"We can't let you learn alone." The man says matter of factly. "There was a time I could trust people enough to wave a hand and let that happen, but just as you don't let someone pick up a gun without training, so too must we treat the Force. If you know I'm an angry person - and frankly there's been very little news coverage of me up until the past month or so - then you also are aware of how things are in the galaxy."
His gaze settles on her, almost blank, brow faintly furrowed. He sounded genial, and for all intents and purposes, he was. No anger. No disappointment. No hatred. "And that means, Aella, you know what happens when people aren't adequately trained in the Force. They reach too far, too quick. It's a build up process, just like building muscle. You start small. But without supervision - or inadequate supervision - most people reach beyond their means, and that's when we have people falling to the Sith."
His head tilts. "So when you say it's a narrow minded view, I'm wondering why you're here. Because if you know me, then you know that's the exact answer I'm going to give you. That the Sith are a cancer. That the Dark Side is, doubly so. It feeds off your own life energy and those around you, taking your essence to fuel itself. It twists and corrupts the mind, perverting everything you are and stand for.
We all know that. You can see it happen. It's not like the Dark Side is some unknown quantity in which I've applied an unfair label. But if your description of my 'narrow minded' view is more a relation to the opposite; the Force, or as some call 'The Light Side' then perhaps it's true. It is a narrow minded view. This is by necessity. The Dark Side is a slippery slope, and that first step is all it takes to start the snowball."
There came a shake of his head, before he coughed into a fist. A lingering bout of something, probably, rather than an awkward attempt at filling the silence. "So, while I'm not saying everyone who comes to us need obey a Jedi Code or dedicate themselves to a monks lifestyle, I am saying they need give me the promise that at no point will they dabble with that which is tearing our galaxy apart.
You can train yourself, but you will do so with supervision. But if you just want to learn to fight, we can do that. Few are better than us at fighting without the Force. The Protectorate has prided itself on that since its inception, really - that and being a haven for anyone not Sith, something we've aimed for since birth as well." His lips pursed as he let out a breath and looked to Uriel for a moment.
"So, what'll it be, Aella? Learn to fight? Train under supervision? Or are you going to take your services elsewhere?" This was his nation now. His office, his laws, his people, his words. As ever, he wasn't going to back down because someone didn't like them. If she knew of him, she knew exactly what she was getting into walking in here, and that meant this was on her. Not him. She admitted to not being ignorant, so he would trust she wouldn't act it.
[member="Uriel"] [member="Aella"]