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Public Hutt Cartel Banquet: An Open Social for Criminals, Bounty Hunters, Mercs and Freelancers

Suuv Suuv

A skittish-looking Rodian placed a datapad near to the Ubese with cartel contacts and ways to receive future jobs nearby, clearly intimidated and not risking his luck to stick around. No name was asked or required, understanding his race's secrecy and aggression. It did seem the Hutts were especially interested in someone as ruthless as his species was known to be; they'd left a not-insubstantial tab ready paid at the bar to incite interest.

Monaray Dod Monaray Dod

Goros sat on his robust Hoversled, puffing on his spice. He considered footholds on the core worlds, usually the territory of The Family and The Exchange past the midrim's Black Sun operations. Once ascendant, the Family had gone quiet, likely wiped out by a competitor, but he'd heard no word. If Goros could push or buy the Exchange out too, with the help of a senator, that had the potential to hurt a rival and expand his smuggling connections far from home.

He and the elderly Rodian conversed together at length, with the Theelin translating when they were done as always. This time, she flourished in her steps and voice.

"Dear Senator, his most esteemed Goros believes what you say could be lucrative. It will require deals to be made to secure understanding from other parties, which takes credits as I am sure you understand. If you can personally guarantee these opportunities are given, then we have an agreement and look forward to a long-term partnership."

If accepted, the senator wasn't handed a datapad of contacts; he got a personal line to where Goros sent his comms traffic to be sorted. Goros moved a lot on his ship, which made it harder for him to be tracked. From ship to Comm Station to Comms Sorting, but it was a direct line for communication.

Black Sun operations lay ominously between here and the core. Most of his competitors had been wiped out in the Black Sun's aggressive takeover bid; only clever bribes and choices had kept him secure. The same caution would be required to navigate through their territories. The map of the underworld was a tricky one, where political lines interspaced with underworld connections. Decisions were made in shadowy back rooms, through bribes unseen by the public, or through decidedly hostile takeovers.

Nej Tane Nej Tane

While Nej waited for now. If he approached, he would meet the first ring of three circles of minions. Goros was known for being excessive regarding security, rarely appearing at all; that and clever bribes were why he had remained in business when the Suns purged the Hutts.

The first ring consisted of younger hopefuls, Triad gangs taken from planets in crime, chaos, or conflict, all places where Fire For Effect did a lot of business! While all kinds of races stood in the first ring, many large Houks, mean Trandoshans, and cunning Rodians populated the next two rings, the third ring of guards looked especially rough.

A young former Ranc Gang member caught Nej staring at his boss. The blue Duros, with several layers of tattoos on his face and sporting the usual gun-up punk triad armor, could be the first one Nej spoke to if he made a move forward. It was an opportunity if he played it right, whatever his intent.

Everyone always had goons.

Then again, if he was a fat, mostly immobile slug who couldn't wipe his own butt, he'd probably have goons. How did Hutts get to where they were, anyways? They were a hill or some stairs away from starving to death. Odd how that worked.

But Nej was weird himself, he was nearly a century old and still looked in his mid 20s. Funny weird, but not funny ha-ha. Funny ha-ha was the Duros that he was looking at. Durese wasn't his specialty, but he knew enough to get by, such as the popular phrase-

<"Twenty credits if you let me speak to your boss before the next guy comes to kiss his ass.">

Nej produced said credit chit. It wasn't a large sum, it was just enough to buy a couple drinks after his time here, or snacks for the next day or so. More realistic than a large sum, less of a bribe and more of a favor. Nej knew how to move around the underground types. He also didn't seem afraid. Whether that was stupidity or because Nej was one of the fastest guns in the galaxy remaining-

Either or.

That, and Disruptor pistols didn't really differentiate between species all that much. Everybody was made up of stuff, and Disruptor pistols removed stuff from people. But, hopefully, Nej was just coming to talk, and clear his name from the Hutt's shitlist.

Goros the Hutt Goros the Hutt
Goros the Hutt Goros the Hutt
Suuv took the datapad and read it. The enigmatic bounty hunter tipped something at the screen display and showed it at the bar.
An order for food and drinks to go for later.
For onlookers, it might well look like some secret message.

