Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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I didn't come here to play Peek-a-boo!


I did not want to be here.

As a little side mission from a friend of mine, I had to go and search for her daughter. Why does this feel so familiar? Probably because I have done this already when I was a Knight of the Templars when I had been with the CIS. Which is now the Techno Union. Weird how things can change over a long period of time. Either way, I shook my head as I projected my ship into the atmosphere. Bringing it closer and closer to a force signature that I had been tracking for a few days. The query?

A girl by the name of [member="Mirshko Betna"].

She was my friends daughter who had been "gone" for a year or so. And well, I was sent to fetch her because everyone else had better things to do. As well, Most others of the Mando'ade would toss this aside. I couldn't even if I tried. As a Father I always wanted to protect my own children. So i understood the reasons behind this, and took it to a personal level.

And thats when I found the stealth ship. Landed on one of the many platforms for a complex of an old fortress that had been built by the Hutts and their "mighty" drug chain that they had here going for a while. As such, I too, landed my ship down right next to the other one. Letting the landing gears jut out and create a soft landing for myself.

I geared myself up should I have to fight against someone who stood in my way between her, and myself. My Mandalorian armor was at the ready, and my weapons of a mandalorian heavy blaster, a lightsaber, and a standard River blaster rifle were in my possession as I stepped off the ship. The wind tugged at the hood that was pulled up above the dome of my helm.

I was getting too old for baby sitting.

Mirshko Betna

Daughter of Arrbi and Anija
[member="Xander Carrick"]

Landing Platforms

For once, Mirshko was feeling rather rested. She'd lost track of how much time she'd spent in the Chiloon Rift. She knew it had been several months at least. But as to the actual time, she didn't really know. Frowning, she studied her reflection in her helmet's visor as she held it in her lap. She'd had a few chances to talk to her parents during the time she'd been studying with Draco. And as much as she'd noticed the changes over time, she was reasonably certain her parents had too.

She'd not been given a time estimate for her training with Draco, but he'd told her not long ago that she'd learned what she could from him. And, she was still shaking her head at the fact he'd trusted her to handle the Dark Holocron. But, he had been wise to place what restrictions he had on her use of it. For as much as she wanted to learn more, some part of her knew it to be dangerous. As she sat there contemplating her reflection in the visor of her helmet, she noticed a ship had settled to the landing pad beside her. It wasn't one she recognized, but the sense in the Force was vaguely familiar. As if it was someone she'd seen a few times, or even met, but didn't know well. Another frown, and she carefully undid her crash webbing hoping to stretch and get a little fresh air.
Each step I took could be felt. Each one was coming closer and closer towards the ship. I wanted to check if it was this young ladies ship anyways. See if it was one of the Betna who I had found, or just some random person's stealth ship. However, it seemed like the one that [member="Mirshko Betna"] might take. Considering that the young woman was known for disappearing like a Ninja. I knew that pastime all too well. Sneaking in the shadows, using your skills to become corporeal and even vanishing in thin air.

However, this lass took it to the next level. She seemed to be a natural at this. Even more so than I was. I smiled at that. Reminded me of an old friend who was no longer with us. Walking towards the ship, I raised my hand in a slight wave,

"Anybody in there? If there is come out. I have no intention of harming anyone."

I may sound stupid at first, But I was willing to give the benifet of the doubt to whoever was in this ship. After looking on the side of the ship for a split second to see the numbers of the stolen one from the Chiloon Rift, I smiled. This was the Lass alright. And I was hoping this would be an easy job.

Too bad it wouldn't be.

Mirshko Betna

Daughter of Arrbi and Anija
[member="Xander Carrick"]

That same presence remained nearby, and she felt a hint of curiosity from the person's direction. And maybe a bit of concern as well. She wasn't all that skilled at reading people. At least not yet. She had spent the last year or so on honing her own skills, though she'd had some practice at reading people during her captivity with the pirates. a slight frown crossed her face as ANNE notified her that the person was approaching the stealth fighter. She took a deep breath to calm the suddenly nervous flutters in her stomach as she set her helmet aside.

It was then that she heard the words spoken from just on the other side of the canopy. They were slightly muffled, yet ANNE helpfully amplified the audio and played it again for Mirshko as she hit the controls to raise the canopy. It seemed to take forever, but finally, the transparisteel bubble separating her from her would-be visitor was gone. And when she was able to look at him herself, she got a distinct sense of recognition, though she knew she'd never actually met him.

