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Approved Tech Huyaza, Crimson Bloodletter

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  • Intent: A personal weapon for Persephone Ambrosia Persephone Ambrosia
  • Image Source: Here
  • Canon Link: N/A
  • Permissions: N/A
  • Primary Source: N/A
  • Classification: Sword
  • Size: Large
  • Weight: Extremely Light
  • Blood Alchemy allows this weapon to use whatever blood travels across its blade, and double it; spraying the blood out through its multiple bore holes, the more blood it tastes, the more blood it creates, but the blood must be fresh from a victim; it cannot recreate blood that has already been alchemized, in this case the blood would have to have been unbothered by the alchemy for at least a minute.
  • The handle of this weapon bares several sharp points that lead into its hollow interior. allowing blood that is carried into it to be easily transferred to the wielder.
  • Using techniques from the Jal-Shey, Sith, Nightsisters, and her own esoteric Sangnir blood spells, this Force Imbued blade will always register to a Force Sensitive individual as nefarious, however it isn't Sith in nature, and therefore does not take any particular damage from Light, or Dark side techniques.
  • The Sheath of this weapon will completely mask its nature, making it just another blade until drawn
  • Bloodbath - In Concordance with its intended wielders whims, this sword when wielded by a proper opponent can quickly break the will of an opposing fighting force. With its razor sharp edge that could put a vibro-blade to shame, and its ability to quite literally regurgitate blood in all directions, this weapon would psychologically scar all but the most steadfast opponents.
  • Warcraft - Made during a time of war, this weapon can be used against all manner of opponents, while consistently feeding its wielder their enemies anima. Using the hollow veins throughout the weapon, blood can be controlled as easily as one moves their fingers, drawing it in to the handle, pushing it out or otherwise.
  • Gotta' be quicker that that - While a large Katana, the weapon is deceptively light, and can be swung with ease, speed, and most surprisingly immense force. If the wielder is strong enough, this weapon could easily cleave the average human in two perfect pieces, be it a horizontal cut through the spine, or a vertical one.
  • Hacks - With a core of Void Stone, a Force Sensitive fighting in close proximity will notice their connection the the Force diminished, if not stripped.
  • Cursed Relic - This weapon is cursed, harboring the spirits, and expired victims of its creator. Vengeful spirits that wish nothing more than to drag the weapons wielder to the depths of hell for all of eternity. If it's broken, these spirits will swarm the nearest person and attempt to do harm to them, Incinerating them with Night Sister magicks (They will beeline for Persephone Ambrosia Persephone Ambrosia if she's within sight) attempting to cleanse the demon before they are lost to the void forever.
  • Do you feel that? - The weapon, while not Sith in nature, is simply foreboding and dark. Even an untrained Force Sensitive will feel uneasy if this weapon is within one hundred meters of them, and beyond that be able to easily judge the direction from where the unease is coming. The better trained, the better the guesswork would be. The only way to offset this is to keep the weapon sheathed.
  • Hatred - The nature of the weapon itself is to hate its owner, and if its unsheathed and not being firmly held, will routinely try to impale them, or behead them. Beginning with a few warbling shakes, then rocketing to the owner with relatively lethal efficiency. To avoid this, the weapon should be sheathed at all times.
Huyaza is a katana built by Persephone Ambrosia Persephone Ambrosia during the year 1504 BBY. It was a different time within the galaxy, and she was a relatively younger immortal; finding inspiration, and sport in the most mundane of things. Alchemy for one was something that drew her attention. As such during her travels she found her way to Atrisia, where she, then still fascinated by most things prompted an impromptu romance with a man she would later kill. A sword-maker by the name of Hattori Huyaza. His specialty being a weapon that was relatively unseen on the galactic scale. A curved weapon, with a perfect weight to size ratio. It made cleaving limbs and the like effortless, which also grew Persephone's interest in claiming one for herself.

She would live on Atrisia for about six years, all the time pretending, and hiding her nature from Huyaza, until one night he wised up on her, and caught her in the act of killing someone for her experiments. She would've preferred to add him to her family, but he was disgusted by her, which in turn drove her into a homicidal rage; adding him to the list of ingredients so to speak.

It would take several attempts, and a few fails before she finally perfected the blade. The hardest bit being to Imbue the weapon once the interior of it had already been formed out of Void Stone. Even a full three months after she had slain Huyaza, the deeply disturbed Persephone would go on to commit another atrocity, slaughtering the village she had lived with, and called friend and family for years, if only to test the weapons edge, and temperament. She was elated. The weapon baptized her in blood. The more skin she allowed it to kiss, the more blood saturated her naked form.

That said, after this initial bloodbath, Persephone has not touched this weapon, even forgetting about it at times, tricking herself into believing she cared for Huyaza, or his village.
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T E R R A R I S - C O M M A N D
Persephone Ambrosia Persephone Ambrosia

This is a very-very cool sword! I totally love it! However I have two questions:
  • The vengeful spirits in the sword. Usually in SW the souls are Force entities, things. How can they exist or how they can act, if the sword's suppress the Force thanks to the void stone?
  • The second, there are several species / creatures on the site who do not have blood in any form. For example, Force Entities, Force Ghosts, demons, etc and the (and the Void stone has no effects on them either). What effect does the swrod on them if the blade cuts them?
To your first bullet;

The sword was crafted in two separate settings, as imbuing the Dolovite encasing the hollowed Void-Stone interior was the hardest part of the blade. The reason for the bore holes on the weapon are to essentially to tease freedom. There isn't enough Void Stone in the blade to completely snuff out the Force around it, only disrupt its fluidity. Albeit I will say that other writers can react to think how they wish. The sword was meant to be a perfect balance between function, and disruption. In addition to this, periodically while the sword is flooded with (Persephone's) blood, it can either serve to amplify, or suppress the effects of the Void Stone.

The Spirits are in the Dolovite, bladed portion of the weapon. While the Void Stone makes up the interior, and the designs near the pommel, and base of the blade itself. If it weren't for the Void Stone suppressing them constantly, they would likely escape the weapon immediately, and seek to destroy Persephone.

To the second;

They get cut with the sword, no bloodbath :(. This weapon was meant for physical opponents, not phantasms and the like.

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