Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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I Don't Know, But I've Been Told

He began to work his Force energy in a rather visual way. It was an impressive show, naturally, and might have been enjoyable to the assassin had it burned up the boy. But, instead, it burned up her own energy. In her increasing state of weakness, Enjenka's mind recounted the blunders she had made throughout this brawl and cringed at the realization that victory had slipped through her chalk-white fingers, and now her very life seemed to be running from her. But, at least she had taken some with her. She had done better than break even.

Not that she was satisfied with her life at this point. Death was inevitable, as they had both conceded. But death need not come so swiftly. And if he planned on capturing her, that might be even worse. "Think from everyone who has dying all over because you." Piper continued to struggle, but her body was losing its power, and her strikes and swipes were beginning to look more like the sad flopping of a fish out of water. "No one is making so many wars except your transcendentals. The fast you die, the best for all."

Her breath became laborious as she seethed condemnation on her enemy. "I have hating you. My buyer having hate on you. You can never doing anything better." One more chance to grab the lightsaber. Skrik endeavored to ignore the horrendous pain in her shoulder and inch her hand once more towards the weapon clipped to her belt. She would rather die trying.

[member="Tugoro Taidarious"]
Tugoro would begin to hesitate, his restraining grip loosening completely on the sluggishly struggling assassin. The digits that had been wrapped around the female's limbs would simply retract, hanging freely at the boy's sides. "You're right," he began to speak, as the bright green energy began to fade into nothingness. The glow within Tugoro's emerald eyes would begin to die down, as his mind released it's control on the force energy he had summoned. [member="Skrik Piper"] was right, to some degree. The war that had been going on was lead mainly by the force users, while the non force users acted as foot soldiers. He could understand why the assassin would hate the Jedi so much, and force sensitives over all. "But...You don't know me," he continued, watching the Rattataki cautiously. "You know I have the force, that's it," he spoke slowly, pausing sometimes to struggle for words. He disliked speaking galactic basic, and sounded rather toneless.

"Destroying certain people over the other, because of one thing...So wrong." He would state, simply staring at the ground at this point. It looked as if something had dawned upon him, as if he had come to some sort of realization.
They always pretended to take the higher ground. In the end, all the Jedi and Sith cared about was ego. The Sith would enslave and massacre and build their reputation of fear; the Jedi would lie and fool everyone with their false benevolence, gathering praises from the masses and justifying their later grievances. She would not be fooled. "I have known you're doing something worse, or I would not have be hired to kill you. Or yes?"

Her pale fingers silently curled around the hilt of the lightsaber and lifted it slowly, turning the blade end upwards so that it would impale the Jedi should she ignite the weapon. Someone had to die, she thought. "One man who dying is better than many."

[member="Tugoro Taidarious"]
It was true that Tugoro had somewhat of a big ego. Though this was only due to the fact that he had trained his mind and body, all in efforts to protect the weak that were too powerless to fight back. He had fought in many battles against the Sith, and done his part for the locals by defeating and arresting many criminals. That was what being a Jedi was all about, right? That's what he had taken the occupation as, and had done his best to help those that needed it. Even so, there was a certain truth in [member="Skrik Piper"]'s words, for as he looked back on the many conflicts he had been involved in, he realized that he had caused several deaths. Was he a failure?

The Jedi's eyes would avert back to Skrik's own, staring into them with a look of sadness. Smiling weakly, Tugoro would speak quietly, "Maybe you're right," before pausing briefly. The danger sense he was so used to ran up his spine, alerting him to something he should be wary of. "I'm no man, just a kid. I've made a lot of mistakes...I'm sorry." He spoke sincerely, not sure what else he could say. This assassin seemed to be rather bent on killing him.
Oh, she wanted to turn the lightsaber on then; rip into his gut and burn him from the inside out. It would be a proper ending for one of his kind as his peers burned the galaxy one world at a time. But as Skrik half-listened to his righteous pleading for her to conform with the brainwashed masses, a plan of insane insanity was conceived in her questionably sane mind. She had to let the weapon go.

Breathing heavily, Enjenka tried to make her most convincing repentant face, and looked away from Tugoro's eyes. Yes, this would be an award-winning performance! "You can kill me now. I know it's over."


