Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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I, Jedi- Dagobah (Open)


The swamp planet was rife with the living force. Jade breathed deep, taking in the floral aroma and letting the life energies wash over her. Beside her her cloak was folded neatly on a rock. She kept her trousers and tan under tunic. Her saber was clipped on her belt to the right of her hip.

She had come here to get away from it all. The evil of the Galaxy was growing, the Darkside was spreading over everything once more like the plague. It was time for her to hone her skills, so when she did emerge from hiding, she could strike hard.

Nearby a creature rustled through the brush. She rose, straightening her frame and opened her eyes. In a rhythmic cycle she began to breath, pulling the force into her like a great flood, then she ran, full speed and leaped into the air.

The somersault transitioned into her snapping out with one hand and she grasped the slippery tendrils of a vine. Using her momentum she launched herself forwards to the next and the next, zipping through the tree tops, crashing through the brush.

She was practising the art of movement....
Marl had been stuck on this god-forsaken planet for a week after his transport ship was attacked by cartel pirates his escape pod landed on the swamp planet of Dagobah. Even 900 years ago this place was terrible. Several weeks ago CC-4938 also known as Commander Marl of the Grand Republic Army had been woken up after being frozen in carbonite since the clone wars. After finding answers on what had happened while he was asleep, he now yearned for companionship., after all, what's a man bred to battle without a war. As he was hunting for his next meal, he saw something swing on the vines. he dove behind cover. as the creature, or whatever it was, kept swinging away Marl decided to follow it. he drew his blaster and followed.

[member="Jade Whisperwind"]

Her danger senses flared. It was a small prickle in her navel, almost painful. This was more than the general sense of danger she got from the surrounding jungle. No she felt eyes upon her. If she wasn't a curious woman she'd go much faster, pushing herself to the limit. But she was no coward. Jade stopped and bicycle kicked her legs, running along the edge of a cliff face, then launching off with a push.

Her vine swung wide, back in the opposite direction. She grabbed the next and the next, using the force to enhance her fading finger strength against the slippery vines. Then she fell, landing in a crouch behind her pursuer. She saw only a smugglers coat. Her lightsaber met her palm with meaty smack and she rose.

"Who are you." She demanded, her voice carrying a persuasive weight to it.
Marl noticed she had a lightsaber, however seeing she might be a Sith he rose his hands. "My designation is CC-4938." Marl looked at her for a second, he had forgotten he was no longer in his time.

"My name, however, is Marl." Marl said. He then pointed at the saber, hands still raised.

"So are you a Jedi or a Sith?" Marl asked. He was really hoping he wouldn't have to defend himself. He was at an obvious disadvantage against a force user.

[member="Jade Whisperwind"]
[member="Jade Whisperwind"]

It had been three months since the betrayal on Imahalayan. Two months since his time ended in that godforsaken cave on Monastery. Yet here he was finishing off what left he had to train. A month alone, nothing but his clothes, wits, and training to make do. If he survived then the monks would finish his training and he could return home. He would no longer be a student but he would be in his own right a warden of the order and defender of the mount.

All this was great in theory Avin thought to himself as he finished devouring what was left of the meat over his fire. But in reality, he just felt and smelled like the backside of a swamp rat. It had been three bloody weeks already and he understood not why the monks had sent him out here. It made no sense with the rest they were trying to teach him. Alas if this was how he could get his ship back from them then so be it.

*Crack, Snap Woosh*

A rumble came in the woods followed by a sudden surge in the force.

"Brilliant, visitors..." he mumbled stamping out what was left of the fire.

He pushed his body through the swamp like trench that he had slept in for the past week before coming to a thick swathe of jungle splitting him from the noise. Closing with the impenetrable brush he slowed his breathing and shut his eyes to hide in the force as well as listening out to the Mandalorian toned voice.

They might know some way off this forsaken planet of humidity and insects. But for now, he waited and listened.
[member="Avin Starfire"] [member="Marl"]

"Well Marl, wait.... you're a Clone?"

She had a bit of a flashback then. Clones had been the recent downfall of the Republic. Led by Lesedri they had rebelled and all but collapsed the system in a coup. After that it was a downward spiral for them. That was way after she'd left the Old Order however and she could see a familiar face in Marl. She recognized his genetic stock, from Jango, and definitely not a Spartii creation.

She lowered the hilt.

"Names Jade Whsiperwind. Jedi Justicar of the Gallactic Alliance. What leads you here Marl?"
The woman gave him a shocked look asking him if he was a clone, however after getting a closer look, she seemed to relax. Marl was not a social type and decided to answer her question.

