Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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I am human and I need to be loved (Welcome)

Peyton Steele

Peyton shook her head and couldn't help but laugh. She knew a few Force users, but most didn't solve their issues with a lightsaber. Putting the ship into a holding stance, she stepped quickly from the seat and grabbed a pair of slacks and pulled her dress off. She liked to be comfortable when she was doing crime. Now where was her shirt?

Especially if she was going to be saving [member="Noah Corek"]. Where was that hotel?

Right, clothes, not a dress. And heels up on the dash. Classy, Peyton.

"Any sign of the saber boy?" She called as she got back into her pilot seat, eyeing her scanners. There were additional ships. Terrific, so, dump them, get the Mother out of here, then go find Noah, then go find the Mother and get paid.

Why did things never go smooth?

[member="Kerrel Di Marzullo"]
[member="Alec Rekali"]
Kerrel was almost shaking with laughter as the two women ran off, presumably to their ships. He nodded to the man on the terrace, and the two started back to the ship by different routes. By the time Kerrel got there, the other guy had started up the ship, and nodded at his prince as he came in. Kerrel leaned back in his custom-made cushy chair, and grinned.

"I'll take the guns. I'd bet my palace those two are gonna get in trouble, and we're gonna cover their asses."

The black-and-white camo Scurrg bomber lifted off, and Kerrel identified the transponder signal the brunette had mentioned. Kerrel charged up the guns, and watched attentively for the mining scow and whatever the blonde was flying to do something provocative. The minute they did, he'd lock guns and fire on anything that posed a real threat.

"Go on, make my day, ladies."

[member="Peyton Steele"] [member='Alec Rekali']

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler
[member="Peyton Steele"] [member="Kerrel Di Marzullo"]

"Hold on, blondie...vintage fighterbomber, custom paint job, guns active but not hostile...yeah, looks like we've got ourselves an escort. Good thing he got his share. I'd hate to leave the saberjockey unsatisfied."

The quadruple stream of molten gold petered out. This ship could hold seven hundred fifty tons of ore. The immense statue, by mining-ship standards, was little more than a nodule. Concentrated, but tiny.

The four streams of gold came to a halt. "Looks like we've got inbound -- some Tenloss-built fighters, some light freighters, and some Republic forces. Time to run for it."

The immense plasma-jet vanished. Shields up, the Stangur Mother (secretly the Role Model) pointed itself at the sky and accelerated for orbit.

Peyton Steele

Blondie? Right, Peyton never did get her partner's name, nor gave her own. Hell, both ships were (presumably) under a false name. And that was fine. They had a meeting spot. And with the extra defense? She could probably get to [member="Noah Corek"]. Sending a quick burst message checking for his status, she was hoping this bomber that was in a defense stance would help.

Grinning, she nodded. Taking a shot, definitely low, towards a spaceport, it was time to cause a bit of ships to get airborne. Anything to cause commotion.

"Gimme a few hours to catch up to you. Something needs me here, and well, hate to burn bridges." Plus apparently she had owed Corek a date. Closing the outbound channel to [member="Alec Rekali"], she nodded and made towards the fighter group, weapons opening up and shields forward. Best defense was a good offense, after all. Now if [member="Kerrel Di Marzullo"] would be so kind as to keep her tail clear, she could pop down, grab Corek, bring him aboard, patch him up, meet with the Mother, get paid, drop Corek at a hospital and actually see if she could find anything about the ast few months.

Noah Corek

Cocked, Locked and a Smoking Barrel
[member="Peyton Steele"] [member="Alec Rekali"] [member="Kerrel Di Marzullo"]

Noah sent a burst message back to Peyton, saying he was fine but that she should hurry a bit, of course he omitted the part where he was sitting in a pool of his own blood, well not a pool, but a small puddle, though he still couldn't feel his the lower portions of his legs. Looking down, Noah heard the clomping of boots, that wasn't a good sign, that or it was Peyton, something that he doubted. Picking up a SMG from one of the fallen thugs, Noah aimed down the sights, well the best a person could after being shot four times, and waited till he heard them right outside the door. When he heard them, Noah opened up, being met with the satisfying sound of two or three bodies hitting the floor.
(Cool! You know what a Scurrg is :p)

Kerrel watched the mining ship run towards space, and gritted his teeth when he saw the first of the Cartel fighters go up after them. The dorsal turret began tracking it, fired, and sent the fighter down in a ball of flame. The night was the perfect time for this sort of thing, given the paint job on the bomber. Kerrel had great aim, but visual targeting of the bomber was extremely difficult.

So, like a screaming bird of prey, the little ship flew out from under the blonde's craft, and only stopped moving for one thing: to drop one of its nasty little proton bombs on a nearby freighter. Kerrel laughed, and spun in his chair as the larger craft lost most of its ventral hull to the explosion.