[member="Tugoro Taidarious"]
The deceptive and hostile thoughts that traveled through [member="Skrik Piper"]'s mind were completely unknown to the young Jedi, for his mind and physique were tired, distracting him from being aware. Still oblivious to the shoto saber angled right at his torso, Tugoro's look of sadness would brighten, as he watched the female's own expression change into something reminiscent of regret. Smiling warmly, the teen would begin to rise from his feet, beginning to exude the calming, pain numbing aura he possessed in order to put the assassin at ease. He figured her shoulder was still hurting bad, and wanted to help her.

One of the boy's arms would wrap gently around her waist, while the other gripped firmly under her uninjured shoulder, hoping to assist her back onto her feet. Relief, but mostly pride shot through the Jedi's being, as he reveled in the thought of swaying even Sith Lords from the dark side!
Oh, that was really sweet of him! Helping a lady off the ground! She must have hit the right combination of worship for the high-and-mighty Jedi to believe in her transformation. Or he was just smitten enough with her astoundingly good looks. It is not everyday one meets such a specimen of toned perfection and potent fluidity, all wrapped up in a salty white action figure body. Now, if he would just kindly pick up all her weapons and bring them along...

The Forcebreaker shoved out her bottom lip pitifully and bent over just enough that her tank top would rise and reveal the magnificent scar stretching across her back. She would test how much of a sympathetic fool he was.

She was good--so good! Sometimes Skrik felt like she could even deceive herself. She reveled in the thought of deceiving even Sith Lords!

[member="Tugoro Taidarious"]
Upon helping her off the ground, Tugoro's palm would slide from her shoulder and along her arm, until it gripped her extremely fair skinned hand. Guiding it through the air gently, the boy would allow her arm to rest across his broad shoulders, as if he were supporting her. In all honesty, he was unsure whether or not she was able to walk, and had only seen this maneuver in war holoflicks. With his opposite hand still upon her waist, Tugoro would notice as she leaned forward, causing his neck to crane slightly and examine her back. Now that he thought about it, she wasn't that bad in the looks department, aside from the hair, and apparently a massive scar?

Exhausted, the young Jedi would begin to lead [member="Skrik Piper"] out of the dark alleyway, having completely forgotten about her weapons. He might have retrieved them if asked, though the reason would have to be...Reasonable. Examining her arched back, the youth's brow would furrow in curiosity, as he spoke quietly, "Your back, how?"
"I... I... I... I...!" She sold it hard. So hard with her stuttering! Or was that too much melodrama? Probably. She needed to hit on something to evoke his emotions since her performance might come off a bit sketchy. "I'm had go out from shopping on Rattatak while I was smaller. And a Sith, here having a lightwhip and takes my friend for need training. And he's have attack me." Such a terrible story! Did she earn a prize? Not yet.

Tears. Tears! How does one cry? Skrik realized that she would need to work on some of these skills a little more before she were to consider walking in to audition at Abregado Studios. But as long as this ignorant boy believed her, she would be fine. "I always needing my weapons fearing more comes and attacking."

Pick them up, okay? Okay!

[member="Tugoro Taidarious"]
Upon hearing the Rattataki's sad story, the young Jedi would nod solemnly, thinking about what she had said. Tugoro would wince in pain slightly as he continued to walk, having exited the alley only moments ago. Apparently his assumptions he had made earlier had been correct, for [member="Skrik Piper"] had experienced a traumatizing event in her childhood. It truly was sad what this war did to the innocent masses.

Pausing upon hearing the female's last comment, the youth would roll his eyes, hopefully out of her view, for he did not want to seem rude. With a brief moment of concentration, a telekinetic wave of force energy would surge down the alleyway, wrapping around the several items that were scattered among the darkness. Be it a vibroblade, rifle, staff, or stun gun, it would hover into the air and zero in on the duo's position. The weapons would place themselves gently upon Skrik's figure, excluding her stun gun which would fit itself snugly into Tugoro's pocket, just in case.

Wanting a place to sit down, the boy would continue to lead the female, frantically looking around the streets. After spotting a bench, the boy would approach it, allowing Skrik to sit before he did. The youth's gaze would lower, as he focused on his leg, the pain from his cut still shooting around his body. It was not pleasant at all, though he hoped to negate it by focusing on his light sided aura, and exuding it outwards in a sudden calm, soothing presence. "I can try to heal your shoulder." The boy would offer, looking over her burn with his emerald eyes. It didn't look too good.
All her weapons felt a little heavier to her wounded body. Her energy had apparently really been drained over that. She had forfeited her chance to slaughter the boy. But it was Skrik's hope that forming this 'bond' would make the experience far more profitable when she finally did slit his throat. How fantastic! She was so brilliant. It would be the plot of the century!

