Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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I couldn't think of A good title--PM for Invite

Ardgal Raxis pulled his Matrix armor breast plate tight before dawning his helmet. Tonight would be his first raid as the Commander of the Raxis Alpha Company. The aliit here were strong, the faith they had in him was enough to fill his sails--and still enough to make him doubt if it was well placed. Which was good. Ordo's words echoed in his mind, Only a fool doesn't doubt. That gave him a manner of comfort, just enough to stand strong and tall. This raid would show weather or not he was worth of their trust.

The commander holstered both of his blaster pistols before striding out onto into wild with the rest of his 400 strong forces. Alpha Company was going in full swing to take all they could. There would be, of course, a hell house of loot to divvy among the Vod, one of which he had called in from their large family tree.

"Gray, this is Ardgal, we are moving to position, what is the status?" He began opening the Comm.

[member="Gray Raxis"]
Gray was on a speeder bike heading towards the target. A nest of pirates had hold themselves up in an old bunker and were making daring raids all over the system now with the Techno Union gone. They had acquired a fair amount of loot from the various merchant ships they had been raiding, and a couple sounded like they had hit up some cortosis shipments as well. That was all fine and dandy, especially for Gray. He liked nothing more than to cut down some pirates. He was a little biased, but that was just how things were. The scar on his face reminded him daily of just how ruthless pirates could be. He knew not all of them were like that, because some of his clan members had been pirates. But no matter that knowledge, he still just couldn't come to a place where he didn't hate them to some degree.

Gray heard his com system activate and listened to the words of a new member to his clan ask him where he was at. He said back over it, " On my way. Using a speeder bike, so engage when you are ready. I will arrive soon enough to help. Remember to minimize risks as much as possible though. Pirates don't tend to be the brightest bunch usually." He then ended his message. He was going to see how this fresh blood handled himself. Clan Raxis had a strict code after all, and every member was subject to following it even Gray. It was time for the new recruit to prove his worth and provide for the clan. War was a tool to provide for them after all, not their way of life. It was going to be up to the young man to show which of those way of living he fell under.

[member="Gray Raxis"]

The commander nodded, "That's a good copy. Out."

The Alpha Company finished their forced March and came to the base. The data on this place had been sadly lacking with the recent loss of powers and the resulting usual loss of mass intel that followed.

The base here was former military, a large landing pad on the center housed a trio of corvettes that has seen better days but were still in working condition. There were several barracks an armory that had been converted to use for storing stolen goods--and most likely hostages. Ardgal saw all he needed to.

"This is the commander," he began over his company's radio system. "The orders are as follows. Break. Unit 1, secure the high ground on 3 o clock flank. Prepare the SAS missiles and mortar launchers for my orders. Prepare sharp shooters for back up. Break. Unit 2, sweep to 9 I clock and secure for storming the barracks on my orders . Break. Unit 3 sweep to the opposite end and wait for orders. Break. Unit 4 follow me for direct attack. Over."

The alpha company moved to obey, stealthily moving into their assignments along the enemy territory. Each reported their ready as Ardgal stood by waiting.

When it was time he unslung his rifle from his shoulder and charged it up. He cast a glance back at his troops. "Forward. Kill all combatants."

And like that they swept down on the unsuspecting enemy as a wave. The guard on perimeter duty were easily cut down with pin-point precision. "We are in. Over."
Gray was still on his speeder bike heading towards the location of the alpha company and his new clan mate. He was wearing his mandalorian styled armor and had his bryar pistol on his right hip with his lightsaber hilt hung next to it. He had his sword Calm strapped to his back and had his infantry rifle resting on his back as well. He was loaded out to deal with whatever he needed to deal with.....except for rockets because there was no amount of protection or preparation could have you ready for one of them soaring at your face. He doubted they had rockets, but you never knew with this being an old military base. The armory could easily have had some military grade weapons left over. He would find out soon enough though.

Gray arrived shortly after they had begun the assault. He stopped just a short distance away from the base where he was just outside of firing range of the pirates. He decided to take a moment and watch. They were all moving well and following orders it seemed. There was little to no friendly fire, and everyone was focused. That was good, very good. He got onto his com system and said, " I have arrived. Where would you like me to go?" He got off of it and then waited for the reply. He kept his watch over the situation as he did. Things were going smoothly so far and they probably didn't need his help, atleast not currently.

