Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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I hath return!

Good afternoon all!

[member="Nate the Bounty Hunter"] [member="Samka Derith"] [member="Bryce Bantam"] @Ryn'Dhal @HK-36 @Iron Giant @Joza Perl [member="Matthew Justice"] [member="Jorus Merrill"] @Any and ALL other Outbackers @Anyone else I missed

I hope everyone had a good Thanksgiving Day and ate tons of food, I know I did.

I have successfully departed my original home and base and am now down with my family for some leave time before departing once again. Now I shall be back to posting, but, with all my family (immediate and former-in-laws) around, me and my son are going to be dragged around a lot.

I shall be catching up with my posts as soon as I can!




The Iron Lord Protector (Neutral Good)

Well our thread wise not much, we paused it so you can jump right in,

Atrisia wise, it's a whole mess, Galactic Alliance went to arrest Sith Lords on the planet there, also use it for a dominion, but because they were very vague with their numbers we hugely over-estimated their numbers, so we jumped in there with something like 20,000 meters of ships thinking they have this huge naval fleet going, turns out in reality it was only like 2000-4000 meters. In response the Sith Lords committed ritual suicide, summoned a Lotek'k and a Force Storm, fighting spread to other systems as more and more factions got involved like the Horde and remnants of Republic, two parties from the First Order defected as well, one joining the Atrisian side, and one joining the Alliance side.

Right now we're fighting the Lotek'k with a few fleets, the Storm is being tamed by Spencer using the dark side energy Sith Lords spirits tried to screw her over with and instead turning it into Light Side energy and channeling it into a Force Light, I think, it's getting pretty confusing, but the Alliance has space superiority in Atrisian orbit and we're outnumbering the Sith and allies on the ground.

HK sent out a couple of calls for Outback to sent some help if you want to get involved.


The Iron Lord Protector (Neutral Good)

If you do I would suggest you go to one of the systems the Horde fleets are in, they brought two forces each just a bit over 3000 meters in length from what I remember, in Atrisia itself things are more or less balanced for once, or in favor of the Alliance so no need to stack things more against the Sith there.

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