Awww, and he offered to heal her shoulder! How ignorant and charming! She must already have him wrapped around her finger--such good looks she had! That is what happens when one tones their muscles so tightly. Flexing her fingers, she counted with her ring, middle, and index digits to three, then sucked in a massive amount of air in dramatic release. "Yes, yes. Is it truth can you use your powers for good?" Her eyes flashed down to the lightsaber accessible at her thigh. So tempting to try, but she needed to stick with the plan. Besides, he had her little gun. And she chose all her weapons for a reason, so it was best not to oppose her own judgment. Because she was so smart!

[member="Tugoro Taidarious"]
The bench that Tugoro sat on was not comfortable per say, however it did to it's job in relieving the strain upon the boy's leg. His injury stung like no other, for Tugoro had not done anything to ease his own pain. Instead, he was focusing on the pretty Rattataki, who had tried to kill him only minutes earlier. [member="Skrik Piper"]'s shoulder did not look very pleasant, the rifle's bolt having done it's job well. Continuing to examine her wound, the young Jedi would sigh in reluctance, for he was unsure if he could even gather enough healing energy to help. Despite her attempted murder, Tugoro truly wanted to help the female, for she did not seem like too bad of a person. Closing his eyes for a brief moment, the youth's genius-like mind would begin to concentrate, remembering and putting all of his lessons on the force to use. Slowly but surely, the energy around the Padawan would begin to feel almost heavy, before altering into a light, bright, and soothing presence that would wash over the female if she showed no resistance.

That was only the beginning, for Tugoro still had to harness and manipulate the power completely to his will. Having worn himself out in their earlier scuffle, the Jedi would begin to muster the last remaining bits of his energy, allowing it trail through his body and into his hands. The force energy around and within Tugoro would envelop his palms, causing them to glow dimly as a force field of healing power surrounded his non-robotic hand. Already being rather close, the young boy would slide along the bench, allowing himself to press against the assassin as his arm lifted, hovering over her bloody, but mostly cauterized wound. With his eyes still closed, the Jedi would command the force, causing it to flow forth and into Skrik's shoulder, causing her pain to be relieved and her injury to heal, over time of course. "Is that good for you?" The youth would retort, a weak smile upon his face. He definitely enjoyed helping others with his talents, rather than hurting them.
All this time, Piper was celebrating her people skills. Only a socially adept genius could pull off what she was pulling off. It was so difficult not to kill him when he dropped his guard and began healing her shoulder through his sorcery. She was exhibiting phenomenal self-control, if she did say so herself. She was also saving on doctor bills.

Oh, yes. Skrik was the best Jedi hunter in the galaxy, able to mind-trick even this impressionable one without his fancy Force witchcraft. Perhaps she should write a book on How to Trick Your Jedi. It would be a bestseller, most certainly. "It's be very good, thank you," she replied with a smile that she hoped was not exaggerated. She even was polite! What a lady she was!

Now to figure out how she was going to use him to get to the jackpot...

[member="Tugoro Taidarious"]
Tugoro would smile weakly, as the force energy surrounding his hands began to dim, disappearing completely after a few moments. Having used a lot of energy during the fight, the young Jedi had exhausted his reserves for the time being, his back slumping against the bench as he attempted to get comfortable. His eyes would close slowly, as he exhaled loudly, thinking of his great success. Not only had he bested the very skilled assassin, he had also swayed her onto a new path, one of redemption! It was the ideal resolution to any conflict, especially for a Jedi in training.

The healing of [member="Skrik Piper"]'s shoulder had been moderately effective, successful in stopping any bleeding and pain. The wound would still need further treatment, though the boy's energy had done it's part in making it tolerable. "Where'd you learn to fight?" the boy would question, rather curious as to who she had been trained by.
Now it was time to do what boys and girls always like to do when they hate each other but really love each other! It was time to sound all impressive and talk about how her history was important. "Mine pappa have teached my since I was little girl. It's tradition with Rattataki, and he's want his daughter to be best she can. So I can scare you." Skrik gave a guile smile. It was a little bit of a boast, and a bit of a warning. But he was so dumb that he would probably believe that she had seen banthas fly.


"Have you ever seeing banthas fly?" she asked.

