Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Hutt Cartel


I'm Sexy and I Know It
@Vex Tythion
I saw and posted

@[member="Tyr-Kyr Magnus"]
That's the beauty of the Hutts, mate. We can do whatever we want, whenever we want. You want to take over a company or planetary government? You can. You don't even have to run it past anyone. You want to try and backstab another Hutt and jockey for clan influence? Go for it. It's what we do.


I'm Sexy and I Know It
No, no, no, you don't get it, mate. We're SUPPOSED to do that. It's the whole Hutt thing. We're power hungry, ego tripping crime lords. Think the Godfather and other Mafia movies. Al Capone and all that. Whatever we do, we do for personal gain. If it helps out the group, yay. If not, we got the better deal so who cares?

I'm not saying stay loyal, though admittedly Hutts are pretty disloyal, even to other Hutts. I'm saying do what you want to do. OOC'ly, sure work it out with other Hutt writers, but IC'ly, do what you bloody well want to do and bugger the consequences so long as you come out on top!
@[member="Tyr-Kyr Magnus"]
I know how Hutts operate. Im just not planning on deseating Gajjulla when the faction has only been around for a short time. It makes more sense to help the cartel grow in numbers and strength first.

Gajjulla the Hutt

I will make a company soon, just a simple droid manufacturer or something like that as a secondary funding besides the credits we get from crime.
@[member="Tyr-Kyr Magnus"] @[member="Popo"]

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