Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Hutt Experience (Echob Krirgo)

Echob Krirgo

He sat in his quarters in the Voss temple. He was excited that he got a new Master, but a bit nervous about the future. He was uncertain about what his new Master would do and what missions they would go on. He wasn't too sure of her personality either.

Deciding to calm down by meditating, he sat down on his neatly made bed and closed his eyes. Eventually, he went into a state of meditation. He started to calm down, but still questioned the future. The Force calmed him, and told him that the future was not his to control. The vision suddenly faded.

Now he knew what to do. He would calmly wait for his new Master and would not think too much about his future with her. After all, the Force had said in that vision that the future was not his to control. So he made sure his bed was made neatly, and sat.

[member="Echob Krirgo"]

Quenladose stretched herself out while she was looking at t. A new padawan and she had submitted it for her current one to well advance. He had learned a lot, he had been taught what she could teach him and advanced. So the jedi knight was thinking about it all here until they were moving around. here in the temple she was the child like jedi knight who no one really paid attention to as her multi colored hair was shiny and bright with the new conditioner from Joza's heartbeat dancers. She was heading out to go and meet her padawan as the small jedi knight walked around with a look on her face before she stood there with her sabers on her hip feeling the force crystals that were built into them and the force energies from them that made them like small beacons on her hip.

Echob Krirgo

Sensing his new Master's lightsabers, he got ready. He made sure his robes were on properly, triple-checked if his bed was made, neatly put his other gear in his closet and waited near the door. It would be exciting, meeting a new Master. After all, his old one had been killed by a Sith, and he hadn't even been there to see it.

While he still respected his old master, he also felt that her new one would do well. He made sure his lightsaber was in his utility belt, then kept waiting.
[member="Echob Krirgo"]

She stretched out arriving at the doorway to go in and meet the hutt. With a look on her face here where they might be able to move around. With some of the interest here though the jedi knight was prepared for anything that they might have. "Welcome padawan, I am Quenladose nic Essus." She said it while having a small grin on her face and then she was moving around a little to really build it up and really have all of the work and attention. She was walking over by him and looked up wih unblinking tri colored eyes and the multicolored hair.

Echob Krirgo

He finally met his Master. After she said her greetings, he replied. "Nice to meet you. I look forward to serving under you." He was relived that he had gotten a new Master, and started to lead her inside his quarters.

They were clean and neat, and the bed was neatly made. Clothes were neatly stacked in racks, and the closet was filled with extra gear. The light was off in his room, because the light from his window provided enough sight.

(I'm experimenting with a new font)

[member="Echob Krirgo"]

She looked up at the hutt as they were going in and had her hands clasped behind her arms with a look on her face where they would be able to go around. With some of the areas here until she was looking at some fo the other parts. In the room she was uncertain but spoke efore she was looking over at all of the parts here, A smile on her face as she had small dainty incisors to go with the look of her ivory skin. "Well it is good that you have gotten settled in. Make sure you have all of your equipment and are ready for a workout."

Echob Krirgo

"I will be ready, Master." he replied. He took out unneeded items from his utility belt such as his holocommunicator, until all that was left was a canteen of water and his lightsaber. He put the other objects on top of one of the shelves.

"Where will we be going?" he asked as he put the items on the shelf. "What will we train for today?"

[member="Echob Krirgo"]

She was looking at him and leading the way while she continued to walk around here, to check out some parts of it in the temple. Where should they go... she was wondering about it there until she moved over to look at some of the other things. "We'll start uilding your endurance, a padawan needs to be able to move and run at least ten miles a day so that they will be able to use the force and survive around here." She was looking over at many of the things they would be able to do.

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