The gate was captured, the small wall surrounding the base was now nothing more than a trap to enclosed the enemy. Like fish in a barrel.

"Commander, this is Unit 1, please be advised the enemy is allerted to your position," Lieutenant Mereel Raxis over the snipers reported.

Ardgal ducked under a barrage of blaster fire from down the main road running down the ally. "That's a good copy unit 1, begin laying down sniper fire. Over." he raised his rifle and let a burst of blaster rounds end the pirate's life. As his body fell, other raiders surged to fill the void in a filthy rabble. Blaster bolts from Unit 1 tore through them like a precise rain of death, cutting them down into the unlife. Most were wearing little more than disgusting clothing, or peices of armor that hung off them in disjointed parts. Their eyes were crazed with spice-induced bravery or alcohol caused slugishness. They were a worthless lot, a sad excuse for a fighting force being cut down by professional warriors. There was some poetic justice in it.

"Gray, this is Ardgal, sweep around to Unit 3. We need that landing pad and its contents." he looked back at the troops around him, "On me, troops."

He swept right, it was time to begin combing through these streets and exterminating the rabble.

[member="Gray Raxis"]
Gray watched the battle continue, and saw the pirates try to retake their gate. That was a very bad move on their part because they didn't have the defensive advantage, but as he had said before pirates were not the smartest bunch of people. They were just lambs to the slaughter here it seemed, but that was fine with Gray. Better there was less of them in the galaxy than more. Meant things would be safer for the merchants and people trying to travel and make a living. This would be good for future engagements if they would go as smoothly as this was going currently.

Gray eventually heard where he was needed to go from Ardgal. He said over his com system, " Roger that. I will head that way to reinforce them immediately." He ended the com and got his speeder bike going again. He circled around to the opposite end of the base to join up with group 3 like he had been informed to. He was sure the plan was for them to break and flank the pirates after their attention was fully upon the group with Ardgal. It was a sound plan and was currently working very well if it was what he was really doing. Hopefully soon he would be able to move in with the rest of them and help finish this raid off.

Ardgal stormed into the main barracks, his troops not far behind him. The pirates were caught flat footed, some literally still in bed. The general wondered how someone could call themselves a combatant and sleep in a time like this. But they scrambled, pulling out blasters or makenshift weapons. It was a slaughter, completed in a matter of seconds.

"Unit 3, our vod from the extended family will be sweeping around. Follow his orders under temporary command, code level Geonosis."

There was a terse moment of silence. "Copy, sir."

They weren't too happy about the idea of following under someone else, but the fact that he was a Raxis, and the order was there, they would do it.

"Unit 2, you are go for assault."

"Roger command."
The barracks were taken. Ardgal pressed forward into the mess hall, it was empty thank the Force. A few moments later he could hear the sound of blaster fire roaring through the other streets. The battle was all bur over. Ardgal could feel it.

[member="Gray Raxis"]
Gray arrived at the meeting place for group 3 and parked his speeder bike. He got off and walked over to them. They all just looked at him with judging gazes. They were tense and upset from the emotions rolling off of them. It was pretty clear they didn't like the idea of taking orders from someone else, but were going to because it was their orders. They were good soldiers, but that didn't mean things would go over smoothly. He kept an eye on the fight, and as soon as he saw his fledgling Raxis exit the barracks he got his rifle readied. He said, " Alright we are moving in. Flank the enemy and watch each other's backs. I don't want any unnecessary deaths." With that he moved in.

The unit was over the wall fairly easilly and had completely caught the pirates in the streets of the base unaware. They hadn't expected people to flank them from behind and for them to be completely caught between two forces. They were pinched in and exposed on one side or the other side. It was a complete and utter slaughter of the pirates. They didn't know what to do and any form of order being given was completely ignored by them in the name of shameless self survival. Any counter chance they had to turn things around was completely lost. It was a success on the Raxian end of the conflict, and they would surely be done wiping out the pirates soon enough.

"Armory secure commander," reported one of the officers from Unit 2.

The general move out the back exit of the Mess Hall, watching as Gray's unit finished off what was left of the enemy. The commander looked at the scanner from his HUD, there were no more non-Raxis beings prowling around. That was a job well done. He opened a full-comm, broad casting to all the units within a half a mile, just to be safe. Intimidation was half the battle. "Base sure. Begin gathering the loot and piling them on the landing pad. Everything that can be moved should be. Over."

