Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Alright peeps. I am back for some Star Wars Chaos!

As by the many questions that have come from<<< this thread, I will answer them all.

First off, Found out my computer had a virus and had gone through my hard drive and started to block everything that I had. Literally I could get nothing from it. So instead of having to sift through everything, and trying to find the problem, I got rid of it. It was cheaper to buy a new laptop from my parents, than replace all the parts that were broken. And all of them were important things like the Heatsink, System board, hard drive, and a few more. anyways, I got that fixed.

Secondly, School. I passed. Had a GPA of 2.98 *So mad because of those C's* Anyways, Passed, already had graduation, and had many stress filled nights of studying.

Third, Found a job, and passed. I have orientation on Monday as I will be working in the electronics department at my local Walmart. *Just out of highschool. Not college* And I will be paid surprisingly well. *Walmart's Mim wage is 9 bucks and hour! Didn't know that*

And last but not least, My love life *seriously don't laugh* Has been getting better by the day. I feel good, and unstoppable. *I promise I won't play god thought!*

Anyways, I should be back for the summer until college starts.

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