Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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I come bearing gifts


Well-Known Member
Archon Kaan said:
Sharp is the eye,
That can pierce heaven of high
And gaze unending, through chaos realm
Sharper still is the wit and the will,
That discerns the false in a true telling.
Any yet the truest of strengths,
The one that we trust,
Is to go to the greatest of lengths,
To be able to do what we must,
Just so we protect what we value,
And keep our hearts true.

that it does. :D also, don't insult us no-lifers! It's a nice way to trudge along, if you ask me. :p


Well-Known Member
Well, I find that angry women aren't as bad as everyone makes them out to be.^^
indeed, the makeup can be very....satisfying. :3

well, wookieepedia is eloquent too ;) times, at least :)

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