"Uhhh... Yes I am a clone." Marl said slightly awkward. "What brings me here was my ship was hijacked by pirates, typically I would've fought back but seeing how the vessel was carrying civilians, and I wasn't armed. There was no chance that I would've survived. However I was able to de-escalate the situation and convinced the pirates that if they only stole the valuables of the crew and passengers and didn't take them hostage they had a better chance of getting away from, well whoever is in charge of this sector. I'm still kind of fuzzy about who's in charge of what." Marl admitted.

"Anyways, after the second to last escape pod left, it was only me left and I took the escape pod all by myself. Unfortunately the escape pod malfunctioned and instead of floating through space to await for rescue, my escape pod went straight to the atmosphere and crashed, damaging the distress signal. I've been stuck here ever since."

[member="Jade Whisperwind"]
[member="Avin Starfire"]

She listened to his story and then nodded. Yeah being stranded sucked, and as a matter of fact she had no pick up incoming for an additional week. It seemed as if they would get to know each other real well then. Jade, the ever direct one relaxed a bit and smiled.

"Come on the Marl. I got a camp not far from here, you can tell me the whole story there."

She crouched, flexing her lithe muscles.

"Ever travelled on a Jedi's back?"
"A couple of times, believe it or not." Marl admitted.

He remembered one time imparticular, during the Campaign of Mygeeto, right before his capture that led him to being frozen in carbonitefor the past 900 years. The Jedi general he was assigned to had to carry him up a large building after his jetpack malfunctioned. Marl jumped on her back.

"Well where should I begin, Master Whisperwind?" Marl asked politely.

[member="Jade Whisperwind"]
[member="Avin Starfire"]

She crouched deeper building tension in her muscles and then exploded, using her force enhanced fingers to grip the vines again. This time she was slower and her breath came heavier. But she managed to scurry up the vine, build some momentum and then lurch to the next, grasping it hard.

They started off through the canopies. It was slow going, but the extra weight made for good training.

"Well Marl I am no Master. My journey has just begun. Start at the beginning. I got time."

And time they did have as they made their way from vine to vine through the dense jungle...
Their conversation seemed to continue for a matter of minutes Avin, however, stayed quiet.

A Jedi... ah well, at least they wouldn't attack him out of cold blood especially as he didn't have his weapon with him. Hmm, what to do is it worth making contact?

The trees cracked and he felt the wake of force energies push out from the area.

"Guess I'm playing cat and mouse today."

He took a long and sharpened slate rock from a makeshift toolbelt fashioned about a week into landing in the swamp. He hacked through the brush separating the two areas to find a few footprints and a series of vines swinging off in one direction under the cover of canopy.

Avin waited for maybe another 30 seconds before following, moving with somewhat competency along the jungle's roof yet ensuring he didn't catch up. Sure that they wouldn't take too kindly to being followed he tried to take alternating patterns when he could. It wasn't long before he lost sight on the physical clues to their movement however this Jedi clearly wasn't masking her presence. Avin found it within the ability to follow her wake.

[member="Jade Whisperwind"] [member="Marl"]
Marl began telling his story on the Padawan's back.

"My designation is CC-4938 of the Grand Republic Army, however my men call me Commander Marl. In the years leading up to Geonosis, me and a hundred others were chosen to take part of ARC training giving us more individuality than other clone troopers. During the battle of Geonosis I was assigned commander to the 107th siege battalion, After surviving Geonosis, I served under Jedi General Azha Heganle and her Padawan, Darjer Daipun. We were apart of campaigns on Geonosis, Christophis, Mygeeto and among others. However while being transported from Mygeeto to Coruscant my shuttle was attacked and I was taken captive by separatists." Marl said reminiscing.

"The separatists then froze me in carbonite so I wouldn't be able to escape. When I awoke, I was 900 years in a space station thousands of lightyears from where I was frozen so I've deduced that I never arrived to where I was originally going. After waking up I headed to a Jedi Temple where Darjer constructed his lightsaber, on the moon Jedha, though half of the moon was destroyed from some ancient super-weapon known as the death moon, or something like that. I found the hidden temple and with a force users help they opened it. I found out that my former battalion went into the temple and killed many Jedi Padawans during what I learn is now known as the purge and please don't say the order, my bio-chip is still intact." Marl said embarrassed.

"As for Master Henganle, I'm still trying to figure out what happened to her. After leaving the temple I took a transport to coruscant when it had to make a pit stop at a nearby station and then the shuttle was taken over by pirates and here I am." Marl said. he brought his attention back to Jade.

"How about you Jade, what's your story?"

[member="Avin Starfire"]
[member="Jade Whisperwind"]

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