She gazed at him with an expression of mixed confusion and wariness as she tried to figure out what he wanted. She'd been gone from Mandalorian space for quite some time. She knew it had been necessary. And while her parents might not agree with Draco's teaching methods, she was pretty sure they still trusted him to a certain extent. Otherwise they wouldn't have allowed her to go in the first place. It was confusing really. She was still trying to wrap her head around the fact that her parents trusted him with their only child.. after what Draco had put Mom through a few years back. Maybe she'd understand when she was older. At least that's what the adults always told her about certain topics.

She frowned again as she hoisted herself up out of the pilot's chair and over to sit on the upper fuselage of the bes'uliik. "Can I help you...?" she asked after a moment.
A few seconds went by after my words were spoken. When the hiss of the canopy popped open, I tightened my grip on the blaster rifle. Ready should someone else be inside. I was not going to be happy if I had to look all over Teth for this lass. Luckily it was the lady who I was sent here to get was still in the ship. I loosened my grip upon the blaster rifle. Grabbing the sling I vaulted the weapon over my shoulder and removed my hood as she asked the question of helping me. I grabbed under the helmet and released the locking mechanism. The pressurized suit hissed as it released the air from within.

I pulled the mask portion of the helmet up revealing my face, and pulled the rest of the helmet off of my head. Hopefully showing I had no intent to harm her. I shook my head and rolled my neck. I always hated being stuffy in that helmet. I let it be held in my off hand, as I walked towards the ship. Speaking in my thick Mando'a accent that was mixed with a little of Valkyri,

"The day you left, you were to be picked up by me and taken back home to Mandalore. However, you snuck away with a very expensive ship."

I shook my head at the young lady.

"Instead, I had to find you and bring you home so you could continue to train under another Mandalorian. Albeit closer to where your mother could watch over you."

I placed a hand on the nose of the ship, and looked up at the lass. Ushering her down off of the ship with my hand.

"I would rather not get into trouble with your mother, and I do not want you hurt euk vod."

[member="Mirshko Betna"]

Mirshko Betna

Daughter of Arrbi and Anija
[member="Xander Carrick"]

Her eyebrow crept upwards as she watched him intently. As he did finally remove his hood and helmet she again felt a jolt of recognition not of the kind where she personally knew him, but she certainly knew of him. She'd seen his face a few time before, usually in conjunction with some military action the Mandalorians were engaged in. Though, now that she thought of it... she'd not seen him around Mandalorian space for quite some time.

Her eyes narrowed slightly as she listened to his accent. He'd obviously spent quite a bit of time on Mandalore. Feth, she;d grown up there. When she spoke, her voice was firm, yet quiet... though still loud enough to carry to his ears as she tapped lightly into the Force. She spoke in Mando'a, but knew he would understand, regardless. <"Unless I'm mistaken, you are... Ori'vod Carrick...?"> she phrased it as a question, as she still wasn't entirely sure herself. <"I wasn't aware Mom had made such an arrangement, though I wasn't planning to be gone this long, either."> She shrugged slightly. <"As to the ship, it's my mother's and used with permission. It's not stolen."> Her tone wasn't angry, simply matter-of-fact.

<"Another Mandalorian...?"> She found that... intriguing, as thus far, only Draco had shown an interest in training her. From what she could tell, most Mandalorian Force users were quite busy as it was, especially with the ongoing conflict with Death Watch. Her gaze fell to where his hand rested against the fuselage of the ship. After a moment's hesitation, she dropped easily to the decking of the landing platform beside him. Considering what he'd said, she was certain he knew who she was, but she introduced herself anyways, reaching out to grip his forearm in the warrior's grip. "I'm Mirshko Betna." She wasn't aware of it, though from her time studying with Draco, her presence had a taint of Darkness to it. Not much, but enough that one skilled with the Force would pick up on it.
Typical teenager. Trying to talk to me as though she knew everything that was going on. Her Mando'a was fluid enough, but sounded a little choppy. Either way, she got down and gave a warriors greeting towards me. And I in turn did the same out of respect. I ignored the fact that she said her mothers ship was given to her, Little details didn't bother me. The fact was that I had to bring her home. Safe, and unharmed if I could. From the way she was acting. It may take a little coaxing.

