Cassus De'Gaunt
The Courier
What had happened to her?
She used to be so...
So positive about everything.
But people change.
For better or for worse, they change.
And that's just what Dr. Veron Stormson did.
The thought alone was enough to make Dr. Stormson shudder. More so though... it reminded her how tired she was. With a little sigh she clocked out at the desk and started walking home. Her apartment here on Fondor wasn't to far from her workplace. Which was a relief. Taxis could occasionally get pretty expensive. Especially after a disaster like the one on Coruscant. People panicked. Some thought Fondor was next. Others came here to stay safe. It really increased the traffic around here. And the hospital... "Damn it Veron! Focus on something else for once..." Seeing so much death had gotten to her recently. The Docto had started to let herself go. These days her hair was a short, knotty mess. Almost always in a bun. Her clothes were only washed once a week, and she'd been wearing the same outfit for two months now. People were starting to get concerned. No one knew her well enough to feel confident talking to her about things. Which is why they sent a certain droid a message... in the hope he could sit her down for an intervention.
Ahem. Thank you again for taking the time to read this.
She used to be so...
So positive about everything.
But people change.
For better or for worse, they change.
And that's just what Dr. Veron Stormson did.
Quietly she exited the hospital room, throwing her dirty, bloody gloves into the trash. Another surgery done. One more life saved. Yet the amount of those she had taken away from the brink of death paled into comparison to the amount she had lost. Still those around her congratulated her. Told her she was doing great... Always doing great... Being back in the Operating Center was a partial relief. Less people died under her watch than out in the field. Her time as a Battle Medic had been short-lived. While she still qualified for it, she wasn't needed at the moment. Something made her think they'd need her again soon. Probably had something to do with the new Sithies invading Coruscant. Some of the injured had already come to Protectorate space for treatment. In fact Veron had just done a lung transplant for a young Jedi. Girl was lucky to be alive after the fight she had. Some Sithspawn had crushed some of her ribs with a single punch...The thought alone was enough to make Dr. Stormson shudder. More so though... it reminded her how tired she was. With a little sigh she clocked out at the desk and started walking home. Her apartment here on Fondor wasn't to far from her workplace. Which was a relief. Taxis could occasionally get pretty expensive. Especially after a disaster like the one on Coruscant. People panicked. Some thought Fondor was next. Others came here to stay safe. It really increased the traffic around here. And the hospital... "Damn it Veron! Focus on something else for once..." Seeing so much death had gotten to her recently. The Docto had started to let herself go. These days her hair was a short, knotty mess. Almost always in a bun. Her clothes were only washed once a week, and she'd been wearing the same outfit for two months now. People were starting to get concerned. No one knew her well enough to feel confident talking to her about things. Which is why they sent a certain droid a message... in the hope he could sit her down for an intervention.
Dear Mr. HK,
We, here at one of the Hospitals on Fondor, must ask a favor of you. Recently one of our staff members (Read: Veron Stormson) has fallen ill. Alas, it is a mental condition, not a physical one. Rest assured we would have done something if we could. Her health is deteriorating. We've tried to get her to take a vacation, in hopes that would help, but she's refused so far. Forcing her to do so is an option... but we feel doing so would only worsen her status. Veron has talked fondly about time she spent with you. Honestly, it's one of the times I've personally seen her smile. So now we go to you to ask for help. Surely she'd listen to someone who's both her surperior and her friend? My apologies if you don't have the time, or have more important things to do. She's one of our best workers, and having her in tip-top shape would really help. And... well, I shouldn't get overly personal... but I like seeing her smile. Really lights up the whole room. Makes the patients feel more comfortable as well.
Ahem. Thank you again for taking the time to read this.
Dr. Jade Rosella Iphen