With long strides, the Ubese closed in to the skittish retreating Rodian and said "Yatoh!", while showing the datapad directly before the tapir snouted face.
The display said: "Say thanks to Goros the Hutt from Suuv and greetings from his colleague Brodda the Hutt. I am interested in his proposals as they are in the interest of my boss. Cartel stuff."

Suuv tipped again: "Never again sneak up on me, leave some device that could be a bomb or something and sneak away without addressing me. Next time, I would have to kill you to save my face. Got that, Bright Eyes?"
"Yotoh!", the voice from helmet snarled and seemed to repeat the sentence in the enigmatic language of the Ubese.
Jolene lifted her glass to the man, Kas Varad Kas Varad .

She approved of the eye contact and handshake, too. A man that meant business. Her lips curled into a slight smirk when he mentioned that he wasn't picky about work. She knew what it was like.

"Me?" she asked, innocently. "Nah, I don't work for no one."

Jo took another sip of her drink and let it settle before she continued. "I got my own little moon, see." It was out in the outer rim; he'd probably worked in the sector before. But that was the thing about Jo's place… you had to be in the know. Actually, there were few that knew at the moment. It was a bit of a change from the old space station she used to call home.

"Let's just say, you can come find me if you ever need some work." Jolene nodded. "Always looking for new talent."
Senator of Cato Neimoidia


23:00 || Goros the Hutt Goros the Hutt

Goros the Hutt's enthusiastic acceptance of the enticing offer seemed inevitable. The Senator anticipated such eagerness, as it was common knowledge that respect in the criminal underworld was often determined by territorial control and the ability to flaunt a formidable mercenary force by merely waving one's hand.

The modest cost incurred for the mutually beneficial contract was insignificant compared to the substantial financial gains that could be obtained through investments in illicit markets, ensuring the affected parties would swiftly recover their capital.

He waited the theelin's translation of the huttese, and offered a precise response to his concerns.

"I can assure you that the neccessary paperwork has been completed and finalized even before we spoke, Mighty Goros. Credits have been paid to both customs officals and the planetary governments within our arrangement, so you will have no trouble transporting your wonderful wares. We look forward to long-term partnership as well."

The Koorivar said, accepting the personal line of communication. Since their business had concluded, the Senator gracefully bowed in respect once more before leaving through the same entrance to pick up his security drones.

Waterwalking Varadboots
Tag: Jolene Bastra Jolene Bastra

Kas leaned his elbows on the chair top and smirked when she said she worked for no one. That'd be the life. No scheming, backstabbing triad handler ready to shoot instead of pay; just the client to worry about doing that instead.

Shifting his weight to his other foot. "Be a nice change of pace," finger-tapping the glass and wondering how many deals it took to buy a moon. "Bet there's a story there," always loving a tale at the bar. Drinking his whiskey, savoring the spicy, woody aftertaste. Occasionally, he checked his surroundings, not relaxed but settled, making it clear he wasn't easy to sneak up on.

The spacer placed an ID signal card on the table, revealing his ship's comm frequency. "Always looking for work," he flashed a roguish smile, a gleam in his eyes for credits. "Might have a friend or two that could use another safe harbor." True enough, the Varad could use a safe port to refuel, resupply, and lay low for a while. He'd have to check out the moon before suggesting anything else, given that any triad or consortium connections might be less savory.

Monaray Dod Monaray Dod

With the senator making a deal, the guards parted to let him leave, ensuring his protected status until he exited the palace. A veteran Houk, large and strong as a Wookiee, cleared the path to the door, offering an escort to the senator's next location. If accepted two Rodian sharpshooters accompanied the Houk, providing additional protection from the door through Nar Shaddaa's streets.

Nej Tane Nej Tane

The Duros approached someone in the second ring behind and made Nej's offer. After some negotiation, the counteroffer came back: "Forty." Nej would need to pay off two guys to pass through the first two rings unchallenged. If accepted, he would walk through until the inner ring, facing a much more immovable Houk.

"What's your business?" the reptilian Houk asked, towering as tall as a Wookiee and twice as wide. The inner ring guards, seasoned cartel enforcers with exotic weapons from their armsdealer boss, awaited his response. If Nej offered a good enough answer involving substantial credits, a lucrative proposal, or perhaps some exotic food, he could assume to speak to the big guy aboard his interesting-looking hoversled while a small army of hired guns kept an eye on him.

