Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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I lied about Fondor.

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Darth Venefica said:
Terrorists....*Yawn*....that's been done before. Of course the citizens of Coruscant have flourished well under the rule of the OS. So a terrorist attack on the OS is a terrorist attack on the lives of happy people. Tsk..Tsk..Tsk.

Of course from what I read....there really is no direction/plot to the threads other than a bunch of people seeking attention....and the Dark Lord himself is to busy with conquering worlds than dealing with acts of terrorism. Besides, I'm quite sure the citizens will fight to preserve their pursuit of happiness....
Oh yes because Sith believe in fairness, Free Market, and helping the common people instead of oppressing them.... right.... *Crickets*

Oh right, i forgot. The OS has every stereotypical badguy there is.

Edit: Oh and i forgot that they dont believe in Genocide, Slavery, and glassing planets anymore for those that dont follow them and don't rule by fear anymore.
Fairness is an artificial construct to assert the illusion that everyone is equal.

Free Market is unnecessary to the nation as a whole.

We do not baby sit the common people, we give them the tools to become a productive cog in the Imperial machine, and those that fail to do so suffer the consequences of Social Darwinism. It is the natural way.

And do not demonize violence, for it is also a natural entity.

And in a galaxy riddled with conflict and animosity, the population of a single world is nothing compared to the greater galactic population. If one world must perish for the betterment of the others, then that is the way it must be.

[member="Solan Charr"]
Darth Venefica said:
[member="Solan Charr"]

Not all Sith are the same....*steps on crickets*

And believe it or not....some Sith have actually have done some wonderful things for some of the planets we own. :)
*Has died of Laughter, please forward all jokes to the other people you need dead.*
[member="Solan Charr"]

I haven't killed anyone that hasn't tried to kill me first. Besides....there are far better alternatives to keeping people alive. Someone needs to wash my clothes...I'm to busy to do such tedious chores myself. :)
Coruscant is rather untouched really.

Sith impose themselves as authoritarian rulers.....and that's pretty much it. No slave armies, no public executions. The market is most probably a planned economy with extensive worker support system (probably just to keep them working more hours).

Most of the Sith in OS are actually HUGE bureaucrats. Sith like Hauntruss and Kaine are seldom many. And often are thrown to attack and destroy outside of the Sith domain. They are myth and legend compared to the real world of the average citizen and are kept that way on purpose.
[member="Darth Venefica"] [member="Darth Hauntruss"]

Now now, We all know putting on your nice nice act will only last so long my dears. Once a Sith always a sith and sooner or later you got to return to being real sith.
[member="Darth Venefica"]

Oh, well its a shae we never got to meet. Talking to A Sith with a brain is like picking out one specific grain of sand on a beach. Then again we could rectify this problem.
Nice act? Hauntruss has never been nice.

She is a mass-murdering zealot in charge of a huge war machine designed to purge the Sith immediate territory of ANY resemblance to disobedience and Republic/Jedi culture. However, she is a vile weapon that is unleashed every now and then.

However, that does not mean that all Sith are like that. True Sith are by their nature tyrannical and brutal, but tyranny comes in various forms. Authoritarianism, Nepotism, Despotism, Technocratism. Sith employ these were useful. You wouldn't put Hauntruss in charge of anything domestic as she by now in the OS Empire is a mythical psychopath that only a few citizens know of her and her exploits.

When it comes economic command plan, domestic affairs and infrastructure (much like the Sith Empire in SWTOR), we strive to put talented individuals to properly create an indoctrination machine that brings in the citizen transforms them into a piece of the greater OS machine. Those that play along and grow through the system placed are praised, those that fail are relegated to obscurity and labor.

It isn't pretty but we aren't pyschopath politicians killing and enslaving our populations. That's just stupid and counter to any type of empire building. Sith are tyrannical and authoritarian but we aren't retarded.
Solan Charr said:
[member="Darth Venefica"] [member="Darth Hauntruss"]

Now now, We all know putting on your nice nice act will only last so long my dears. Once a Sith always a sith and sooner or later you got to return to being real sith.
I'll remember that you wholly detest crime the next time you murder someone, or steal something, or try to undermine a government.

Just because you don't believe that an external government makes the best decisions does not give you the right to subvert their rule. To do so is in violation of their laws and makes you and your associates criminals just like murderers on the street.

This high horse nonsense is as much a farce as a dark Jedi being anything but evil. This argument is a joke.
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