Shadow Legion Training Slacks
A slight snigger escaped Taramaz lips, directed towards the Nightmother's comment on the Nightsister's lack of specialisation in combat. He then turned, surveying the open area of the Obsidian Outpost, his silver-eyes settling on a rather out-of-the-way porch that wasn't too far off from the main area, but would ensure they would be neither bother to or bothered by the less experienced students. He turned his head, inclining it downwards slightly, his gaze resting on Nightmother Vytal through the corner of his eye.
"Combat is often times learnt to survive, a trait evolved from the earliest days of a specie's existence. In it's most crude form, fighting is simply one part survival. The other part is flight, to run away from the danger. Neither is more foolish than the other, and one is not guaranteed to work when the other fails, yet it should be important to remember that the purpose of developing efficient martial techniques is to further improve our survival."
He turned his head, beginning to stroll over to the porch, his demeanour changing slightly now that he had fewer to put a show on for. He clasped his hands behind his back, slowing his pace slightly to speak a few more words.
"Though, of course, you know this already. You must forgive my rudeness, bad habits handed down from my former master."
And just like that, Taramaz was once again pacing onwards, headed towards the steps to take them up the slight incline. Looking at this however Taramaz realised that the porch was more akin to an exterior balcony, hanging over a great ravine with a waterfall flowing into it. A place of beauty great enough to rival that of Naboo. Though they were separate kinds of beauty, one a serene autumn or spring, the next a vibrant summer.
A smirk lifted one side of the Marshal's mouth as he walked on, an absent thought touching on his mind. The Nightmother, Mistress of the Witches, and the Lord Marshal, Master of the Militants. The two furthest ends of the Knights Obsidian spectrum, and arguably the two most uniquely alike individuals the order had to boast. Masters of their fields without doubt, yet dabbling in the other's. The similarities went beyond personality and skill, however. Their eyes were both distinctively coloured with less than common, to say the least, species backgrounds.
He metaphorically shook the thought from his head, stepping up the presumably stone steps and onto the porch, heading for the far side. While both sides were equally close to the edge, he stood to the side furthest from the steps with the waterfall on his right. He dareth not turn to look back and ensure the Nightmother was following, but only assumed so.
"Before we assume any stances or scheme any plans of attack, perhaps it would be best to ensure we are both on the same page. We are both obviously far more skilled fighters than those who watch the holograms and practise the basics. I believe it would be foolish to start so simply if not for warming up. However I respect it if you wish to start there. Our skills, after all, lie separately."
He steadied his posture somewhat, turning his feet to perfect 45 degree angles from the direction his body was turned, a military skill.
"I also believe it is prudent we establish limitations, or rather, a lack-thereof. The Lord Commander was most inspecific when giving us our instructions, all I am aware of is that this is a lesson for learning the martial arts, unarmed fighting. The notion is there that the Force should be utilised to complement our skills, so I raise the question of whether this extends to simply augmenting our physical abilities, or if our environment could become our weapon if we so desired. This is not to mention the more physical based Force Powers, such as the common Force Push or Pull."
Taramaz's gravelly, if accented and authoritative, voice then stopped, implying that he could go on but simply thought it unnecessary. He also rather blatantly referred to the Force by it's name, not seeming to adopt the customs of the Dathomiri Witches and, most obviously, their name for the All-Encompassing Power that was the Force, if that truly was it's correct name.