Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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I come bearing gifts


Well-Known Member
...well, not really, but you fell for it, didn't you? :D

Anyhow, I was searching for a good SWRP and I stumbled upon this; and boy am I happy I did!
It's well structured, active and (mind you, this is important to me as a designer) the art is freakin' amazing. I swear I had to wipe some drool off my chin. :p my compliments to the staff.^^

anyhow, I can't wait to start RPing here, and the plot is absolutely mouthwatering. :D



Well-Known Member
Blush all you want, but there's no avoiding it ;)

I know that admins rarely get the appreciation that's due to them, so go on, allow yourself a big ego boost.^^ You're doing a great job here. :)
Thank you for your kind words, Netherworld. I must flee back to working on this monstrous site, but be sure to drop by the New Player's Guide and to post your character bio whenever you're ready. Remember, your bio does not require approval before you begin role-playing.

Hope you enjoy the site and have fun!


Well-Known Member
Thank you too.^^
...and hi you back, Skye! :)

as for the CC, I'm almost done. ;) a couple more minutes and you'll be praying to get rid of me. I'm anxious to start RPing again, so if any of you have recommendations as to which are good, please, do tell^^

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