the bliasters, he'd either have to get above the thing, or on it's back... Neither of hwich were optimal. If he fired at the eyes, he'd injure it. That left... it's mouth. That could work. Fire a Chiru dart into his mouth... without it eating him, or Triam. Without it absorbing their souls. Yeah. Sure. This would be easy....
"...waiting for brilliant idea." She said after [member="Mrrew"]'s moment of silence. The scanners told of a constant four caves within the area, and they had scanned 83% of the radius she picked out. She now had five whole remotes, but now she need to retrieve the first one and begin modification for thermal vision, which wouldn't be hard. She just had to scrounge around the house for parts.

Since it didn't seem like her partner had much of an opinion about how many probes went where, she decided that since she only had five built so far, they would have around one to a cave, but more if she could manage to repair more of them. She just wanted to make three more and then they would be good; two to a cave (including the ones she and Mrrew would explore).

She didn't even want to know what Mrrew was just thinking about, she'd really rather not risk being super-powad terentatek grandpapy chow food.
Mrrew glanced at [member="Triam Akovin"] every minutes while she repaired the little probe droids. He still had no idea how they were going to take one of these things down alive., Killing one? Killing one wouldn't be hard. Rocket-propelled grenades. Ion torpedos. Proton bombs. Maybe an anti-matter bomb that could be fired from, say, halfway across the galaxy. Yes, that would be great. But no, they had to take it down alive which meant they had to take it down without harming it. Which meant... they were pretty much doomed. Even if they found it, these things took down Jedi. It wouldn't have much problem with a pair of beast hunter's.

The Togorian shook bhis head to clear it of negitive thoughts. Those wouldn't help. He glanced up slowly to Triam, still frowning.

"When do we explore the cave?"

"As soon as you say 'land the ship there', and point at my pretty little screen over here. You're the boss, mac. Also, I ask again, what do you want the thermal vision for?" She said, not truly irritated, but just wanting to get to the fun part of hunting the beast. So far these little bits of information were hindering that progress. Finally, all her current probes had thermal vision as she began building the rest.

The scans were now up to 94%, which meant very soon they would landing to explore. Luckily she still had probes to build in the mean time.
Mrrew blinked at the little screen, then back to [member="Triam Akovin"]. "We could just start exploring random caverns, or we could find one that actually has a Leviathon in it. These things are huge, right? Probably the biggest things on the planet. Meaning they gie off teh most heat. There wont be much in those underground caves- if your probes can track the largest heat signature... we can find a sleeping Leviathon."

"That's a good point, I'll tweak the probes a little then. I think I'll also broaden my ships scanners to look for the largest biosignature in the area. That way we can focus the probes there. I'm not sure if that will penetrate the surface though. It may only give us a clue of where one might be down there." The scanners reached 100%, and they had all the caves they could ask for mapped out to them. The map was a series of circles surrounding former settlements, going from most recent to most ancient. Some of them overlapped, and the caves lying there would be prime contenders for the hunt.

The bio scans went through quickly, since it had very specific areas to look for a biosignature at the size she was asking for. Usually it just grouped especially thick vegetation, but there already appeared to be areas where it couldn't be identified what it was scanning exactly. This was promising to see, since it was exactly what she expecting to happen upon the scans completion. There was one particular indication of a large biosignature very near a cave system that had an overlap of three former settlement radii.

"Based on initial scans, one of the largest living entities in our area search, is near a cave system that is overlapped by three other settlements. Since the signature can't be identified, I'm going to send out most of our probes there, to see if there is a single heat signature that matches the scope of our biosignature. If it checks out, we may have found the slumbering beast." She said as she cracked open another visual perception filter on a remote, tweaking and installing the programming need to comprehend that frequency of radiation.

"I'm going to personally follow them, since it will be easier to control them. You coming along?" She asked as she closed one up, and moved on to the next one.
Mrrew's eyes slowly opened from the corner chair, where he'd been snoring loudly while [member="Triam Akovin"] got the probes going. After a quick moment, teh Togorian collected himself, and nodded. He was hoping the beast wouldn't wake up any time soon- it would be a lot easier to get a shot off at it. His chiru rifle was loaded with Smarttranq, one dart would take down the monster in a few seconds, but getting it in to the beast was another problem. He couldn't take an eye shot, that'd damage the spcimin. Maybe if he could shoot into it's open mouth... Getting close to teh blisters would be to dangerous. Not an option.

Mrrew picked his rifle up where he'd left it next to his chair, and gestured to the ramp.

"After you."

The ship set down near the region her scanners had told her was to be a very promising cave. The ramp lowered down with a clunky thud, while she strapped on the tranquilizer in place of her rifle, and kept her pistols strapped to her thighs in case she was desperate for them. They couldn't damage the beast for risk of a reduced pay, but it may end up being necessary.

Gathering up the probes, she tested out her droid controller, sending the things spiralling around her. She made them lock onto her, and initiated a follow command, so she didn't have to worry about them until she needed them in the caves. She strapped the droid controller to her belt. Before leaving she made sure all her gear was appropriate. Her dart shooter was all full with tranquilizing tazers, and her Phantom Fingers were tip top shape. Her boots as well were in full functional order after giving them a test command to disengage the repulsors that kept them lighter than they really were. Next was her repulsor pack, and as usual, perfect functioning order.

Heeding the words of her partner, she was first step on the soil of this ghost world.

After some hiking, the entrance was in sight... and it was only to boost her confidence. It was massive! It would be hard to miss if not for the shrubbery masking it. Approaching the lip of the cave, she released her droids, and after some whistles they went whizzing past scanning for the creature and mapping out safe routes through the system. She connected her HUD system to the droid controller, so she could cycle through mini-views of what the remotes were picking up.

"Do you have night-vision? I don't think I brought a spotlight." She said as she walked in, near aimlessly.

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