"Xander Carrick. Yes, I am Ori'vod"

Letting the warriors embrace fall from our hands and arms, I indicated my ship with an open palm. While the ramp was still down, a proxy droid came out of the ship and was headed towards the stealth one. Good think I had it here so it could fly the ship and follow me, where I have the lass Betna with me in mind. Considering I just found her, I wanted to hear an account of what she had gone through, as well as to explain why she felt a twinge of the darkness from the original feeling I had received from her mother.

Add to the fact that as she may be a vod she was still a rebellious teenager who I wanted to keep an eye on. I wasn't letting her pilot a ship out of here without my say so.

"Now if you will join me, we can get out of here, and get you home."

[member="Mirshko Betna"]

Mirshko Betna

Daughter of Arrbi and Anija
[member="Xander Carrick"]

Yeah, she was acting a bit wary. And with good reason. Sure, she knew of him. but after the events on Druckenwell and Syvris she was hesitant to trust people she didn't really know. But... she sighed softly. His sense in the Force told her he meant what he said about not intending her harm. And about his task to bring her home. But, she hesitated still. And she couldn't quite put her finger on as to the reason why.

Out of the corner of her eye, Mirshko spotted the droid headed towards the bes'uliik. <"While the droid is appreciated, it isn't necessary.... unless you insist. my ship's AI can pilot well enough."> She shrugged slightly to try and indicate she meant no insult. He was relatively unknown to her, and she felt...oddly... cornered for some reason. She arched an eyebrow at him as if daring him to challenge that point, and stood her ground.
I could tell she didn't want me to take her home. Let alone have her fly with me. She hardly knew me. Hopefully that would change since I was the one who was supposed to train her according to her mother. I had let some secrets go to her about how I had once been a Jedi Shadow, and could teach some about stealth tactics and force powers. Even more so the use with general weapons because I have had plenty of years of war on my hands. Seeing as how every time I was needed in a fight, I came through.

She tried to get me to believe that the AI would fly the ship home to Mandalore. And as much as I was sure the ship could do that, I still didn't trust it. I would love to give the benefit of the doubt like I usually do, however, I was caring for the life of someone who was near and dear to someone's heart. I wasn't going to screw this up. As such, I made my point.

"Oh yes. I am sure the ship can fly itself, I am just making sure that the ship stays on course. I wouldn't want anything to happen to it, or you. Now come along, I need to get you back home before I get into trouble."

[member="Mirshko Betna"]

Mirshko Betna

Daughter of Arrbi and Anija
[member="Xander Carrick"]

Heaving an exasperated sigh, Mirshko grumbled a bit. With a glance back towards the stealth fighter, she tapped out a few commands on her wrist computer, instructing ANNE to let the droid fly the ship... but to monitor it. As much as Xander didn't trust ANNE to fly the ship, Mirshko wasn't all that thrilled about a droid she knew nothing about flying Mom's ship. But, it wasn't like she had all that much choice in the matter.

She held up a finger for a moment and then hopped back up onto the fighter's fuselage. There, she took a moment to root around behind the pilot's chair before she retrieved her small bag of gear. Once she had it in hand, she dropped back down to the landing platform with a sigh. "Is this really necessary...?" she asked, as she followed him towards his own ship. if she was being honest with herself, she wasn't entirely ready to go home yet. But she also didn't know where she would rather be instead.
The young woman huffed at my reaction to the situation. I started to put my helmet back on as she gave me a finger to show me to wait. She hopped in the speeder, and with my helmet half on, I rushed over to make sure she wasn't taking off, only to see she was grabbing her bag. I shook my head at myself, and pulled down the mask to cover my face, and proceeded to put the straps together again. I turned around to walk towards my ship as the Proxy droid was starting to climb into the ship. However, the voice of the young lady came to my ears asking if this was really necessary.

Turning around, I finished putting the straps in, and the snap of the sealed vacuum went into effect, I gave it a second to let me speak, and I responded to her.

"Yes it is. I take my jobs very seriously, and you should too if you know what's good for ya euk vod."

I pulled my hood back up over the dome of my head, as I started to walk away once more. The red cloak flapping slightly in the wind. I turned my head to look around for any sort of enemy that may be near by.

"Proxy, Set a course for Mandalore. Once in space above the planet, wait there."
"Yes Master Carrick"

"Come on Betna, you have people waiting for you."

