Aboard the Junk'd Up Ship...
Beast Hunting. This would be something different indeed. A certain change from putting down master's of the force, but might actually be more dangerous. Upon joining the guild, the girl had waited some time before picking a quarry... then she heard of a 5m credit ancestor of a Terentatek. Being an initiate she'd only get 20%, but being so amazingly high in reward she would receive 1 million of them. A million bucks was a million bucks, there was no questioning. Though it may have been easier to just sell her junk, but this had more of a thrill!
Decked out head to toe in her signature gear, the woman reclined in her Captain's chair as she approached Corbos; the world of a dozen dead colonies. Very few people had as many different types of metals all in the same gear set as Triam did. She wore plated Ultrachrome Armor, Neuranium boots supported by a deactivatable repulsor suspension system, a Cortosis arm guard, and a phrik chest piece. This was likely because not so many people were as crazy as Triam, as the intelligent person would just get Beskargam from a Mandalorian and stock up on guns.
Not Triam.
She had to have unique armor with gadgets that all had a unique function. Boots that could ground at a moments notice with unimaginable weight, armor that could shrug off blaster bolts and sabers alike, a guard to deactivate said sabers, taser's that could get past a lightsaber defense to taze and drug, darts that couldn't be pushed by the force, a gun belt that held more ammo than she put into it, and a laser that absorbed lightning for her. So pretty much, against her, a lightsaber was crap, lightning would only help her, pushing her was unlikely, and she was going to make sure you piss your pants and get so dopey on drugs you start to see unikitties. Suffice to say, she was almost every force user's worst nightmare incarnate. Although she had a strong mind, and was more influenced by greed, there were some pretty legendary force users out there that could little mind rape other master's of the force. That was a scary thought, but she liked to think she could blow them up pretty good before that happened.
A leviathan though? What did she have against that? It had armored skin capable of wading through lava, and could sustain a series of lightsaber strikes. Not only that but it could literally eat your soul. Or so she heard. She had heard that Leviathan's could be taken down by concentrated turbolaser fire, or by Force lightning, indicating they were susceptible to electricity. Another point of interest were those blister thingies, apparently it had been recorded by some Jedi or other that those were the things you wanted to aim at. She doubted these Chiru rifles would puncture any other place. Perhaps she could break open one of these blisters and tranq it that way, after she electrocuted it a dozen times of course.
Leviathan's were huge and fast, and only Jedi were stupid enough to get close to one... but maybe she would shake it up a little. Maybe she could depend on whoever was helping her take the shot while she distracted the thing... if they could even find one. Although these things were huge, they apparently only came out to kill large colonies. That may be a dilemma, as they weren't going to find one walking around any time soon. They either had to find a hibernating one, or some how lure one of the things out from its slumber. Either option seem very difficult, as even Jedi couldn't find these things in hibernation every single time they wiped out a settlement before anyone could alert the rest of the galaxy.
She opened a line to her boss as she landed near his own ship.
"Aight boss, how are we going to track one of these things down? Last I heard there weren't any settlement's here to lure one of these bad boys out. But hey, what do I know? I'm just an 'initiate'." She smirked as she got up after pressing the lower ramp button. She stuck in her two pistols and brought her rifle. She didn't think any of them would even put a scratch on its skin, but it would serve as a good distraction... probably. In addition to her normal weaponry, she picked up the Chiru rifle she was assigned to if she ever got the chance to tranq it.
Unlike her colleague, she knew this wasn't going to be a fight of "what gun is big enough to knock this thing on its ass" as much as it was "where the hell do you shoot it?". She already knew the answer to the question, and that was most certainly the blisters, for two reason: one being those are the things that will steal their souls, and three, those seem to be the only squishy part they have short of being swallowed. Her partner was also lucky she had a high voltage taser that could be modified to hold a bigger kick, so that maybe the beast might actually feel that damn prongs through all that hard skin. Also to her advantage, she had a repulsor pack, a soundless mobility trump card. Her armor would be of serious use today.
She stepped next to her boss and reached out a hand to exchange a greeting.
"We finally meet. Triam Akovin, C.E.O. and founder of A.S.Co., Runner-up to Cauldron Championship, A.W.O.L. Republic Soldier, Bounty Hunter, Mercenary, Mandalorian Wanna-be, Thief, Pirate, Criminal in general, Jedi/Sith-curb stomper, Prospector, Thrill Junky, Inventor, Entrepreneur," She took a deep breathe, "And now by the end of the day... Beast Hunter." She smiled at the alien.