Loreena Arenais-Valhoun
Owner of Dar'manda Industries
Lori raised a brow at what
Rex Valhoun
had said. Not so much about having bases anywhere, but moreso in his choice of wording in regards to ruling over a planet. "Capture and hold a planet? Is that what your Empire plans to do? To force people to submit to your rule and punish them if they don't?" She hoped that such a thing wasn't true. That kind of domination was what she fought against.
She stopped in her steps as he answered her question on Force users. Was she bothered that they watched them? No. Yet she hoped that it wasn't going to go any further than that. There were some that hated Force Users and wanted them all put under strict control or have them all locked up. Lori hoped that that wouldn't be something that she'd ever have to face.
"My late husband....I can't pretend that he's alive anymore. I don't know what happened on Csilla as my own fight against the Eternal Empire has had me distracted. Yet the Sith have takeen the lives of more than my husband. They have taken the lives of my Dad, my Mom, and millions of people on my homeworld when they lay siege to it and occupied it. They took the lives of my Mandalorian family after gaining what they wanted from them, leaving me to run a weapons and shipbuilding company with no experience in that sort of thing. There are many reasons for me to go after the Sith, yet they are far too big for me to take down. But cutting them off from their allies is one of the steps that I am doing." There was determination in her voice and stance, however her plans were never certain to work. And she didn't expect to be pushed out of the Rebellion by it's newest members, but it is what it is. A new path lay in front of her.
"What sort of vision do you have for your Empire's future? I don't need to hear what your Dad wants. I mean you...."
Rowena nodded. Heath gave her no hints as to what he'd like, yet she had noticed which candies he prefered during his visits. She set down her glass and pressed a button on the end table. A compartment opened up, revealing a datapad. She took it out and swiped it on, tapping out a message for the kitchen staff to cook up a cake with the same flavourings as the candies that he loved. Then she set it aside and refilled her glass of wine. "So a small ceremony here, similar in scope to an elopement will be best. A larger one will happen later, perhaps when you and your people have secured a planet of your own?"

She stopped in her steps as he answered her question on Force users. Was she bothered that they watched them? No. Yet she hoped that it wasn't going to go any further than that. There were some that hated Force Users and wanted them all put under strict control or have them all locked up. Lori hoped that that wouldn't be something that she'd ever have to face.
"My late husband....I can't pretend that he's alive anymore. I don't know what happened on Csilla as my own fight against the Eternal Empire has had me distracted. Yet the Sith have takeen the lives of more than my husband. They have taken the lives of my Dad, my Mom, and millions of people on my homeworld when they lay siege to it and occupied it. They took the lives of my Mandalorian family after gaining what they wanted from them, leaving me to run a weapons and shipbuilding company with no experience in that sort of thing. There are many reasons for me to go after the Sith, yet they are far too big for me to take down. But cutting them off from their allies is one of the steps that I am doing." There was determination in her voice and stance, however her plans were never certain to work. And she didn't expect to be pushed out of the Rebellion by it's newest members, but it is what it is. A new path lay in front of her.
"What sort of vision do you have for your Empire's future? I don't need to hear what your Dad wants. I mean you...."
Rowena nodded. Heath gave her no hints as to what he'd like, yet she had noticed which candies he prefered during his visits. She set down her glass and pressed a button on the end table. A compartment opened up, revealing a datapad. She took it out and swiped it on, tapping out a message for the kitchen staff to cook up a cake with the same flavourings as the candies that he loved. Then she set it aside and refilled her glass of wine. "So a small ceremony here, similar in scope to an elopement will be best. A larger one will happen later, perhaps when you and your people have secured a planet of your own?"