[member="Mirshko Betna"]

Mirshko Betna

Daughter of Arrbi and Anija
[member="Xander Carrick"]

At least he wasn't calling her by the nickname Kuryr used to. And it was a good thing. Sh'd probably loose it if he did. Frowning at him, she shrugged her bag up onto her left shoulder and adjusted the grip on the helmet in her left hand. She was still wearing the modified Advanced Hyperion Combat armor. As of yet, she'd not made her own, nor had she been around for Mom and Da to help do so. For the moment, she watched Xander as he made his way towards the ship. "My parents did know I was coming to see Draco, and they knew why..." she reminded him softly as they neared his ship. It wasn't of a style she'd seen before, and she prided herself on knowing most Mandalorian ship models. The fact that this one was unfamiliar meant it was either new, or not of Mandalorian manufacture. And then she frowned. She was about to be stuck on this vessel with him for a good couple of days. Hyperdrive or not, it was still at least two days travel from their location to Mandalore. And she had absolutely no idea what he might say when they were in a less public setting.
More talking already? We hadn't even made it to the ship and she was already stating that her parents already knew she went to go and see Draco. I continued to walk, hearing her own steps behind me as she stopped mid sentence. She had something on her mind, and she didn't know if she wanted to tell me or not. So I stopped, turned around once again, and spoke.

"Why did you come here then. To Teth of all places? Why not go back home? And why were you with Draco?"

i really did want to know. If she was my was having problems with him, or had a problem with him, then I could help her fix it. It was my job to take care of her. So if I needed to, I could help her with situations that might have come up. I just hoped she would tell me, and at least trust me enough to follow me into my ship, and be on our way to Mandalore.

[member="Mirshko Betna"]

Mirshko Betna

Daughter of Arrbi and Anija
[member="Xander Carrick"]

She stopped abruptly as he turned, and almost took a step back at the suddenness of it. Almost. But she stood her ground. 'So, he was going to play hardball'. The fingers gripping the lower edge of her helmet tightened for a moment as she took a deep breath. Calm. Even so, he would feel a spike of irritation. She'd never quite mastered that Jedi Calm that some seemed to have. And lately, her control had been worn thin. Her time visiting Auntie Sio had helped, but then being around the Dark Holocron hadn't done much in that respect.

"Not here." she told him shortly, and moved past him abruptly as they neared the ship. It wasn't something she wanted to discuss in public. Especially with how some things had been going over the past year or so for her. A deep breath, and she began to focus on her dissembling. She'd gotten better at it with time, but someone like Xander would still be able to read her to an extent. She stepped inside the ship and blinked a few times to let her eyes adjust before setting her bag and helmet down on a nearby chair.
The child was making me near my nerve. She acted much like my own daughter, and I was close to punishing her like I would with Freyia. However, this was not my child to do so with. Instead, I let her storm off into my ship. Looking up to my proxy droid, I nodded. Letting it know that he should take off. and it did. The hatch closed on the stealth ship, and the engines fired up before i took my steps onto the ship. As my foot passes the threshold of the ramp, it closed up as I began to make my way towards the cockpit. Passing by the angry child on my way there.

"Second door on the left."

I told her where her room was for the trip back home to Mandalore. As such, she would be staying in there till she removed her attitude. I was so tempted to make her take a step into the training room I had onboard and see how she liked me then. I had been nice up until now. I tried to keep my cool considering that I would be her new teacher, master, whatever you wanted to call it. Either way, she was going to be training under me. Clearing my head up, I then decided on what to do.

Standing up from my seat, I walked back into the room that the young lady was in.

"I am going to be frank with you. You are my new student. Your mother wanted you to become trained by someone who isn't quite so shifty with the Mandalorians. She asked me to help. Now, I will throw a bone to you. If you think you can handle yourself, then fine. I want you to prove it. Show me that I don't need to train you. And if you persuade me, then I will take you home, and we can be done with this. Otherwise, we will go with your mothers wishes."

I really wanted to teach her a lesson in attitude, as well as see how good she was anyways. I wanted to teach her like her mother asked. And as such, I would be knocking two birds out with one stone. See how good she was, how her abilities worked, as well as teach her a lesson in attitude towards her elders. Age, rank, or otherwise.