Suuv Suuv

"Doda Aarr Koobis," The Rodian's tone cowed, quickly learned his place, promising, "I'll remember and tell him." This display increased Suuv's value, showing the Hutts what they sought: intimidation, threats, and results. While most naive newcomers viewed a Hutt as the crime lord calling the shots, their power entirely relied on the dangerous criminals or mercs working for them and the credits they could spend to retain them. Goros understood this well.

An older Theelin female off to the side smiled as she drank, clearly impressed. Suuv might receive a contract offer if his current employment ever quieted down. For now, the Rodian ran off to talk to her at the table, and she nodded in acceptance.

Later, a message from the lady could appear on Suuv's datapad: "We would like to arrange a meeting with your employer. We believe there may be much to discuss, with a finder's fee for your part. of course." The message included a contact for the reply. Suuv could facilitate a partnership between two Hutts, potentially earning credits from both parties.

TAGS: Goros the Hutt Goros the Hutt , Suuv Suuv , OPEN

Another form found its way into the crowd of Goros' menagerie. One far more diminutive than most, but one that was no less assertive. He was dressed in red, armored clothing adorned with bones and fur. He recalled the Cloud Riders under Enfys Nest, aside from his helm. On his head was adorned a bony-beige Ubese helmet. Bhaji Scorffa had joined the fray.

”You. Droid. Gamorrean ale.” Came the surprisingly gruff voice, ”I have spoken.”

While he was concealed in his hunting gear, his dwarfishness and manner of speech would out him to most as an Ugnaught. He reclined some in his seat, relaxed but cautious. He had to leave his heavier weapons on his ship, but he was still armed. His trusty NN-14 was holstered on his hip, ready to quickdraw if things became....unsightly. The visor of his helm scanned the room. Scum and villainy abound, and the right place for him to seek his next quarry.

His head bobbed a little to the music played overhead as he awaited his drink. Might as well enjoy the comodities while the niceties lasted. He awaited for how this day will unfold.
Electronic music played around him, while he was surrounded by robotic people.

Goros the Hutt Goros the Hutt


"You ask everyone who comes to speak to your boss their business, or do you let your boss do the thinking? I've got business with him, and you can make thirty credits."

Nej Tane, the Outlaw to be all Outlaws, fished something out of his pocket, wrapped in a faraday cage bag. He wiggled his eyebrows at the guard. He only used his right hand, curiously. Most would assume that it meant that he was unable to reach for his Disruptor pistol hanging off of his belt, but in reality, it was a ruse- a clever quickdraw, cross-handed and in his waistband lay a rather famous, or infamous weapon, depending on who which end of the gun you were on.

It also gave a clue as to why Nej was nearly 70 years old and didn't look a day over 26.

So, a giant target in front of him standing close to him, didn't really bother him. Especially since Hutt goons were known for their strength and numbers, not their speed and precision. And Nej was a good shot, a quickdraw, and fast on his feet. He wasn't scared in the slightest. But he didn't want to shoot his way out of his debt. Another stupid Hutt would come along, Another slimey jerk on a hoversled.

So, he wiggled the faraday bag, ready to show the Hutt what he got from none other... than the Sword of the Jedi herself, Valery Noble Valery Noble .
Adi'ka Awaud was just coming through and fuelled her gunship, as she learned about the party by the bounty hunter guild news.
She did not like the Hutt, but it would be an excellent opportunity to stay in touch with the shadier part of the hunter lodges.
And perhaps a lead to the pirates she was hunting presented itself.

And so she strolled in to the party and intended to enjoy the food and drink.
Two Ubese party crashers, yeah! And the infamous Kas of Clan Varad! Double yeah!

So what? The black clad Lepi get to the bar and said: "A Tatooine Sunrise!"
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Goros the Hutt Goros the Hutt
Suuv tipped an answer to the reply contact and seemed just like an uninterested youngling with a datapad, if not for the belligerent equipment.

"That is great. Brodda the Hutt would love to meet the great Goros personally or with high ranked ambassadors here or on Ylesia or establish a high security link via Undervine if urgent or so desired."

Vian Sarad Vian Sarad
At the same time, suddenly Ubese technology scanned the room and the passive sensors of Suuvs armor were alerted.
Suuv scanned back, homing and targeting systems inclusive.