[member="Tugoro Taidarious"]
"Huh," the young Jedi would breathe while the Rattataki spoke, his body and mind continuing to fight off the desire to pass out. His leg was really hurting right now. Looking towards [member="Skrik Piper"] as she spoke about her father's training, the youth would nod, showing that he understood what she meant. He didn't think he would have to tell her much about his past, seeing as she probably knew it better than he did. Tugoro wondered what training with his father would be like. The boy enjoyed small talk, and he definitely didn't mind if it was with the pretty but crazy assassin, though her next question caught Tugoro off guard.

"There are flying banthas?!" He inquired excitedly, instantly wanting to go to Tatooine.
"Yes yes yes!" Piper squealed. "But only in the south pole. I having never seen one, but I have hoping maybe you're know how to catch one?" She was just rambling now, watching as his body paled from the pain she had inflicted on him in battle. That was it! She was going to keep on talking until he fainted, and then she would be a 'heroine' and take him to his ship--well, if he had a ship. If he had any keys in his pockets, she might be able to just click the button until the alarm tone sounded. That was how they did it in the holos, at least.

And from there? Perhaps she would have his complete trust as soon as she woke him up in his own comfy recliner chair with a bottle of Jawa Juice and one of those freeze-dry meals. Then she would be able to meet his Jedi family, subdue them, and bring home the bacon for that dark stranger she had met many months ago. Oh, it was going to be a great new year for her! "How big is your ship so we can captures and keeping one?"

[member="Tugoro Taidarious"]
Tugoro's eyes would widen as [member="Skrik Piper"] continued to talk of the flying banthas. Such a creature had alluded Tugoro, and thus filled him with a desire to seek one out. "Don't know how," the boy began, still looking rather pale, "but I'll find a way," he finished, referring to how he would catch these said flying banthas. Was it cold in the south pole of Tatooine? There were three suns, so it seemed doubtful. Then again, the boy had no clue, and was eager to find out. The wound on the young Jedi's leg had stopped stinging long ago, having gone numb moments earlier. He had lost a considerable amount of blood, and was near the state of unconsciousness. Pressing a few buttons on his wrist computer, Tugoro would zero in on the location of his Turhaya Freighter, it's coordinates leading back to a nearby docking bay.

"See for yourself." Tugoro spoke, lifting and flailing his wrist weakly at the Rattataki, hoping that she saw what was on the small computer screen. If so, she would be able to find her way to the hangar along with the boy who had just passed out. Tugoro's eyes closed slowly as fainted, leaving him at the complete mercy of the assassin. If she decided to carry him, she would find that he weighed a considerable amount due to his toned physique. Even so, the youth was not that big and would definitely be manageable either way. Then again, Skrik could always just slit his throat and be done with it.
He was a very helpful Jedi. Yes! Very helpful, indeed! He had one of those fancy map devices pulled up for her to find his ship with no trouble. She would not have to randomly shoot at vehicles with an infrared key after all!

"It's very nice ship, I have think," Piper commented softly as the Jedi lost consciousness. "More engines is more faster?" Whether this was fact or not mattered little to her at the moment, however. She need to haul Little Tuggy to the spaceport somehow without arousing too much suspicion. (It was Nar Shaddaa, though, so it was not like this sort of thing did not happen every day...) But it might be easier if she switched weaponry. So, before propping Tugoro onto her back, Skrik strapped all her own wonderful weapons onto his person--save her lightsaber--and clipped the hilt of the Jedi's weapon to her belt instead. So smart, so smart!

Well, ten minutes of laborious walking passed before she remembered why he had fainted in the first place, and dropped him in a rather klutzy manner onto the fake Nubian grass that lined one of the sidewalks. There she stole some packed ice from a vendor who probably would not mind so much when he woke up from her little uppercut and realized he was still perfectly fine with most of his body parts in place. The assassin folded a towel around the ice and rolled it around the padawan's leg, then resumed her hike for another half hour. Awkward...

The good news was that the computer map had not lied to her, and there was really a big Turhaya Freighter resting on one of the landing decks, ready to lift off. Relieved that her journey carrying this dead weight was complete, Skrik excitedly unlocked the hatch and lowered the boarding ramp, then dragged her prize up and into the fanciest chair she could find onboard. The Forcebreaker then locked up the ship and prepared for a fun trip to Tatooine, or wherever it was the Jedi boy was going to show her.

And that was when she remembered that she was claustrophobic.

[member="Tugoro Taidarious"]

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