[member="Mirshko Betna"]

Mirshko Betna

Daughter of Arrbi and Anija
[member="Xander Carrick"]

She heard his footsteps on the decksole behind her, and sighed softly. She wasn't exactly angry at him, more frustrated at the situation. And right now, it was manifesting as anger. With her free hand, she grabbed her small bag from the chair and headed towards the room he'd indicated. The ship was unfamiliar to her, and it took her a moment to find the room he'd indicated. it was small, and rather plain, with a bunk, a locker and a personal wash station.

That didn't bother her. It bothered her that Mom had sent someone after her. She'd fully intended to come home... but she'd just not known when she would be able to. Heaving a heavy sigh, she dropped her small gear bag on the floor next to the bunk and fell backwards onto it as she tried to sort out her thoughts. Oh, she knew her dissembling was good, but was reasonably certain he could still read her emotions at the very least.

Though, the purpose of the dissembling was to bury one's true thoughts behind layers of fluid thought... much like an ever-shifting river. She sighed again as she heard his footsteps in the corridor, and looked up as she saw him step into the room he'd assigned her. She sat up slowly, and tucked her feet under her as she listened to him talk. And well, he did have a point, she supposed. Her eyes narrowed slightly as he laid out the situation. it was an interesting proposition.

"And how.... exactly am I to prove this to you..?" she asked softly, her gaze locked on his as she tried to keep her dissembling in place. it at least gave her some measure of.. silence. She took a deep breath and tried to calm herself as Mom had taught her when she was little. It was very difficult. As if something was preventing it.
Good, there was some kind of interaction now. She was seeing where I was going with this. I breathed in easily. I half expected her to start revolting as soon as I came in the door trying to speak. But she seemed almost level headed. Like she was trying to keep her cool. Even if her mind seemed a little chaotic and jumbled from my point of view, she still physically looked like she was trying to calm down, or was just on the verge of getting pissed off.

Her question was very much warranted, I had not explained how we were to be doing this. So I nodded. Indicating for her to follow me, I started to walk out of the room, "You may want to keep your armor on."

I lead her towards a different room. Housed within the Training room, a center circle with two halves. One blue, and one red. Pressing a few switches on the side of the wall, one of the panels on the far side of the room revealed a closet housing a wide selection of weapons for her to choose from. Indicating it, "Pick your poison."

I then took off my armor. First with the cloak and the helmet. I untied the straps on the armor. Taking it off piece by piece. Giving her ample amount of time to choose what weapon she wanted. When I was done, I got dressed in a training suit. Honestly, I just put some clothes over the top of my layer of armor weave to protect me against cuts should she choose to take a beskad or a sword. Adjusting the nob on my lightsaber, it would act and function much like a training lightsaber. only causing bruises and at the worst, some burns. However, it shouldn't be a problem with her armor staying on.

Going to the circle in the center, I stood just outside of the red half circle. Holding the lightsaber in my hand.

"If you can hit me more than once, then I will consider you good. Otherwise, we shall train."

I smiled as I activated my ligthsaber. the blue blade illuminating the area. With my off hand, I flicked my wrist and all of a sudden, the closet closed, and the room we were in suddenly turned into a battle ground with people yelling and firing at each other In the distance was a Sith and a Jedi fighting, as well as a Mandalorian shooting and using their own martial art skills against an Imperial agent. The room was no longer a room. It was a real bonified battle.

"Begin when ready."

[member="Mirshko Betna"]

Mirshko Betna

Daughter of Arrbi and Anija
[member="Xander Carrick"]

There was something in his voice.... Her eyes narrowed again as he spoke, and she tightened her control over the dissembling. She knew it had to be driving him mad. But it was the only semblance of privacy she'd had of late. As he turned quickly from the room, she stood and grabbed the helmet that she'd laid down on the bunk. Whatever they were about to do... she could feel flutters of nervousness in her stomach.

She followed him quickly down the corridors, keeping close on his heels. She could feel a sense of... urgency from him that she couldn't really pinpoint what it was about. The answer only revealed itself when they stepped into what looked to be an empty room. There were circles marked on the floor. She found that a bit strange. Perhaps it was some sort of training room...? The unspoken question was answered a moment later when a closet opened along the wall. Inside, there was a myriad of weapons from almost every type of blaster she could think of, to swords, beskade... and even a lightsaber or two.

Her lips quirked slightly when he said something about picking her poison. She wasn't quite sure what to make of it really. And, if she was being honest with herself, she'd not had as much training with the blade as she might have. She'd gotten a bit from her parents, and some more during her time with Draco, but she was still very... rough. Most of her training had been with the beskad as a child, so she was quite familiar wit that. She'd had some tutelage with a lightsaber during her time studying with Draco, but it hadn't been extensive.

