Nimue Stormson
Empress of Effekt
Nimue ignored [member="Taeli Raaf"] as both she and Morgana continued to look at each other. She was the first to advance, taking a few steps towards her. She could see Morgana tense at first, stopping only to calm her by showing she meant no harm or the like. Her hands came up and touched her daughter's face. As she did a quivering smile broke over her face. She brushed her brown hair aside off her shoulders to see her better. Her hands were so delicate as they touched and examined her. Morgana only stood there and allowed it, still trying to let everything sink in.
"Oh...look at that beautiful face." She began. "I haven't seen it since you were born. Even then I knew you were to be a lovely child. And look how you've grown." Tears were starting to break in her eyes before she finally brought her close for a hug. "My girl. My little Morgana. You're home."
Morgana only reached up and lighty hugged back, still trying to figure things out in her mind.