Satisfied, he strode forward to Gray. It was easy to tell who he was. Ardgal knew his aliit on site in armor and out of armor, all 400 of them. It was a commander's job to know what and who he was leading at all times.

The commander removed his helmet out of respect for his vod, extending his hand, "Su'cuy. It's good to finally meet thee in person. Thanks for being willing to assist us on this run."

[member="Gray Raxis"]
Gray shot down every pirate he could see. It was pretty standard as far as these kind of missions went. Actually, it wasn't standard at all. Gray normally was in much smaller groups and was expected to carry much more of the weight of the mission. He would be expected to be at the gate to take it, flank all of the pirates while holding their attention, and be acting as his own support from a distance.....or atleast that is how he felt what he needed to be doing during missions. It was hard to fight the urge to lone wolf things after how long he had been doing it. He still was not use to working in groups larger than three or four people trying to conquer the odds.

Gray heard [member="Ardgal Raxis"] as he walked up to him and turned to face him. He holstered his rifle onto his back and then removed his own helmet. He took the man's hand and smiled to him. He said back in reply, " Well the Alor of the clan needs to set a good example, so it was my pleasure. I didn't really do much more than watch all of yall effectively handle the whole situation though. Kind of anti-climactic though isn't it? Not that that is a bad thing considering people would likely have died otherwise." He chucked a bit before he added, " Course it seems were pretty climactic for these pirates though weren't they?"
Ardgal chuckled slightly, "Alpha Company has been around a long time, Sir. A few centuries, if I may say so. We don't like solo missions along this side of the aliit, we try to make sure all the vod come home, take care of each other, working like a well oiled machine. I prefer to work with anti-climatic."

The various other Mandolorians in their extended family worked around them, quickly stacking and piling the loot from the base on the landing pad. A few clear piles were already beginning to form; personal affects like clothing, jewelry, and such were gathering in one set of crates. Weapons, armor, and ammo were piling in another. Food, alcohol, and drugs were gathering in a third stack and beside it was all manner of various stolen cargo, which Ardgal had to admit, was looking like a rather strange collection from exotic art to stolen speeder parts. Talk about a weird crew.

"I suppose this was the most team work that these pirates have seen in--"

"Sir," one of the Raxis men reported, "There is something in the warehouse you will want to see."

Ardgal motioned for Gray to follow him as he went after the soldier. His interest was perked.

[member="Gray Raxis"]
Gray listened to what [member="Ardgal Raxis"] had to say to him about the Alpha company. They sounded like the kind of crew that fit the Raxis mentality about what it meant to be a Mandalorian. He wasn't sure if these guys considered themselves to be that or even cared enough to think about it, but he thought of them as good vods all the same. They worked well together and fought for the man next to them as much as for their commander. They also followed orders and were out for the prosperity of their brothers in arms. That was what it meant to be a Mandalorian soldier, a Mandalorian warrior. They would certainly do well and do a lot in the fights to come if Gray had his way with his plans.

They were hailed to check out something in the warehouse, so Gray followed along to check it out. As he walked he said, " Great to hear that. Its how things should be for Mandalorian warriors. I was personally raised under the tenants of the super commando. It didn't matter if I had someone next to me or not, if I was to take this pirate base then I was to take it. I was just expected to figure it out on my own and then see to it the job got finished. Do or die. Victory or Death." He thought back on his father's training as a child. It had been rough, very rough, but he was who he was now because of it. He just thought on his feet and adapted to the struggle. It was how he survived.

They came into the building and Gray had to whistle at what he saw. There were crates of refined cortosis here that the pirates seemed to have stolen from a shipment, just as rumor had said. He walked over and began to check out the crates. They were from local mines to the small, desolate planet. Seemed this group of pirates liked to piss where they ate. That was likely what lead them to being wiped out by the Raxis Alpha company just now. But it made little sense that the disorganized mob here could coordinate an attack effective enough to attack a shipment. Was there something they were missing here? He frowned as he thought on this, but kept them to himself for now.
"I respect the tenants of the super commando," Ardgal said with a nod, "We all do. We respect the Resol Nar too, a little more so. But with our culture, at least, how we have come to be, the Super Commando Code has little advice to give. Determination, we do admire that. But solo? Not as much. I guess its a matter of arena more than anything else."