Ah, no response to the hidden transmission in the scan wave. Not a real Ubese, just a guy with a sense of fashion for the best environment helmets in the galaxy.

Suuv was no fanatic Mandalorian, slicing the helmet off someone who has just a decent sense of style and shaking the decapitated head out off the piece.
The bounty hunter was instead proud the technology of Uba was still in high demand in the galaxy.

Suuv nodded to the imposter, and the laser dots of the targeting systems wandering over his body vanished. A clear signal an Ubese liked his style.
Tags: Eirc Galloway Eirc Galloway

Tibera had no idea she was actually speaking with a snake in the grass, all she knew was a handsome man seemed interested in her. She was fully inexperienced in dealing with people, making her weak to romance and intrigue. If this man wanted to, he could play her like a puppet on a string. Which, it would appear that was his plan. Infiltrate the Lost and forward his own objectives, to which Tibera would make a perfect patsy.

"For a while I was working with just The Lost in their objectives, but a few weeks into it, I got picked up by one of their allies. Turns out Sularen and the Final Dawn like having skilled mercs too. I've done enough ops for them to have my own little force. That's why I'm here! I'm looking for able-bodied fighters to join The Unit!"

It was perhaps lucky that Tibera was here on assignment, it at least kept this man somewhat separated from his true aim, whatever that was. All Tib was concerned with was a combination of stuffing her face, and trying to sway this new man. If only she knew just how dangerous this could be.
Vian Sarad Vian Sarad
A Rodian doing the rounds stopped near Bhaji, presenting him with a datapad of anonymous Cartel contacts and ways to communicate or receive jobs. If Bhaji accepted it, he could note the inclusion of a small vintage bottle of Corellian whiskey, which had become popular. Bottled before the planet's disaster and subsequent repair, to some, the taste was crisper and never quite equaled, making it worth a few credits.

One thing was for sure, Goros kept stockpiles of food and drink. The Rodian, having learned from his last encounter, lingered instead of moving on quickly! He remained to take Bhaji's questions for a moment, stepping back a pace from any targeting laser.

Suuv Suuv
The Theelin's returned message read:

'A face-to-face meeting or a communication link would be workable. Thank you for your assistance. Goros promises you will be well compensated for arranging either.'

As the saying goes, a deal was a deal, and a deal was law, paving the way for future schemes and opportunities.

Nej Tane Nej Tane
With a perpetual scowl, the oversized Houk looked ready to crush Nej until Scar, another Houk and Goros's right-hand man, shoved him aside heavily. Scar's face bore an obvious mark for every fight, making his alias clear. He motioned for Nej to stand before the Cartel Underboss. Scar positioned himself beside Nej, while a Rodian sharpshooter nicknamed Switch stood at a respectable distance on the other side.

No Twi'leks were in sight still, perhaps indicating fear or an old grudge within Goros's crew. Instead, the charming pink-skinned Theelin gracefully approached Nej, smiling softly, the outline of two knives present at her hip.

They were buying time to verify Nej's identity, using an elaborate routine to gauge his motives.

"Haku Sa Uba Wata Che, Choy? Du Uba Koose Moulee-rah Tah Wamma?!" Behind her, the Hutt's tone indicated interest, though understanding Huttese well was necessary to interpret it correctly.

"Nej Tane, the eternally merciful Goros will listen to your offer. What bargain do you bring before him?" She flashed a dangerous, knowing smile, signaling that Nej was in the thick of it, with his reputation preceding him.

The Cartel, despite its many incarnations, still upheld bounties universally both to get paid and to maintain respect for them. Once they confirmed Nej's identity, the sharpshooter, poised for action, would take that bounty if the offer proved disrespectful. His standing and posture marked him as the more dangerous quickdraw Nej would have to contend with.

But Hutts loved displaying famous prizes on their walls, and Nej could have only done better if he had brought food.
Cool as ice.

Goros the Hutt Goros the Hutt

Say what you wanted about Nej. The Scoundrel, the Gunslinger, he always had a plan. Or at least, he had the outward confidence of having one. Nej's eyes flicked between each shooter, each member of the Hutt's entourage. The Morellian was fast, but he wasn't that fast. Or maybe he was, but at this distance, it was a bit of a stretch.

