Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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I Expect A Party


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Well, Chaos, how's it going?
I know, I know, I JUST left, and there was sadness, and feelings and whatnot. Well, my situation has improved quite a bit in the last few weeks (or however long). I was going through some pretty dark times, and was convinced I had to leave forever.
Luckily for you people, I was rather stupid.
My life has stabilized to the point that I feel comfortable taking on the anarchy of Chaos once more. I'll be down to my phone, but I'll be here, with a few changes.

Now where's my welcome party?


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[member="Lord Ajihad"]
Oh, whatever would I do without you?

[member="Avadreia Lacroix"]
My heart...has been shattered. A wound, straight to the core, madam.

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