Though, having started her sword training with the beskad at a young age, it did give her a few advantages when it came to the lightsaber. After a moment's hesitation, she closed her fingers around the hilt of one of them, and gently pulled it free of it's rack. She took a moment to wrap her fingers more tightly around the hilt to try and get a physical sense of it, while also doing the same with the Force. Almost as soon as she'd pulled the weapon free, she saw the closet snap shut into the wall. His words seemed to echo in her mind for a moment. "If you can hit me more than once, then I will consider you good. Otherwise, we shall train."

She swallowed then, and stepped up to the outside of the blue circle... just as the room... changed. She swore softly in surprise and shifted her feet as she saw the room shift and become something.. somewhere else entirely. The sounds of battle assaulted her ears. They were not foreign to her. Biting her lower lip for a moment, she took a deep breath and tried to focus. With a flick of her thumb, the violet blade hissed to life in her hands, the glow from it glinting off her visor slightly. It might be cumbersome, but she was used to the armor now.

She breathed again, and felt the noise fade into the background somewhat. It was a centering technique that many Mandalorians used in battle.... and she was trying to employ it here. She hoped it would work. As she breathed in, she shifted her feet into a classic ready stance, though the blade was held somewhat backhanded. It was a style she'd developed with her knife work, and it lent itself well to close combat.... but whether it would work here, only time would tell. An instant later, she moved, darting towards him as she attempted to bat his own blade a side. As much as she was trying to keep the memories at bay of her time with the pirates... she could see them in the back of her mind. And it was that which fueled her actions to a degree.
Standing with my own lightsaber lightly in my grasp in my right hand, I could almost feel the uncertainty from the young lass. If not, then it was by how she was very shy when walking towards the circle. The battle was raging on behind us. Meant as a distraction of real war. Should she really face someone in a field of crying men, in a pool of blood, or even in the midst of a battle, she needed to focus on her foe. At the moment, that was me. She didn't know it, but she was already learning. She was already becoming stronger every time she would swing that purple saber. Each swing was not just a swing, but a moment in time where the foe learned of you, and you learned of yourself. As such, the fight began.

Her backhanded style was different. Kind of unexpected, but nonetheless good. Shien is a form that she would likely train in. As well as Djem-so considering those two forms trained more often in a reverse form. However, I smiled as she stood there. Her foot placement was nice, but off just a little because of the terrain. Which was fine. As she ran, the puddles from a recent rain splashed, mixed with blood and even soot. The resulting drops of water came onto her boots and legs of the armor. She only took about four steps to reach me and swing at me.

A flick of my wrist, and a bending of my elbow clashed with her own blade. The sparks from the two sabers sending flecks of rapidly cooling plasma to the ground between us at our feet. I could feel the strength behind the woman. Our lightsabers clashing together for a moment before I pushed with my own strength to get her off of me, and flicked my wrist to have the saber pointed back down at the ground. The tip being shoved into the water. Sizzling and cracking as it was cooked, I shook my head and extended my off hand. making a come here motion to try again.

This time, I put both hands on the lightsaber. Extending the lightsaber in front of me, I bent my knees and and twisted my body to face away from her at about a 45 degree angle. Ready for her to come at me a second time.

[member="Mirshko Betna"]

Mirshko Betna

Daughter of Arrbi and Anija
[member="Xander Carrick"]

As he shoved her away, she stumbled slightly before catching her balance. The terrain was unfamiliar, which she supposed was done on purpose. Gritting her teeth for a moment, she again tightened her control on the dissembling technique as she tried to keep focused. The sounds of battle behind and all around them were somewhat distracting, to be sure. Her grip tightened around the borrowed saber as she caught her balance, and she breathed out as she tried to release her tension.

It was partly successful. As she let out another breath, she heard the hiss of Xander's saber making contact with the puddle at his feet. it sounded loud in her ears as if something was amplifying it. Her pulse sounded loud in her ears as she reached out in the Force. She could feel him across from her, though it was difficult to read his intent. Shifting her feet slightly, she took a swift step forward, and swung her saber up to block as she suddenly ducked sideways and tried to get behind him. If successful, she would then ram her elbow into his lower back while trying to sweep his feet from behind.

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