Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Hey Guys!

Guess how long I've been gone.... that's right, a year and some odd months. But, I got a wild hair and wanted to come back, so here I am!

Cecily will return as my main. I am hoping someone can update me on all the goings on that have happened since I left and maybe some people would like to plot together? :D

skin, bone, and arrogance
Welcome back! We were just discussing some of our old Republic Senate shenanigans the other day -- I guess it's true what they say about speaking of the devil ;)

Perhaps we'll cross paths in-character. What an enjoyable reunion that would be.

[member="Garith Darkhold"] [member="Darth Metus"] [member="Tmoxin Temi"] [member="Kyrel Ren"]
Thank you all for the warm welcome (back)! Im so happy to see so many new and old faces!

[member="Aurelia Volcata"]

[member="Jamie Pyne"]
Le gasp! A new Queen!? We should definitely role play so Cecily can pay tribute.

[member="Faith Organa"]
She arguably could if the spot is open since she leads House Demici, but since her mother died she also has a responsibility on Naboo to Dee'ja Peak.

[member="Darth Carnifex"]
NEVERRRR! Also *cuddles* hello dear

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