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Discussion I got good news!

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So, it's been a long, rough year. The Coronavirus is crushing souls and spirits. I don't mean to sound like a Covid Commercial but we may only be trapped in our homes for a short while. By my estimate, two months at the most. This is because of a new study in the US centered around two medicines. one highly expermintel and the other not so much. Yes, my dear friends Famotidine also known as Pepcid prevents COVID from multiplying. This has been confiremed by many doctors and hospitials. It is a deep step and the other medicine downplays recovery time by a matter of 4 days which is good!

What are your thoughts on this? Also, this is not fake news. I assure you, this is real
Famotidine Covid-19 Theory

"There is so far no data supporting the theory, but that hasn't stopped it from taking on a life of its own online."

"The Chinese doctors looked at more than 6,000 patients and found a slightly higher number of those taking famotidine recovered than those who didn't take the medicine. The number wasn't high enough to be statistically significant, meaning it could just as easily be attributed to chance."

Also, this is not fake news. I assure you, this is real

I always question the validity of any statement that ends or begins with "This is not fake news. I assure you, this is real".
Idk where you've heard this but my cursory search has already come up with a number of news articles saying there's no data behind this, only a hunch. The trials are still in very early stages and they have literally no idea if it could work. I've also heard that there's already a shortage of it in the US so if you live there and are reading this, don't rush to buy it unless actual proof of it working on the virus surfaces from these trials.


Emperor Immortuos



Darth Vinaze Darth Vinaze
Amelia von Sorenn Amelia von Sorenn
Tristan Evore Tristan Evore

Yall need to go RP..​
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