He looked over the crates, Cortosis. That would be handy for sure. He looked to one of the men standing by, "I want full armed escort, get these things on those Corvettes loaded up."

"Yes, sir."

He looked to the Sargent who had led them here, "Is this the last of the loot?"

"Yes, sir."

"Good, we should be out in a matter of--"

"Commander," the Comm piece in Ardgal's ear butt in, "We have incoming."

The Mandolorian's spine straitened and his face sobered up, "Incoming?"

"Yes, sir, two more Corrvettes on a landing trajectory to our location."

Ardgal's mind began reacting as quick as lightening, "Move everything back, I want that loot put under cover, Unit 1, get off the hill and wait for orders. Surround the landing pad and prepare for ambush from hidden cover. I want to catch these fools flat footed."
Gray had no real qualms with what [member="Ardgal Raxis"] had to say to him. The point of a Super Commando was for elite squads kept small scale like Gray was use to that could operate under extreme circumstances. They had to be jack of all trades as well so as not to fail a mission right away due to lack of knowledge. They were for doing the jobs you couldn't or wouldn't send a company at. The place of the company was to do exactly what the Super Commando couldn't do and that was securing a base like this and maintain control of it. A squad of Super Commandos could take the base, but they always did it to invite a company in to maintain the control. They worked together in that way, just like today.

Gray was about to say something else when the report of the incoming came in. He frowned as he put his helmet back on. He drew his infantry rifle and rushed to the doorway. He poked his head out and looked for the ships. He then scoped in on them with his helmet's visor. He studied their movement for a bit, and didn't like what he saw. He pulled back in and said, " I think they know we are here. I'd suggest you order your men to prepare for a nasty surprise of some kind. Last thing we want is canon fire to the face without expecting it." He was worried they would decided to just rain turbolaser fire on them without them having the chance to really defend themselves from their current position. The question for Gray was how much they cared about keeping their stuff intact.
Ardgal gave a nod, and put his helmet on. As it clicked into place with a hiss the ground shook with the sound of a turbo laser shot. This was what contingency plans were for. "Unit One, are the missiles still active?"

"Yes, sir."

They were surface to surface in design, and while it wasn't perfect--it would was better than nothing right now, "Hit them."

A salvo of fire streaks formed across the sky. Their golden orange flames arced a lazy path from the hilltop to the Corvettes. The first set of shots exploded on the ship's hulls, splattering against its durasteel hull all but harmlessly. The follow up set of shots dented them, then punched through in a glorious blossom of fire. Both ships dipped on a delicate, but determined downward fall towards the barracks. Smoke and flaming bits of fuel trailed behind them like a banner of Raxis Victory--or at least impending victory.

"Empty barracks," Ardgal barked, "Now! Be ready to storm those ships on contact."

Judging by the speed of the ships, they were going to be still full of living people when they hit the surface. Ardgal didn't want to gamble his troops on whether that was true or not.
[member="Gray Raxis"]
The ground shaking sign of Gray being proven right occured a little too soon after he had spoken. Why must he always be right in these kind of situations? It got old fast as well as annoying. He just braced himself as more fire shook the ground. It seems they didn't care if they lost their stuff or not. He heard [member="Ardgal Raxis"] giving out orders so he figured that meant he just needed to wait for their action to happen and then capitalize on it. And sure enough that did happen as the ones outside of the base punched holes into the ships and they were heading straight into the base.

Gray could feel the tension in the group, so he sent out soothing waves of force energy out to those around him. He smiled and said over open com, " Alright, I am taking point. Won't be the first pirate infected ship I've wiped out and won't be the last. Don't shoot blasters though, just charge in once I've cleared a path. You will see why." He then ended his com and rushed forward as the ship hit the ground. He waited for it to come to a stop, and went through the first opening inside he saw. He didn't worry about his usual cover tactic, but instead stood in the middle of the hallway. As he got there, blaster fire erupted from both sides of him by pirates. The shots hit the aura and then deflected back at the attackers, killing some, wounding others, and a few dodging altogether. He began opening fire to his right until the enemies were all dead then turned his attention to his left. He began to advance and said over coms, " All clear to the right. I will take the left." He then began to do just as he said he would.
When Gray gave his request the General looked at one of the Sargents by his side, they exchanged glances and shrugged. If he wanted to die, he could go ahead. However, the blaster bolts reflecting off his aura into the others was something new. Something they hadn't seen before--except on antiquated droidekas. He and the Sargent looked back at each other and shrugged. That was new, that was cool. Ardgal moved forward with a squad behind him, clearing the left room. They would loot and clear the bodies later on.