"That's the way that ends, Hutt trash."

[member="Peyton Steele"] [member="Alec Rekali"] [member="Noah Corek"]

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler
[member="Kerrel Di Marzullo"] [member="Peyton Steele"]

Alec's eyes opened very, very wide as the rear sensors lit up with everything from Hutt enforcers to proton bombs. She launched chaff and flares, evading line-of-sight weapons and letting warheads detonate harmlessly. Well, harmlessly was a relative term: the Hutts seemed to have more interest in avenging the insult than in getting their gold back intact. No, wait -- a bunch of barges were taking position under her, presumably to catch the gold, and some of those little ships had tractor beams. A piecemeal response. She dropped a tractor shroud, and watched her rear sensors light up with a rapidly-expanding ball of tethered trac-reflective plates. Tractor beams jerked it this way and that, ripped it apart, but let her free. She clawed her way out of atmo, fast-acting navicomp ready with half a dozen routes. Weapons fire smacked her hard as she passed geosynchronous orbit. Cursing bitterly, she slapped the console and leaped for Syvris.

Peyton Steele

Rolling her fighter and doing a bit to cause mayhem for the sake of a distraction, she watched her rear-radar. Launching a blast of chaff and flares, she nodded. Right, now if only she could disappear.

Into the shipping traffic it was! Rolling her Beskad craft, she bit her lip. Zero-G piloting was a bit easier than with gravity. She didn't want to deal with this, but having to deal with an injured or permanenty removed [member="Noah Corek"] didn't seem like a good idea either. Watching the craft explode as [member="Kerrel Di Marzullo"] fired upon it, she smirked.

It was good to have men covering her assets. She found the location of Noah right as the Mother jumped to lightspeed. She send out a quick burst of coordinates to [member="Alec Rekali"], pulling her ship into repulsors above the hotel, she landed it on the pad, pulling her pistol out.

Making her way down stairs, she could only hope that he was fine, and that the skies were going to be clear. “Noah?” She called as she got to the floor. Getting him to the ship was the first step.

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler
[member="Peyton Steele"]

Alec was true to her word. Once Peyton finished her business, she'd be able to meet Alec at the aforementioned rendezvous for her half of the take -- a rendezvous that hadn't been communicated to the sabre jockey. Money, money money, money. Money.

Seeing the scow jump to lightspeed, Kerrel smiled, and turned his attention back to the smaller ships around his Scurrg. Three bit the dust as Tibanna gas ignited their engines and destroyed them, but there were still two freighters, and four of the barges that had come for the gold. Taking the controls from his guard, Kerrel twisted the ship dangerously, and sent her flying into a narrow alleyway that went in the same general direction as the blonde had flown her little fighter.

The bomber came out of the alleyway, right on top of the landing pad where the other fighter was parked. Right outside a hotel, which made him wonder what the girl was doing. He pulled the ship down to land, strapping his blaster and his lightsaber back to his belt. He grabbed a can of something slightly caffeinated off a table, and stood outside the boarding ramp, waiting for the girl and whatever it was she was trying to bring out. Inside the ship, the captain was still looking for any Cartel ships, but it seemed that they had given up the chase after the brunette and her scow had escaped.

[member="Peyton Steele"] [member="Noah Corek"]

Noah Corek

Cocked, Locked and a Smoking Barrel
[member="Peyton Steele"]
Noah sighed in joy as he heard Peyton's voice down the hall. "I'm in here Peyton, just look for the room with three dead bodies next to the door and you'll find me!" Noah called out to her as he attempted to stand and failed, well he did stand for a few seconds, only to fall down face first on the bed and roll over onto his back. "Feth, maybe Melissa right, maybe I am getting too old for this poodoo. Nah, I'll be too old for it when I'm dead." Noah said, to well no one in particular. Pulling himself up, Noah rested his head on the pillow and looked at the ceiling, trying not to fall asleep, he had been in this situation enough before to know that if he did, most likely he wouldn't wake up.

Peyton Steele

See? She wasn't going to let [member="Noah Corek"] down. A lot of it had to do with [member="Kerrel Di Marzullo"] covering her back. She still didn't know why and would have to track him down after meeting with the ore miner. Of course, if she got there alive. But there was something different. She knew she was better with a blaster now than... well, before. And something was helping her know where others were. That was something new, probably a useful trick, should she open her mind to it and realize what she was doing.

Holding her gun up, and grabbing the blaster's handle tighter as she hear Noah's voice, she nodded to herself. “Get them all? No fun left for me?” She smirked as she spoke, turning the corner into the room. Holstering her weapon, she looked to him and shook her head. “What are you doing out here anyhow?”