Nej Tane had been wanted by Hutts since the days of the Republic, and his identity of a Morellian wasn't known to anyone but a few- so the visage of him not aging added to the mystique.

Nej reached into his jacket, watching with a small smirk when the goons around him tensed up. He pulled out a cigarra, and a lighter from the same pocket. He took a moment to light it. In reality, the gunslinger was gauging the distance of each shooter, each person he'd have to draw against. Some moved and tensed faster than the others, but the Rodian Switch was the primary target. The Enforcer pistol could blow an engine block out of a moving speeder, Nej didn't need to think about what it would do to a squishy person.

Nej used his free hand, taking a drag from his Cigarra with the other, to hand the pink-skinned Theelin.

"That, my Hutt friend..."

Another drag, before the gunslinger held it with his dominant hand next to his head, idling before his next drag. It was a move to offset any worries, or at least, appear to. Nej's quickdraw was with his opposite hand for his Enforcer pistol, and feigning peace with his dominant hand won him many a gunfight.

"Is an IFF module given to me by none other than Valery Noble Valery Noble herself. Lets you, or say, friends of yours, get into Alliance space for the forseeable future while passing as an Alliance-friendly, or even Alliance ship."

Nej smirked, taking another drag.

"Not that you, I, or anyone in here would be on the wrong side of the law, hm?"



~bring out the glass tables~

GEAR: Black outer, maroon armor
TAG: Tibera Jessen Tibera Jessen


Huh, Final Dawn. That’s a name I haven’t heard in a while.” One corrupted Imperial allying another, who would’ve thought. I made that mental note, the Grand Admiral’s connection to the Lost for future use. This woman can be a very useful asset.

I flash her a devilish smile as I listened to her story. She might not be the greatest looking, but she knows her way through the galaxy with such connections. Plus, if I can hold my nose and attend this repugnant Hutt party, I’d be more than happy to suck this relatively normal Human off her information.

How rude of me, I haven’t introduced myself. Eirc Galloway, privateer.” I offered to take her hand.

This unit she’s hiring for is such a wonderful opportunity to infiltrate both Sularen’s and the Lost’s network, if not for two problems. One, I might work for people, but I am not to be commanded by others in a squad or a unit. If I come in, I’m the commander, with my crew or not. Two, the opportunity cost is high, I could’ve used that time to focus on a couple of jobs that would fund the insurgence, so this one job also has to pay handsomely.

And those are some terms I’m not really sure the woman would agree upon. Unless…

You’re looking to recruit for this unit, hmm? My service doesn’t come cheap, dear.” I winked at her. This will either be solved with a fight or a fight, and I’m willing to prove my worth either way.

Nej Tane Nej Tane

A few enforcers behind Nej nearly moved forward; Scar and the Theelin's hands mirrored Nej's toward their weapons. The lit cigarra eased the tension. Switch's fingers tapped the butt of his gun throughout, smiling at Nej's last comment. The Theelin extended her palm to receive the gift, waiting for her boss's decision before closing her hand.

Hooo hoo hoo.

Goros belly laughed, discarding oversized fried fishtails. Others relaxed, except Switch and Scar, knowing him well.

"Settah Ta Sa Holga Du Booka, Na Che Dee Wanga Jono Che Je, Jee-jee Wokka Condu Ta Ekkon. Folno ta Tann's An Koose Cheekta Tah Du."

The pink lady enclosed the IFF in her hand, inspecting it for authenticity before passing it to an elder Rodian. The music turned up, facing away, with a sonic device blocking sound.

"If your device is genuine, our magnanimous and wise Goros agrees to wipe your bounty from our Cartel records." She continued with a curious small smile, "he also offers a favor if an unfortunate event happens again: one free pass to bank for later. In return, he asks you to keep your ears open for these names and will reward you with 5,000 credits for each."

A small datapad showed:

There was no pressure, and Nej could probably refuse without offending. An open offer to keep his eyes open; two of those names deserved it more than the others. The Theelin, somewhat impressed, raised her thin cigarra, seeing if Nej would light it with his own.

Behind her, the Hutt appeared satisfied enough to resolve an old issue. Chowing on another plate of overstuffed bird legs, he ordered an equally oversized plate of food for Nej. It was a Hutt-sized gesture, but one Nej might not survive if he tried to eat it all.

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