Ardgal moved through a door into a hallway. A trio of pirates were coming at him, these men were a bit more prepared than the others, wearing armor and real assault weapons. They at least got their weapons to their shoulders before Ardgal squeezed off a trio of rounds. Two tore through one's thigh and arm, dropping him in a mess of charred blood. The third ripped through the second pirate's face, sending him into the unlife. The third fired a shot that was absorbed by Ardgal's Matrix armor. The general took half a step back before firing back three more times, two in the chest and one in the head, "Clear, making my way to the--"

An explosion in the side wall interupted him, and sent Ardgal crashing into the other wall.

[member="Gray Raxis"]
Gray went down the opposite corridor that [member="Ardgal Raxis"] had gone down. He kept his weapon readied as he advanced forward. He wasn't sure exactly what he would run into in this ship, but it could be anything. It could be a ship full of explosive barrels or full of zombies or a man in a power suit or full of super pissed of jawas..........He really hoped it wasn't jawas. He wasn't sure if he could handle slaughtering more jawas after the last time he had to kill them. They were just sweet innocent beings that just wanted to fix stuff they salvaged. They didn't hurt anybody and didn't want to hurt anyone at all. It was just not something he could handle again.

Gray eventually came to the cargo hold of the ship. It was filled full of more stolen goods. He saw crates of food and medical supplied. He saw raw materials such as durasteel and electronic components. He even saw what looked like a few speeder bikes. It seemed they had robbed a mining towns shipment of supplies. There should be identifications on them as to their location. He went over to check, but then a group of pirates showed up and started to shoot at him. He ducked behind the crates. From the sounds of their shots they were using slug rounds instead of blaster fire. That meant his deflection aura wouldn't work. He was gonna have to do it the old fashion way.
The general pulled himself upright as the dust settled from the explosion. Bits of plasteel and charred wiring clattered to the ground from his body. A massive, armor clad man strode forward, Ardgal could hear the servos within the man's armor with every step. The general's body ached but he was filled with resolve. He looked around for his troops; they were nowhere to be seen. The blast doors around them has sealed the hallway off. It was a fight. To the death. Mono e mono.

"You have no idea how hard it was to get you alone, Mr Raxis," said the modulated voice. "You are a hard fish to catch."

The mandolorian's face contorted in surprise. "Who--"

The man's fist struck out at the general. Years of training kicked in and saved Ardgal's life, he was barely able to dodge in time. The man followed up with a crescent-kick, Ardgal barely was able to recoil in time. He countered with a shoulder slam, the man didn't even budge as the two armors collided with a loud slam. The man grabbed at Ardgal's body, tossing him across the room. Before the general left the man's arms he pressed the button on his opponent's jetpack, sending him crashing into the ceiling.

"Well played, Raxis," the armored demon complimented him as the pair recovered from the clash. "You are as skilled as they say you are. Your Alpha Company will be a pleasure slaughtering after your gone."

The Mandolorian shook the ache off himself, rage and protection honed him in, making the man concentrate.

"Just for that," he said. "I'm gonna rip your God damn head off."

[member="Gray Raxis"]
Gray kept his eyes on the enemy as slug round after slug round soared over his head or hit metal. The crates were holding up to the shots thankfully, but for how long would they be able to as well as the contents of them safe? No these supplies were likely very much needed by some people, and they needed to get them back no matter if this was a raid or not. The rest of the goods were beyond return due to the lack of information, but these freshly stolen good could still be taken back. So he needed to figure out a quick way to eliminate these guards........

Gray almost hit himself in the head. He knew a quick way to deal with the pirates already but had kind of ignored it. He started to focus on the force and sensing out the attackers. Once he located them he reached out with the force and lifted them up into the air. Once the were there, he made sure they remained suspended and began to shoot at them with his rifle. They cried out in pain, but there was little they could do to resist the action. Once the last of them had been killed, he disconnected the force and allowed them to drop to the floor. He stood up and looked around the cargo hold some more. How many more of these pirates were there?

[member="Ardgal Raxis"]

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