Noah Corek

Cocked, Locked and a Smoking Barrel
[member="Peyton Steele"]

Noah chuckled when Peyton turned the corner and asked him why he hadn't saved any for her. Sitting up in the bed, Noah put his hand on the wound, careful to nurse and put pressure on it to reduce bleeding. "Sorry Peyton, if I had known you were comin, I would've saved a few of them for you." Noah told her and looked down at his hand. "Damn, I really am bleeding a lot aren't? You know after thirteen years, I've been shot twenty-three times and this is probably the only time I've bleed this much." Noah said off-handedly as he looked at his hand and saw just how much blood had leaked out from the wound in his abdomen. "Oh you know, I'm just in the business of stalking extremely beautiful women." Noah joked with a chuckle. "Well that and here you can buy some less than legal mods here. Also I found something about that geneticist that is very interesting."

Peyton Steele

Peyton couldn't help but laugh. Despite sitting in a puddle of his own blood, [member="Noah Corek"] had his humor about him. And sure, maybe laughing now was a waste of time, but if he could, she should be able to. Reaching into the pouch on her hip, she grabbed a small tube of bacta salve and a clean cloth. Two things she always kept on her were bacta and spare power packs. “You really need to carry a first aid kid, Corek.” She smirked and got down to a knee helping to stop the bleeding, and apply the bacta.

“Which geneticist?” Was he looking into her story? Right, make him not die, then talk.

Noah Corek

Cocked, Locked and a Smoking Barrel
[member="Peyton Steele"]

Noah chuckled when Peyton chuckled, Noah was a firm believer that humor had a place anywhere, that's probably what kept Noah from spiralling into depression from all the things that he had done. "I'm serious though Peyton, you are very pretty." Noah told her with a obvious glazed over look in his eyes, probably from the amount of blood he had lost. "I usually do have one, I forgot it on the shuttle that brought me here." Noah said as he checked his pistol, making sure it was on safety just in case he dropped it, he didn't want a bullet go off. "I ran his name through every database I could find and after that I ran it through every decryption program I could find and found his name was a anogram. It's Josef Mengele spelled backwards." Noah informed her.

Peyton Steele

Really, if one couldn't joke about everything, then what was the point? Shaking her head at [member="Noah Corek"] when he was calling her pretty. “You must've lost more blood than you thought.” Especially if he was going on a mission with no bacta. Or back up. What if she had gotten taken home? Unlikely, but possible. He wasn't taking his own ship on trips like this?

That was something she wouldn't ever do, but then again, her ship was pretty much her home. “What else do you know about him?” Get him stable, get him moving, collect gold.

Noah Corek

Cocked, Locked and a Smoking Barrel
[member="Peyton Steele"]

Noah chuckled and looked down as she patched him up with the cloth and the bacta. "I'm serious Peyton, your probably one of the prettiest women I've ever met and I've been to places like Zeltros." Noah informed her with a grin, of course Noah was delirious from blood loss, so whether he was being serious or not was up in the air. "What do I know about Josef Mengele? A lot, due to the fact that I was assigned to kill him a few years ago when I was in the Republic Commandos. He was a Imperial geneticist who stressed his views on the perfect race. A perfect race of blue-eyed and blond-haired humans who were going to rule the galaxy, bastard was sick, doing all sorts of unethical experiments. Five years ago I put a 7.62mm hollow-point slug into his chest. I thought he was dead."

Peyton Steele

She was doing her best to not blush at [member="Noah Corek"]. He had lost blood and was delusional. Sure, maybe Peyton could use her looks to open a few doors, but the over under? She felt she was just average. Kept herself in shape, and tried to not get marked up, but that was also just avoidance of getting shot. Simple enough. “Alright, smooth talker. Let's make sure you can take another trip there.”

Republic commando. Was interesting what one could learn from people who weren't fully there. Peyton had no qualm with the Republic, or any Imperial people. Mainly it was just crazed Force users and their trying to run everything. So... the Sith, basically. But work would be work. “But he got himself into an operating room?” She looked up as she continued treating his wound.

Noah Corek

Cocked, Locked and a Smoking Barrel
@[member="Peyton Steele"]

Noah looked down at Peyton for a moment and stared into her eyes. "I'm not trying to be a smooth talker, you literally are one of the most attractive, both physically and other ways, woman I've ever met. Also on another note, I don't wanna go back to Zeltros, to many pheremones that screw with my nose and my senses, besides to many women throwing themselves at men. I'm a sniper, I've developed patience and the thrill is always in the hunt." Noah told her as he gazed down at her. When she spoke of Mengele, Noah's brow creased. "Maybe, that or he was wearing a vest, but I swear I could see a blood spurt after I shot." Noah informed her and then sighed. "I've never been proud of killing another sentient being Peyton, but when I shot that miserable excuse for a sentient being, I felt a certain sense of joy for taking such a cruel man out of this galaxy."

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