Flannigan Mcnash
Mr. Roboto
Hutt Cartel music

The Hutt Cartel is an organisation circling around the infamous Hutts. The cartel however, leans heavily on all types of races and professions to function. The Hutt are the unquestioned leaders but their power no longer rests on their own ancient warrior culture but rather that of manipulation, politics and wealth which they tirelessly pursue.
The faction will represent a part of the Hutt Cartel with Hutt leaders in semi-secrecy plotting to restore the ancient Hutt Empire which dominated a large part of the Galaxy long before the rise of the Republic or any sith Empire.
-Where you come in-
The Hutt Cartel are open, and ready for role-play whether you want to join as the likes of a bounty hunter or slave, fulfilling your Boba-Fett fantasy as the fist of the cartel or you just want role-play we're your man.
"You tell that slimy piece of worm-ridden filth, he'll get no such pleasure from us."
- Han Solo
Now if you hate Hutts there's still plenty of role-play for you, maybe you want to free slaves or attack Hutt cargo ships, or maybe you want us to attack you have us capture and enslave, or take your favourite ship away from you only to have you take it back with force or guile.
We cater to everyone, so if you wanna join or fight hit us with a message maybe even arch-enemies, the possibilities are endless.
If you wish to remain an independent and still wish to take part in threads, listed below you'll find the rewards for assistance. After each dominion/skirmish, a pay thread will be posted and said hunter may collect their reward, you may request more on said thread a bit of haggling or threatening might do the trick, might not.
Dominion Prices:
Major role 50,000 credits
Moderate role 30,000 credits
Minor 10,000 credits
Skirmish Prices:
Major role 40,000 credits
Moderate role 20,000 credits
Minor role 10,000 credits
Current Contracts:
Dominion of Trandosha
OOC Thread: http://starwarsrp.net/topic/66430-wookies-trandoshan-peace-oh-my-hutt-cartel-vs-gr-hutt-cartel-dominion-for-trandosha/
RP Thread: http://starwarsrp.net/topic/66527-wookies-trandoshans-peace-oh-my-hutt-cartel-vs-gr-hutt-cartel-dominion-of-trandosha/
Dominion of Formos:
Open recruitment